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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I don't think kicking it would work, it hates me enough already with all the times I've dropped it XD

That being said, I've got about the first half of my post written out, with ten minutes left. I think I may just copy pasta it into a PM to myself, and finish it at home, because i'm going to pass out when i get there, and leaving a half post means you guys don't get to chat in the meanwhile :/
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Whatever works for you! I might be heading off soon myself. Getting dozy.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well let's see Izzy can be Carol, Raven is Mike, Eve is Marcia, Jaylene is Jan, Luna is Cindy, Fletch'll be Greg, I'll be Peter, Rashar is Bobby. So who wants to be Sam and Alice? The rest will just have to be our weird cousins or something.

That's the way we all became the bloodsucking brady bunch.

Yeah we better get moving, before I actually set us to lyrics.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Holy food supply issues, Batman. Theres that many cams in town plus the sabbat, and 3 roogaroos. Throw us on top of it as well.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Funnily enough however, there really isn't that much Sabbat :/ but yeah, there's about 80-100 kindred in the city, the new additions bringing the Cam up to about 60 of that ;)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Holy food supply issues, Batman. Theres that many cams in town plus the sabbat, and 3 roogaroos. Throw us on top of it as well.
Eh, I don't think it's as bad as you think. Red Deer proper's got almost 90 thousand people. Assume maybe a third are in the "useful" bracket, from age 20 to age 65 - that makes 25-30 thousand. The Sabbat that got killed were probably a good chunk of 'em - can't imagine a large presence of both Sabbat and Camarilla existing in the same city for very long.

So 60-some Camarilla, maybe a couple dozen Anarchs, and three or four Sabbat remaining - less than a hundred, all told. A hundred vampires, thirty thousand possible targets... if every vampire needs to feed every night, then they only visit any given adult every eight months. And that doesn't take into account all the little hamlets and villages and farmsteads that surround the place.

Idle thought: do vampires - sorry, KINDRED - actually need to feed every night? Or if they're sitting around merely doing Kine-level stuff, can they forego feeding for a few days?

Heh, ninja'd. Glad to see my guesswork isn't that far off.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

There's about 60,000 people in Red Deer, according to the map I found online, but yeah, it's doable. Anarchs are actually the minority, with there only being a half dozen, and only 2 Sabbat died/captured, being Mist's 'brother', and Brick. Mist herself got away, as well as Oggly, the creepy fuck ;)

Kindred spend a single blood point animating themselves every night, but other than that, there's nothing that's a mandatory expenditure. So they could go a week or more without feeding, but such is dangerous to both themselves and the Kine, because if they drop below 3 BP and lose themselves to the Beast, they will drain someone dry before they can get a grip, killing a Kine and endangering the secrecy of Kindred as a whole.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

It's still a much higher number than I expected, plus I think it's still above the norm. Can't remember the numbers that were said earlier and I'm not about to try and search for it. I'm much to lazy for that.

On a side note Prince Ken huh is he married to Princess Barbie. I was expecting a much cooler name than Ken, that's like running into King Bob.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

It's one of the ST's little jokes. His full name is Kenworth Rothchild Winniston, or Ken R. Win for short. The guy whose note's I'm basing this off of has a sense of humour like mine, always with the funny names ;)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Okay the full name makes much more sense for a prince.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah, I think I'd like hearing Kentworth more than Ken. Good thing Izzy has good self control. You'll see why in the post. And I hope the question's not too out of place. Hence why, too, she said "If River's going to teach us about this, okay cool, we can leave it at that" but I figure the assembled kindred are going to have more ties to resources than just lil' ol' River. (Like, say, helping Izzy and Rose getting their schedules changed and things like that.)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yep, definitely. River's mentally scrambling to figure out what she's going to do with a dozen Kindred following her around XD

And yeah, I figure that's important enough to answer, at least obliquely ;)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

He's a Prince, he's allowed to be oblique. And thankfully, Izzy'll have Raven to "cram" with so River won't have to worry about them two all that much, except when they're faking it.

*leans over to Ronny* WTF does "oblique" mean?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Indirectly in this case. It can also mean neither perpendicular or parallel (SP? I hate that word) as in a triangle, or the side stomach muscles when you do oblique situps. Now please tell me that was sarcasm that you asked what oblique means.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

It isn't exactly a common word, I myself only knew of the 'indirect' and 'side muscles' definitions for it. But yeah, you nailed it on the head there Ronny :)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Mild sarcasm. I picked up the definition from context clues but was too lazy to look up the actual meaning of the word. At this hour of the morning, my mental vocabulary tends to be pretty well shot.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Oh jeez... politics. Bleck.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

If you don't want my character to carry a shotgun, I can always edit that last part out. I've read up on weapon laws in Canada on wikipedia and thought that Fletch would have a PAL for non-restricted weapons, which would allow him to own a semi-automatic shotgun, right?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well judging from the game description in the book, political intrigue is a large part of the game.

I thought your character didn't like guns Rule?