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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah, I deleted the post. . . Didn't really make too much sense if he can't discover it accidentally.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Right, well, my boss is an idiot, and I'm still at work :/

In other news, you know him well enough to put the occasional reply in, just don't go popping stuff out of thin air for him and I doubt there'll be any problems. I'm going to go see what I can post in, pass the time.

Freakin boss...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Good to have you around still. Go answer my question! *laughs*
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

:( Oh, I was hoping that Charles'd hang around a little longer. That seems like a rather sudden and heavy blow to come out of nowhere on an NPC.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I know, but there's a moral to it, which is repeated in it's own way in pretty much every prologue.I can't tell you until everyone is done though ;) Besides, He isn't dead yet, he's just running in circles comically while the vamp side of you wants to run away screaming like a little baby :3
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ah, okay. I thought it was a 'lol, ur NPC is dead now because I felt like it!' on TOP of the whole 'Mr. Mitsubishi is a hypocrite' deal that other people were voicing. XD I was still waking up and was like "D: What? Noooo!"
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Did a couple of vampires just die in my prologue? o_O
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

oh, Mr. Mitsubishi is a hypocrite, I'm not arguing with ya there. But yeah, I don't do much in this 'cause I feel like it, there are far too many little story threads to go running around all willy-nilly like that ;)

EDIT: only one Tsuki :)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Alright, phewf. XD Just poke me OOCly if I'm doing something wrong/bad/annoying/whatever, if it does come up! I'd hate to see GM/ST anger taken out on the poor NPC's!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Now why would I vent on my own NPCs, when the person I'm angry with has a perfectly torture-able character already in my grasp? ;)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

XD I guess it wouldn't work on some players, but I get attached to NPC's way too easily. On the other hand, I've been on the edge of my seat for most of this prologue, so that's a good thing! (I think I'm just not used to having ST's in control of every little thing... usually my games with other folks are equal so it's taking some getting used to!)

Can't wait to see if Jaylene wanders in, grumbling bloody murder about the same kindred that everyone else is all sparkly-eyed and bushy-tailed over being saved by!

And this is a random question, since I know that it's not likely to come up in the game, but I remember in a long-ago previous reading of the V:tM guide of a friend's that vampires/kindred are essentially sexless in that their sexual organs just don't work any more? Asking because I was reading that wiki that Rule had linked and there were some mentions on various pages that seemed to contradict that. XD It seems like an odd quirk, given how vampires have been so romanticized and sexualized... I wonder if the creators added that twist (if it's true) to keep players from focusing solely on that aspect?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

As undead creatures, they generally don't work at all down there, though as with any other function of a living body, they can spend a blood point to simulate the effects, man or woman. Problem with that is, they still derive no pleasure from it themselves, so it's entirely for the benefit of the mortal partner, and really, the Kiss feels an order of magnitude better, so why bother?

Now, little known fact, but the Tremere has a ritual that actually allows them to actually feel pleasure from sex, but it's a closely guarded secret...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Don't want to go distracting people from their scheming and plotting, now! XD
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

You guy's may hate me for this, but I like Vincent. He may be a dick, but he's doing what he's supposed to. Of course that could just be because I'm more of a lawful neutral type person to put it in D&D terms. Never let me play a paladin in a group, I'm a dick.

On a side note I don't know how much you've read about your clan Wallpaper, but I think you're playing Brujah perfectly.

I don't blame you for not having a kook, they seem the type that will get missplayed by just about everyone. Even if they are a good roleplayer.

Finally I'm just curious, if it's supposed to be a secret or something don't tell me, but what was up with the whole CD player not making any sound in Seth's car. I was going to ask this morning, but I fell asleep and drooled all over my keyboard.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'm leaving later today... sooooo if I get on to the internet, it'll be on sunday or monday, most likely. But, if I can't get on at all, I'll be gone for a month. Have fun!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

See ya when you return, have fun as well.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

XD I guess it wouldn't work on some players, but I get attached to NPC's way too easily. On the other hand, I've been on the edge of my seat for most of this prologue, so that's a good thing! (I think I'm just not used to having ST's in control of every little thing... usually my games with other folks are equal so it's taking some getting used to!)

Can't wait to see if Jaylene wanders in, grumbling bloody murder about the same kindred that everyone else is all sparkly-eyed and bushy-tailed over being saved by!

And this is a random question, since I know that it's not likely to come up in the game, but I remember in a long-ago previous reading of the V:tM guide of a friend's that vampires/kindred are essentially sexless in that their sexual organs just don't work any more? Asking because I was reading that wiki that Rule had linked and there were some mentions on various pages that seemed to contradict that. XD It seems like an odd quirk, given how vampires have been so romanticized and sexualized... I wonder if the creators added that twist (if it's true) to keep players from focusing solely on that aspect?

As undead creatures, they generally don't work at all down there, though as with any other function of a living body, they can spend a blood point to simulate the effects, man or woman. Problem with that is, they still derive no pleasure from it themselves, so it's entirely for the benefit of the mortal partner, and really, the Kiss feels an order of magnitude better, so why bother?

Now, little known fact, but the Tremere has a ritual that actually allows them to actually feel pleasure from sex, but it's a closely guarded secret...

I sooooo get attached to NPCs too. Usually they're mine but I took an instant like to Raven, just ask Shrike *laughs* And, well, Izzy isn't moon-eyes over Vincent, so that's one in your corner (for the time being.) I think if she heard both stories, she'd come to the same conclusion, but then, if you've read her prologue, you know another reason why she'd be in your corner, Wall *laughs* Also, not saying that he can't be a hypocrite, it makes it more fun to boo and hiss at him from the sidelines.

Edit: Right, I was gonna make comments about sex. It is pretty much like Shrike said. Of course, pending on the type of game, you still have vampires that are bonking each other, but that was wayback, online, semi-free form stuff *laughs* I still remember people thinking my character was boffing the Sheriff and while I will conceded that Mary did have a relationship with him, there was absolutely no sex. Not that we argued to the contrary *winks*

You guy's may hate me for this, but I like Vincent. He may be a dick, but he's doing what he's supposed to. Of course that could just be because I'm more of a lawful neutral type person to put it in D&D terms. Never let me play a paladin in a group, I'm a dick.

On a side note I don't know how much you've read about your clan Wallpaper, but I think you're playing Brujah perfectly.

I don't blame you for not having a kook, they seem the type that will get missplayed by just about everyone. Even if they are a good roleplayer.

Finally I'm just curious, if it's supposed to be a secret or something don't tell me, but what was up with the whole CD player not making any sound in Seth's car. I was going to ask this morning, but I fell asleep and drooled all over my keyboard.

Again, agreed, but that still doesn't mean he can't be hypocritical with the whole Rosary thing. And yeah, I don't think I could play a Kook right, even after all my experience with the game. And totally forgot about that, Ronny. I think I thought about it when it happened, then got caught up in the other stories, hehe.

I'm leaving later today... sooooo if I get on to the internet, it'll be on sunday or monday, most likely. But, if I can't get on at all, I'll be gone for a month. Have fun!

Have fun, Tsuki! Come see us if/when you can, but otherwise, enjoy the time off!
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

The way I picture a Kook after reading about them is like a Medea or Cassandra. If you've ever seen a classic Greek play, so if we had a drama major who wasn't a prima donna. If that even exists, then we may have one.

Sexual lust isn't really my characters vice so it shouldn't matter to much to him. Not to say he can't love, but he wouldn't be in it for the sex.

Omnomnom donut holes.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

If it makes any sense, I like Vincent from the player stand point (XD He's bloody suave sounding; it makes me giggle!) but the character hates him and wants to see him lit on fire... and she'll probably start yowling about doing it, too, whether or not she's capable of even getting close to him.

Thanks, dmronny... I read through the wiki page, but I'm really just playing Jaylene as how she'd react. XD Shrike deserves the credit for a good matchup more than anything, I'd guess!

Copper, I'm glad I'm not the only one! XD I like Raven as well... though for some reason I can't stop picturing him as a freckly carrot-top. O_O I don't know where I got that stuck in my head! I admit that I skimmed the prologue a bit, as there were so many posts when I came back that I felt like I had to hurry in order to catch up. XD I'll keep a close watch on her, I guess.

Dmronny, how much do you want to bet that your dude turning on the CD player was some weird thing to cover over psychic-ish listening in? Or something? XD
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I myself dislike Raven, but he reminds me of my cousins cheating ex, who I really hate. From the player's standpoint I doubt if he would trust or like either of them though, so meh. Shrike does deserve the credit for the matchups, because they may seem kind of weird at first but they eventually seem to match perfectly.

Even as a gambling man I wouldn't take that bet since that's what came to mind almost immediately when it occurred.