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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

No worries. I run into the same thing in other games. And that's why we have this, so we can chat and jabber and not worry about making people all lost and stuff.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Except then I feel like I'm hijacking this. So I keep coming up with questions that don't actually matter to me at all, or that I actually already know the answers to. Such as would animalism work on insects, probably not since how would you communicate with an insect.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Okay, well I've decided I want Claire to become a country Gangrel with turning into the wolf for her animalism. Not entirely original, but I loooovve wolves.

Thank you Shrike dear!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

MMK, your character seems pretty well thought out, if a bit over-the-top. If he were Embraced, what would he do to keep himself from being extradited?

That's easy- faking his own death, probably with help from his newfound powers and his sire-to-be.
Edit: On the thought of fakeing his own death, a large bridge over a body of water would do the trick. With a vampire's natural resiliance, he'd probably be able to take a pretty big one. Vampires don't float [it says so in the book when talking about Athletics], and does not need to breathe. He'd walk to his waiting Sire, get some new clothes / etc.

As for being over-the-top, my first character ever was pretty much over-the-top the whole way. I modified him for this game, so that instead of being in prison he's in a hospital, and instead of being a child, he's a very young adult.

I'm just looking for some insight into his thought processes mostly. I find that hackers generally don't make very good PCs, simply because there isn't much reason for them to do anything but sit at home in front of the screen. The information gathering is handy, they just work better as an NPC the characters could ask a favour from.

This would explain why my character was so unsuccessful at my previous games. The long and short of it is, his sire [for Presentation's sake] demands the character appear at court and socialize, much to Malachi's dismay.

As a Nosferatu, this socializing was more in the form of showing off my Potence when I wasn't hiding and eves-dropping with Obfuscate. What little socializing with other players generally involved being an asshole, quick to point out mistakes and almost never admitting someone else's success.

I have an alternative character, a gun shop owner who has a hobby of making home-made guns (my second character ever, ironically also a Nos but works just as well as another Low Clan), which may fit into the story better. You're call, of course.
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well, that isn't very probable either, as pretty much the only guns availiable, or even legal, in Canada are hunting guns, like rifles and shotguns. Pistols are around, but generally are for law enforcement and that's about it, and anything resembling automatic fire is heavily illegal.

How about a hunting supply store in general, that might work. I'm trying to limit access to most weaponry ((Luna's sort of an exception, but that premise is that she really doesn't want it known she has them, so they aren't generally used)), but I guess you'd have to make stock reports to your insurance agency or something, so the best you could do is sell them at a bit of a discount. Sound like a plan?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yup... hopefully we won't see more than the knives, and katana... maybe a flashbang here and there.

(Are flashbangs even effective on vampires?)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Maybe if one had their auspex activated. I mean they don't even do that much as it is, unless one goes off inches from your face that is.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Okay, well I've decided I want Claire to become a country Gangrel with turning into the wolf for her Protean. Not entirely original, but I loooovve wolves.

Thank you Shrike dear!

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well, that isn't very probable either, as pretty much the only guns availiable, or even legal, in Canada are hunting guns, like rifles and shotguns. Pistols are around, but generally are for law enforcement and that's about it, and anything resembling automatic fire is heavily illegal.

How about a hunting supply store in general, that might work, but I guess you'd have to make stock reports to your insurance agency or something, so the best you could do is sell them at a bit of a discount. Sound like a plan?


I'll revise the post with Malachi into a different character, Charlie Andrews, from Chicago.
--- I had a lot of trouble editing the post, for some reason, so I added a new character.
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Thank you Copper.

And Claire has a gun too. Just a 9mm Sig Sauer (I know OPP has them as standard issue, so I'll just assume RCMP does as well... I'll just say pistol though to be safe)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I didn't even notice that till Copper pointed it out, good catch.

The thing with weapons is that with the exception of a very few, most will be poorer choices for us to fight with after a while. My character, as well as Jaylene, Clara, and Rashar can already punch/kick/whatever with the force of a baseball bat. Claire and Fletch will probably get to run around like wolverine soon enough. Luna can end up turning her blood to poison, and be really fast. Rosary gets magic. Etc. etc.

Plus violence isn't always the best answer, hence why people have animalism, dominate, chimestry, etc.

Which reminds me of something I was going to ask, are you going to have us decide which discipline we're currently training after we all learn about them? Or are you just kinda going to gloss over that and go with what we seem to use more while roleplaying?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well, Claire is also on the police force, so it's only natural she has her pistol. I see no issue with that (until she quits/take retirement/is fired for not showing up). As for the discipline thing, honest mistake, given the name.

Using guns in vampire is kind of like using them on a Highlander...won't kill you, but will sting like a son of a bitch and can weaken you to the point of losing control or putting you into torpor (at which point you can be killed.)

And what Ronny said is also true. Vampire is not a combat-oriented game. It *can* be, but it's the whole "revenge is a dish best served cold" deal. You've got eternity to get back at someone or to do political/social maneuvering. Punching their face in may be immediately satisfying, but then what? Not to say we won't see the occasional fight, but since vamps tend to keep themselves under wraps, they try to avoid street brawls, especially when you have to explain how the shooting victims are still talking and moving around...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I take it somebody PMed Grash about his unwellness. Either way, this narrows down his possible clans a bit. (Well, to one, really).
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

What? Storytellers and narrators use PMs to conspire and collaberate behind the player's backs?

Never happens!

I also refrain from answering that since, well, I already know.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well, time for Rashar to do some interior decorating.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Take a corner bunk if you want Phoenix, doesn't matter.

And MMK, this character looks better, I'll brainstorm for introductions and will hopefully have something by the time you'r ready to go :)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Take a corner bunk if you want Phoenix, doesn't matter.

And MMK, this character looks better, I'll brainstorm for introductions and will hopefully have something by the time you'r ready to go :)

I think I'm cleared to go. There'll be a day next week when I couldnt log on if I wanted to, but I'm sure I'll be good.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Uh... in case ye have not read the member announcements thread, I'm leaving this friday and won't be able to play until like... the end of August.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah, I had heard, any specific ideas or should Claire be a shadow in the back of the group till you get back?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

"And this, kiddies, is your first lesson in Torpor..."