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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

wow, good to see that my workload isn't keeping all of you from chatting in my absence, thank god XD Let's see here:

I coulda sworn i messaged ya Sin, though i had to type the name out without those handy popups, so i probably had a brain fart and spelt it wrong. On the bright side, you're here now :D Questions about your character, changes you may wanna make, and all that stuff you can PM me for, same goes for everyone. Can't guarantee quick responses, but I'll get around to it eventually.

Your prologue was a bit tied in Ronny, you wound up meeting your sire in the same bar where Wallpaper was the waitress, eh? ;) Apart from that, there was everyone who was caught by Mist, and apart from that it was just having people see some of the mayhem from the other prologues every so often. I'm surprised I did so well, actually, most of them seemed pretty obvious to me. Guess it helps to be on this side of the planning, eh? XD

Now, if you really want a challenge, try assigning clans to movies that don't actually involve vampires XD The whole time i was watching '9', the movie with those living pupputs, I was all like 'Aha! Malkavian, Gangrel, Ventrue!'. By the end of it, i had like 6 of them pegged as certain clans.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Of course, given that my friends and I played the hell out of the White Wolf universe, we're walking out of "The Matrix" going "So that's what happens when the Akeshic Brotherhood and the Virtual Adepts make a movie..."
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Urm.... Yeah.

You know the saying, "There are exceptions to every rule"?

Like... that is pretty much blatant discrimination. Nationality does not come into play on how one acts. Most French people would not be Toreador. La Hire wouldn't be, those hundreds of buskers beggin me for money wouldn't have been. The bastard that tried to pick pocket me wouldn't have been. The bartender at the strip club that drugged my friends wouldn't have been. The bouncer at the bar that strangled my (same) friend wouldn't have been. My point is, being French and having a pretty accent does not a Toreador make. We're talking about a nation that has openly armed soldiers patrolling their tourist sites. Loaded assault rifles and tactical vests, in an art museum.


Anyway, yeah Shrike I shall message ya at some point with some questions and queries.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Okie dokie. I find myself with about four hours of peace, so long as I don't go to my house, so I should be able to get some work done on this. I'll check in every so often, see what I can do :D
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

*headdesk* I was TRYING to be funny. Jimminy, I'll just be completely serious 100% then, my goodness.

I can't believe you actually thought I was serious, do not remember anything about me, or were you deliberately trying to be obtuse?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

*headdesk* I was TRYING to be funny. Jimminy, I'll just be completely serious 100% then, my goodness.

I can't believe you actually thought I was serious, do not remember anything about me, or were you deliberately trying to be obtuse?

Sorry, but tone of voice is a little difficult to detect through letters on the screen. And maybe you don't know me, I'm often serious.

But of course, it seems that when I defend myself and my beliefs I get "I was only joking, piss off" thrown back at me, so perhaps I should just piss off.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Sorry, but tone of voice is a little difficult to detect through letters on the screen. And maybe you don't know me, I'm often serious.

But of course, it seems that when I defend myself and my beliefs I get "I was only joking, piss off" thrown back at me, so perhaps I should just piss off.

I was using the tried and true French priss stereotype to be funny. because thet IS the common stereotype of Frech people, and it's amusing. Sorta like how all Southerners are backwater inbred yokles that descriminate against anyone unfamiliar.

Since, that is obviously not true (About me at least lol), one must assume that i was poking fun and trying to get a laugh out of you. Being serious doesn't mean you have to take every comment as a personal insult.

And i never told you to piss off. If I was going to do that, i would have said so. i was merely trying to defend myself against an unfounded accusation of discrimination. There was no need to be so touchy, or to take the comment personally. I wasn't saying it about you.

Now if I'd said, "Canadians accent is so adorable, and they all dream of driving Zambonis and have pet beavers with them in their igloos, and never get in trouble with the mounties." then you could take it personally.

And damn you Canadians for not having any really BAD sterotypes for me to list out, i had to actually look up stereotypes so i could make a point :p
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

You forgot the one about how they're not allowed to have white cars because of the polar bears...

Although that tends to bleed into the Alaskan stereotype, too.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ah yes, i did forget that didn't I...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

There's a stereotype about us that means we never get get in trouble with the mounties?

Yeah... lets keep that one...

Perhaps it'll take the heat off of us for decapitating that Vatican statue... or was it Roman? I forget.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

That's an odd stereotype, so if Canadians don't get in trouble with the mounties. Who does, you could probably get rid of most of them and save yourself some money.

Most Canadian stereotypes come from Canadians themselves, just like most of the US stereotypes come from Americans. For example in America most Texans are considered to be straight up weird in so many ways it's not funny. In Canada they call them Newfies. Sinful demonstrated how many of the Canadians feel about the Quebecois already, and I'm sure you know what most Americans feel about the south.

If you'e looking for how other countries feel about them you could try the one where they'll only go to war for drugs, or that they are sometimes referred to as America's wind-up rottweillers. Of course those are both pretty silly like any stereotype. So anyways what were we talking aboot?

Oh yeah, I just meant I wasn't as tied in as most of the others. You did a very good job of tying everyone in on that crazy night. I haven't tried it with non vampire movies, but I have tried to figure out who would want to embrace various famous people. For example Dubya the Malkavian, MLK the Brujah, and Genghis Khan the Gangrel.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I was thinking of some famous fashion designer to gert embraced by a Toreador, and then i realized not even the Toreadors would touch those guys.

Maybe Thomas Kinkaide. You know, the famous "Painter of Light" look up some of his stuff. Is really pretty. He's not pretty, but ah well. Today's Toreador's would probably go after actors, musicians, models, maybe even a writer or two. I could see myself, if i were such, wanting to Embrace Anne McCaffery or Mercedes lackey x3
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

How about Hugh Hefner the Toreador, especially if it's one of the older ones who's descended into hedonism.

Personally I think some clans are too stuck in their stereotypes, to be viable for roleplaying at least for me. Namely Toreadors, Brujahs, and Ventrue. Malkavians are too stereotyped to even think about roleplaying. of course the stereotypes do provide a nice start for someone who's never roleplayed before though.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

How about Hugh Hefner the Toreador, especially if it's one of the older ones who's descended into hedonism.

Personally I think some clans are too stuck in their stereotypes, to be viable for roleplaying at least for me. Namely Toreadors, Brujahs, and Ventrue. Malkavians are too stereotyped to even think about roleplaying. of course the stereotypes do provide a nice start for someone who's never roleplayed before though.

Too true. Though I really think in today's society a Toreador would want to embrace any great artist, regardless of medium. Stephen King anyone?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'll pass since I can't stand his work, but to each their own. That should make Tories rather diversified if you think about it since who knows what any one person would find beautiful.

Now a hard one to pick is a modern day Gangrel (noncity variety).
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Besides a few friends of mine... modern day gangrel... I dunno, some of those guys doing survival shows on TV?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah I was thinking more along the lines of a famous person like one of the survival show people. Rather than someone who none of you would know about like a few of my friends. I guess one of them is really the best we can think of.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Not just survival peoples, I can see someone who is a really hardcore nature nut. XD The PETA president! Bwahahaha
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

the only thing about Newfies i find amusing is their way of asking your location. "Where ya to?" Makes me want to tell them where i'll be in five minutes XD Apart from that, most Canadian stereotypes I know of are unrealistic, and usually made up by uninformed and undereducated americans, as far as i know. i mean jeepers, we have to learn so much about your history in school, can't you guys return the favour? XD

Bah, you guys aren't thinking deep enough! Dubya would definitely be a Brujah, dunno who MLK is off the top of my head, and Genghis Khan would make a much better Ventrue than Gangrel ;)

Let's see, some interesting Toreador from my live game right now would be:
-a Computer Programmer
-a porn star (Vlad the Impaler, groan...)
-a drug chemist

it doesn't have to be artsy in order to be art. one of the elders we had roam through was a toreador, his art was swordplay and his treasure was ancient weapons. he carried around this quarterstaff-sized sword that he refused to dirty in battle, even though it was made of awesome.

Gangrel are easy, at least for me. almost every concept i make would make a great Gangrel, i usually have to twist them to fit another clan better before i make up the character's final draft. Anyone who rely on their own abilities and skill, anyone who prefers their own company, anyone who loves going camping away from civilization, loves nature and natural beauty, and a bunch of other things make people great Gangrel.

As for my update, I'm having some trouble finishing Eve and Fletch's section without requiring another post or two from at least Fletch, but apart from that, all is going well.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

We are uneducated and uninformed according to everyone I know including most Americans. Of course I think everybodys rather uneducated and could learn more about other people. Thankfully most of us on this forum seem to be on the upend.

I just didn't want to insult the Brujah by including a raving idiot with them. I hear they tend to get pissed off and try to kill people for well anything really. Anyways how about we say he's Brujah who's been dementated.

Martin Luther King isn't really that typical of a Brujah since I can't picture him flipping out and killing someone, but he's definately a rebel. Maybe Malcolm X would actually be slightly better. I was just trying to avoid the biker/punk steretype which I don't really care for.

Yeah I guess Ventrue would be better, though actually he would probably end up one of those weird oriental vampires now that I think about it.

Not being artsy is what I was aiming for with a Toreador, they could make for a cool assassin. If the assamite didn't get to him first that is.

The problem I was having with a Gangrel was actually thinking of a famous person like that. I could easily enough make one up. Actually nevermind I just figured one out Steve Irwin would work.

I haven't seen Rule Lately, hopefully I haven't scared him off by talking too much in this thread. Honestly though this is one of the few threads where I can put up with all the people. You may want to PM him just in case.