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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah sorry about yesterday, the power around here was screwy all day. Since perfect weather always messes with the power lines so much.

Figures Copper would disappear for a few days after returning, since I couldn't get on much yesterday.

29th of October would be fine, or even sooner if you want. I'll need to do a quick mind meld with my brain trust to see what they had planned for her first though.

If anyone has questions go ahead and ask here if you can't find me by PM, since Shrike and Copper could probably answer quicker than me anyways.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hey all, I got clearance from dmronny to join up. I've really only played the V:tM computer games, but I've got a basic knowledge of the setting. Plus it's set in Canada! Yay! Though way out west... Boo... The Maritimes are the best.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Heh. Angry curmudgeon vampire. "Get off my GRAVE! Ya damn kids!"
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

As I mentioned to dmronny (is Ronny alright?), he's going to be one onery bastard. And then he'll get turned into a blood sucking, rapacious monster.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ronny's fine, actually it's best since most people don't use my full name anyways. If it seems I'm answering slow in your prologue don't worry I have to pace it a little so as not to give things away elsewhere.

Also for an example if any of you are having trouble with your "homework". This is what I'm looking for as demonstrated by Rule.

"The jogger on the path is moving fast, and Fletch is struggling to keep up. It's probably his luck the man is listening to music, or he would hear him rustling through the underbrush rather easily. Eventually though he falls behind, and it's at that point Fletch decides to screw this stealth business. With a posture like his, he's not meant for sneaking, damnit. So the big man steps out -

Into the smoldering heat of an Iraqi village.

Fletch stops dead. His eyes squint almost shut from the sudden bright light. Only his lips move – they twitch, again and again, as if they suffered a tiny seizure all of their own. “This isn't real,” he whispers. He remembers that day – it was one of the good ones, but that doesn't mean much. The fights had ceased for a little while, the village was safe. There's no real reason for him to come back here, out of all places. But there's never a real reason to his flashbacks. It can be the most trivial shit, or the worst hell he ever lived through. And good God, they've never been this... vivid. He can feel the dry air, and he can hear the steps of the jogger...

Right, the jogger!

With a curse on his lips Fletch turns and runs after him. He notices the memory – the halluzination – getting hazy. Every one of his heavy steps seems to shake it, like a hand-held camera effect in one of those recent movies. Eventually, parts of it fall apart like a crumbling structure, and the park peers through the cracks. Still the big man is speeding up, running faster than he ever did before, and the village with its heat slowly disappears behind him. By the time the jogger hears him and turns around, it's already too late. Fletch jumps – no, he pounces. The jogger moves, reaches for something, but it's too late. Fletch buries him underneath his body, pins him to the ground and bares his teeth.

The man's intended cry comes out as a groan when Fletch digs his fangs into his neck. As the blood hits Fletch's tongue, it's like he touched a live wire. No beer, no cigar in the world can be as delicious as this. He closed his eyes to savor the effect, and he doesn't open them again until he has taken at least a pint of a blood. When he does open them, he finds himself face to face with a mangled, torn apart corpse in a U.S. Army uniform.

With a choked gasp Fletch jumps back and falls on his ass, crawling away from the apparition before getting to his feet. They carry him back into the darkness at break-neck speed, leaving the dazed jogger behind by himself."

Any questions knock yourself out.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I was mostly joking with the "set date" thing. I'm good to go whenever.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

BG: Check I'll get started on yours after I get that small bit of information from our PM's.

Chapter 1: I meant for the pallets to look like the night they were embraced, not they're first full night of vampirism. Not that it really matters what the place looks like since we'll all be leaving the place soon. Even if you haven't finished your "homework", you can post so we can get things moving along as well. Just try and get the "homework" done before we finish the chapter.

EDIT: Don't forget to read over the basic info thread, I should have everything in it sometime today. So if you want to wait till tommorrow that's fine.
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'll get my first hunt done soon! Most likely write it while at work tomorrow night D: I has a sorry!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ah, I never thought it would happen but Eve forgot about her beetle. At least I think she has it back now, could just be the allergy medication I took earlier speaking though.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hey all, I got clearance from dmronny to join up. I've really only played the V:tM computer games, but I've got a basic knowledge of the setting. Plus it's set in Canada! Yay! Though way out west... Boo... The Maritimes are the best.

Never been out west too much myself. Only as far as Wainwright Alberta and that place was a fucking shit hole.

As for out East, only been to PEI really, family lives out there. Real nice place though.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I've never been more west than Toronto myself, but even going that far was unpleasant. How you people live without the wind blowing off the ocean I'll never understand. And yes, PEI is beautiful. I think I'd like to retire there.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ah, I never thought it would happen but Eve forgot about her beetle. At least I think she has it back now, could just be the allergy medication I took earlier speaking though.

x.x It was the Nyquil talking when she got into River's car. Scuse me while i fix that. Fucking strep...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'm not familiar with how this works in Canada - are cars regularly checked to see if they're fit for the road? I know that the U.S. Americans can pretty much drive heaps of scrap with no repercussions, but is it the same in Canada?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

It is possible to drive less than perfect cars, but unless you know someone in the mechanic business, it would be incredibly difficult to get a positive inspection on a rust bucket. I'm not sure exactly how long you can go between inspections, the only one I'm sure of is that every car needs a brand new inspection every time it changes hands and the new owner wants to insure it, at least in Alberta. The fine for driving a car uninsured is something like $7000, compared to driving without a license, which is around $250. That help?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

So, can any car mechanic do these inspections? Because that'd make it really easy for Fletch.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I liked Alberta, especially the mountains, of course I also loved Nova Scotia because of the ocean. Didn't really like Toronto, but that's because I don't care for large cities.

Great me and Chibi are both drugged up.

I can't really say for sure, but I would think most mechanics need some kind of certification to do their work. Which would probably include the certification to do inspections.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'm not familiar with how this works in Canada - are cars regularly checked to see if they're fit for the road? I know that the U.S. Americans can pretty much drive heaps of scrap with no repercussions, but is it the same in Canada?

Laws for that are rather different between provinces. I know a car that was fine for driving in PEI wasn't allowed to go anywhere in Ontario. So best to find someone from Alberta.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

And there's no vehicle inspection required in Quebec at all. I had an uncle whose driver side door was held together with strapping due to all of the rust.

Just taking a quick look on the Vehicle Inspection Policy (I bet they thought they were being clever when they thought that acronym up...) on the Alberta government web page suggests that they do have licenced vehicle inspectors.

Obtain a Request for Vehicle Inspection form (sample below) from an Alberta registry agent and take it to a licensed inspection station, authorized to perform vehicle inspections under the Alberta Vehicle Inspection Program.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well, the most noteworthy job I've had in relation to cars was cleaning the floor of the autobody class in the local college, and I am friends with three people who can do vehicle inspections, so I think it would be reasonable to say that if Fletch can't do it himself, he would know somebody who could. However, I have also heard of cops stopping particularly bad cars and dmanding that the person get a new inspection done at so-and-so a place, so I'd make sure that it at least looks passable ;)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well, the most noteworthy job I've had in relation to cars was cleaning the floor of the autobody class in the local college, and I am friends with three people who can do vehicle inspections, so I think it would be reasonable to say that if Fletch can't do it himself, he would know somebody who could. However, I have also heard of cops stopping particularly bad cars and dmanding that the person get a new inspection done at so-and-so a place, so I'd make sure that it at least looks passable ;)

Good to know, thank ye.

Oh, and Shrike, I'm not playing a goody two shoes military character still!