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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Heh. Imagine if Pfizer or another pharmaceutic company would get their hands on magic healing vampire spit. They'd start hunting them down in droves so they can collect their drool for ointments.

Potential plot? I definitely think so.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

No! No more evil pharmasutical companies! I've already had one blow up three times in my game *snicker* (Okay, one time in each city, but still...)

Then again, when you're backed by an Abyssal....
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Evil pharmaceutical company that hunts supernaturals, isn't that what Pentex is? Or at least I think part of the company has to do with pharmaceuticals. If you're really desperate for that plot I can always just go look up stats for Mr. Samuel Haight. Muahahaha, oh wait that probably only scares Copper. Oh well, muahahaha.

They do talk about blood sweat in one of the books, but I think that was more of a Sabbat derangement than body fluids. But yeah that's all we're really doing anyways is randomly discussing it, I think.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Wanted to avoid bringing Pentex into it, given I wasn't even sure if they were still around or not.

You leave him the hell away from our campaign! Fucking skinwalking mage ghoul abomination...

There is that, too. Had a LARP character once that was around a vampire hunter, or rather whenever she was around his *sword,* she started sweating blood. Course, that was true of all the vampires, but Meg got to be up close and personal with the thing when he showed up in her shop.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I think Pentex is still around, but I don't follow Werewolf all that much. Which is where they usually come up. I mean it's always possible I could use them but I haven't planned much of anything for the lupines in the area.

Oh don't worry I was just joking, I would have to become far more insane than I already am to bring him back from the dead. Since last I heard he was serving as an ashtray for a demon in Stygia or something along those lines.

I take it Meg didn't last long if a hunter showed up in her shop like that, though I guess she could have survived it's just not that likely.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah, like I said, not following the new systems. I suppose I could leaf through the book, but meh.


Actually, he showed up looking for sanctuary. Short story long, Meg was three things: old, English, and possessing of the anachronism flaw. At one point in time prior to said situation, she wound up in Kyle's (that's the hunter) office. Behind him was a standard, hanging on the wall. The standard of one Richard the Lionhearted. Her king. Kyle (who is a long story unto himself) proved to her that he was, indeed, Richard. So Meg swore fealty to him. She actually warned him about an ambush and was the one he could hide with when he needed to. Problem was, he had his damn sword with him when he showed up and Meg's ghoul wasn't around. After a point, I stopped playing her, but that's one of my shorter war-stories, heh.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

She swore fealty to an immortal Richard the Lionheart? That's fucking awesome!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Meh I've already leafed through the werewolf book and to be honest with you I don't really like it. If or more likely when someone runs into a lupine they'll be more like what I think of when it comes to a werewolf. Probably closer to what most others think of when it comes to werewolves too.

And yes swearing fealty to an immortal Richard the Lionheart would be awesome.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

There's a *long* story behind Kyle. I can't say immortal, but he did manage to be rather long-lived.

For any of you that happened to follow Adbots Revenge, Copper knew Kyle, too, in her original gaming incarnation.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Nope didn't follow that one but looking it up really quick I again get the urge to ask if all female gangrel end up psychotic in some way. I mean I know they're vampires but for some reason all the gangrel sound more psychotic than the others. I only say female because with the small group I have to base observations on, the one male is no where near as psychotic as the females seem.

Also just so everyone doesn't get confused when it comes to disciplines, not that anyone is but just in case. You know your clan's disciplines really well and you have the basic idea of the higher powers you don't know yet. If it's one of "Caine's Gifts" aka animalism, auspex, celerity, dominate, fortitude, obfuscate, potence, and presence you've got at least a basic idea of what the basic powers do without actually knowing it. If it's a clan specific discipline like chimerstry, obtenebration, viccissitude you've got no clue what it is or what it does, unless of course you know it. There are a few special cases like we all have at least heard of the basics of Protean since we were taught by a Gangrel and we've seen them used by now. With River I figure Shrike knows what she knows so I'm not worried about her of course. Any questions?
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Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ya left out Thaumaturgy on the "Not Caine gifts" list, but other than that... And given the fact that I'm fairly certain there are Tremere that don't know everything about Thaumaturgy, I suppose it doesn't matter, heh.

What's the air speed velocity of an unladen African swallow?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well I forgot a lot more than just thauma(lookatmeihaveeverypoweryoucanthinkof)turgy but that's beside the point. I was mostly writing that out for my benefit to be honest, basically I was just making sure it sounded right. And no I don't really like the tremere.

What kind of African Swallow? There are 47 varieties of swallows found in Africa. I will assume you mean either the West African Swallow (Hirundo domicella) or the South African Swallow (Hirundo spilodera) as they have "African" in their common names. Lucky for us, they are roughly the same size in terms of body mass, wing span, and flight mechanics.

In order to figure this out, we want to establish a Strouhal ratio which is the frequency (f) of wing beats and amplitude (A) of each wing flap. With those two numbers, it will be possible to estimate airspeed (U) for a cruising bird. (fA/U) if you will. So, with a frequency of wing flaps of about 7 times per second (which has played itself out in the Philos-O-Tron Wind Tunnel Testing Area) and an amplitude of .18m per flap (given that the average wingspan of this particular avian is around 29cm) that would yield an airspeed of roughly 11 m/sec or 24 mph assuming the swallow is unencumbered.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

All I care about is whether or not the damn things can carry coconuts.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well, I did say "unladen" swallow, so yes, it would be unencumbered.

Now, if you'd care to field Sin's question...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Wait, so what breed are the ghoul dogs of, anyway? Also, can I convert it by feeding it my blood?

Also also, what would happen if I drained an animal and fed it my blood? Can you actually create a vampire dog?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

The dog is a French mastiff, if you've seen the movie Turner and Hooch, that's the dog excessive drool and all. I guess looking back I did completely forget to say what kind of dogs they were though I thought I had mentioned it. Guess not though.

Yes, you can bind the dog to you with your blood, as long as a creature isn't fully bound to another vampire it can have multiple 1 and 2 step bonds to other vampires.

If you drained the dog and fed it some of your blood you would have a dead dog with blood in it's mouth. I don't know if they ever really explained why, but vampirism doesn't affect animals though they can be ghouled.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I think you said it was a mastiff, but not a french mastiff, specifically.

There's an article in one fo the books as to what you can embrace and what happens when you do. I'll find it later.

Gotta just jot this down real quick. Mom's having stomach issues and I'm taking her to the ER, so while i probably could have posted for the game in this time, I wouldn't be thinking about it. I'll catch you guys later.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hope your mom gets better Cop.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Eh no need to hurry Copper, your mom is far more important than the game is. Hopefully everything turns out okay.