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RPG RPG Maker Loli Shota [Leaf Geometry] ASYLUM (RJ289299)


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Aug 4, 2018
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Even, I can't unlock everything, but i'm about to give you guys THE ULTIMATE ADVICE!

You will never have to clog up threads asking for full saves on RPG Maker games ever again.

All you have to do to get the sexual content is.... decrypt the game!

Here's a short guide I found after googling it a bit.

This will put all the files into a folder and you'll never need to actually play a game again. Have fun with the images.
There's a reason people ask for saves and not CG rips. Most on this site are probably capable of finding the latter in less than a minute of googling.
Unfortunately, the unpacker doesn't really provide a way to view the events in their entirety.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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Unfortunately, the unpacker doesn't really provide a way to view the events in their entirety.
I don't know. Guess it's my first time seeing people savebeg for a game that's not even translated.
Jun 15, 2018
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I enjoyed the gameplay of Sequel Blight (amazing jobs+talent trees system!) and the story wasn't bad (especially the post-game bonus story). Awake was a step down from that (talent trees are all fixed to each character and only 10 of them instead of 15), but still decent. I didn't play Colony as it could be translated soon, but I checked ASYLUM to see if gameplay and story are as good as in the Sequel series. And, honestly, they weren't based on 1,5 hours I played it. The development tree system simplified beyond a reason. Story? What story? I enjoyed how in Sequel series there is a nice balance between the story and the gameplay, but here you just aimlessly stroll around maze-like maps hoping to find something interesting. Thanks, but no thanks.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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Awake was a step down from that (talent trees are all fixed to each character and only 10 of them instead of 15), but still decent
Glad I'm not the only one who thought Awake was a step down.

Gameplay's much simpler.
Less adult content.
Adult-content is now completely separate from the main game.

but I checked ASYLUM to see if gameplay and story are as good as in the Sequel series. And, honestly, they weren't based on 1,5 hours I played it. The development tree system simplified beyond a reason. Story? What story? I enjoyed how in Sequel series there is a nice balance between the story and the gameplay, but here you just aimlessly stroll around maze-like maps hoping to find something interesting. Thanks, but no thanks.
Quality and quantity are different man.
Asylum has less story moments than the Sequel games, but that doesn't mean the story itself is inferior.

I think Asylum has a lot of good moments in its narrative that can only be that way when all the characters in the story save for 1 are morally gray.

The problem you seem to have is with the story's pacing, which I don't disagree with. Heck Hakika sees it as a problem too. He got enough complaints in the first week of sales that he wanted to patch in more conversations in the map.


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Jun 10, 2018
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Does anyone know what to do after completing all quests until 49 (included)?
I explored all the map twice and found nothing to do but I still have 3 areas blocked:
  • The door in your home/base after going down the ladder
  • The hidden door in the first region with fog where enemies always chase you (7th save point of first zone)
  • The metal gate in the 7th region at the 9th save point after going:
    1. Right
    2. Up
    3. Down
    4. Right
    5. Up
Not sure if this changes anything but I killed the talkative plant that you give meat in one of the quests.
Also, I noticed that the little kid in the mansion has disappearead but I have not been able to find him.
Lastly, I am missing one of the yellow star bosses and I believe it is the one from the first region because it is the only zone that I do not have the 15 save points all the other zones possess.

This is really frustrating because navigating through all the map takes like 3 hours.

Any help is appreciated.


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Aug 4, 2018
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There's 3 different tentacle scenes if I'm remembering properly. No pregnancy though.
I remember the 2 scenes the older lady has in the bathroom, one by herself and one with the dude.
What's the third one though?


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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I remember the 2 scenes the older lady has in the bathroom, one by herself and one with the dude.
What's the third one though?
It's been a while so I might be misremembering, but doesn't the little blonde girl have one too?


Active member
Dec 16, 2019
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The 1.20 update to ASYLUM dropped earlier today, and I can now wholeheartedly say I like the game instead of having to write an essay about why I feel like hakika's edging my sense of closure. Good stuff. Still has a tragic underrepresentation of cute boys tho


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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Still has a tragic underrepresentation of cute boys tho
Doesn't this game have 3 traps?
If you include the heroine's summons it's 6.

When it comes to gay content it's definitely got the least tho.


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Nov 12, 2020
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Has anyone figured out how to enter the door in White Town? Trying to chart out the entire first zone, but this eludes me heavily. As I am missing two areas here. (I figured it out, good lord.)
Last edited:


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Like all games by this dev, the H content seems to be nearly completely separate from the gameplay. All of the dungeons are massive and navigating them can be confusing at times, it becomes tedious very quickly. The art is good and the story is fine, but you could play through the whole game and barely see anything sex related if you weren't looking for it. Still, it's a quality game, i just wish the dev made it a point of interest to overlap the story, the gameplay and the sex content much better. Its not like he hasn't had 3 previous games to figure it out.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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Still, it's a quality game, i just wish the dev made it a point of interest to overlap the story, the gameplay and the sex content much better. Its not like he hasn't had 3 previous games to figure it out.
It's a conscious decision.
The gameplay and sex content were more overlapped in his first game SEQUEL blight. You could find places to have sex while adventuring. They were marked with hearts and events would start there. A lot of scenes didn't happen at home.

In SEQUEL Awake he took a step away from that.
He made it an effort to make it so the game section and adult section wouldn't touch if you didn't want it to.

Surprisingly this has benefits as well as drawbacks.
In SEQUEL Blight you were forced to have scenes with Fake Rabi(The homosexual option) if you wanted a house, as he's the one who told you about a place for sale. Having your own place leads to the aurum maid and unlocks scenes for the other heroines. Basically progression to other scenes and 1 other quest were tied behind sexual content.

If you don't like gay content you'd just miss out on this or struggle to find the missing quests on your list.
In SEQUEL Awake and onwards this is no longer an issue. Sexual content is only locked behind story progression, and it's up to you whether you want to see it at most times which means you don't have to subject yourself to body types you don't like, like if you're super against loli, it doesn't really matter if you avoid the loli characters like Nosh. I'm pretty sure the only scene that happens over the course of the game is Yanie's first cowgirl scene (also my favorite scene)

The drawback is of course two fold.
The game is much less erotic.
It's very noticeable in SEQUEL Awake how less erotic the game is. The main heroine is called the monster heroine because of her sex drive, but it doesn't feel that way playing the game as she never actively approaches you for sex. Since all of the control for when sex happens is in the player's hand the title comes off kinda meaningless, and adult content doesn't happen while adventuring which is what you'll mostly be doing so you won't really feel any eroticism while playing the main game.
Your adult experience can no longer matter in the plot.
In SEQUEL blight, some allies got surprised that you got in a sexual relationship with others, and that might have spurred them on to approach you(Thelma).
If it's all a choice though, then none of the sexy times can be referenced by other characters or future events.

You can't walk into a building and someone mention, "I can still smell the time we were here together" or something of that nature.

Me personally, I think he took the complaints that people had to do Fake Rabi's scene to get quests a little too far, by splitting up the main game with the sexual content. The drawbacks are big and have a large impact on the erotic nature of the game as well as characterization for the heroines.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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I've purchased all 4 games and played them all to varying degrees because of Sub-Par's translations, but despite his efforts (which are much appreciated), i keep getting duped into believing that these games are something that they are not. I really don't like playing H-games where the H is so out of the way from everything else. The combat system is fine, nothing revolutionary, the world is way too big and the story is much condensed from the other games.

As a game, this is high quality, but as an H-game, it fails to capture the level of eroticism i've come to expect in similar titles.


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Dec 16, 2019
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...I think you duped yourself by playing more of Leaf Geometry's games if the first three weren't to your liking? Similarly, ASYLUM is a game heavily focused on exploration: the big world is a feature. Although I don't get what you mean by "the story is much condensed from the other games", you should consider playing different games. This sounds a lot more like a you problem and not a game problem.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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...I think you duped yourself by playing more of Leaf Geometry's games if the first three weren't to your liking? Similarly, ASYLUM is a game heavily focused on exploration: the big world is a feature. Although I don't get what you mean by "the story is much condensed from the other games", you should consider playing different games. This sounds a lot more like a you problem and not a game problem.
Perhaps it is a me problem, i have played most of the popular games in the genre and Leaf Geometry's games, while compelling in it's world building, could easily be mistaken for non-H games based on the remote nature of the hentai from the gameplay, i have come to expect the gameplay and the hentai to become intertwined, the better the dev weaves these things, the more compelling the game. This dev seems to take the opposite approach, segregating the gameplay from the sex content deliberately.

Yes, i think i did dupe myself by believing that the dev would change to suit my expectations, you are correct.

You shouldn't take this personally. I know you are vigorously defending the dev and i genuinely appreciate your efforts translating this game and all of the others. I have purchased all 4 games only because you translated them and i believe that entitles me to an opinion. If i wanted to play a Rpg that was heavily focused on exploration, i could have chosen any number of other games with higher production value which had no Hentai content at all, my main draw to this game as well as the others is the promise of femdom/rr hentai, however the dev seems to place much more effort on the world building/exploration aspect than the Hentai aspect, which seems to become more of an afterthought after each passing title.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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the better the dev weaves these things, the more compelling the game. This dev seems to take the opposite approach, segregating the gameplay from the sex content deliberately.
Yeah I agree.
Well I can take various levels of eroticism in eroge though. I still read VNs that interest me and those are the lightest in eroge. Kami No Rhapsody you can go hours without seeing sexual content.

I'll just mark Leaf Geometry as light ero. Like Shimofumiya and Marume Works.

It's disappointing that Leaf Geometry is moving away from more erotic experiences in his games, but other devs are stepping up to the plate in that regard.
My assumption is that he's not happy with the financial success he has so he's trying to expand his audience by reaching out to more people. His attempt to do that is to lower the sexual content and separate it from the main game as much as possible so it can be marketed to both normies and fans of eroge.

It makes sense if you think about the erotic progression in that way.

His games are still pretty unique experiences you won't get anywhere.
He's also the weirdest femdom artist I've ever seen. He draws scat, pee drinking, tentacles, bestiality, homosexual content and more. It's like he's OK with anything. I just hope he never goes into fetishes I would never financially support him for like NTR. I guess if he makes a regular rape game I wouldn't buy that either XD.

my main draw to this game as well as the others is the promise of femdom/rr hentai, however the dev seems to place much more effort on the world building/exploration aspect than the Hentai aspect, which seems to become more of an afterthought after each passing title.
I feel you, but man... it's really rare to get Etrian Odyssey style combat design in RPGs nowadays. Do you not enjoy the combat at all? I'm only asking because it's sad you got burned out Leaf Geometry at this game...

Malice is a giga slut just like you like. She has no qualms having sex with anything with a penis(even a dog), enjoy's taking multiple dicks, and has no romantic attachments to anyone.