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Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Sean paused for a moment, as if thinking, then pulled a couple of small case-like affairs out, then handed one to Chris, and the other to Claudia.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Roger examines a Tesla gun, looking at it strangely.


Roger blinked, "Uh... How the hell do I use this thing?" he asks aloud.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

((Thanks for that image, all the ones I kept finding were smaller than a dime.))

Chris picked up one of the Tesla's and proceeded to demonstrate. "These side circles control the settings, each one has ten, though generally speaking you don't need to go past setting two. Then you squeeze here ..."

He indicates the straighter black portion of the weapon without squeezing.

"AFTER you've aimed at your target. I'd demonstrate how they work now, but firing a blast of electrical energy inside the room isn't a good idea. Each pistol should get about ten shots or so at setting two, which is why we're taking secondary sidearms to Africa with us, just in case we need the munitions."

He would wait a few more minutes to see if there were any other questions.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Sarah grabbed one of the new weapons, looking it over. "Seems simple enough actually, point and shoot." Grabbing some extra ammo for her own firearms, she quickly gets up. "I need to grab a few things from my room real quick, be right back!" she says, going to dart there.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Roger looked up at Chris, "I don't have a secondary firearm." he said bluntly, after noting that the bag only had munitions and Tesla guns. "And the only place I can get one is back in Georgia. And-" he raised the Tesla in his head, to inspect it further, "-is there a safety on this thing? I don't want it getting set to 10 while bouncing around in my pants." he said with a slightly humorous tone.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Sean laughed at RJ's question about the Tesla. "That's a concern I can understand. As for the secondary, let me go check something..."

He left the room, and came back a bit later, carrying a Beretta 92F. "Only a nine mil, so don't expect much, but it's fairly reliable."

((The Beretta 92F is the civvie version of the M9. The only differences are minor cosmetic ones.))
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

A smile appeared on Roger's face, as he looked upon the weapon Sean was bringing him, "Hell yeah, that's my kind of weapon! I'd choose this over that other gizmo any day." he stated with a certain absolute tone in his voice. He then released the cartridge from the handgun, catching it in his other hand to check whether or not it was loaded with bullets.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Sarah is soon back, tucking something into the inside pocket of her trenchcoat. "Ok, when are we headed out again?" she asked, seemingly ready to go.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"As soon as Dex is ready the Africa group will head out. Claudia, I leave the Colorado Springs group up to you, try not to have too much fun."

While he wouldn't admit it in front of the others, he was a bit apprehensive about this mission, knowing it was likely they only had a small window of opportunity to get in, grab the artifact and get back out. It barely reached his features at all, and it was of course impossible to tell from his eyes as they were covered up.

To those who didn't already know, some might wonder why he always wore them, and if he ever took the damn things off or not.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Roger turned to Chris, and pulled on his own clothing, "Before you jump the gun, and cast us off to Africa, am I gonna get a change of clothing? I wouldn't get caught wearing these over there." he said.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"I have but one question." Kevin says, his right hand raised over his head "Do we HAVE to use Tesla's? I'd much rather stick to neutralizing my target with something that can't kill him." he says, his right head cocking to the side slightly as he looks at Chris
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Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Roger looked to Kevin, "This thing has settings," he said, pointing the Tesla in his hand upwards, "So, I guess a lower setting won't discharge as much of a lethal shot," he assumed.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"I won't take long", Dex remarks before dashing towards her room, returning - true to her word - shortly after with a light bag. Other than the ammunition, her trusted jetfire and the Tesla she has packed only a few light clothes. . . and a burqa, just in case shit goes south and she has to flee through muslim territory. Best not to ask how she got the burqa.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

"Of course RJ, go get what you need. We're not leaving without you."

He turns to Kevin to reply. "At setting two it will knock a person out for several minutes, and erase their short term memory. If you truly don't want to use them either let someone else do it, or try to find a way of knocking them out that leaves no marks, and that they can't spot you."

He starts to say something to Dex, then apparently decides better of it.

"Oh, right one final thing."

From out of the bag he pulls several thermos containers.

"These each carry a neutralizing agent. You find the artifact, dunk it in this and bring it back in, that way it can't affect you. In the unlikely event you come across an artifact that won't fit .... Sean will instruct you on how to handle that unlikely scenario."

((For the thermos, think a gallon sized silver thermos, the wide and tall variety.))
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Taking one of the thermos, she examines it before bagging it as well. "Is it just me, or are we gonna be forced to touch it in order to thermos it?"
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Roger growls under his breath, "In case you didn't notice, I didn't come in here with a bag." he said in an annoyed tone, then stretched his arms out in a questioning posture, "So, where is what I need?" he asked in an irritated tone.

"They know what's going on in my head, but not whether or not I have luggage? Hell, if I had known that they weren't gonna stuff me in some gay army uniform, or whatever, I would have brought my shit... Not that any of my other clothes are much different from this." he thought to himself, noting that his style was baggy clothes, even in the summer, given how much shit he often had to hide on himself. And even the baggy pants he has on now have one small hole near the back of his knee, where he would stash just about any drug that would fit, and often saved him from going to prison when he was frisked, as the dumb ass cops never thought his stuff would actually be inside the fabric.
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Chris nods. "Yes, briefly touch the artifact to place it inside. Normally a few seconds of contact while your holding the thermos won't trigger any effect. Just don't try to stand there for half an hour with it."

He turns back to RJ, thinking for a moment. "Honestly, I'm not sure if we have anything that will fully fit you laying around. You MIGHT be able to fit into some of my stuff if you'd like to try, though be warned, a lot of it is either very casual or purely tactical."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Roger twists his lips at Chris, "I'm going to fuckin' Africa, I don't care what I look like, as long as it helps keep me cool in that hot fuckin' place." he folds his arms, "Do you have anything that would help with that? You're a bigger dude than me, so I'm sure they'll fit."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Chris nods. "I believe I have something that would work for you. Shorts all the way around though for ya, since we don't need you sweating to death. I'm trying to train you, not kill you from heat stroke. I wouldn't even bring anyone else with me normally, however I have a feeling I'm going to need the back up on this one."

He motions to RJ. "Come, we'll go through things. The rest of you .... well Sarah and Dex, grab anything else you might need, we could be gone a couple of days, depends on how fast we find that blasted thing. The rest of you ... well your with Claudia, I won't interfere with her squad."

Claudia's reply of HER needing field experience had been cut off when she had learned this was her team. Now she was sure Chris had done this to prove a point, but also as a show of trust. "Right then, everyone who's coming with me should pack what they'll need for a few days. This kind of stuff isn't always a fast find."
Re: Leena's Bed and Breakfast

Once again, Sean quietly left the room, this time heading in the direction of his own room...Likely to get a few things before heading back down into the warehouse to get settled in for the day.