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Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn cautiously grabs an Ember Seed from the satchel and ponders how it's used. Her question was quickly answered as the seed quickly burst into a small watermelon-sized fireball. Her arm recoils as the fireball lands on the sapling, burning it to ashes quickly.

"Well, I guess that's how they work..."

Lynn cautiously steps over the small pile of smouldering ashes. She emerges into a gloomy graveyard with a thick canopy of dark trees looming overhead. There was a moderately thick misty haze hanging in the air, preventing Lynn from seeing too far ahead of herself. To the left of her, she could see a small gap between a couple of gnarled looking trees. In front of her, she could faintly see a staircase going down a large ledge to Lynn's right. Opposite the top of the stairs was a more open pathway.

Where should she go?:

A. Between the gnarled trees.

B. Down the stairs in the distance.

C. To the left in the distance.

D. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

B. I like stairs.
Re: Legend of Lynn

A. "Down" sounds like getting ahead of ourselves, and if we go the main way we'll almost certainly find an obstacle that we can't yet pass. The slightly-but-not-really hidden side passage is the best plan.
Re: Legend of Lynn

C.) B sounds like a catacomb, which are infamous for housing Redead. I'd prefer to stay some where more open.
Re: Legend of Lynn

C.) B sounds like a catacomb, which are infamous for housing Redead. I'd prefer to stay some where more open.

The stairs lead to a lower open-aired lower terrace to the south of Lynn. And thanks for reminding me of Re-deads. I should totally add those now~.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn pushes through the haze and around the spooky trees to the north. She eventually ended up at a large, spooky, rusty gate with a large rusty orange skull shaped lock on it. The bars on the gate were warped and rusted and was hard to tell whether or not the gate was locked or not. She tries pushing on the gate, it budges slightly, making a spooky creaking sound as it does so. Lynn stops to take a break from pushing.

What should she do now?:

A. Stop and explore the rest of the graveyard.

B. Try and push harder on the gate.

C. Try and squeeze in between the bars.

D. Other.
Re: Legend of Lynn

C i like Cleavage
Re: Legend of Lynn

Re: Legend of Lynn

C lets go to again to choice the worse option : ]
Re: Legend of Lynn

D.) try melting/burning the lock off with fire seeds.
Re: Legend of Lynn

I sense girl-stuck rape coming
Re: Legend of Lynn

Those seeds would have to be hella hot to melt the bars. And even if we manged to get them hot enough to deform, we have only wooden equipment.

So C.
Re: Legend of Lynn

Lynn finds a large gap between two rusty bars in the fence. She squeezes through with no issue at all. Seeing as her left was completely obstructed by overgrown, warped trees, and in fron of her was the large cliff the graveyard reasts at the base of, Lynn turns to the right and heads east. In front of her was a small pond of deep water between her and a large, creepy, hollowed out tree that appeared to be a shop. However, Lynn can't swim, and carrying all this equipment would make it highly unlikely that she'd make it across. To the south, was a straight shot to the dungeon, according to her map. Lynn starts to venture down the straight path between the rows of creepy trees. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a large Crow swoops down from its perch and lifts the back of Lynn's tunic and flies off.

"Gah! Hey! Pervy bird!"

Lynn straightens her tunic and continues on. She makes it to a small stone bridge and crosses it onto a small island. She follows the path and up a set of small stairs. She was in front of the dungeon entrance, which looked like the entrances to a small crypt. She felt an overpowering sense of evil emitting from it.

What should she do?:

A. Bravely charge in.

B. Nervously/carefully enter the dungeon.

C. Turn back.

D. Other.