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LM Memoirs


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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no new content just thought I'd revisit his previous posts.

Welcome to the Panel
Well here you are. This is the last step, isn’t it? It’s alright, we understand. We’ve been through it all before. Your picture collection is starting to rival the population of the earth and your bookmarks folder is starting to attract publishing deals. You’re going into debt to pay off the credit card bills for all those subscriptions and there isn’t enough time in your life to physically watch the amount of movies you just downloaded. Maybe, just maybe, you’ve even braved the funny looks from the cashier lady at that shady shop down the back street. Oh, and that extra hard drive you just bought? Yeah, we know what that’s for.

But it wasn’t enough, was it? There was one last barrier to break down, nagging at you in the back of your mind. One last foothold to miss on your spiral into addiction. You came to a hentai blog. God knows you’ve done everything else with the stuff. Guess it’s time to try thinking about it.

Welcome to the Hentai Panel: An in-depth examination of all topics relating to the creation, consumption, and culture of everyone’s favourite pastime. Or the random ramblings of an amateur artist with too much free time. Same difference. I’m your host, linemarvel, the extra ordinary hentai artist. Stay tuned for weekly updates and feel free to leave whatever deranged comments you might have.
Don't Feel Too Bad
There's always someone weirder than you.

(and if that's as disturbing to you as it is to me, be careful what you click on in this post)

Chances are if you are reading this, you've just come from the land of tentacle monsters, bucket loads of semen, and girls having their internal organs stretched to extremities. Chances are that to you, weird is familiar. Weird has been conquered. Weird bows down to your psyche as its supreme commander.

But high atop the proverbial throne of oddities you neglect to see the hidden faction of weirdos, lurking deep in the dark recesses of the net, poised to overthrow your rule. It would appear, in fact, that the title of weirdest hentai fetish is much sought after. Much sought after indeed.

As it turns out, you really don't need to dig deep for this kind of stuff. Although that's arguable. What is weirder, after all? Girls sucking on giant tentacles or their own giant penises? Does a picture become stranger if not only is a woman having her womb expanded but you can also see a cross section of the process? At what point does getting aroused by armpit hair go beyond the level of strangeness that tank crushing mammeries have?

Can any of this even be quantified?

I say it can (and I'm an authority, didn't you know?). But it has to be done in steps. Systematically dissected and analyzed. After all, trying to directly compare lolicon robot sex with eye socket fucking is not recommended. It has been known to cause brain combustion.

But can you believe that to this day no one has properly documented this process? For shame, hentai community, for shame. Luckily I'm here to rectify the situation. It'll just take me a week to do it.

And if you'd like to weigh in on the matter in the meantime, leaving a comment or email is a good way to do it.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: LM Memoirs

Is this like, a nostalgia thing? Or am I missing the point.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

well members as old as me remember that the reason this site originally existed was because of these blog posts. LM can stay in his hiddy hole but the intelligent discussion about taboo has laid low long enough. i figured we could work through the posts about the "spiral" over the next some. talk about the intricacies of taboo.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: LM Memoirs

Should we start with something specific?, I find this a topic of interest.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

if something comes to mind say it.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: LM Memoirs

Well let's start with something basic, the worst of the lot, There's gore,
and scat, I think it's safe to say that those are round about the top tier for taboo these days, Stuff like Swap.avi and such, how does somebody start getting attracted to things like that? And how does it start, progress, and eventually end?


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: LM Memoirs

I'd really like to participate in this since I find the psychology behind fetishes really fascinating, but I have no inclinations to either gore or scat. I really don't understand either one.

Curse you, Cappy! My angst has grown ten fold!


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

conversation has not started, next post...
Why Real Women Are Ugly
“Who the hell gets off on cartoons? Why don’t those freaks look at real women?”

Sound familiar? That’s what I hear every time the subject of hentai comes up in a real life conversation. And about as many times as I hear those words, I’m smiling and nodding and agreeing with them. Does that make me a liar? Sure, but I’ll be damned if conformity doesn’t make my life so much easier.

But that’s a topic for another day. For now, let’s just deal with the questions:

Q. Who looks at hentai?
A. Me, you, and most of Japan.

Q. Why don’t I look at real pornography?
A. There is very little porn that has real women in it. Or rather, as I like to say, “I used to like porn before I learned to use Photoshop”.

First off, a picture of a real woman is not a real woman. It’s a picture. It’s ink on a page. It’s pixels on a screen. What’s the difference between a picture of a real woman and a cartoon woman? Trick question. They’re the same thing.

Secondly, pictures of women are almost always photoshopped to hell and back. Ever seen a porno mag? It’s a bunch of paintings, not photographs. The women are super-deformed. It looks grotesque. Women don’t have pencil thin waists, flawless skin, gravity defying breasts and perfectly sculpted hair. That’s called “special effects”, not reality.

Third, even in real life the average porn star is not a “real” woman. She’s usually half plastic. Breast implants, lip implants, coloured contacts, several pounds of make-up (covering the entire body), tricky lighting schemes, buckets of hairspray, etc.

In fact, the entire process of making porn is based around making the women look “better” than reality. The problem is, we know what reality looks like. Ever heard of the uncanny valley? If not, . It applies. Altered women aren’t hot, they’re gross. They offend my sensibilities. They just are not sexy*

So how does this all not apply to hentai as well? Hentai is fake from the start. It’s accepted that you’re dealing with fantasy from the moment pencil hits paper. There is no trickery, there is no uncanny valley, and there are no unnatural alterations. It’s just fantasy, not altered reality, and fantasy is hot.

*Of course I’m generalizing. I do look at “real” porn, but it’s got to be tastefully edited at least. Videos suffer less from this problem, but it doesn’t stop the women from looking freakish a lot of the time.


El Presidente
Staff member
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

Ugh, the number of people that I've tried to explain hentai to. It always comes back to the same thing - people are weirded out or intimidated by things that they do not understand.

The most efficient way is to just say "Hot steamy novels can be hot right? Especially for girls? Well it's just like that, but adding an illustration of your fantasy to the mix. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words. In porn your fantasies are limited by the capabilities of the human body and the acting capabilities of the porn stars. In hentai, anything is possible."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

Maybe it's just my unique experiences, though I doubt it since everyone has obviously had their own life experiences. I've never had to explain to people what I liked or why. So I've never felt that much connection to what LM said on his forum.

Actually since I've been into hentai I've yet to find anything that repulsed me, I don't know maybe I've already convinced myself that I've seen the worst humanity has to offer. It may be true though since I've straight up been accused of not caring anymore bu people that I honestly trust.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

So why do I enjoy hentai more than I do regular porn... I guess it's the surrealism that gets to me. Just like the way people like video games, I like hentai because it's alright to think the way you do when you see it. You can enjoy thinking about rape and you're not a psychopath for doing that. I had a debate with a friend of mine who thinks me looking at hentai is stupid. The basic layout of the conversation went like this:

Friend: "You do realize that hentai is just a bunch of cartoons right? How can you get aroused by a cartoon?"

Me: "And do YOU realize that you get excited from watching pixels blow up each other?"

Friend: "That's different. That's violent and gory, which is something that doesn't normally happen in life. It's fun to see things in fantasy that you don't see in real. Now I know you're going to try to turn this around by saying that's what hentai is, but that argument doesn't work. Hentai is a lot sicker and more depraved than just killing imaginary things. You actually WISH you could do something like that to a girl. I don't want to actually kill people."

Me: " You're a lying sack of shit for saying that. Everybody who plays a violent video game has had that thought occur to them at least once. "I wonder what would happen if I did that in real life?" I don't wish I could do that to a girl, but I think about it. Just like you think about killing people because the video game makes you think about it. The only reason why you think it's worse is because you're desensitized to violence thanks to public media. At the same time, you have nowhere near as much of a tolerance to sexual content, so seeing a hentai image depicting rape looks much worse to you than a video game where you shoot people. I dare you to find one completely unbias person who's never been exposed to neither video games nor tv. He'll probably say both acts are sick as hell."

Friend: "So you admit that hentai is sick?"

Me: "I'm admitting that a person who's never experienced brutal violence and hardcore sex in fantasy will find it sick. Otherwise, no I'm not."

Friend: "Then why don't you tell me why you like hentai?"

Me: "The same reason why I like video games. It puts the things you don't want to see in real life in front of your face and and then glorifies it."

Friend: "I don't think you get it. Hentai is made by people from Japan. Those guys are sick as hell and it's sick that you like it too."

Me: "Oh hey. Japan makes video games too. Those guys are sick as hell and it's sick that you like it too."
And then at that point he stopped using logic and the debate turned into a stupid banter that you probably wouldn't care to see. Of course, the conversation was nowhere near as neat as this and involved a lot more of my friend calling me a faggot(?) for liking hentai and me constantly poping up guro to make him squirm.

Anyway, the point of that overly-lengthy conversation is that the only reason why people think hentai's sick is because 1) It's Japanese and Japan's got the "weirdo" reputation. 2) We're nowhere near as desensitized to sex as we are to violence. 3) I didn't mention this in the conversation, but it's also because nobody wants to be the guy who's so socially inept that they fantasize over impossible things to do to others rather than just go out and meet them.

... Wait, what was the main point of what I was saying?


May 10, 2009
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Re: LM Memoirs

Ahhh now I remember why I liked LM so much.

He reminded me of myself.

Or something like that


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

The friends I have that don't look at hentai, I have tried to explain it to a couple of times, but I have given up, since they think ALL hentai is tentacle/rape/tentacle rape/weird stuff that you would never see in a 'real' porn.

A couple of them tried to use that whole 'you're masturbating to something somebody drew LOL' thing, until I pointed out that they both got stiffies any time they saw a female Night/Blood Elf in WoW.

Personally, I like hentai because, like Dark said, it's surreal. The characters can get put into situations that never occur in real life. I mean, honestly, when's the last time you saw a girl taking her pet tentacle monster for a walk when it suddenly got 'frisky'?


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

I don't know if I could honestly put a finger on why I like hentai compared to normal porn. Maybe it's just that I have more imagination than most people who don't like it.

If they say that masturbating to something drawn is wrong, then how do they explain the looks of any superheroes. I mean why else would someone dress up in spandex to fight crime.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

Normal porn- a girl paid to moan and groan as someone with a half-stiff thingy groaning like he's been hit over the head with a herring for 30 minute. It's very rare you find a person (or persons) that'll put up a hot enough preformence to make it seem 'legit' and not purposefully breaking the fourth wall to get at the 'viewer'

Hentai- Usually has a storyline that rivals the normal porn, but is at least logical in it's pacing and information. Some hentai actually has storylines that rival anime in conception, with artwork quality to match. Sure the subject may involve gangs dragging girls to be sextoys, tentacles taking over the world, or a superhero that gets stronger via gettin raeped, but is in essense another way to try to get rocks off. Probably more successful as you can feel like you're there and yet not, and it's just a cartoon char so no 'permament' harm done.

Guess another thing that's semi related to this would be newbies to 40k saying that Slaanensh is nothing but the god of 'carnal' delights, whereas actually they go for any sensation, thus why they got troops.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: LM Memoirs

I have to agree with Lurker. Normal porn just doesn't seem all that appealing. The girls don't look like their enjoying themselves, I can always spot them looking offscreen like they're impatiently waiting for the cue to change positions. It doesn't look natural to go from




to suddenly


within the span of a second. It's why I search for amateur porn when I want some realism. There isn't any stupid build up with contrived scenes to worry about that leads to uninteresting sex. It's just two people who genuinely want to fuck.

Side note: I don't understand this whole spitting onto some girl's pussy thing everyone seem to be doing. I half expect the spitter to have a cold or something that makes them hack a loogey, and that is not hot.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

While that would look rather stupid, I've never really noticed that porn stars have faces for some reason. Weird I know, but yeah to be honest normal porn is rather more fake than the hentai ususally is so I guess I agree with you on that.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

Oh. I forgot to mention that normal porn tend to zoom into dicks too much. That's NOT what I came here for.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: LM Memoirs

Oh. I forgot to mention that normal porn tend to zoom into dicks too much. That's NOT what I came here for.
I love bringing up porn videos when my roommates are around cuz they're always good for a laugh, and there couldn't be better comedic timing in this one. I had brought up a video, and it was like 28 minutes long, so usually I get my roommates to stop and look over my shoulder, but this time I got them to actually pull up a chair. It was two girls, and a buttload of toys, (pun optional) They both went back and forth with different toys and all anal play. They had done this for a while until about 13 or so minutes in when all of a sudden, naked black dude just pops in out of nowhere, and Im pretty sure he was wearing an eye patch, so now, not only is the timing hilarious, the imagery is too. But they completely focused in on his dick as he was fucking them. Couldnt even finish watching it.

Didn't even make sense either, they were taking care of each other, and black dude coming in and hogging room and space only meant one girl kind of have to just sit back and do that awkward, "Wow, I'm an extra in a porn video, what do i do" body rubbing thing as the other girl gets fucked. Just didnt seem right to me