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Mad God's Key

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Re: Age of Worms

Craig grinned, the rogue seeming to have an agreeable train of thought. It's not like they couldn't return the key after they used it to open whatever it opened anyway, the merchant would probably be none the wiser anyway. Everybody wins! Well, except the thieves they'd be killing of course. My grin widens at the thought, and I wait for the merchant to answer Krys.

(Good, I was expecting some horrible thing that would try to eat me in my sleep.)
Re: Age of Worms

((See the links in the OOC thread for that...I want to say Xorn, but I don't think that's it...))
Re: Age of Worms

Theldrat smiles at the question, "Well normally a key wouldn't be an inheritance, but this key was very special to my family. You see it was crafted for Zagig himself, later it somehow made it's way back to my family and has been handed down since then. It's really just a plain looking copper key, with Zagig's zigzag symbol at one end. I wish you luck in finding it as well as all your future endeavors."

((Xorn... huh? I'm confused, nothing new about that though.))
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Re: Age of Worms

"Interesting. Well, we'll see about getting that key back for you, good sir." I say, then turn to leave, intent on paying Irontusk a visit at Barge End, wherever that is.
Re: Age of Worms

Mellisa stepped in to the talks with a smile on her face. "Well I'll be happy to help you find your missing key, at any rate." Especially if there's some money in it - generic do gooding, shineys, and who knows what else? I'm there.
Re: Age of Worms

Teren simply nodded his thanks to the man. This was not the time for words - he was more of a thinker than a speaker anyways.
Re: Age of Worms

As the newly formed party exits the shop, they notice that the city is now fully awake. On the corner a town crier can be heard, "The Great Library was robbed last night, a rare book was supposedly stolen by a cleric of Boccob. Any information about the theft should be reported to the nearest guard post." Now the only question is what do they decide to do?

((recap: So far the party has foiled a robbery of Theldrat the locksmiths shop. Theldrat has asked them to return his key which was apparently taken before the robbery they foiled, had occurred. They know the thugs marek and Flegon were told the place was ripe for the picking by a half-orc named Iron-tusk, who can normally be found down in Barge End. They also know Iron-tusk is somehow involved with gang of thieves known as the Green Daggers. Apparently a robbery has also occurred at the Great Library of Greyhawk.
If you haven't yet don't forget you've all recieved 60XP, 4 gold, and 8 silver.))
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Re: Age of Worms

I turn around and look at the rest of you, and state, "well, it seems we're going to be working together for a while. Shall we begin by paying a visit to this Irontusk fellow?"
Re: Age of Worms

"Maybe, if we are going to be working together, we ought to begin by introducing ourselves first? Personally, I refuse to answer to 'Hey, you!' unless it's an emergency." She grins a little. "I caught your name," she points to the dwarf. "Ashnod, correct? I'm Krystiana, but most people find Krys is a little easier." She looks at the others, brows slightly arched over her green eyes, a silent prompting for them to do the same.
Re: Age of Worms

Teren shook his head. "Why call something other than its name? Krystiana is who you are, is it not?" Then he shrugged. "I apologize, long hours among animals has taken away any subtlety I might have... a bear understands only things that matter to bears." With that, he grinned. "I say again, my name is Teren Woodson, natural philosopher, initiate of the Order of the Wise. My friend here," he said, as a small furry creature poked its head out of his robe, "is named Skizzy. And as a side note... I think we should at least see what happened at the library. The rewards might prove greater, and if the knowledge sealed in the book was so important that its theft has been announced, it must be important to someone."
Re: Age of Worms

Krys gets a look of rather childish delight on her face as she catches sight of Skizzy, but she doesn't move any closer to Teran to look at the little creature. "I'm honestly thinking, too, the two thefts...might be related. We have a rare book stolen from the library and a specific key taken from here." She ticks the items off on her fingers. "It doesn't seem like much, but the book might have something in it on what the key unlocks."

((Apologies, too. I know several of you actually already gave your names, but it's just the way Krys is.))
Re: Age of Worms

(At least you're role playing.)

"My name is Craig, Craig Winchester. At your service." I say, and bow slightly. "Investigating the theft of the book isn't a bad idea either, now that you mention it. Perhaps we'll get a better lead from it than a half-orc in feathers."
Re: Age of Worms

"I've said it before, I'll say it again - my name is Mellisa. I'm for investigating the library. After all...this iron-tusk fellow is with a bunch of thieves, right? Links are likely."
Re: Age of Worms

((So which way then, Ashnod the dwarf is playing the typical, stoic dwarf type.))
Re: Age of Worms

((Indeed he is. He nods and grunts in agreement every now and then though :p ))
Re: Age of Worms

((He's doing a weird dance, too. Probably all that ale he drink, before. :p))
Re: Age of Worms

"Shall we see if they're answering any questions about the theft at the library, then? We can at least see if we learn the title, so if, again, we happen across it..." She trails off with a bit of a grin, eyes darting around for the path to the library.
Re: Age of Worms

"Sounds good to me. Lead the way, the sooner we get to the bottom of this, the better." I say, and wait to get going.
Re: Age of Worms

((Assuming no one has any objections to that plan.))

After a short trip though the bustling city they arrive at an old building with the aspect of an ancient fortress. Large stone columns support a heavy stone lintel over an entry flanked by weathered stone statues of scholars holding open books before them in praise. A grand stone staircase rises up from the level of the street to the level of the statues. Two members of the city guard stand at the head of the stairs, their arms folded and gazes set.
Re: Age of Worms

I turn to Melissa, and say "well madame, you seem to be the most persuasive of us. Would you kindly do the talking? Of the lot of us, you'll have the best chance of getting information out of those guards, and possibly getting us to the scene of the crime." keeping my voice low so that only those in the group here me.
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