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Mad God's Key

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Re: Age of Worms

Mellisa smiles, and nods. Before she turns to lead though, she asks "Just before this hits the point of no return - is there anything specific we want to find out/do? From what I understand we want information qbout the robbery, and a chance to look around. Does everyone agree?"
Re: Age of Worms

The captain looks in the bag, and with a smile on his face. Tosses the bag and it's contents to the heroes, "Here you go a reward for a good deed, if any of you ever need any help from the guard just mention the name, Sir Greydan Mauresbane, and you should bypass some of the problems in our fair city. Good day to you all." With that he and the guards move out with their prisoners down the street.

((Perhaps this will help you in getting in hint-hint))
Re: Age of Worms

((I love a DM that gives clues.))

"Well, finding out the name of the missing book is pretty much included in information about the robbery, so I think we're good. Good luck."
Re: Age of Worms

((Right then, guess no-one has anything else to say...))

"Right then. Be right back folks!" Mellisa says before quickly trotting over to the guards. She walks up to them with a look of concern on her face.

"Hey there - heard there was a robbery? Mind indulging my curiosity for a moment on what went missing?" she asked, tilting her head.

((~Will save the name for if direct approach not work~))
Re: Age of Worms

The guard looks at you boredly, "I'm sorry madam, but we have strict orders to guard this door and not let anyone in. Unless you have a good reason to be here. I'll have to ask you to leave, please." With that the guard turns back to his post.

((Bet you wish you had used the name now, huh. :D))

Roll(1d20)+8: Melissa
Re: Age of Worms

(Not like one of us still can't do the name drop)

I wait patiently, not wanting to have to suck up to the local guards twice in one day.
Re: Age of Worms

"I didn't ask to go in - " yet Mellisa adds to herself silently " - I asked if anything went missing. Come on, if you're going to give me the official runaround at least avoid the right question." all of the above is said in a tone of good humour, as if to imply 'yeah, yeah, you gotta do your job, I get it...'

"Would it help any if I said that Sir Greydan Mauresbane had sent us?" She asked - a slight stretch of the truth, but she had always been good at lieing...
Re: Age of Worms

"So you're helping that do-gooder Heironean, huh?," the guard sighs. "Alright I guess it won't hurt to tell you what happened. The valuable book was stolen just before the library opened. The only witness, one of the younger scribes who had been up all night reports seeing a man dressed as a cleric of Boccob leaving the library at a dead run with a book clutched to his chest. The book has sat for a long time in one of our rare book rooms, it's pages a mystery to all for it's clasp is held by a magic lock that defies all attempts to open it. Now if that's all you really should be going, no one's supposed to be here till the book has been found."

((Just checking the attempt before this did you mean to use bluff, or diplomacy. I did that as diplomacy and this as bluff. Not that it matter's since you got the information.))

Roll(1d20)+14: Mellissa
Total:32 vs. 22
Last edited:
Re: Age of Worms

((Before was diplomacy. That? That was a bluff.))

"Thanks - we'll see if we can't help you out." Mellisa says, and trots back over to her new comrades.

"So - the short version. One - a book that no-one has ever read was stolen. Two - it has a magic lock. Three - scribes say a man dressed as a cleric of Boccob ran off with it.

Oh, and Mr. Mauresbane is "that do-gooder Heironean" apparently."
Re: Age of Worms

((Okay good, glad I didn't do it wrong. What don't most people think Heironean paladins are do-gooder's))
Re: Age of Worms

"So basically.... we gotta bet tha book back, hopefully befur whoever took it finds a way to open and read it?" Ashnod pipes up at last. "S'a good thing we met that paladin though, or we may not have gotten all tha information." He adds with a nod, looking at the rest. "Well, does anyone else here think this has anything to do with that Irontusk fella, or maybe tha Green Daggers?"
Re: Age of Worms

"Gee, first a key goes missing and now a locked book gets stolen. I'm sensing a pattern here. I think we'd better find that book, and fast. Most things are locked for a reason." She grins. At Ashnod's words, she looks thoughtful. "To be quite honest, I'm not sure he's connected with the book. Guys like that usually do things for the money and that book was probably stolen because someone wants it. Or what's in it. That means now that they have it, they're probably going to be keeping a low profile, which is going to make searching for it a little more difficult." She shrugs her shoulders a little. "I'm sure it probably wouldn't hurt to try and shake him down for information, but I'm not sure if it will be useful. You never know, though."
Re: Age of Worms

"The way I see it, we could go to Irontusk and try to get a name or a location, or go find other worshipers of Boccob. To me, Irontusk sounds like an easier source of information than trying to find one Boccob worshiper when we don't know his name or what he looks like. Irontusk might also have the key on him, meaning we can prevent the book from being opened, assuming of course that's what the key is to.

(I'm guessing we don't want that book opened. Though, it is just a Boccob worshiper, not necessarily evil.)
Re: Age of Worms

((You have a few choices here, both in finding Irontusk and in another spot you could look into which hasn't been mentioned yet. So I'll just keep that one to myself for now. One way of finding Irontusk may take a little longer than the other.))
Re: Age of Worms

((Hmmm. Any local knowledge/information gathering help with that? And "Just a Boccob worshiper." Why am I hearing "It's just a rabbit!" in my head. Or thinking "The Mummy"..."You mustn't read from the book! *Whooosh!*))
Re: Age of Worms

((Yes gather info was one of the choices which takes more time in game, but there is another way to find Irontusk as in just searching for him. Wasn't sure which one you'd want to do.))
Re: Age of Worms

((If you want to gather info, don't look at me. I can bluff, be diplomatic, and scare the CRAP out of people. But I can't actually ask "Pst - seen this guy?"))
Re: Age of Worms

((You could all do it, just not as well.))
Re: Age of Worms

((Don't look at me. My people skills are crap, as well as my ability to observe things... :p ))
Re: Age of Worms

((That's why I'm here *grins* Hopefully things would go well.))

"Well, we know where the Green Daggers like to hang out, so finding one of them, and if they're as loose-lipped as those other two, we can probably make our way up to Irontusk." She chews on her thumb nail, thoughful. "I could try asking around, find out about new faces in the area, but that might take time, and, well, it's usually better if you do that sort of stuff alone. The more people asking a question, the less likely some folks are to answer." Just being practical, of course, not trying to ditch the group.
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