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Re: Age of Worms

(How large is that building north-east of us? I'll stay where I am though - if those gaps are 2 feet then irontusk is within my range of 60)
Re: Age of Worms

(The building NE of you, I have no idea. I didn't really think it was important, why?)
Re: Age of Worms

(Just barely within range, if you factor in the length of the barges.)
Re: Age of Worms

((Start->S4->B3->B4->Dock->S2 would be my order, assuming the spaces between S4 and B3 is relatively easy to jump. If not, same as Tass, adding a jump to S2 at the end.

Also, I should get +1 to my initiative for my dex, right?))
Re: Age of Worms

(Yeah my bad thought I had included your DEX when I rolled but I must have missed it. I'll fix it. I would say follow the same route as Tassadar from the ship to the barge would be a tougher jump.)

(P.S. I love how you noticed I missed your DEX bonus, but missed your WIS penalty on the spot check. It's okay though I fixed them both.
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Re: Age of Worms

(That made me think of Lord of the Rings. I'm not throwing you anywhere unless it becomes absolutely necessary Ryu. This is actually looking like a pretty good setup if Ryu can get Ashnod to S2, then Irontusk would have to get past either him or me to run, unless he does an epic leap from J1 over to R1 or B2, but then he'd be going straight for Teren and Melissa.)
Re: Age of Worms

(Assuming you get that far without him noticing, which reminds me are you guy's sneaking or what have you. I know it's hard to sneak when you're jumping between boats, but unless I haear different I'll assume you are.)
Re: Age of Worms

(That made me think of Lord of the Rings. I'm not throwing you anywhere unless it becomes absolutely necessary Ryu. This is actually looking like a pretty good setup if Ryu can get Ashnod to S2, then Irontusk would have to get past either him or me to run, unless he does an epic leap from J1 over to R1 or B2, but then he'd be going straight for Teren and Melissa.)

(Unless he, y'know, goes up the frigging street to the north. That's why I want to know how large the building is - so that if we need to run north to chase, I know how far until I get a line of sight again.

Edit: I also thought it'd be moderately more stealthy to walk down a road then to jump from boat to boat, but a bit late I guess.)
Re: Age of Worms

(I'm staying on the dock, in case he goes that way. He still has to get past me to run up the street, and I get an attack of opportunity. We could only go across the ships, not through the buildings according to dmronny, but this works out fine. And yes, I'm trying to be sneaky. Not likely to work though, unless I roll well.)

When I get to my destination, I stand in the middle of the dock between B4 and B6 waiting for Ashnod to get into position. I keep my eyes on Irontusk in case he tries to run.
Re: Age of Worms

Ashnod arrives at the boat(S2), seemingly inspecting and appraising it to anyone who looked at him, though almost constantly watching Irontusk out of the corner of his eye.
Re: Age of Worms

(Alright, that's enough time for before I start using the last guy as an NPC type. The building is probably to big to head him off by running around especially if it's crowded on that side, but I didn't plan on going that way anyways.)

As Melissa stands watch from the docks Craig, Ryu, and Teren begin using the barges to move towards the next dock over. As the barges are mostly moored together they have an easy time of it. The trio reaches the dock with Teren and Craig taking up a position to block escape down this dock and Ashnod moving toward the ship as if he's inspecting it. Suddenly a shrill female voice rings out from the ship (S-2), "Look out Irontusk, I think we have company." At that Irontusk and the other four barge worker's turn around.

(Craig and Teren are on the dock about even with a barge (B-3), Ryu on the dock right by the ship (S-2), Melissa at the other dock as close to the barge (B-2) as possible [range of 60 would actually reach about halfway through the ship (S-2)], Now we're in combat mode, though you can still try and use diplomacy, or bluff. {init: Craig, Melissa, Irontusk, Ashnod, DM, Teren}

Init Roll(1d20)+5: Irontusk

Init Roll(1d20)+0: Other NPC

Edit: If you know what your action is going to be go ahead and post it, I'll do it when your turn in initiative comes up.
Re: Age of Worms

Try to figure out who shouted a warning, while advancing forward slowly, not going further than about halfway to the ship, and keeping ahead of Teren. I signal Melissa to try to get closer as well. I don't draw my weapons, still hoping to be able to scare him into submission rather than risk killing him in combat. I'm also trying to draw Irontusks attention to myself, glaring and grinning menacingly at him.

(Move and intimidate)
Re: Age of Worms

(...why would I move closer again? 'Splain this to me? He's in range.)

Mellisa shook her head slightly at the motion to move forward - and then locked her gaze on irontusk. She slowly raised her hands and allows a bit of elderitch energy to flit between them, then calls out to the ork "We'd like to talk to you." Were her words, and she raised one hand to point at him, the energy still slightly flickering between her fingers.

(Intimidate please!)
Re: Age of Worms

(Because he could get out of range within 3 rounds, and right now your eldritch blast only does 1d6 on a ranged touch attack. He also might be in concealment from all the stuff from the ships between you and him. Dmronny will have to clarify that.)
Re: Age of Worms

(The barge closest to Melissa is completely empty, but with the other four barge workers and crates on deck of his barge. I would say he could easily gain at least partial cover against ranged attacks after the first round. I wonder do you guys know of a better way to make maps than paint. I don't really have access to much else that I know of, and I probably wouldn't be able to afford anything right now. Would make it easier on all parties. I'll wait to see if that changes your actions before starting Pbird)
Re: Age of Worms

(No changes. If he moves, THEN I can move. :3

Besides, like I can do more damage any close in?)
Re: Age of Worms

((I wanna be on ship S2 if I'm not already. Once I'm there, I'll wait for him to do something, or retaliate if attacked by anyone else.))
Re: Age of Worms

Craig moves forward menacingly but doesn't notice anyone on board the ship. Over on the dock, Melissa points at Irontusk with the magical energy flickering between her fingers, "We'd like to talk to you."

Irontusk smirks at the group he sees accosting him, "Ha, if this is the best Mauresbane has to send after me. I should do just fine, hold them off." He says pointing to the four workers. With that he lets out a rather vicious sounding growl, and makes a running leap for the ship to his side. Easily clearing the 5 ft. between the barge and ship he continues toward the far side of the ship. Meanwhile the four ship workers brandish their daggers and make a rush toward Craig.

Ashnod quickly climbs aboard the ship, and blocks Irontusks path of escape. While Teren draws his scimitar while moving forward to aid Craig against assault from the workers.

(Could one of you take over Teren's moves, he'll probably be of more use to you guy's than if I'm controlling him? The 4 workers are located at the edge of the dock now. Teren beside and behind of Craig. Irontusk and Ashnod on the deck of the ship. Init: Craig, Melissa, Irontusk, Ashnod, DM, Teren.)

Intimidate Roll(1d20)+12:Mellissa

Intimidate Roll(1d20)+4:Craig

Jump Roll(1d20)+12:Irontusk
Re: Age of Worms

(Time for me to start rolling 1's again. I'll boss Teren around, and that can count towards his actions, but he doesn't necessarily have to listen to me if any of you think he can be doing better.)

I shout "Blast him!" to Melissa and draw my weapons, waiting for the dockworkers to advance. To the druid, I say "if you've got anything that can make this easier on us, now's the time to use it. Otherwise, just make sure none of them get behind me."

(I shout some stuff, draw my weapons, and then say some stuff. I tell Teren to move up next to me to help prevent flanking, since he doesn't have any buffs/debuffs ready and I don't want to make him waste a heal spell on converting to a summon. Make attack of opportunity as soon as an enemy get's into range, as I'm not moving.)
Re: Age of Worms

"And where do ya think yer going?" Ashnod calls out to Irontusk as he cuts him off, taking out his axe and swinging it at the half orc.

((We were supposed to take him alive, right? Just wanna know without doing too much damage. Judging from his jump roll, it'll take quite a bit to kill him.))
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