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ADV [Mad Script] 使徒天使エンジェルリーベ / Angelic Apostle Liebe (RJ174983)

Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

So I'm about to ragequit this game already. Every 2 fucking steps TRAP TRAP TRAP. Not fun in the least.

you need to buy a potion(I think) at store for 200$, it can show up all the invisible traps
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

I can't start the game in the game folder, when i double click on the game icon nothing happens. USually the window of the game pops up, and that's it. AM i doing something wrong? :)
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

Am i to stupid to play this Game?

i already Ragequited once and well now i want to give it another try, but i guess i may should ask for help here before i do so, cause the last time i played it something strange happened...

At some Point i had Level 3 Lizards in the Dungeon and there it started to get frustrating...

Everytime i had to fight one it took 5-10 Turns (even with both Girls) to hit the Lizard once , while he knocked me down plenty of times, with this amount of Sp i lost everytime i had fight one it was even hard to get down to a 3 Floor Dungeon without getting captured...

i could not figure out what to do to hit them without missing and then it got even worth, all of the sudden i don´t only missed to hit them, even if i did i did 0 Dmg and got forced to lose, cause there was no way for me to rescue the captured girl...

Yeah i don´t want to end up like this again, so has anyone an Idea what i have done wrong?

As far as i could see there is no way to level up, no way to get SP back while being in the Dungeon, the only think i see that i can do is Update the Equipment what i did frequently, so what am i supposed to do to hit them?

i did found something to increase the hitrating, but it looks like it did nothing...

Have i waited to long to do the Boss?

Must i get Captured to get stronger?

i am totally lost and have no clue what i am supposed to do, someone any idea?
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

i am totally lost and have no clue what i am supposed to do, someone any idea?

You can level up the girls and upgrade their gear on the out of dungeon equipment screen (4th button from the top, just above the save button), but it's slow and expensive.

If a girl gets 100 kills she can level up her health or her SP, permanently gaining 10 or 100 respectively. Use the buttons in the bottom left corner of the screen to do this; they're labeled HP and SP with the one above them switching girls. This only counts for kills that specific girl got, so if you want to level up one girl more, give her more of the last hits.

If you want to upgrade equipment, go to that screen and click on a duplicate in your inventory of something you have equipped. You can pay gold and use up that duplicate to upgrade the equipped one by +1, giving 1 additional stat point. You can also buy those 1000 and 2000 gold items in the shop and use them to automatically upgrade equipment by +1 or +3 respectively with no additional cost.

If you're having trouble hitting enemies, try using the accuracy accessory (description has 3 characters, 10% 2 characters, all moonspeak). As far as I can tell, it just makes you that percentage more likely to hit with each attack. You can then upgrade it to +whatever to boost the hit chance further. I couldn't hit the lizard boss at all until I put those on both my girls, but now they almost never miss anything.

Also, about the special attacks; each girl has a different one. I don't know if this was mentioned before, but pink's special attack does a huge chunk of damage to one enemy, while blue's special attack does her normal damage to everything around her. This makes blue (with a really upgraded weapon) very strong at clearing that first wave of enemies in a boss room, then pink is better at killing the boss themself.
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

What Games Dude said.

A couple of points that might make it a bit easier for you is that you basically fuse two like items together to increase their stats, but it also costs you based on what level the base item already is. At about +4, it becomes more economical to sell like items, use the money to buy the power-up item from the store, and use that to increase the item level (Should be the only one that costs 1,000, but I haven't checked).

Also, if you are still missing the lizards and have the SP to spare, remember that the special attacks do not miss. Recommend you use the pink-haired girl's special though, unless you're completely surrounded. Not only does the blue-haired girl have less SP at the start, her special also costs 100SP to pink's 50.
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

If a girl gets 100 kills she can level up her health or her SP, permanently gaining 10 or 100 respectively.

Wait are you telling me there is a way to level up? That probably will make everything alot easier, i still was level 1 with both Girls, i thought they level up automatically and since they did not i thought it was supposed to be like this >.<

Also, about the special attacks; each girl has a different one. I don't know if this was mentioned before, but pink's special attack does a huge chunk of damage to one enemy, while blue's special attack does her normal damage to everything around her. This makes blue (with a really upgraded weapon) very strong at clearing that first wave of enemies in a boss room, then pink is better at killing the boss themself.

How do i use Special Attacks? i don´t knew they had one >.<

Well atleast know i don´t have to wonder why it was so hard xD
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

How do i use Special Attacks? i don´t knew they had one >.<

Well atleast know i don´t have to wonder why it was so hard xD


:v Although I just went and said "you know what, screw it" and cheatengine'd it.

So now both my girls have +60 starter weapon/defense ring and plow through everything except the lizard's high evasion (too lazy to make super +accuracy bracelet :v)
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

Can anyone answer this Question for me.

1)How many moves does each of them have ?

2)Can the Demon girl Boss found beside that 4th Boss level ?

3)Does Recapture get new text or not ?

4)How many Traps are there (So far i saw 3)
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

This'll be a long post, but anyone having difficulty should find the answers in it. Images are spoilered.

Vanity said:
Wait are you telling me there is a way to level up?


The "KILLS" number in that picture is basically the girl's current XP. Every time she lands the killing blow on something, she gets 1 point. When she has over 100 points, you can use the upgrade HP button to give her 10 more max health or the upgrade SP button to give her 100 more max sp.

Vanity said:
How do i use Special Attacks? i don´t knew they had one >.<

Like lazycat said, just press A instead of Z when attacking. It doesn't let you special attack without a target though, so you have to aim at something first.

:v Although I just went and said "you know what, screw it" and cheatengine'd it.

The dev actually released a difficulty "patch" on their blog, with multiple versions (that you can freely edit!). You can find it , along with their explanation of how to use it and a collection of tips & tricks.

Long story short, the enemyDB.txt is what the game reads to see what the stats are for each enemy. You can edit the numbers at will since it's a text file; lower numbers mean lower stats. They're listed as

Health/dummy(?)/attack/defense/speed and labelled (in moonspeak) by enemy.

One of the four normal ones included in the download is super easy mode, where everything has 10 health, 1 attack, 1 defense and 1 speed.

Utgardoutcast said:
you basically fuse two like items together to increase their stats, but it also costs you based on what level the base item already is.

^This. The price to upgrade an item doubles for each level, so +1 costs 100, +2 costs 200, +3 costs 400, +4 costs 800 and so on. The upgrade items available in the shop however, upgrade +1 or +3 for no additional cost, so they become a lot cheaper pretty quick.


^ The shop, as I've learned through using it.

The warp crystal instantly quits the dungeon when you use it, so you can abandon a dungeon if you're afraid of getting captured. There's no penalty for leaving, either; you keep your loot and kills.

The health potions are the same as you find in dungeons, except that they never increase your EP.

The estus cure potion will get rid of your EP when you drink it (I think - untested)

The trap finder will let you see all traps on the current floor when used, marking them on the ground with red pentagrams. (Already set off ones will be blue.) Traps (except alarms) won't go off unless there are enemies nearby. If you wanna go tryhard on a dungeon, bring one of these for each floor.

The upgrade things are listed here so you can tell which ones to buy, and I have no idea what the last two items are since I've never used them.

Utgardoutcast said:
Also, if you are still missing the lizards and have the SP to spare, remember that the special attacks do not miss.

Do they? It felt like it, but I wasn't sure since I do have a +17 accuracy trinket on each girl.

Can anyone answer this Question for me.

1)How many moves does each of them have ?

2)Can the Demon girl Boss found beside that 4th Boss level ?

3)Does Recapture get new text or not ?

4)How many Traps are there (So far i saw 3)

1. Attacks from the girls? One basic, one special each. Attacks from the enemies? One each. Erotic attacks from the enemies? One normal, one "trained" each. They will only do the "trained" attacks to girls that have been captured long enough to get raped, then got rescued.

2. Seems like a no, unfortunately. The succubus boss doesn't appear in any levels after her dungeon, and killing the final boss rolls credits then boots you back to the main menu. Make sure you get save files before those points.

3. I think so? I've skipped most of the dialogue, it being in moonspeak, but I think someone said earlier in the thread it does.

4. I think there are about 3 varieties of trap, but two of them do the same thing. There's the shocking vines and the suction... thing that both grab, damage and knock down whoever steps on it, and there's the alarm trap. The alarm trap will spawn a random number of enemies around you when you set it off.

Remember to use that trap finder from the shop if you want to avoid them, it only costs 200g per.

EDIT: Oh, and, if anyone wants a very leveled-up save file at the end of the game (after succubus boss, pretty much ready to challenge final boss,) check the attachment.


  • save01.zip
    30.8 KB · Views: 147
Last edited:
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

Is there any alternate ending?

I think there is only 1 and that's if you beat the final boss. No "special" endings other than the generic bad end.
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

As something of a new year gift, author uploaded a full sized image of the girls in binding (no eye mask/gag)
(yes, image, singular)

You can download it from their blog (both the dling and unzipping pass are madscript)
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

Can someone help me perhaps? I tried to play it but when I double click it nothing happens = /
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

As something of a new year gift, author uploaded a full sized image of the girls in binding (no eye mask/gag)
(yes, image, singular)

You can download it from their blog (both the dling and unzipping pass are madscript)

The link leads to a 404 now, does anyone have a copy?
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

Oh, and, if anyone wants a very leveled-up save file at the end of the game (after succubus boss, pretty much ready to challenge final boss,) check the attachment.

thank you very much, but can i ask you one thing you didnt let them get captured and raped once did you i wanted to see the CR scenes but if i try to let them get captured then rescue them from your save it gets hard af
actually, its hard af even on stage 1, just loading your savedata plain and straight. What kind of leveled-up is this?
(i know i'm dumb, so i'm asking for the reason i can't understand. Don't misinterpret my message as a "complain")
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

thank you very much, but can i ask you one thing you didnt let them get captured and raped once did you i wanted to see the CR scenes but if i try to let them get captured then rescue them from your save it gets hard af
actually, its hard af even on stage 1, just loading your savedata plain and straight. What kind of leveled-up is this?
(i know i'm dumb, so i'm asking for the reason i can't understand. Don't misinterpret my message as a "complain")

The game's difficulty scales based on time, so the longer it's taken for you to reach the final boss, the stronger the enemies are. I turned down the difficulty on my game (a lot,) and my save file's really deep in.

So basically, the game's just that hard. You can manually change that by editing one of the files though, I think the method is in the thread somewhere.
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

link file download plz. thx.
Can someone help me, I cannot seem to purchase the game. I have an English DLSite account, but I can not open the page.
Re: [Mad Script] Angelic Apostle Liebe

I probably shouldn't have, given my current financial situation, but I went ahead and purchased the game. I'll have it uploaded soon enough, if anyone else is on the fence. As usual, please support the developer if you can afford it.

Edit: look below. Also, thanks to the person who gave me the preemptive rep.

Does anyone have access to a working link?
I tried this game before, but I had no idea there was a translation in the works.