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ACT [ Maken Ansala ] さきゅばすの日記 / Succubus Affection

I pay $10 a month to support them. This build is still a bit glitchy and rough around the edges, and in a ways lacks some of the things the first one had. I do have hopes for future demos though. It seems this is a more stable base for them to make them on, so there may be more made more frequently from here on. I'm very excited for this project as I absolutely adore the mechanics going into gameplay from Zell's earlier projects. Being able to basically seduce monster girls in turn and make them into partners is fantastic.
I would prefer you don't share it, but really I can't stop you.
Well, we're still looking for someone, moms and dads included, to redact a proper OP.

The only info I have about this game is:
- art by zell (I know. I like.)
- development by this ansala guy I never heard about
- game demo is paywalled and has been going on for months with no update
- 10 pages with, like, 8-9 of them either about begging or mud slinging

-> I haven't got enough data to make an OP, and I would definitely not make it sound nice for Ansala's business. I won't mind making a new thread when, and if, this does come out. In a year or three.

Or let's just let this thread be deleted, and start anew on clean grounds... The better option IMO.
"It's a pixel adventure side-scrolling RPG with a male protagonist and a slew of monster girls. Stages are navigated in typical 2D fashion in a style I could come closest to calling Metroidvania with the combat taking an almost beatem-up approach through physical attacks, magic and seduction which in the case of the latter can be used to recruit said monsters who will assist you in combat.

Art is of course by Zell with the development itself being done by Ansala. The game is only presently available via paid demo through the creator's Ci-En page."

That's basic as shit but honestly speaking there's very little real information to go on given that the game hasn't had any real playable releases beyond alpha builds restricted by Ci-En. If someone who's actually played the more recent demo wants to add upon that it'd be greatly appreciated.
I didn't realize respecting the wishes of the creator suddenly changed my gender and made me give birth.
I didn't think you were this pretentious.

Anyways game still seems to have no progress like @Strange said. Either there will be a huge update in the future or there might be some team turmoil preventing them from creating content. I mean it's been almost a year and the game still looks like a proof-of-concept.
Right then.

Called it.

We full on RPG mechanics bois.

Screenshot 2019-03-03 11.36.37.png Screenshot 2019-03-03 11.36.40.png Screenshot 2019-03-03 11.36.41.png
[Uploaded in eye blistering mini window force stretched with alt+enter, for your torment]

The game features a wide variety of stats which i cannot read or figure out what they do due to the google translate app not even registering what most of that says due to stretched resolutions.

There's a skill upgrading system as you start off, you have 5 points and some if not most skills go up to 10. No idea what most do but a lot seem to add directly to charges for spells, affecting spell effects and so on.

So if anyone can figure out how to make the resolution change to anything BUT 300x500 or however small it starts out as, please. For my eyes.

Stay tuned as i battle eye strain and find out new things.

Full disclaimer: Originally "gifted" by a particularly awesome person here, decided to take route B (the swamp) and bribe someone who's done this already to set that up for me. Needless to say i couldn't have done it without him, so thank you all for the assist with this :)
decided to take route B (the swamp) and bribe someone who's done this already to set that up for me. Needless to say i couldn't have done it without him, so thank you all for the assist with this :)
Wait, what? Swamp? where? how?

Let's trade...
Resolution can be switched by parts of your keyboard your finger probably never touched: those two symbols between "P" and "Enter". Probably using SHIFT?
If you happen to have a non-qwerty keyboard (like almost half of the world?), tough luck, I feel for you. Keep trying I guess - touch where your keyboard is 100% virgin.

So... Swamp? How? I only found 'kitty mage area' and '3 slimes/chests/mushrooms area'

And I guess I could cheat engine everything in the menu to 10, see what happens... I haven't bothered.
Wait, what? Swamp? where? how?

Let's trade...
Resolution can be switched by parts of your keyboard your finger probably never touched: those two symbols between "P" and "Enter". Probably using SHIFT?
If you happen to have a non-qwerty keyboard (like almost half of the world?), tough luck, I feel for you. Keep trying I guess - touch where your keyboard is 100% virgin.

So... Swamp? How? I only found 'kitty mage area' and '3 slimes/chests/mushrooms area'

And I guess I could cheat engine everything in the menu to 10, see what happens... I haven't bothered.
Metaphorical swamp lol. I don't think there is anything outside of those 4 screens. Back of the house, main part of the house, other rooms of the house and the garden.

Also learned that my readme was mangled somehow and all the info is actually in there, including resolution controls :)

Direct copypaste

Move@ © ¨
Jump Space@
Guard LShift or Down + A
Dodge LShift + © ¨ or © ¨ ¨
Attack & Decision A
G & Cancel S
Skill 1 - 10 DFQWER 1234

Search R_CTRL
search find
map movement and item collection
bed, cooking, Skills Enhancement
use it in such as
portal + item pick up
is feeling

Extra operation
Sleeping down « + S (I have healed with a bug)
Menu C
Screenshot V
Resolution change : or]
Full screen Alt + Enter
Zoom in / out / or \


@ © ¨ = arrow keys
H pertains to H controls. Left/right to switch positions, up to end. Down to initiate.
Guard is Lshift or Down+attack
Rest is pretty self explanatory.

There's one part of the house in the back rooms where a door opens up if you go near it towards the roof, but you cannot pass through it. Also one more door to the left after you switch to the back rooms of the house.
All the chests in the areas appear to be empty
All the plants / mushrooms seem to be only harvestable once.
Cooking / crafting is capped at 3 times per day, after which you must sleep in order to do more.
Well, thanks... At least I know my initial assumption was right. I'll just keep the negative comments to myself.

Hopefully, Ansala will understand why the Mouse was created... back in the 1960s. Also, why the keymapping is something USERS use, by definition. Hence, something players must be able to customize...

Oh well, I just hope Zell's name won't be hurt too much because of this. It's hard to find/choose the right partner after all <shrug>
There's no loli in this game, correct? Also, thread moved back. Thank you to Biggus Dickus.
There's no loli in this game, correct? Also, thread moved back. Thank you to Biggus Dickus.
To my knowledge there are no underage female characters in the current demo's roster (numbering to 2), neither are there any potentially underage-looking female in any public post Ansala communicated.

Therefore, fans posting pictures of the female characters that are in the game shouldn't be an issue.