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Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

no lines, please
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

Anyone who's anyone who has seen the megaman zero games know that some games are wonderful without outlines.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

Anyone who's anyone who has seen the megaman zero games know that some games are wonderful without outlines.

As someone who has enjoyed his Megaman Zero, I can say that this is not true. I never liked the way the graphics looked, but then again, it was on the Gameboy Advanced, so I wasn't expecting anything grand anyway.

And now the painful memory of having to kill one of those fairies due to a part I could not pass has returned to me. I did not beat that game with a clear conscience.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

so when something spreads her legs over..
outlines will suddenly appear on her inner thighs?
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

so when something spreads her legs over..
outlines will suddenly appear on her inner thighs?

Usually outlines only stick to the region of the image where it connects to the background, so as long as the inner tights touch the background that would be the case.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

I have to agree with John Doe.

Some outlines are muss or it will look like a oil painting. You wont know where her body start and where it ends.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

It looks best without the lines imho. I had no trouble seeing where the character started/ended and didn't find it "oilpaintish" nor smudged.
Can't wait for this game to be finished! :<
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

From what I've read here, a good point is made. Outlining the character only looks good if everything else has an outline, Metal Slug for example. If you need the character to stand out from the background in a couple places due to a pallet issue, try giving them shadows, they can just be dark circles under characters, or something more complex if you want to put the time into it. Just make sure they don't have harsh edges, a gentle gradient might be best for your game.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

Problem with outlines one might possibly be BLACK OUTLINES.

I've known many a pixel artist, and that's the major first thing that they all brought up as Things to Do Wrong When Making Sprites, is giving them a black outline.

Try using a dark shade of the color for an outline if you plan on using an outline.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

So megaman X sprites are incorrect? I think not.

Joking aside though, I know what you're talking about. It doesn't really work too well in this case though, because it makes it seem like part of the character rather than a separate outline, which can cause the sprites to look bigger than they are.
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Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

Problem with outlines one might possibly be BLACK OUTLINES.

I've known many a pixel artist, and that's the major first thing that they all brought up as Things to Do Wrong When Making Sprites, is giving them a black outline.

Try using a dark shade of the color for an outline if you plan on using an outline.

The black outline is a personal opinion for many sprite makers, and honestly you mostly see the "no black outlines >:||||" coming from the most elitistic ones, no offense. Sometimes the black outlines fit, sometimes they don't, some people like them, some don't. But if you're not doing anything realistic, whats the point of no outlines?

Even though for this game, I still like the no outline version better as it just looks more smoother with the background, though if the background was sharper, the outlines would probably fit with the sharpness.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

Well, about the thing that the outline should be darker colors instead of black ill put it this way:

which sprite do you think looks better? morrigan from marvel vs capcom or mai from KoF.

My bet of course goes for morrigan, snk spriting style isnt bad, but i think the sprite get more detailed with a black outline, besides, NOT ALL the borders have to be black outlined, thats the tricky part.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

imo, both look good -- i have no real preference.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

I'm late to the party. Seems something genuinely awesome is going on here.

Having tested both mini animation demos, I'm quite strongly voting on non-lined. Both look great, and had you presented either without the other I doubt any of us would have had anything wrong to say about either. But I certainly prefer it without the lines. Agreeing with rule and others on the view that unless everything else was lined and/or used a sharper background, the lines look out of place.

Personally I found the way the darker lines shifted and morphed round the character as she moved was distracting and a little strange looking.

Also I'm loving the smooth and soft style of things so far. It's really quite unique and looks great. I certainly don't believe there will be any trouble keeping our eyes on the girl during gameplay. =)

[Edit] Damn, I'm going to have to read through the rest of this thread. Very interested in seeing what's been said and planned thus far. Also, all the concept art being shown here is amazing. Keep it up man, supporting you all the way!
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Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

Hrm... This is really really hard to vote on ya know? The no line version looks more natural to the scenery, yet the lined version looks better...

I guess it falls on what you think would look better really. Line or no line monsters. I think I'd like to see the monsters lined. If the monsters are lined, then the heroine must too then be lined.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

Thanks for all the feedback so far guys, I really appreciate it. You have no idea how much it helps.

However, for reasons I won't be going into, I won't be posting updates on this site anymore. Instead, I'll be starting a blog to record my progress.

It will be here. (I'm gonna finish making it later today)

Again, thanks for all your support. I hope you'll continue to provide feedback whether it be posted on the blog, or in a topic on this site.

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Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Seriously, I'd like to see something set in the 18th-19th century Europe/America. Never heard of such a thing.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Controls/ basic animations pg.10

Thanks for all the feedback so far guys, I really appreciate it. You have no idea how much it helps.

However, for reasons I won't be going into, I won't be posting updates on this site anymore. Instead, I'll be starting a blog to record my progress.

It will be here. (I'm gonna finish making it later today)

Again, thanks for all your support. I hope you'll continue to provide feedback whether it be posted on the blog, or in a topic on this site.


Hmm. It would seem as though your link isn't valid yet.
I suck with art. I'm horrendous at it. But I'm not too bad about helping make things make sense and coming up with neat ideas that may or may not be overbearingly complex. I'll visit your blog here and then - better yet I'll subscribe to it and give what help I can. It's good to see you've got the spirit to get this thing going.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

*is an idiot*

Okay, THIS is the link. My bad.
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Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

It's empty, or have you not gotten to putting anything up yet?