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RPG Unknown/Hiatus Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Is there a save I can use to skip the circuit board puzzle? maybe jump to the first boss and progress? Really REALLY do not like that puzzle.

I don't have one that isn't all screwy from testing available, but if it's of any consolation there will be a patched version sent out tonight (unless a last minute bug appears) that, among other things, will significantly streamline the puzzle.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I saw in an earlier post that "BBCC" has the item that doorbot says his coordinates lead to, but how are we supposed to get that from "0,2,2"?
A: 0, B: 2, C: 2.
CCBB, CBCB, BCBC, BCCB, CBBC ought to all also work.

That said, I agree that currently the player isn't made aware enough that the puzzle works this way.
Adding lights above the doors that indicate that letter's current "count" would help a bit, IMO.
Also perhaps replace the "too many X" red reset-to-start doors with just a blank wall or something that more clearly indicates "no going forward from here" -
you can reset through the entry door anyway...

That said, at 3 doors the puzzle ends up 7 rooms "wide",
meaning you'd need at least 7 runs through to actually see all, assuming perfect planning.

Personally, I'd like to see the ability to remove fuses again, and the ability to backtrack -
that may let you explore everything without _too_ much battle time.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

These are still on our to do list to look at. I have a few concept visuals worked out for improving the turn indicator. One is to add a graphic on the side of the command panel, but I think it looks kind of hectic. Adding something like this underneath the gauges and in front of the artwork image is my current favorite.


Hmm it's still too subtle of an effect. I think player's eyes are focused on the button UI in the middle (unless we're looking at the hentai with on busy hand lol), so maybe an effect that's above, like if it's Neon's turn, some glowing arrow or something is on top of the skill hex, and if it's Malise, on top of the item hex.

It's pretty much in the centre of where the player would be looking at, in between the enemies, the button, and the girls.

I feel like I'm the only one who made this comment, so maybe it's better just to do a bunch of quick and dirty concepts, like that one you already have, and see what the audience likes.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Heads up for anyone that received V0.04!

Today we're sending out links for a patched version, V0.043. This updated release is intended to fix the issues that were present in V0.04 and serve as a solid foundation to begin work on V0.05. Please note that your save from V0.042 should be compatible with this new version.

While we do intend to relocate the fuse puzzle to a different portion of the game where it can be better utilized, that won't occur until V0.05. You will however see some improvements to it that will be present in its later form.

A previously unmentioned and somewhat significant addition however is an improvement to how "Wait" battle modes operate. We've added a prototype system for a button (SHIFT on the keyboard) to pass time while using one of the three "wait" battle modes. Simply hold the button/key during a character's turn and time will flow like normal. This is to remedy the strategic issue with wait modes where timing can make it impossible to time an interrupt an enemy's attack, or even worse cause stun-locks with grapples due to an inability to break out of a grapple at an advantageous time.

Please see below for the full change log!

V0.043 Change Log

  • Fixed issue where some graphics would not appear if the RPG Maker VX Ace RTP was installed to a custom location.
  • Added a prototype "Pass Time" button/key (SHIFT on the keyboard) for the three "Wait" battle modes. Simply hold the button/key during a character's turn and time will flow like normal. This should remedy the strategic disadvantage caused by an inability to properly time interrupts and grapple breaks when using a "Wait" mode.
  • Improved Escape functionality for "Wait" battle modes. Time will now pass while the Escape button/key is held, meaning the player no longer has to select an action just to continue escaping.
  • Increased hit rate of Distracting Shot
  • Lowered evasion of Vorepups and Ven.
  • Malise's Dual Fire now correctly calculates hit results for each shot independently of each other.
  • Increased attack power of Malise's weapons.
  • Added something to each of the puzzle rooms that should make the area more navigable.
  • Made some dialog edits to fix some ambiguity with the story, as well as to clarify that the number beside fuse puzzle gates is the *minimum* current required and not the exact current required to unlock these gates.
  • Changed the fuse puzzle rewards that are left behind by a certain robot.
  • Lowered the cost of FuseBot's hints to one 5 Amp Fuse.
  • Added a more accessible Circuit Board to the puzzle area.
  • Increased the number of FuseBot's hints from 3 to 7 and improved their order/wording. Also added small cutscenes to better show what is being referred to.
  • Added warning text when a trapped chest has been opened.
  • Errors involving sound files will no longer crash the game.
  • Added a dialog prompt with info when GFX/audio files are encountered that are missing. The prompt will only appear once per session.
  • Fixed experience bars showing incorrect values on the Save/Load screen.
  • Fixed Darkness state behavior on character death.
  • Fixed issue that would sometimes cause increased loading times.

Just a reminder that this version is for those that received V0.04. If you haven't received your link yet, then expect it within the next couple of hours :D.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

agg i can not pass this puzzle even when its "easyer" the Hints are better but the direction is just missing theres almost no way to get this without killing an hour just blind stomping thu everything and the new mini flesh fathers are so Stun locky its madding
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

agg i can not pass this puzzle even when its "easyer" the Hints are better but the direction is just missing theres almost no way to get this without killing an hour just blind stomping thu everything and the new mini flesh fathers are so Stun locky its madding

Actually, passing the puzzle and finding the top room is easy. Finding all the different rooms and chests within...not so much. Ran around for hours just searching (which was MADDENING because I still hadn't found Malise, and the encounter rate was crazy), then when I finally decided to give it a rest after ONE more try...I found a new room. I'm still not sure if I've found them all. An actual map on the wall, showing how many rooms there actually are to find, instead of just the "you are here"-coordinates, would've made my day.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Wouldn't be much of a puzzle, if you have a map, would it?
The only thing that made it frustrating for me were the random enemy encounters.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hmm it's still too subtle of an effect. I think player's eyes are focused on the button UI in the middle (unless we're looking at the hentai with on busy hand lol), so maybe an effect that's above, like if it's Neon's turn, some glowing arrow or something is on top of the skill hex, and if it's Malise, on top of the item hex.

It's pretty much in the centre of where the player would be looking at, in between the enemies, the button, and the girls.

I feel like I'm the only one who made this comment, so maybe it's better just to do a bunch of quick and dirty concepts, like that one you already have, and see what the audience likes.

I brought it up during testing as well, so the point is valid I think. After showing what I had to the team I think we're going to actually experiment with making the background blink or pulse or something so that it catches the eye better. If it being partially occluded by artwork remains an issue we'll try more stuff.

Actually, passing the puzzle and finding the top room is easy. Finding all the different rooms and chests within...not so much. Ran around for hours just searching (which was MADDENING because I still hadn't found Malise, and the encounter rate was crazy), then when I finally decided to give it a rest after ONE more try...I found a new room. I'm still not sure if I've found them all. An actual map on the wall, showing how many rooms there actually are to find, instead of just the "you are here"-coordinates, would've made my day.

It was definitely our intent for the player to discover Malise before attempting the puzzle area, though making the entire area nonlinear was also an objective for experimentation. It seems a lot of people missed her, and I'm not sure if it was due to the graphics bug causing the event trigger item to be invisible or a lack of cues.

Out of curiosity had you not found Malise early on because of the aforementioned bug? Or was it simply a choice to explore elsewhere? I'm interested from a designer's standpoint since I'd like for future areas to contain nonlinear elements.

Either way, since the puzzle is being relocated to a more difficult portion of the game that factor should be removed when it makes an appearance again.

Regarding encounter rate, it's certainly possible that it's too high. This is something that has to be (quickly) balanced on a per area basis, and we won't always get it right the first (or maybe even second) time. It'll be re-evaluated when the puzzle is relocated.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

It was definitely our intent for the player to discover Malise before attempting the puzzle area, though making the entire area nonlinear was also an objective for experimentation. It seems a lot of people missed her, and I'm not sure if it was due to the graphics bug causing the event trigger item to be invisible or a lack of cues.

Out of curiosity had you not found Malise early on because of the aforementioned bug? Or was it simply a choice to explore elsewhere? I'm interested from a designer's standpoint since I'd like for future areas to contain nonlinear elements.

Either way, since the puzzle is being relocated to a more difficult portion of the game that factor should be removed when it makes an appearance again.
So if you don't follow the bot you can finish the puzzle only with Neon?
Never thought about that myself. I saw him disappearing at every map and I knew I should follow.
Tho' it is not a good design generally, to put that important route in the middle of the puzzle, imho.
Non-linearity is good, but some important events should not be easily skippable.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

It was definitely our intent for the player to discover Malise before attempting the puzzle area, though making the entire area nonlinear was also an objective for experimentation. It seems a lot of people missed her, and I'm not sure if it was due to the graphics bug causing the event trigger item to be invisible or a lack of cues.

Out of curiosity had you not found Malise early on because of the aforementioned bug? Or was it simply a choice to explore elsewhere? I'm interested from a designer's standpoint since I'd like for future areas to contain nonlinear elements.

Yes, I was one of the people whose VX ACE RTP was somehow installed at a "wrong" directory, rendering Fusebot's drops invisible. I followed Fusebot and found the empty elevator room early on, so if I had actually been able to see the blinking star event then I definitely would've picked up Malise. Exploring is cool and all, but if I can explore with 2 sets of boobs, instead of just the one...or...well...strictly speaking, Neon doesn't have boobs...yet...but you know what I'm getting at.

I don't know how many times I reached the top only with Neon, desperately searching the puzzle time and time again for some kind of clue for what to do next, be it an unopened chest, unexplored room, etc. It was quite frustrating. I didn't even know I was supposed to find Malise until I read the commentaries on Patreon.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Yep, you can do everything with just Neon, up to the point where you have to leave Floor B6 anyways. For people that ran into the invisible graphics bug it definitely would've been frustrating, since my guess is they tried to investigate the route to get Malise but were met with a dead end and were only left with the option to push on with just Neon.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

So it's a bug, that explains it. A nasty one, you don't even know you have it.
Maybe if there is a comment from Neon, when she sees him the first time. Kind of like - "this one is weird, I should follow it". That way people with the bug will understand there is something wrong.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

So it's a bug, that explains it. A nasty one, you don't even know you have it.
Maybe if there is a comment from Neon, when she sees him the first time. Kind of like - "this one is weird, I should follow it". That way people with the bug will understand there is something wrong.

It was fixed in the V0.043 update that was released a few days ago :D. The patched version was sent out to all patrons.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hey guys!

Earlier this month we posted a survey on Patreon with 11 questions designed to learn more about our audience, as well as to get feedback on certain key topics about the game. The survey was for patrons only, however we ended up getting nearly 500 responses and some valuable data. I figured I'd show the results from that survey along with our interpretation of the data.

The results are highly favorable overall, and show that a lot of issues people had with the early versions have pretty much been taken care of. I'll go ahead and present my thoughts on the results question by question, along with some of my reasoning for asking the question in the first place.

Question 1 :
What's Question #1 tell us?

This question was asked to get a grasp on where the audience was coming from. I wanted to know if the people giving feedback were more or less likely to have a knowledge of modern games outside the H genere or if their experience was more isolated to adult games. Obviously, they do! Except for dat one guy.

Question 2:
What's Question #2 tell us?

This adds some more detail to the last question. This question tells me that while a majority of the patrons played and enjoyed some of the classics that this game is based on, a pretty surprising percentage did not. While it doesn't isolate a whole lot, it does suggest that some of the retro gameplay concepts that made the above games super charming (and nostalgic for many of us) could be entirely new to a significant number of the patrons. Not all of these concepts aged well, and it's possible that people who enjoyed these retro titles will find them more appealing than others.

Question 3:
What's Question #3 tell us?

This was mainly out of curiosity. We plan on supporting these equally and making adjustments for each to make them fun. The results however are significantly different than we had guessed. We all figured a lot more people would use 'No Wait'.

Question 4:
What's Question #4 tell us?

This suggests to me that we've zeroed on in a pretty solid sweet spot for difficulty. Granted, it's definitely going to sway back and forth as development progresses, but now we have an idea of what it should feel like. I'm not particularly concerned with the absolute difficulty as much as "is difficulty or a lack of difficulty settings hindering the player's experience?" I feel that's true for those who answered 'Too Easy' or 'Too Difficult'. You'll see however there's a question below that I think could remedy the rather high % of 'Too Difficult' responses. Note that just because of this favorable response it doesn't mean we won't consider adding more difficulty related options in the future.

Question 5:
What's Question #5 tell us?

This is probably the most significant question of the survey for us, as it says what I suspected but wanted some confirmation on. I'd prefer for the teal color to be a lot bigger and the green and yellow to go away. That said, it's tough to isolate a reason for this right now, and it's definitely too soon to jump to conclusions about the overall design of the battle system (which I think that some players may be inclined to do). The good thing is, I believe there are a lot of ways that this can be remedied, and probably through relatively small changes. I'd really like to hear your input on this one! Just remember to consider small changes before big ones.

Question 6:
What's Question #6 tell us?

I'm pretty happy with this result. I'm personally in the green category, as I more than anyone would like to be able to push more content out faster. In fact, we will have to. Of course, this is simply a limitation of resources. It's a bit of a catch 22 in that the faster we put out releases, the more members we can add to the team. On the flip side, we need the members to quickly push out enough content to keep patrons satisfied. A secondary issue is that we simply need leads for talented developers, and a lot of quality developers aren't going to want to work on hardcore adult material for the amount of money we can pay them (just a reminder that we are working for way less than a developer at any normal game studio would). AltairPL and I work anywhere from probably 10-19 hours a day 7 days a week, and are both very motivated, so hopefully the addition of TK as a full time member will be the first step to improving development speed (it's going great so far by the way). We also have a lot of areas (specifically with art) where workflow optimization can still happen, and TK is already proving to be a second set of eyes that can critique my workflow and offer better solutions. There'a also the factor where as engine development finishes, it will free up time for more content related work for both of us (AltairPL will likely shift to spending more time adding events for the game, and I can concentrate more on art). Granted, we still have some distance to go on that front.

On the topic of adding team members, I think the next position we need filled is something I'll call a "community manager". At this point, I probably spend as much time handling community stuff and invoices / sending out rewards / etc. as I do on development, and that will likely only increase as we get more interest in the game. If you're motivated, trustworthy, have better social skills than a potato, hate your 9 to 5, are more interested in the project than in making bank right now, and want to have the opportunity to get in with what I think could eventually evolve into a successful adult game studio, let me know :D.

Question 7:
What's Question #7 tell us?

So, this wasn't quite what I expected. I guess what it does say is that I was aware of what the community was interested in, and even though the largest chunk is happy with the direction we've taken in V0.03 and V0.04 with regard to adding rounded out content, it's still pretty divided.

The main reason I asked this question was to get validation for what I want to add for V0.05. Really, it's more of what *we can* add, and I'm just seeking patrons' approval. AltairPL is knees deep in taking apart the map layer of the engine for the overhaul, which is naturally going to mean some work just to get back to where we were at once he's finished. To add to that, TK is hot on the trail of a great idea to revamp our map making process. He's basically started work on a 3D map editor in Maya, which we will then use to render out all maps similar to how the sideview maps are currently being done. There are a ton of theoretical benefits that I won't go into here (good topic for another post... with visuals), but the point is that I don't think it's a great idea to add new environments right now when they will likely just have to be overhauled soon. In addition, we really need to choose objectives so that I don't have to bug AltairPL while he works on the map engine overhaul. This of course goes against the (small) majority vote here, but my proposal is that the main objectives for the V0.05 development cycle be the following (in no particular order):

1. Map engine overhaul. Primary objective, no questions, this one has to be done sooner rather than later to minimize the work we have to redo later. Not only will it improve performance, it will make the process of making maps and events significantly faster.

2. Add Neon's second outfit and as much related artwork (and combat H stuff) as possible.

3. Cloud integration for development tools/assets and major software upgrades. As of today this is actually about wrapped up, as it is has been my major task for the past few weeks now.

4. Bring TK up to speed on as much as possible, and in doing so consider and implement as many workflow optimization solutions as possible.

5. Follow through with TK's new map editor idea.

6. Pull out the major puzzle area from V0.04 and replace it with more straightforward exploration. I'd potentially like to use this as an opportunity to create the replacement overhead maps using TK's new map editor system, assuming we get that far.

7. Add at least one new story H scene.

8. Anything else we can cram in that doesn't interfere with the map overhaul or create related work that we will need to redo later.

Let me know what you think!

Question 8:
What's Question #8 tell us?

While not critical, the number of 'Too Slow' responses is pretty high in my opinion. I'd like to find a solution for this that doesn't make characters look like they are cheetahs with respect to the environment scale. I personally think a small speed increase could be acceptable, but unfortunately RPG Maker only allows for really significant changes in speed, meaning it'd have to be customized.

Question 9:
What's Question #9 tell us?

This tells me that, pretty overwhelmingly, the issues patrons had with combat speed in the early versions of MATM are a thing of the past. For those that think it's too slow, I have a couple ideas. I think a portion of the significant % that think it is too fast may not have known about the Battle Time Mode option settings (see the next question).

Question 10:
What's Question #10 tell us?

The number of patrons that didn't know about this was surprising to us. We also think it could be a reason for the 15% of responders to Q9 that think combat is too fast, as well as the 11% of responders to Q3 that feel combat is too difficult. Perhaps this merits a tutorial message in future versions!

What's Question #11 tell us?

As for Question 11 (which asked if patrons had any further comments), about a third of responders left comments! There were a lot of great ideas, and a few requests kept appearing over and over. The most popular three are listed below, with some feedback.

1. Animated H scenes. This is something I'd love to do, and it's possible that we could do this for some special events, but there would be a whole mess of obstacles to overcome to manage it successfully in combat (not to mention we'd need more artists).

2. Group H content in battle. We have plans for this!

3. An H scene gallery (or alternative). This is also something we plan on doing, though we don't have details solidified yet.

Sorry for the novel, but hopefully this sparks some discussion!
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

To introduce people to the ability to change the pace of the battle system, just have a message pop up after their first battle that asks them:

"Did you not like the pace of combat?" and then either give them the option to change it from a list of options matching the config menu or simply inform them, "If you didn't, you may change the pace of combat at any time from the options menu, give it an inspection!"
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Ah, the survey. Personally, I found question 9 (speed of combat) potentially ambiguous:
What does "speed" refer to in a battle system...
- The wall time from entering combat until you're back to walking?
- The downtime between actions as ATB gauges recharge and nothing happens?
- The animation speed of battle actions?
- The time you have to react to warning indicators before bad things happen?
- The time-to-kill (attack damage vs. total hp) on enemies and your characters?

Personally, I found the time-to-kill mostly slow-to-ok - for grunt battles,
I'd expect most things to die in 2-5 hits, considering there will be multiple enemies.
However, I wouldn't speed up the animations - that pacing seems about right to me.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I figured I'd show the results from that survey along with our interpretation of the data.

Can I just say that I really respect your transparency? There are plenty of devs out there who are super cagey which can make it hard to support them, but you guys are very open about what you're doing, as well as proving you have the skill to make it happen.

Hope to see some very unique puzzles in the (likely not near) future of the game. Maybe a puzzle where you have to grapple with bits of it both on the map and in battle?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Was it really necessary to post the results of each question in a seperate link, instead of one continuous gallery of images?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Was it really necessary to post the results of each question in a seperate link, instead of one continuous gallery of images?

Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hey guys!

Question 8:
What's Question #8 tell us?

While not critical, the number of 'Too Slow' responses is pretty high in my opinion. I'd like to find a solution for this that doesn't make characters look like they are cheetahs with respect to the environment scale. I personally think a small speed increase could be acceptable, but unfortunately RPG Maker only allows for really significant changes in speed, meaning it'd have to be customized.
Maybe give them an ability in the full game to run faster, with a stamina meter? I mean, Neon is a cyborg after all. There are sure ways to make it fit into the lore. Maybe add an ability point (AP) system for some map skills in the menu. While I don't think the characters move to slow, I rather think that the maps that you have to visit more often were too long winded and boring in design (While the design was great itself). But on retrospect, the only game where I actually liked the map design (for areas that you need to revisit often) and it never became boring for me was secret of evermore.
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