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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I think I've figured it out, and Altair it's not another game removing files, it's non-standard installation directories.
(The only other RPG Maker game on this new PC is Adventures of Tara and I doubt Reepyr's deleting RTP files, even accidentally)

Buuuuut on this new PC I've been trying to keep my SSD as clean as possible for recording game footage. Instead of the default installation path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterbrain\RGSS3\RPGVXAce\

I had my RTP installed to the 2TB HDD as I've done with a lot of other software, in my case the install directory was:

D:\Program Files\RPG Maker\RPGVXAce\

Reinstalling the first time defaulted to that D:\ directory again, and the object still wasn't visible. So I manually installed the RTP to the default path and it worked!
I can live with this solution, since the RTP is so small, but it looks like you're hardcoding some expected paths instead of taking them from the registry?

[edit] Oh come on Demontom! That was gonna be my moment of glory!
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I regret nothing! Though your post is much more in-depth and actually has confirmation. I didn't have the issue myself, so I was just parroting what I've read.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Great detective work guys!
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I have been following this for a while and there is one question I haven't seen answered before. in the public demo I think it was or maybe one of the dev posts it was mentioned that when you get the stunned period after a H attack finishes it leaves the characters vulnerable, does this mean we will get follow on H attacks or is it just they can be shot / damage more?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I have been following this for a while and there is one question I haven't seen answered before. in the public demo I think it was or maybe one of the dev posts it was mentioned that when you get the stunned period after a H attack finishes it leaves the characters vulnerable, does this mean we will get follow on H attacks or is it just they can be shot / damage more?

They're basically just stunned in current builds, but if I remember correctly the devs said they were planning to make h-content specific to the knockdown/stunned state.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

yeah that is why I was asking the question, I felt certain I had heard that there was going to be a follow up mechanic somewhere in game but I couldn't remember where I heard it so I figured asking was better since the devs do frequent this board and since I don't back them on patreon I can't really go ask on there from how I understand the system
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Any Possibility to pay with Paypal?

Just messaged Eromancer, you can use PP :)
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

So i've finally played the new demo and it's great. I have to admit that i play with the wait for action and imput mode, since when i've tried the normal mode was too confusing for me. Obviously as i play the 0.42v i got no problems at all (also reinstalled the RPG ACE in the default folder) and finished the game. Still i've only crashed once, against 2 flying bugs and 1 heavy robot for.. reasons. I have no idea why, since i've been througth those guys many times.

I have the error log, if you need to read it

Playing solo at the beginning requires just a little strategy, but if you already knows how to play, it's quite easy. The only problems that i had i think were been already said:

1) The % of missing makes everything a little harder, since sometimes can screw a well placed interruption, and then you get into a lot of trouble, still it happends sometime.

2) Malise seems to inflict a very low damage, even with her special ability to shoot twice. Also now it seems that she will miss more often, thanks to the % to miss the shot

3) I didn't found the better pistols for Malise, but i've found the precision rifle for Neon. So basically Neon does everything and Malise is there for support and miss when she should hit. Also i've only found one NV goggles, and you obviously gave them to neon since she can interrupt. If there where at least two in the same chest, or somewhere else it would be better, but then, malise became pretty useless without them since if you use her doubleshot ability she will miss every time

4) Once i was ambushed by 2 of the new flesh-tentacle monsters while opening a chest in the dark (something in bbcca i think, but i'm not shure), and i wasn't able to escape. it is normal? I didn't remeber if you can run from them or not

5) About the labyrinth-puzzle we already know about, so i'll pass. :D


  • !Error.zip
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

What's the difference between the public demo and the current demo patreons receive?
Is there more enemies? Areas? Outfits? I'd like to know. I played the public demo to completion. What extra is there from that for patreons currently?
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

4) Once i was ambushed by 2 of the new flesh-tentacle monsters while opening a chest in the dark (something in bbcca i think, but i'm not shure), and i wasn't able to escape. it is normal? I didn't remeber if you can run from them or not

That happens a couple of times in the labyrinth. Open a chest and you'll get ambushed by two sac things. I wasn't able to flee either, and you automatically get all the items from the chest when you win, so I think it's safe to say it's deliberate. Maybe practice for a mimic-style monster.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Perhaps, or it might just have been inspired by the old Final Fantasy "Monster-In-A-Box" stand-by.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

That happens a couple of times in the labyrinth. Open a chest and you'll get ambushed by two sac things. I wasn't able to flee either, and you automatically get all the items from the chest when you win, so I think it's safe to say it's deliberate. Maybe practice for a mimic-style monster.

I know it was a "monster ambush" like it was a mimic, still i wanted do be sure it was meant to be that way and not a bug.

Still i got nothing as reward and i had to activate the chest again to get the loot :confused:
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

I know it was a "monster ambush" like it was a mimic, still i wanted do be sure it was meant to be that way and not a bug.

Still i got nothing as reward and i had to activate the chest again to get the loot :confused:

Perhaps not all them work that way. I definitely recall it automatically giving me the loot and leaving the chest open right after battling them though.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Another one playing the latest version.

Should say looks nice, and the game is good, but also has some problems.

1st, the "puzzle game". It's Boooooring. I'v only played it cose in the forum there's a walkthrough. Too loong, and always the same, same monsters, same strategy...it's like a loop game. Maybe It should be shorter.

2nd. When you finish the Puzzle game... again a "fuse" level... again?, with same monsters...It's like the Groundhog Day film... So i Just stoped playing.

3rd. After all, and compared with previous versions... It has a really important lack of Hardcore content. only 3 enemies can do some Hard, and are almost the same.

My recomendation. Stop making new "puzzles", and center in H animations, attacks and enemies. You can do 2 enemies attack same girl, and recover human enemies, they where fun.

Waiting for New Version to see if it becomes funnier.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hey, so I just played through the latest release, I must say that I enjoyed it quite a bit and am glad to be supporting the project on patreon!

Here are my thoughts/critiques:
First off, the combat is IMO excellent, some of the best out there. I've read complaints about the difficulty with certain enemy encounters. I don't really see where these complaints are coming from. I've yet to experience h-lock encounters where both Neon and Malise are just constantly grappled and damaged and have no way to win the battle.

It's really hard to explain and would take quite a lot of words, but I don't experience the problem often. Assuming you play on no wait mode, and both characters are grappled, if you free for example Neon, then as you're trying to free Malise, Neon's action bar will fill up, allowing you to do a quick move such as Distracting Shot on another enemy. Rarely will an enemy 1 tick away from finishing the first action bar since they'll always spam regular attack (or the toxic shot if it's a vioreaper). I'm not saying a stun-lock isn't possible, it's happened to me, but never in continuous succession. I've tested with both 0 and max lust and while max lust does make things harder (e.g. if consumed by a constricter, unless I really hammer at the arrow keys, I'm basically guaranteed to take damage from the submerge phase) it's not by much since the escape timer is the same length as at 0 lust.

The only times I've been "stun-locked" are when I try to fight with just Neon or Malise against 3 other enemies at max lust while the other partner is at 1-HP at the start of the fight, or when I try to fight the Fleshfather with Neon at max lust. The former scenario however is basically never going to happen since you gain a plethora of healing and partner restore items, plus you can escape nearly every encounter in the game.

About Malise being less useful: I agree to a degree. She's especially less useful in dark areas since you're going to give the NV goggles to Neon so that she can hit with her Distracting Shot more effectively. She also has only 2 abilities (only 1 of which is unique to her) and less loot but all of that will be fixed in later versions I'm sure. I also think the accuracy changes are fine, I really don't have any complaints about that.

One thing that I would suggest a change for is the guard option. It can easily be abused by the player to restore HP and action points (not sure if it's called that though). All you have to do is find some basic robots, fight until only 1 is left, and just spam guard and over a short amount of time your characters will be fully recharged since you heal when you guard and the basic robots can't do enough damage to either characters to stop it. You can also do this on a lone vioreaper, assuming that the characters' clothes are fully repaired. This isn't really game-breaking now since there aren't many areas and none that go really long stretches of time without healing items or the healing machine, but I imagine it could cause design predicaments in the future. I'd say eliminate the healing property of the guard, players already have 2 ways of healing and the guard already lowers incoming damage.

Another balance suggestion: When they player chooses the Escape option, have the game pause the action progress bar. The reasoning would be that since the characters are running away, they won't have the ability to shoot or queue up abilities in the meantime. It wouldn't be all that applicable since if a player chooses to run, they're most likely going to keep on running until they escape, but it might lead to some interesting circumstances if the player is prevented from running partway through (or something).

On the Fleshfather: Since it's the first boss I realize that it isn't meant to be that difficult, but I feel like it could benefit from some changes. First of all, when the Fleshfather reaches somewhere below 50% HP, it tries to spam regrowth. I'm not sure what the exact parameters are that causes this, but basically the boss fight becomes completely trivial as you just use Distracting Shot over and over once you see that he is going to use the ability. Since the Fleshfather's grapple has only one stage (AFAIK), the player can usually escape and ready up a distracting shot before the boss has time to use regrowth. To fix this I'd say to either add more stages to the grapple, or perhaps slightly nerf the Distracting Shot in some way. Also, I feel as if the game should still progress should the player lose to the Fleshfather. It would make sense based on what happens after winning the fight. Neon basically loses all her energy once inside the boss and yet manages to escape. The "Game Over" into loading to the title into loading the save into loading the boss area and reading the dialogue seems somewhat unnecessary. To give player incentive to beat the boss, give the boss a useful drop (or a couple) should the player win the battle. That being said I really like the idea of the boss and hope that we get to see more of it (or something similar, along with more tentacle monsters) in the future.

The Puzzle: This post is already enormous enough as it is so I'll just say, once I figured out what I had to do, the puzzle made sense and I had little trouble (although I spent half an hour trying to find the last circuit board, turns out it was hiding in a corner in one of the darker rooms... FML). Despite this it felt quite tedious at times and as other people have said, feels like it belongs later in the game. It's clear a lot of thought was put into it but with the frequent enemy encounters, the AMP farming and so on, it was the most enjoyable thing I've experienced. The next time I do it I will be able to complete all of it much faster but for first timers it can take quite a while.

That's basically it. I didn't encounter any bugs and the rest of the release was fun. This game is incredibly enjoyable at times and I am looking very much forward to your future releases!
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't responded recently! After catching up to the influx of emails and messages regarding V0.04 I had to finish the artwork PDF reward that ended up on the back burner while we got the release out. Now that that is all done and sent out, I wanted to mention that if you missed the pledge deadline on Patreon or simply don't want to use Patreon, you can still get in on V0.04. Simply email me at [email protected] and I'll send you information on how to get a pledge to me.

I also wanted to post the updated change log for V0.04 for people wondering what is new since the public demo.

New Features

  • A continuation of the main story featuring a new area and the addition of Malise to the party.
  • New story H content
  • A new enemy that is fully H-compatible with both characters.
  • Added a new boss encounter.
  • Added enemy armor damage.
  • Expanded enemy battle spritesheet functionality.
  • Added prototype framework for what I'll call "enemy reinforcements" for now. Basically new enemies can join mid-battle, and for these battles K.O. enemies will fade out so as not to clutter the scene.
  • Added prototype framework for the enemy level system.
  • Added framework for windows with custom skins.
  • Added prototype framework for equipment based status effects / buffs / etc.
  • Side-scrolling maps.
  • Added framework for animated battle and dialog backgrounds.
  • Added a new music track.

Changes / Fixes

  • Improved the way doors behave when entering (player must face the door).
  • Improved the readability of fuse markers
  • Previous map is no longer faintly visible when loading a new map. Transitions in general have been improved.
  • Loading times for maps have improved.
  • Narrative text is now consistently colored gray so as to not make it ambiguous with dialog or choices/instructions.
  • Added 'Default' button to the Options menu.
  • Fuse panels have a new graphic for when they are powered on/active (keys light up white)
  • Fixed an issue where sprites at the edge of the screen would disappear during the map scene.
  • Added first batch of map optimizations. Depending on map, performance gain ranges from 1 to over 20 FPS.

Also, sorry if I missed any comments that AltairPL didn't have the answer to over the last few days. I'll be reading over the last few pages that I missed out on and will try to answer anything left unresolved!

Lastly, the next major thing on our agenda is to make and release a patched version of V0.04 that should address the remaining hot button issues that surrounded the initial release. We'll be sending that out to anyone that's received V0.04.
Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

Which brings me to my final critique. The current balance of combat with h-content is somehow off. Either there is no threat of enemies getting anywhere with a grapple or they are nearly unstoppable, never somewhere in between. Perhaps the current enemies do not work well in their current combinations, I am not sure. All I know is that I have to purposely grind monsters, take as many hits as possible in an attempt to wear of my armor to even have a chance at seeing a wider assortment of grapples. If playing the game normally and seriously there is never any actual threat, even after dozens of battles. For whatever reason I have to intentionally let my characters get worn out, lusted, armor broken before I can enjoy myself. With that said it feels more like a game-over rape than a action RPG (atleast the current build).

This is an accurate assessment which actually is based on a lot of problems and potential tweaks:

-Grapple attacks are unblockable and always succeed, instead of being based upon current HP/arousal
-There is no (obvious) way to reduce arousal except for healing stations. This makes arousal a kind of "second HP" that cannot be restored on the fly. It makes sense that defending would also reduce arousal.
-Grapple attack finishers should reset arousal
-The struggle mechanic is broken, especially since the action meter resets on a grapple attack. Grapples are nearly impossible to break out of without a great deal of luck.
-The damage res bonus to grappled enemies makes no sense AT ALL (if the enemy is "occupied" by holding a char, it should be MORE vulnerable, not less)
-Non-grappled PC assist attacks should be 2-3x more effective in breaking a grapple than they are now.
-To mitigate some of the above, clothing damage should be better separated from arousal to allow enemies to grapple low-arousal characters with damaged clothes.

Other issues:

-The art is nice, but the H-"animations" aren't actually animated. There's already a glut of fake screen effect "animations" out there.
-The puzzles seem tedious, given how slowly the PC moves when running.
-A lot of objects are way too finicky about where you have to stand to interact with them
-The "sex = lose" mechanic makes this feel, as Allsop mentioned, like a game-over rape game than an H-ARPG. There should be options to use sex against the enemies somehow (perhaps low-arousal characters can actually use the grapple attacks against their attackers, while high arousal chars simply let themselves be h8fucked to unconsciousness)
-Why are all of the poses that Neon stands in so unrevealing? In general, there should be separate idle stances for non-aroused, low arousal, and high arousal for both chars.
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Re: Malise and the Machine - Public Demo Available Now!

This is an accurate assessment which actually is based on a lot of problems and potential tweaks:

-Grapple attacks are unblockable and always succeed, instead of being based upon current HP/arousal
-There is no (obvious) way to reduce arousal except for healing stations. This makes arousal a kind of "second HP" that cannot be restored on the fly. It makes sense that defending would also reduce arousal.
-Grapple attack finishers should reset arousal
-The struggle mechanic is broken, especially since the action meter resets on a grapple attack. Grapples are nearly impossible to break out of without a great deal of luck.
-The damage res bonus to grappled enemies makes no sense AT ALL (if the enemy is "occupied" by holding a char, it should be MORE vulnerable, not less)
-Non-grappled PC assist attacks should be 2-3x more effective in breaking a grapple than they are now.
-To mitigate some of the above, clothing damage should be better separated from arousal to allow enemies to grapple low-arousal characters with damaged clothes.

Other issues:

-The art is nice, but the H-"animations" aren't actually animated. There's already a glut of fake screen effect "animations" out there.
-The puzzles seem tedious, given how slowly the PC moves when running.
-A lot of objects are way too finicky about where you have to stand to interact with them
-The "sex = lose" mechanic makes this feel, as Allsop mentioned, like a game-over rape game than an H-ARPG. There should be options to use sex against the enemies somehow (perhaps low-arousal characters can actually use the grapple attacks against their attackers, while high arousal chars simply let themselves be h8fucked to unconsciousness)
-Why are all of the poses that Neon stands in so unrevealing? In general, there should be separate idle stances for non-aroused, low arousal, and high arousal for both chars.

While I certainly appreciate the feedback and the chance to make something productive out of it, please try to remember this is a work in progress! Some of your suggestions are on the to do list or have been discussed pretty extensively in previous posts.

The battle engine is basically a total rewrite of RPG Maker's, and a lot of features still aren't in place yet. This naturally affects our ability to balance combat quite severely. It would also be a huge task to re-balance combat every build since a lot of the mechanics aren't even finished yet.

I'd like to respond to some of your points however, as I feel like you're missing some points of the bigger picture.

- Grapple attacks are unblockable and always succeed

This is definitely not final. While their success rate can be balanced later quite easily, there will definitely be skills designed to actively defend against or even counter H-attacks.

- There is no (obvious) way to reduce arousal except for healing stations. This makes arousal a kind of "second HP" that cannot be restored on the fly.

This is completely intended, and your second sentence explains why. Lust is the real parameter to watch out for, and allows for carrying a build up of H-related effects between battles. If you could reduce Lust on the fly, then you'd simply never see H content unless each battle was very difficult. This is a huge problem with most H-RPGs out there, as once you are capable of defeating enemies in an area then they pose no threat at all since you begin each battle refreshed.

-The struggle mechanic is broken

I'm not sure if you're being literal here or not. The manual struggle mode actually was broken in V0.041 as some of the UI graphics were not displaying, but was fixed with the hotfix located here:

-The damage res bonus to grappled enemies makes no sense AT ALL (if the enemy is "occupied" by holding a char, it should be MORE vulnerable, not less)

The idea here is that the Resist category of skills has more importance placed on it since an enemy can't easily be killed during an H attack. I disagree with the idea that being able to easily kill an enemy that performs an H-attack would be a good thing.

-The puzzles seem tedious, given how slowly the PC moves when running.

See post #1044, you'll be pleased I think :D.

There should be options to use sex against the enemies somehow

I agree! Remember, just because it's not in the game now doesn't mean it won't be. This is an idea I've discussed in the interview found here:

-Why are all of the poses that Neon stands in so unrevealing? In general, there should be separate idle stances for non-aroused, low arousal, and high arousal for both chars.

Different map sprite graphics for H-related effects are actually planned, but aren't really of the highest priority right now.

Some of your other suggestions were discussed heavily in this topic around the release of V0.03 (early November I believe) EDIT: Sorry, I meant the public demo... mid February. It's very easy to take what you see at face value, but realize the current demo still only covers very low level play, and isn't intended to be representative of the final game. Instead, it's meant to represent what's possible with the final game.
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