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Mary (the64bitbot)

Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

As Mary turns to the right, the fairy stops her. That way will only get you back to my part of the cave.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Oh...okay, I thought I hadn't explored this way...guess I'll keep going straight then..."

And so she does, moving forward is the best way to get ahead.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Oh. You must have gone the long way, then. This way is quicker, it's just a long hallway the fairy said, nodding as they moved forward to the second intersection, where Mary had earlier taken a right. She was paying perhaps too little attention, and crashed through a weak portion of the cave floor. She barely managed to cling to the edge, unable to pull herself up. Looking down, she would see a rather large slime waiting at the bottom...
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Ohh I se--aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!" Mary started to talk as she fell through the floor, luckily grabbing the edge. Looking down, she could see the slime, and she certainly didn't want to wall into it. "Gotta...get...back up."

"Um...Aly...can you give me a bit of a hand?" she asked, trying to pull herself back up to the proper floor.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Whaaaaa- Mary! the fairy yelled, shocked at the floor's caving in. She quickly ran to the edge and grabbed Mary's wrists, hoisting her back up easily and nearly crushing the poor girl's wrists; she seemed just a bit too strong for her small frame.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Eeep?" Mary has a confused look as she's quick hoisted up, her wrists kind of hurting as the sudden movement caused her to topple forward onto her new fairy friend.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The fairy smiled as she hugged Mary, glad that she had saved her from the slime below. You should be more careful! she scolded, getting up and dusting herself off.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary picked herself up, rubbing the back of her head and looking a little ashamed. "Sorry...I'll keep a better eye out." She said, looking around.

Well, she had gone right last time...maybe the key to the chest was hiding out in the left? It was corny, but worth a shot, as she lead the way down the hall.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

As they walked to the left, in time they reached a bend in the path, such that it moved away from the entrance. Waiting for them around the corner was what looked like a giant wolf, with tentacles growing out of its back. It snarled angrily at them, crouching in preparation to attack.

Tentacle Wolf
4/4 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

4/4 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary let of a smirk, she should be able to handle it this time, her previous experiences should her a bit of a hand. "No way am I running this time!" she yelled as she aimed a blast from her staff at the beast.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

7 vs. 19

Mary's blast missed the wolf, bouncing off the floor slightly and up into the roof of the cave, causing the hallway to rumble a bit.

16 vs. 19

The fairy fared no better, running forward to swing her sword at the tentacles, but coming up with nothing but air.

17 vs. 20

She was, however, just quick enough to dodge his attack on her, his tentacles harmlessly slapping against the ground.

13 vs. 7

Mary's next blast hit the thing square in the head, though, and it fell back stunned by the blow.

1 vs. 6

It still had enough awareness to dodge the fairy as she tried to impale it on her sword.

20 vs. 1 Critical!

Her reckless attack left the fairy open to the wolf's attack, and he grabbed her with his tentacles and whipped her furiously with them as she cried out.

Tentacle Wolf
3/4 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

2/4 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"No! Aly! Let go of her you stupid...tentaclular...bastard...thing? Mary gives up halfway through trying to insult the thing, deciding to try and see if she couldn't blast he fairy friend free.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

5 vs. 10

Mary's attack missed badly again, bouncing into the cave wall harmlessly.

7 vs. 4

The fairy has better luck, slashing the tentacles that held her, forcing them to drop her towards the ground.

9 vs. 2

Unfortunately for her, she was grabbed again before she even hit the ground, and she groaned as she was lifted back up, feeling quite tired.

Tentacle Wolf
2/4 HP

Mary 5/5 FP
0/10 AP

1/4 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"No! Let go of her! Fight someone your own size!" Mary shouts at the beast, trying to get it to let go of Aly and attack her instead, trying to blast it again with another blast, hoping it might free her fairy friend.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

11 vs. 8

Mary landed a good hit on the wolf, but it still somehow maintained its grip on Aly.

13 vs. 7

That didn't last long, however, as the fairy chops at the tentacles holding her, causing the wolf to howl in pain. It bounded off down the hallway towards the entrance, limping as it went. Aly brought herself to her knees, panting. That... was close...
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary moves over to the fairy, doing her best to help her recover. "It was...are you alright?"

Mary takes a quick look around to make sure nothing is about to ambush them before settling down a moment to rest.

"I gotta work on my aim..."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

I'll be fine the fairy said, quickly recovering her stamina as they sat together. They could see that there was a room not far from the corner where they sat, but they couldn't really see into it.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary decided to check out the room, moving slowly and carefully towards it, hoping she wouldn't get stuck in another pit...or something like that. Or ambushed. Or any of those nasty things...
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary's caution was of no use to her, as the entire floor of the room began to crack and cave in under the two of them. They screamed as they fell, hitting the floor below with a heavy thud. The room they were in was really quite large, the largest they had been in so far, and the walls seemed to shimmer in the darkness. Wait, walls don't shimmer... They spotted a group of slimes oozing slowly towards them in the dark, as the fairy lit the cave with a bit of Holy magic.

Slime 1
3/3 HP

Slime 2
6/6 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

4/4 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Erk...no way, not fair" Mary yells as she falls into the hole, more surprised when the slimes form in front of her.

"Get the weaker one!" Mary said for Aly, as she blasted the smaller one, hoping it would die before it could do anything.