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Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Lol no one cares if you're male or female.

Anyway with houses I guess you meant rooms, right ?
You can get money with minigames, that is rodeo in wild west and gloryhole in lagoon beach.
You need money not only for rooms (plaza and/or wild west), but even for clothes and accessories.

All the rest is only a matter of sex.

By the way as I'm on hiatus I'm curious to know how's the situation now after the FF release. A more active community, same as before, or even worse ?

The best way to get money is Rodeo with a mouse. If you have a laptop you are going to have to grind out the glory hole game.

Sometimes you have to switch servers as rooms tend to sell out quick.

Don't forget to go to the Mountain to get more sex scenes after you level up.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Rooms cost by the hour, so there's no point in renting if you don't intent to use it more or less immediately.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Like how to rent a house...how to get money...
Edit: I'm Male BTW

And dont forget to socialize. talk to people, participate in conversations and dont try not to cold invite girls to your room. if you follow these basics, youre gonna have fun ;)
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

how to rent a house

Sorry friend, theres no house to buy (not yet), seems you press the "house" button in the screen, if you press it you read "No home to go, You should rent a room or buy a house". The developers are thinking to implement to buy houses in future, right now the game are in "beta", that mean its like a game in test, you know, some bugs, low content... etc...

If you want money try the way you think its more relax for you, i like more the glory hole (on beach, talk to the npc), and play it while hear music, but seems on rodeo minigame you earn money a "little" more faster... Optional, when you gona to disconect from game, go to brothel (in "MNF" Alley") and talk to the big breast NPC, she tell to you to work here, but you gain only money if other player (real people) use your character, any time your character as "used" you earn the 50% of what you say to rent your character. Remember to do it when you gona out of the game, because this method its for make you money "afk", and the game kick your out of the game to use the character. You can enter again but your character gets out of the brothel.

Greetings by the way, welcome to the best sex-mmorpg i know.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

try not to cold invite girls to your room.

This. It's just really annoying to them.

Also; assume all female characters are dudes unless otherwise noted. And even then... well, eh.

Unless the developers allow non-Premium users to buy more positions, this game is an absolute waste of time.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

What's happening with this game? There has not been any update. It's not going down, is it?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

What's happening with this game? There has not been any update. It's not going down, is it?

Vally from MNFClub

Small update, the clothing line of the Premium users will be expanded today, 18th January.

Still working on it lol.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Vally from MNFClub

Small update, the clothing line of the Premium users will be expanded today, 18th January.

Still working on it lol.

I don't see any new clothes :confused:
BTW the lack of important updates is starting to get on my nerves... :(
I know its a small team working a two months old game and all, but come on.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

I don't see any new clothes :confused:
BTW the lack of important updates is starting to get on my nerves... :(
I know its a small team working a two months old game and all, but come on.

I don't play the MMO so I have no idea.

Either way the reason the update was small was because Serega was making a new game for the main MnF site.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Yeah I saw that post on the forum, but now they've deleted it lol.
Not that interested as it was only about clothes and for premium members.

New update - Premium male avatars can buy swimming trunks at the Lagoon Beach.

Ehm ok..
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Well... fair enough. Matches the bikinis for the women, I suppose.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

I saw it, but... Its not the first bikini free for females?, why dont give one free for males?, its seems so unfair :-/

Mabey they gona wait little time and later place it one piece for free i think. Im not check it the time they launch the bikinis, so i dont know if they do the same as i think gona do.

Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Yeah. I guess you could give some swinning trunks for free members, and have a banana hammock for premium members. :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Lol banana hammock could lead to a Borat's fashion gang.
We'll probably get this feature soon or later:
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

I saw it, but... Its not the first bikini free for females?, why dont give one free for males?, its seems so unfair :-/

Y'know, I'm sort of glad this kind of game by definition shoo's feminazi types away mostly, because I'm sure if any were around they'd have a small field day with this or something.

That said, yes, it doesn't make sense for that, possibly a bug, possibly for some strange reason intentional.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

It's not that strange - it's probably just that it's easier to do variations to a two-piece outfit than to a one-piece one.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

New updates:
1. Only friends now can check your location through pms/list. The rest will only see Online/Offline.

2."Do not disturb" mode.
I don't know..these features are just the opposite of a MMO, I mean they could lead to small groups, decreasing the socialization.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

I get why they implemented the DND-mode, the sheer harassment of female character was ridiculous. How it will play out in the long run is hard to tell, though.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

I get why they implemented the DND-mode, the sheer harassment of female character was ridiculous. How it will play out in the long run is hard to tell, though.

I know the spam for female avatars is indeed huge and quite embarassing.
However my fear is that with this new tool players could keep it activated all the time, so friends would stay with friends, the rest outside, leading to a closed community and groups over groups.
I've played enough MMO in my life, but this move doesn't convince me, especially now that the game is struggling due to lack of updates and flat community.

Post n.1000 of the thread. *champagne* LOL
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