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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

The most important thing to keep in mind would just to have casual conversation while letting my intentions be known then, yeah? I can pull that off just fine... It's just a matter of me working up the nerve to do it. Having a 'battle plan' for this kind of thing makes me feel better. Sadly, I don't know anything about this chick except for her name, and that makes things a bit more difficult for me.

And although I don't have a car, I do know how to get around town and stuff via bike and bus. The problem is setting something because I have to work quite a bit this week.

But yeah. I'll definitely keep your guys advice in mind. I used to be very good with this kind of stuff, but three years out of practice kind of killed my skills. My biggest problem right now is growing a pair and picking up the damn phone, but hopefully now I can do it. ^_^;
Re: Member Announcements Thread

The most important thing to keep in mind would just to have casual conversation while letting my intentions be known then, yeah? I can pull that off just fine... It's just a matter of me working up the nerve to do it. Having a 'battle plan' for this kind of thing makes me feel better. Sadly, I don't know anything about this chick except for her name, and that makes things a bit more difficult for me.

And although I don't have a car, I do know how to get around town and stuff via bike and bus. The problem is setting something because I have to work quite a bit this week.

But yeah. I'll definitely keep your guys advice in mind. I used to be very good with this kind of stuff, but three years out of practice kind of killed my skills. My biggest problem right now is growing a pair and picking up the damn phone, but hopefully now I can do it. ^_^;

If you need confidence, just imagine something that would require even more. For instance, it could have been the boss who gave you the number, and not just a coworker ;)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

my family had a fashion intervention for me, i'm pretty now. i do have to say though that good looking clothes are not comfortable.
Re: Member Announcements Thread


Called her just now. But she didn't pick up. Brain locked up and I didn't leave a message. Any idea of how long I should wait to call her again now? Maybe just text her instead? I just don't want to look creepy.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

What would you do if this wasn't a romantic interest? Best way to appear normal is to act like it is, even if it isn't.

If you need to retry sharpish a text is better, otherwise call again maybe tomorrow and maybe be ready to leave a message. Or, presumably she has caller ID and may call you back.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Relax dude.

Honestly, if it were me, I'd just call her again, leave her a message, and be like hey sorry for calling twice in a row... not to sound desperate, I'm just a little nervous and my brain locked up so I didn't leave a message. Call me back at ###-###-#### if you'd like to meet up somewhere.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

my family had a fashion intervention for me, i'm pretty now. i do have to say though that good looking clothes are not comfortable.

This means either Nunu's a chick or he's been forced into metrosexuality.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

This means either Nunu's a chick or he's been forced into metrosexuality.

congratulations you've successfully managed to determine nothing, except that i'm pretty. I'm much like the traditional ugly duckling character in movies, take off the glasses and let out the hair and suddenly I'm stunning.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Actually I'm really hoping you're not a dude. I speak from experience when I say that no man should be forced into the metro style.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I fap to the thought of Nunu.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

congratulations you've successfully managed to determine nothing, except that i'm pretty. I'm much like the traditional ugly duckling character in movies, take off the glasses and let out the hair and suddenly I'm stunning.

So, uh, hey. You doing anything later in the week?

For the viewers at home:
Nunu and I actually live in the same city. But no, we've never met, so I can't answer the gender question.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

we've been over this before your to fully sick for me. also stunning is perhaps to strong a word. that would require more effort than i'm capable of, i've got potential though and when it gets to much for my friends i let them dress me up nd then we go out and all have high self esteem for a while.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

we've been over this before your to fully sick for me. also stunning is perhaps to strong a word. that would require more effort than i'm capable of, i've got potential though and when it gets to much for my friends i let them dress me up nd then we go out and all have high self esteem for a while.

Your spelling and grammar just took a nose dive. Feeling flustered? :3

I'm pretty sure I stated last time, I've never used the phrase "fully sick" in my life, except possibly in a sarcastic tone mocking someone else doing it.

And Nunu has never seemed more feminine than now. But then, it could just be a guy with a lot of female friends.

@Incubus: You mean you think you haven't met Nunu.

I've never met "Nunu". I may have at some point (although unlikely) met Nunu's alter ego, however.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

not likely, the only place my writer goes is safeway. although they went to manifest a year or two ago, seems the only place its likely we could bump into each other.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Nunu would totally date me. Right, Nunu?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Never been to Manifest. Although I live with someone who's helped organise it in the past, although I don't think they've been involved in the last 2 years.

I still think Nunu's afraid of meeting me. Can't imagine why.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I think ya'll are still creepy.
Re: Member Announcements Thread


Called her just now. But she didn't pick up. Brain locked up and I didn't leave a message. Any idea of how long I should wait to call her again now? Maybe just text her instead? I just don't want to look creepy.

Presuming you haven't already, do not f'ing text her for your first contact. You're trying to establish some sort of social relationship with this girl and texting her conveys the message that you'd rather not *talk* to her. With regard to the double phone call, just play it off. Assuming you didn't stammer like a nit into the phone (like I do at times *laughs*), just be casual. "Hi, this is Lucas. Sorry if the message didn't get through earlier. Had a bit of a phone issue. Anyway, I was calling to see...yadda yadda." And good luck.

And next time, keep away from the forum while you're on the phone *laughs*