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Re: Member Announcements Thread

I can wear casual-nice clothing, I just can't wear formal-nice clothing. That stuff makes me look a whole lot meaner than I really am.

Psst..... silky boxers

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Psst..... silky boxers



I wish I had silky boxers. As it is, I just have the... w/e they're made out of ones that I do have, which are DEFINITELY not silk.

Either way, the silky boxers wouldn't help. The formal-nice clothing makes me hot and it itches. That's probably why I look meaner than I am; the fucking clothing is driving me mad o_O
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I think bustiers are comfortable too, although I prefer corsets since my tits aren't that big...

That edit you made is hilarious. (I happened to catch the post pre-edit.)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Silk underwear is nice. Still, my wardrobe consists of a lot of tank tops, t-shirts, blouses and golf shirts for everyday wear. Jeans and cargo pants go well with the tops.

Then there's the more formal and sexy stuff.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Lace is so overdone. Slinky transparent boxers, now that's where it's at.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Sounds like an enjoyable way to spread the cold at least.

As for clothes, I wish it wasn't strange to wear combats with everything. Every time I have something pesky to carry and there's no large leg pocket to hold it for me I pull this little sad face. Comfy, fully mobile, water resistant, quick dry, tough, easy wash, excellent and secure storage, breathable & wind resistant, adjustable, and makes my legs invisible. I've crawled through mud and brambles with my S95 trousers on and they keep loving me. Even if I stain them with a spill, it just becomes part of the camouflage! :3

What do you mean, strange? I do it all the time, except in summer when they're too hot.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Poorly worded sentence there actually. I more meant, strange to wear them nearly all the time, with little regard to what they can match up with well. I favour mine in the summer for their coolness actually, though that could easily be a design difference. Standard British combat trousers have very little general insulation properties, and rely on a separate thermal under layer for warmth.

I've never liked boxers though. Pants is where its at (underpants for some). Perhaps better than that, silky panties, not that I can say I've tried them.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, Finnish M91 are warmer than jeans. As for matching up, I nearly always wear a black t-shirt when I'm inside and a long leather jacket while outside(not during summer, of course), so I don't have to worry about matching very much.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

On the subject of clothes... My usual garb is jeans and a T-shirt, but even my formal clothes are comfy xD

The only time I've been uncomfortable was junior prom. And even then it wasn't entirely the clothes' fault. ._.

I hate wearing shoes though. Hatehatehate. I usually wear flip-flops, or nothing. But I do have a pair of snakeboots, cowboy boots, and my workboots.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I wear shits and pants?

They're.. cargo pants, I think? I dunno, not jeans, I never liked jeans for some reason, but it's been so long I forget why.

And when the occasion suits it (which is rare in my life) I am willing to forgo some comfort to look classy. But my shoes were specifically picked because they can pass as semi-formal shoes and yet are very comfortable.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I wear shits and pants?

I don't know if this was on purpose or a typo, but either way I found it extremely amusing.

@Chibi: I wholeheartedly agree with your boycott against shoes. Sandals all the way.

@Discussion: Eh. I find that casualwear is always comfortable (although under-armor is typically better for casualwear than anything else). But for formalwear, I've found that the cheaper it is, the more uncomfortable it is. Shoes are the best example. You buy a $20 pair of dress shoes and you end up pinching a nerve if you're in them for too long. You buy a $100 pair of dress shoes and you feel like your feet are floating on air, even if you pull a couple back-to-back 16 hour shifts. If you want to look nice and be comfortable, well, that just means you have to spend more money.

I would never buy a t-shirt from the armani exchange though. I don't care how comfortable they are, I will never spend > $150 on a goddam t-shirt. People who do that are just trying to prove that they have tons of money they can throw away.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I certainly can't agree with the money thing there. Perhaps more true for smart shoes, but I've been wearing the same pair of £6 trainer/hiking boots for some three years now. Not only have they always been comfy, they've only recently started to show significant wear and tear damage. Best shoes I've ever bought (value for money wise).

I would say that those were an exception to normal concerning durability though. Cheep footwear can be as comfy as any other if chosen properly and for comfort not a specific style, but overall won't last you long for anything more than periodic or gentle use.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

That would by why I specified dress wear for that rule-of-thumb. Notice how right before that I said that casual clothes are pretty much always comfortable. If you were working a job where you had to wear a suit as the dress code, would you wear those boots?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I have alot of camo. Infact, I wore camo for six months straight recently. Two pairs of long grey camo, then I have desert camo night pants. I'll admit, I had to make the occasional change for a more formal event, but from Oct-March was pretty much constatly wearing it.

And before you ask, laundry gets done every day, so yes, they were clean :p
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I should probably get another pair. My current one is getting pretty worn.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

yeah, pretty much all lower body wear of mine is camo, and strangely enough, I don't buy the stuff because it's camo, I just like a certain kind of shorts and they come in camo a lot. And for some reason the few that I get that aren't camo don't last.

It's as if my camo shorts/pants last just because of their design.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, jokes about corsets aside, when I'm not going somewhere where it's going to be very dirty I like clothes I have a white and blue Banana Republic shirt that I wear unbuttoned, with a white t-shirt underneath, for lower body I've been doing a lot of white shorts and pants lately... At a few places I have been called an angel, and "The man in white." Also, there was a girl that tested the age-old pickup line on me.

Her: "Did it hurt?"
Me: "What?"
Her: "When you fell down from the sky."

Sadly she was a little too young for me... Passed her on to a friend^^ She now stalks him.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

yeah, pretty much all lower body wear of mine is camo, and strangely enough, I don't buy the stuff because it's camo, I just like a certain kind of shorts and they come in camo a lot. And for some reason the few that I get that aren't camo don't last.

It's as if my camo shorts/pants last just because of their design.

Yeah, it started because I really prefer that one material to jeans. Jeans just don't feel right to me for some reason... Cargo pants are much much better.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

mmmm... lacey boxers :)

Oh yeah..

Not really boxers for me, but despite what Alias said after ye Toxic, I like lace. Bras and panties in lace, generally darker colours, like purples, reds, and black.

And I stay away from camo mostly because I've worn it so often for my job. I just feel weird wearing when I'm not working.