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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Funny how well that works out, actually...

Nah, on the way back from Costa Rica he had a lay over in Miami. As he showed his passport to the customs guy he was brought into custody for murder.

He apparantly had the same name and birthday as someone wanted for murder in Miami despite the actual guy being a U.S. citizen living in Miami, who was black. My father is Canadian and white...

Missed his flight.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So it happened in Miami?

Looks like this is a case of...

*puts on sunglasses*

...mistaken identity.

Alright, so I couldn't think of a proper pun. Sue me.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

And did they do anything to make up for the trouble they caused?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

And did they do anything to make up for the trouble they caused?

Paid for a hotel and a new flight the next morning at least. He was in custody for four hours before a police officer realized his skin was the wrong colour.

Great story about the guys providing security at airports.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm no longer an engineering major, I have transfered to history.

There's alot more to say about it, too much to post really.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Mm customs...

My friend once had parts of his car removed because the wanted to check for drugs, when they put it back in a lot of the parts were wobbly, and being a guy who spends a lot of time/money on his car, he was mad.

My dad has an incredibly honest face, and because of that, we always get through customs really fast when he's driving :x

My sister once got through customs by throwing up, the officer just looks at her, and hurries through the processing XD
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Nunu's Canadian update:
The surface is choked with dregs of people and the smell of sewage, what life there is seems rugged up to battle a cold I seem to barely be able to feel. I do not lurk under the sky long, by day I quest for food in the labyrinthine passageways beneath my hotel. I do not know how far they reach but I have traveled half an hour in each direction so far and they show little signs of stopping. Toronto is not so much a city as an underground mall, choked with fashion and battery stores and bagel shops.

Each night I visit dignitaries who do not share my taste in food. Last night I was served a shitake goulash, when i do not eat mushroom, drowning in capsicum, which could have easily killed my companion several dozen times over.

But through this I have discovered several things:
Firstly this country opens at ten am, and jet lag will wake you at five.
Secondly, bagels suck and I do not know what anyone sees in them.
Thirdly, somewhere I remember going past a shop called good hand... Which I can only assume specialized in hand jobs.
Finally I visited a store called jugojuice and had a copabanana which I liked.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hnn, Ironic Echo...

I hope things get better there Nunu, at least past the minor details of apparently being trapped in a cold, inhospitable labyrinth of fashion, battery and bagel shops.

And good luck on the history course OAMP.

Lemmeh think... illness subsided, wewt?

On the other hand, having the door bounce off one's chair and into one's knee-cap is mildly uncomfortable.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Nunu's Canadian update:
The surface is choked with dregs of people and the smell of sewage, what life there is seems rugged up to battle a cold I seem to barely be able to feel. I do not lurk under the sky long, by day I quest for food in the labyrinthine passageways beneath my hotel. I do not know how far they reach but I have traveled half an hour in each direction so far and they show little signs of stopping. Toronto is not so much a city as an underground mall, choked with fashion and battery stores and bagel shops.

Each night I visit dignitaries who do not share my taste in food. Last night I was served a shitake goulash, when i do not eat mushroom, drowning in capsicum, which could have easily killed my companion several dozen times over.

But through this I have discovered several things:
Firstly this country opens at ten am, and jet lag will wake you at five.
Secondly, bagels suck and I do not know what anyone sees in them.
Thirdly, somewhere I remember going past a shop called good hand... Which I can only assume specialized in hand jobs.
Finally I visited a store called jugojuice and had a copabanana which I liked.

Hey, don't be judging the entire country based on experiences in Toronto. That'd be like going to a wharf in Sydney and thinking that the entirety of Australia was much the same. The differences between provinces and even individual cities in the larger provinces can be rather astounding.

I've never had very good experiences in Toronto, myself preferring smaller towns and rural areas, where the day starts at 5-6 in the morning depending on your profession. My theory: Toronto blows. Beware of reservists beating old homeless women to death, and the gangs.

And damn your bagel hating ways. They are delicious, I don't see how you can't not like one... unless you don't like bread.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I never said I was hating on it. Actualy it's got a nice novelty to it all. I just felt like going a bit metro 2033 on y'all.

As for bagels, well there just like a roll, but with a worse texture and taste and with a hole in the middle that really just makes them harder to eat.

Also what is with these countries that don't include tax in the price, in Australia everything has a price written on it and that's what you pay, really a superior system. I don't care how much money they is getting, just how much I have to give them. It's like they are on a war against exact change.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

There are some places that include the tax in the princes, but it's not common. It bugs me too.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Also what is with these countries that don't include tax in the price, in Australia everything has a price written on it and that's what you pay, really a superior system.

That must be nice..

Have a good trip Nunu!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'd rather that system, but there's definitely some getting used to, cuz there are places here that DO include it and don't tell you, so you double tip.

So I just go the Mr. Pink route, that's the best system. As evident by the fact he lives.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I never said I was hating on it. Actualy it's got a nice novelty to it all. I just felt like going a bit metro 2033 on y'all.

As for bagels, well there just like a roll, but with a worse texture and taste and with a hole in the middle that really just makes them harder to eat.

Fuck you. Bagels are awesome.

Also what is with these countries that don't include tax in the price, in Australia everything has a price written on it and that's what you pay, really a superior system. I don't care how much money they is getting, just how much I have to give them. It's like they are on a war against exact change.

Because people are stupid and when you say "This bed costs $2999," they get it into their head that they're paying $2,000 instead of $3,000. Makes the sale easier. It's sleezy and cheap, but hey, whatever makes the corporations more money, right? I was actually quite surprised when I learned that it worked; at first I thought people were smart enough to know the difference.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Bagels are awesome, and are on average usually better than other options like rolls. HOWEVER, at the appropriate given times, rolls are always better than bagels. When they're freshly baked and soft and almost buttery by themselves, bagels are delicious, but so are rolls. When they start to get hard, bagels are a little bit more tolerable to me, but I understand that fact that, unlike a lot of rolls, the hard outer crust of a bagel becomes shell-like and difficult.

I just think the hole is good strategic placement for being able to cut open a freshly baked bagel so you may spread your favorable edible innards across and enjoy.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Because people are stupid and when you say "This bed costs $2999," they get it into their head that they're paying $2,000 instead of $3,000. Makes the sale easier. It's sleezy and cheap, but hey, whatever makes the corporations more money, right? I was actually quite surprised when I learned that it worked; at first I thought people were smart enough to know the difference.

You think we don't have prices at $2999? It's just $2999 after tax.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Bagals are only good with cream cheese on them. Also my town used to be bagal capital of the world, and we have bagal fest...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Fuck you. Bagels are awesome.

Because people are stupid and when you say "This bed costs $2999," they get it into their head that they're paying $2,000 instead of $3,000. Makes the sale easier. It's sleezy and cheap, but hey, whatever makes the corporations more money, right? I was actually quite surprised when I learned that it worked; at first I thought people were smart enough to know the difference.

Bagels rock. Pizza bagels rock harder.

Huh. I always assumed people rounded $2999 to $3000, not down to $2000. Maybe the people I hang out with aren't as stupid as I thou- *friend runs by with hair ablaze* ... nevermind...

I agree that it's bullshit that they don't include tax already anyways, since, as you said, it makes people think they're not going to pay as much as they actually will (that $2999 bed comes out to a little under $3180 at 6% sales tax; of course, that's assuming there aren't any ADDITIONAL fees).
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I have to join the bagel team. There's just something about a toasted warm, chewy bagel that brightens my frosty mornings. Even though I love bread in general, cream cheese doesn't seem to go with anything else. And there's all those flavors and options....strawberry, peanut butter, humus, veggies, nutella. The options are endless.

I don't know about pizza bagel though Kusanagi ^_^ I always thought the cheese on those was a little wierd looking.