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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Apology

Consider this my public apology since the last one must have been too hard for some to grasp
Also fuck you and your faggot ass -rep comments, and since we're on the topic,
you only do that shit cause you're too pussy to come say it to my fuckin face fag.

Toon Pimp Wannabe ass bitches.

Nice abridged version, so I'll say it to your face since you so desperately want it.

Stop changing your attitude every 5 minutes. Stop trying to jump from being a troll, to someone attempting to be a valuable member of the community, and back to being an asshole. That last -rep you got was from me, I usually sign them, but it slipped my mind this time.

So why don't you calm down. Cause I was close to forgiving you for your bullshit remarks earlier on, but this sudden turn around to head back down that road is just damn annoying to me.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

If you were smoking the ganja, we could call you "blazin" too.
Re: Apology

Nice abridged version, so I'll say it to your face since you so desperately want it.

Stop changing your attitude every 5 minutes. Stop trying to jump from being a troll, to someone attempting to be a valuable member of the community, and back to being an asshole. That last -rep you got was from me, I usually sign them, but it slipped my mind this time.

So why don't you calm down. Cause I was close to forgiving you for your bullshit remarks earlier on, but this sudden turn around to head back down that road is just damn annoying to me.

Look mom, you musta got me fucked up somewhere along the line but I'm going to lay it bare for your ass. If I feel offended I will speak on it, and boo fucking hoo if you forgive me or not, okay?

Gah you parade your forgiveness and popularity around like you're offering me the holy grail or a wedding ring or some shit. Save it, as I could give a seagull's flying fuck what you do with that horse in the clouds or how you feel about my opinion of how the Police or how Lara Croft affects your overly sensitive ass or how it disrupts your entire fucking universe. This is as calm as it gets when I try to be as cordial and docile as possible after the first petty ass hypersensitive tiff over bullshit politics that your little prepubescent boobie worshipper fanclub hopped to your side for when there are better topics to be arguing over. I even politely asked please understand I'm new to this, meaning it will take some adaptation to, yanno some getting used to the mingling done at this place, social circles to follow, people to avoid, what-have-you, and I'll be damned if I even conceded to what I thought would possibly be a sociably acceptable (albeit humbling, if anything) gesture: public apology/do shit your way.

This might be a repeat, but I even admitted (meaning swallowed pride and pleaded) "hey I need the community's help, guidance, direction, etc., teach me how to forum" (not easy for men to do sometimes) yet was told that this gesture was meaningless, not before but AFTER my logical, cordial, polite, and/or proper apology was given which still did not staunch the tide of negativity nor quell any contempt headed my way, just what the fuck did you expect me to do? Fold in half for your ass? Maybe it wasn't you yourself that kicked me while I was down, asking for understanding, help, guidance and/or wisdom, but you've got some hive-minded fucks out here who just saw the opportunity to be far too tempting to pass up I guess.

So, instead of compromising and asskissing to the people I feel I've made at least some effort toward a happy medium or better, only to have it be said my efforts are or perhaps were in vain, I abridged my apology into something I can now respect and believe in, something I can stand by that's true and very simple to follow: if you're cool with me, cool! I got hella hentai, some awesome shit to smoke, some great rp ideas, and if you got a video or game you want me to gnab for you? Say no more, I got you homie! Oh We're not cool? Ha, well fuck you too then scrub! Who the fuck are you to me? There was little to value from your shallow mind anyway, go crawl back under your rock and exist somewhere else and leave mine alone or we gonna have problems.

Stop acting like toonpimp's niece and take a seat before you trip over your damn self, avoid the noid or whatever the fuck you gotta do, because honestly I owe you absolutely nothing, and wipe my ass with your meaningless -rep. The only thing I have to be sorry for is meeting assholes like you who have no sense of the word patience, compassion, understanding, or acceptance. So kindly go fuck yourself if you have nothing helpful or constructive to add, but please do have a nice day. :)
Re: Apology

If my rub my nose in it enough, I may yet still have some of the smell left to savor!

How predictable of you.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Okay Magus, you're officially one of my favourite people now. Not that that means anything really, but that post really impressed me.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Great. Now there are TWO volatile sociopaths. We better break out the castrating shears, or they'll start to procreate.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

If it makes you feel any better, I didn't think you were a jerk.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Great. Now there are TWO volatile sociopaths. We better break out the castrating shears, or they'll start to procreate.

I'm not volatile.

And who's not a jerk?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hm. Strangely reminded of daffodils.

In other news, I now have a legal defence for possessing RIFs in the UK. Good times.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Eh, was gonna post this in giddy earlier, but it's more of a neutral thing. The amusement park idea didn't pan out today, so we went to the state capitol and went to a bunch of museums and stuff about Lincoln. Was actually a pretty good trip, even if it isn't the standard "fun" stuff.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So I was going to set up my graphic tablet on my laptop today. After looking through the box and realising what an unholy amount of wires it has as well as everything you need to do to get it running properly I think I'm going to just wait until I get my desktop PC. Though now I'm going to have to get it built earlier than I wanted.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm gonna simply stop reading Magus posts from now on.

Hm. Strangely reminded of daffodils.

In other news, I now have a legal defence for possessing RIFs in the UK. Good times.


Reminds me that I need to get my license back sometime. I let it expire. I've got plans for spending some of this money I'm collecting right now.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

When suddenly...

Z0mg loudspeaker:
Hey everyone, I have an important announcement to make

I finally feel like a member here, after all the shit that's happened lol
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Reading this page alone makes me feel like I'm missing out on something when I stopped reading Everything Else.