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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

As they say, Chibs, you do what you have to do. Just remember that you know how to get ahold of me outside of here if you need to. Not sure how much help I'd be, but I can always be an ear.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

You gotta do what you gotta do. Take your time and do whatever it is you have to chibi; no need to hurry.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'm a little late in posting this, but yours truly is now a certified pharmacy technician, at the very least within my company. That means no real change to my duties and a pay increase. I like this.

It also means that I (technically) outrank the one girl that gives me the most grief at work (I think. Fairly sure she's not tech certified. At least not yet.)

Now if the full moon insanity would just stop for a week so we can catch up, that'd be grand.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Congrats, Copper.

On an unrelated note, my response times, at least in RPs, may be lengthened for a bit... My computer crapped out, and I'm having to wait on getting the replacement. So, I'll have to raid access from Hardware until I can get teched back up.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Double-post, but... Please note that there's a brief experiment underway involving computing tech and a spare thunderstorm... Will update in a bit with results.

EDIT: I've done it. I've Done It! IT LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (maniacal mad-scientist laughter)
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Double-post, but... Please note that there's a brief experiment underway involving computing tech and a spare thunderstorm... Will update in a bit with results.

EDIT: I've done it. I've Done It! IT LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (maniacal mad-scientist laughter)

Well this bodes good news... As long as the news suddenly doesn't start talking about riots or bird flue or anything.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Nah. Just got a new computer up and running to replace the old one that crapped out.

And it's an improvement when it comes to the hardware specs for gaming, so that's another bonus. Just felt like throwing out some random Frankenstein references.
Wish me Luck!

I got an interview in a little while for a job. I seriously need it, otherwise I won't have a house to live in. So here's hoping I get it, aye?
Re: Wish me Luck!

I got an interview in a little while for a job. I seriously need it, otherwise I won't have a house to live in. So here's hoping I get it, aye?

This is 4 days later,but I'm wishing you luck! :)
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Whelp, mentioned this in the news thread, but...

So, with the U.S. Government shut-down, my family's income is effectively down to just what I'm making on my single, part-time job. Which means that, unless a swift and sudden end to this mess is found, we may end up having to suspend our internet availability until both the shutdown, and other fallout from it, is dealt with.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So I recovered my arm movility and will be able to post again. (yaaayy~)
The whole reason why I couldn't post is now written in the Hate Thread, in case you want to read a nice little story.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh lordy. This was just a drive-by checking in, as I can't be around this evening, but you know how to reach me if you need me, Chibs.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh, snap. Chibs...

The shortest posts can sometimes say the most can't they. : (
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Eh, so I was upset for like... 4 hours maybe? Then I realized I'm free. Free of the guilt trips and the nagging about the house and his inability to understand why feminism is still needed, free from him not understanding why i love a TV show the way that I do, free of the fights, the asshatery.

And he is free of my dysfunctional attitude and my medical issues. So fuck him. I'm free.

And I'm moving to Arizona in a month and a half.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Uh. As far as the Arizona thing goes, I hate asking for help but I kind of need it right now. If you're willing to toss a buck or two my way (if you can, I'm not judging) I need all the help i can get. So uh... Shoot me a PM if you can.

But don't put yourself out because of me.

Sorry for the double post, but this was important too.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

On an unrelated note, spoke with Siphon. He is still alive and kicking and will return when he can after doing things and stuff.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So the girl I thought of as my other half has left me to go after another guy. Triying to dissipate the pain with some good ol' chocolate ice cream.