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Milk Love.

Re: Milk Love.

C, because there's no way to truly determine what action will have what consequence, so I pick at random.
Re: Milk Love.

The gods of randomness demand.. A!
Re: Milk Love.

(This battle is testing the way you pay attention to how each tentacle is described. Hnnhnn...)
Re: Milk Love.

When giving limited information, grammar checks help. Since it could be going for her legs, but also could be trying to go over her head, and I'm assuming you meant "it's about to jump to her shoulders and chest" or some variant of, I'm keeping my vote the same.
Re: Milk Love.

I'm going with C. Protect the breasts of hp!
Re: Milk Love.

(I'll try to be more descript. It's hard without making things too easy or too hard.)

Kanami swishes her arms right in the middle of her direction, but the tendril just hops on her shoulders. Kanami squints cutely as it suckles at her face. She stumbles back a bit, distracted.

Lila feels the sucker tendril take one of her nipples. Lila squeaks at the pulling motion, causing her body to tense up. "KYU.... Kanami!!!!!"

Lila's Milk -15

Lila would be able to escape with each tentacle eliminated without distraction. Kanami eliminates the one on her face, panting as she looks to the next one. This one seems to look to her tummy and breasts. It prepares to launch....

A.) High

B.) Low

C.) Middle
Re: Milk Love.

C. They may or may not be clever, but I'm betting that it's waiting for her to move either up or down. Expect it to play the waiting game and keep it away from her sensitive places. (if.... if we really really want to that is...hehe)
Re: Milk Love.

Again C. Kanami has milk for hp. So let them have their fun with her other parts but we must protect her breasts! Its not like these things can impregnate her...
Re: Milk Love.

The tentacle didn't aim for her head or her legs. It tries to hop onto her bust to try to squeeze it. She swips the syringe to the front of her. Nailing the Sucker Tendril. It disappears.

Sucker Swarm HP: 3/4

Lila struggles more and more, the one tendril still suckling at her nipple. "Kyuu.... hhhh.... hhhah....." She gulps a bit, her breast tingling.

Lila Milk: -15

The next tendril slitthers up her leg. Hoping to suckle at her hips. Kanami waits for the right moment....

A.) Low

B.) Middle

C.) High
Re: Milk Love.

Again B. But from the way you phrase it, the sucker tendril is heading for her flower. Sooo, depending on otheres logic, depends on if I change my vote.
Re: Milk Love.

Lila sort of gave the format away for this battle, and Lila (the character) is going to keep having her HP drained away while we're fighting, so we should kill them as fast as possible since she can't heal. Even if we get jumped by another one that happens to suck some of Kanami's HP, as has been mentioned, she can heal herself. Lila's damage is permanent.

So I choose A
Re: Milk Love.

A. It's aiming low. Milk and sexual frenzy have been going deliciously hand-in-hand. Having tendrils probing her nethers could lead to her squirting her milk from the thrill.

At least if I were a sucker tendril, that would be my goal. Food flooding out for my brethren...
Re: Milk Love.

EDIT: Okay, not sure why I couldn't find the last page... that was strange.

I vote A.
Re: Milk Love.

A for reasons stated above.
Re: Milk Love.

Kanami reaches down and stabs the Sucker Tendril with the Syringe. Thankfully, Lila got free of the one on her breast. She still struggles in the swarm. Her teeth clenged as she looks to Kanami.

Sucker Swarm HP: 2/4

This time two Sucker Tendrils slink around Kanami's feet. She looks around as they circle her for a bit.... Then she

A.) Arches back, risking her bust, but having a chance of flipping over in case one strikes her leg all the while attacking the one behind her.

B.) Steps on one behind her while thrusting the syringe into the one in front, risking her completely if the other happens to slime its way out from under her foot.

C.) Lets them both latch onto her breasts, taking another syringe out. Risking getting her arms pinned, but has a great chance of vanquishing them.
Re: Milk Love.

C. If she baits them, she'll know where they'll be.

The only question is now.. does she have the focus to vanquish them if they both latch on to her? She can do it!
Re: Milk Love.

A. This would actually get rid of one sucker tendril, while maybe allowing the other to latch onto her.