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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Nice, you shouldnt be worried as that time we get there without too much problems. Blanche said as she chuckle and get up, giving a hug to the elf before said than tehy give her some minutes to get her weapons and talk with Lizzy.

Meanwhile Qamra ponder not for much the elf orders, vow then to her and dont objection any of it. We will do our best to improve our team work with the townpeople, i will imform Ramza about ours goals, as i doubt than NoomNoom can end her "social tasks" to help us. Neither Moonlight or Qamra looks to be angry or surprised with NoomNoom choices at the human town, as if that was the best than they could wait of her. The humans meanwhile looks to be pleased, not much time was needed for the one in charge to answer to Celine.

There was not much information than our Goddess share with us about the beasthumans in her chambers, we only get some orders to take some lucky ones to her and the rest were saved later by your people or still remain inside the tunnels... It could be still possible to still save these lasts but we would need a lot of luck to find and restore their minds. About the dark guardians we can only share four more not counting the one under Blanche's care.

Moonlight was tense, her tail rise up in middle high and her fluffy ears tensed to her back, eyes aiming to the humans after heard what had happened with the great mistress's soldiers than were captured, Qamra sense it and stay looking at her showing dominace in her posture and the dark guardians also have their attention in them. If werent for Celine rubs on her belly and kiss on Moonlight cheek to change her attention, this would had caused an incident.

I only require a lot of meat, few grains and vegetables, two times per day and water. Im fine with these clothes for the moment. Moonlight inform to the humans as this close her arms at her fronts and give some intimidation to them between her cold words. It was not strange for her to act like this, not after heard what had happened with many people of a lot of races, it could be possible than some wolf girls were some of the victims. If is possible we should explore the tunnels, we heard a lot of moans from females for certain in our way to get to this town. Now, i request your forgiveness for leav now, in my state i require to rest on a warm bed. Please take care Celine, you are more important than any of us and i will not forgive myself if something happens to you without be there to protect you. Said this she give a warm hug to the elf before depart to where Celine was resting.


With Blacnhe ready to depart and Aisha with them, the three girls depart with the group od Dark Guardians, the high defense and lack of monstergirls out of Aisha was too much for so low to earn so at the end they dont face anything, taking just a pair of hours to get to the Temple's doors and after knock at them a little they decide to get inside as there was no one opening the doors. The place looks to be abandoned, yet Celine noticed some weak hits to a door of the many around where the Goddess was in her throne the first time than they meet...yet this time the throne was empty, small mewls follow the hits in the door and the rest of these have weak moans.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine nodded to Blanche and returned her hug with a bright smile, waiting for Blanche to return so they could go. "Alright Qamra, I believe in you all. Just remain calm, cool, and collected, and I feel that we can all become much closer the more we help one another," Celine told Qamra, patting her on the shoulder and smiling.

After the human woman spoke again, Celine noticed how tense and angry Moonlight and Qamra both seemed to be getting, and she calmed them both, Moonlight with her kiss and love, and Qamra by what she did to Moonlight mostly. "Alright then, we'll just have to see what we can do about locating the others once we've spoken with your goddess then," Celine replied to the human lady, before looking to Moonlight when she spoke up again. "Alright love, go and rest okay, the children need you to be in good health so that they'll be healthy, okay. And look sweetie, I know that you're tense, and worried about being here with the humans and stuff. But I promise you, as long as you're kind to them, they'll be kind to you. Right ladies?" she then said to Moonlight, before asking the humans around her in a kind and gentle tone if they would be kind to Moonlight in exchange for her being kind back, mostly towards the leader since she seemed like she could get things done and people would listen.

Once that was over and done with, Celine would head out with Blanche, after making sure Moonlight had a good bed and everything that she'd need for now.


Heading out with Blanche, Aisha, and the dark guardians, Celine kept herself at the ready and kept her eyes open for any monsters along the way to the temple. She hoped nothing would attack them, but it never hurt to be prepared at least. When they arrived, thankfully without incident, Celine knocked on the doors, but nobody answered. She grew curious, and a little worried as she stood there with the others, where she decided with the others to open the doors. Moving in, Celine looked around, but saw nobody inside, the goddess wasn't on her throne like before, and none of the guards were about either. When she heard the moans and mewls, Celine looked to the others and began opening the doors around the throne, one by one, and freeing the captives within, knowing that they would all be incredibly weakened most likely from their ordeals, and then she would search out the goddess, closing the main temple doors behind them and barring them shut if possible first.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Qamra promise to have all in order, soon ready to leave with some of the Dark Guardians and humans to inform the rest of comunity. Meanwhile Moonlight sigh and hugs Celine, her beautiful face bury at the elven's brests as she nuzzle a little on them to calm and let her scent of the elven... of course than once Celine let free her slime would fade a little, what would be needed if the elf want to remain in control of her lust.

Jessica, how name herself the black haired woman accept to be kind with Moonlight and the rest of theirs guests, the others accept it too, as it was easy to relax by how cute and helpless the silver wolf girl look, more at the side of the armed high size Qamra, of course than Celine know than her lover was more than a sexy cute girl.

Moonlight remain on the same room and easily could rest peacefully in the bunch of blankets than Celine used as bed.


Once in the temple, Celine dont wasted time in free the Great Mistress people, they looks to be a little confused and half sleep, most of them were succubi and demons, of course there were some beast girls and Lina was with them as also another two of her kind. Lina of course hugs the elf once free and the elven could notice just a bed in each room and looks like all were feeded and treathed well enough to dont get sick there, yet their weak state show than the Goddess drain most of tehir energy before leave.

All were close to leave when the beasts girls stop and turn to a hidden chamber behind the throne and a large huge red flag with the goddess symbol on the wall. Behind the flag a golden door was locked and sounds of mewls and babies come from it. If Celine dont open it Lizzy would do it or Blanche. There in a luxury bed Cassie was sleeping with two little baby catgirls mewling in needs for food.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine cuddled Moonlight against her breasts as she hugged the silver haired wolf girl lovingly. Once she was sure that Moonlight was going to be alright, and got the name of the human leader lady, Celine headed on out with the others.


Opening the doors and whatnot, Celine found Lina, among several other succubi, demons, and even a couple of other gargoyle girls. Celine moved to hug and then help Lina sit down to rest a bit, seeing how weak she and everyone else was. It seemed that at least they had all been treated well enough as could be expected, and that they were at least fed and given a bed to rest in. It was still a horrible thing to have been done to them though, Celine thought to herself.

When they were about to leave though, Celine saw a couple of the rescued beast girls pointing to the wall behind the throne, where a hidden door was at. She opened it a few moments later and stepped inside. When she saw Cassie, safe and sound, Celine almost burst into tears as she rushed over, quietly of course. "C-Cassie, Cassie wake up, it's Celine. I'm here to rescue you," Celine whispered to Cassie, giving her a little shake.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Followed by Aisha and Blanche, the elf went to get closer to the sleeping mother. Her skimpy armor was helpful in her stealth attemp and in no time she was at a side of the bed where with her wet eyes could see the missing Cassie and the two beautiful but still very small baby nekos.

Her whisper yet mostly the touch on Cassie made the human in mother instinct try to protect her babies by the unexpected event. hmm... hng, ahm Celine? Cassie ask as she try to awake and notice than she was not draming and her childrens were fine. Wearing a plain summer dress she turn to the elf voice as her eyes opened. Of course she tried to dont scare her babies so she mantain her voice close as a whisper.

Celine!? Im glad to see you again, we were waiting for you... Are these two yours friends? Cassie ask as her happiness let chance to her eyes to notice the others two women at the bedroom with them.

Ahm then you are Cassie. My name is Blance and this beautiful lady is Aisha, is a pleasure to meet you, Celine has been looking for you for a long time. The blonde human said before Aisha get closer.

What should we do now Celine? There are at least two dozen of ours girls and mostly all need time to be able to defend themselves... should we take them to the human town or the camp outside?

Blanche then let all ponder before take the word. We cant bring the ones than looks as demons to our town and these two littles could make the big cat than attacked us return again, at least that is what my people will supose.

Cant we just stay here until my babies grow up a little? I dont like the idea of bring them to that palace and they need me so i cant let the nekos have them, at least not now. Cassie said as she remain resting on her bed, ready to feed the babies when these awake. Meanwhile Celine notice than the rescued girls were resting in the main hall, she was sure to had noticed some with fluffy tails, maybe just fox girls but in the worst case a wolf girl was between them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As she gently shook Cassie and saw her be all protective of the babies, Celine held her hands up and shushed her. "No no Cassie, it's me, Celine. Yeah, it's me," Celine replied quickly to calm Cassie.

"Yeah, they are. As Blanche said, this is Aisha, from the palace and stuff, and this is Blanche, she's from the human town here," Celine told Cassie, introducing both of her companions in a soft voice so as not to wake the babies.

When Aisha asked her where they should take the people from inside, Celine sighed, especially after Blanche said what she did. "The camp would be better Aisha, yes. But there's no way these people could make the journey without getting captured by the monsters, not with them being as weak as they are right now. No, we'll have take them to the town. I hate to say it Blanche, but it's kinda their responsibility to make sure they're safe after all, considering your goddess is the one that put them in the state they're now in and all. Unless she herself can see them out with her powers that is, then I see no other option than to head out by way of the town at least, and they can't stay here, because they'll starve," Celine told Aisha, crossing her arms as she thought things over, glancing to see what Blanche's and Lizzy's reactions would be.

As she waited for Blanche to speak back up, Celine glanced outside to check on everyone, and she looked for any wolf girls, knowing that would make things a lot more tense between the humans here, and her wolf girls back in town. If she spotted one, Celine knew that she would have to think of something, and fast, to say to diffuse the situation.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Cassie and the babies calmed soon, as the tone of the ones in the room fade into whispers, until let all heard the little cute whines mewls from the new borns as they stay sleeping looking for Cassie's breasts.

Oh my, that hurts Celine... placing responsability in someone for cause of theirs gods acts...

Its all fine... just let me thing for a moment. Blache said interrupting Aiisha who was amazed yet not angry from the elven's words. Meanwhile Celine take a moment to check the rescued people resting in the main hall, there were mostly succubi and demons, but also gargoyles, lizarkinds and beastgirls, between them some fox girls and unfortunately after a more close peek between them a wolf girl of brown hair.

Suddenly Blanche hold softly the elven's shoulder to call her attention and whisper to her to dont be noticed by the others. Celine, we may have a little problem here. Lizzy cant detect the scent of our goddess and that mean than if we take this people in huge number to our town we will be attacked in any moment at our hidden path... maybe even guide a huge number of monsters to our town.

The girls then return to the bedroom chamber where Aisha and Cassie were focused on the babies until their return and so the talk continue with the door closed. I vote for take three or two of them and two dark guardians, then return and bring more dark guardians and food...

Or maybe we could find some food here, so we could rest some days, maybe that woman return and she could help us Cassie add after Aisha, giving to Celine more options, yet of course the elf could stay with her choice and risk all in a travel.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

At Aisha's words, Celine sighed again a little bit, feeling a little bad, but at the same time wanting to help the people here. "I'm not trying to be mean Aisha, and Blanche. But I can't just leave these people here either, and I hope you understand that too," Celine said, looking to Aisha and Blanche.

When Aisha gave her suggestion, Celine nodded. "That seems to be the only option and stuff at the moment I think, for the humans wouldn't allow them to come, and without the goddess here to help get them there, we can't risk moving them," Celine told Aisha and Blanche about bringing food to the temple for everyone, looking a bit miffed about everything. "I think Aisha's idea is the best, taking a few dark guardians with us and traveling to the town for a bit of food until we can find the goddess. I'll go back with the dark guardians to the town and explain the situation to them with Blanche, can you stay here with everyone else, Aisha?" Celine then whispered.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Looking the mind state of the elf after see the many problems to acomplish their mission, Aisha decided to softly get close and hug her, undressing herself first if Celine have slime leaking from her body. Yes, let me take care of the fort until your return.

All will be fine Celine, just try to remember than all these girls than we are trying to save are soldiers, so once they get better they will help you and accept yours commands. She ended with a kiss on Celine's cheek before end her hug at the upset elf.

Maybe i should be informed first about that human town, but this place should have some food and water somewhere... but i dont know exactly where as i was most of the time locked in this room. Cassie inform Celine, as the human remain resting on the bed, for the small of the baby nekos she must had given birth in not more of two days ago, certainly as just a human she would need a few more days to get fully recovered.

Fine, lets depart with Lizzy and another Dark Guardian, it must be enough to protect both of us, Celine. After Blanche words, Lizzy growls and soon the four start to prepare all for their walk back to the town. If Celine was still holding her slime, she would need to stop her cancel slime spell in middle of their walk, slowly the scent cause the monsters in the tunnels notice them, yet as they have two dark guardians the number looks to be not so high.

Just maybe ten minuts before reach the town some steps of at least three creatures were getting closer. Blanche was busy with Lizzy to notice them, but the dark guardians give the alarm to her... We are so close, should we run or face them? Blanche ask trying to heard in which condition the elf was. Celine was armed with her sword made of beasts and her magic armor, both inmune to monster fluids and her own slime what have her slighty hard and aroused, meanwhile Blanche only have an axe and wears some rags than wouldnt melt but wouldnt protect her precious places in a close fight

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Thank you Aisha, I appreciate it," Celine told Aisha with a smile. "And I hope you're right. The rest of the great mistress's soldiers won't follow my orders, or even heed my requests and or suggestions," she added.

Looking to Cassie when she spoke, Celine asked Aisha to help find that food and water for them to have for now, and to inform Cassie of everything, while she took Blanche, Lizzy, and one of the other dark guardians with her and headed out of the temple. She made sure that everyone inside shut the doors and barred them shut just in case monsters attacked, to keep them safe in their weakened states.

Nodding to Blanche when she was ready to go, Celine led the way out and kept herself at the ready to fight. Celine had indeed been holding her slime back as much as she could, but she knew that she had to let it out or risk going into another frenzy, and she may fuck the first thing she saw, monster or not. Upon hearing the monsters closing in on them though, Celine couldn't help but feel a little worried. "No, we can't risk running and leading them to the town Blanche, I hate to say it but we must fight. I... I'll stay in the front with the dark guardians, you keep anything else from getting in behind us okay. But we do need to try and ambush them at least I think, so everyone, I'll stay out where they can see me, while you three stay in the shadows and attack when they get really close, and are really focused on me," Celine said to Blanche, drawing her sword and preparing to fight as the others got ready to enact their ambush.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Just let me talk with them, after all you has come here to save them, Aisha answer with a wink, certainly trying to give to the elf more confidence. Some time later Aisha accepted to inform to Cassie about all what has happened and their mission, yet Celine was sure than Aisha was looking to the Dark Guardians most of their time talking until the elf and their group leave once some of the rescued girls helped to secured the doors.


Time later and taking the choice to stop the creatures in an ambush, Blanche accept leaving to Celine decide their tactic, of course than the human said to Celine to take care before try to hide her scent at the side of Lizzy and the other dark guardian hide close of them as Lizzy does.

Soon the steps of the beasts get closer and Celine could see them face to face as theirs hard members and tendrils squirm in deligh for the fertile fute elf. A huge moving stone where sproud tendrils crawling in lust was the smaller and slow of them, feets ahead of it a werewolf moss clarge creature roar at the others, yet the one at his side a slimy male with three hard members dont care at all. Finally the echoe of strong steps calm the trio as a demonic aberration with a large member and tendrils in his back take the lead.

The demonic humanoid rush toward Celine who dont have the time to hit first, the creature show inteligence as it rush and make a feint as one of his tendrils take ablind spot on Celine and stop her armed weapon restraining it as she is forceful pushed to the wall, there was not pain at all as she hit the wall. The hard dick was pressing directly to her belly as it as a snake curve toward her flower, the virile scent so potent and so giant member say her than it could sattle in instants any succubi or demoness. Then two heavy hits push the creature away of the elven doll and then a third hit the beast, pushing it away.

The ambush worked in part, but the terrible being looks to still be able to hold a long fight before fall.

Celine got a hit and the stronger monster get three hits.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Seeing the monsters coming towards her, Celine gulped, feeling almost sorry she'd decided to stay here and fight. They were huge, and surely there was no way they could handle them, Celine thought at first. "N-No, we've got to try," She then thought to herself, readying herself for battle.

When the bigger beast comes at her, Celine steels herself and gasped as it feinted her, catching her sword arm with one of its strong hands. Thankfully it caused no pain, but as soon as she felt its dick rubbing against her body, Celine couldn't suppress a soft moan. Celine was slammed against the wall, and she knew that if the others hadn't been there with her, that she very likely would have been raped hard by this creature. Thankfully though, Blanche and both dark guardians came in and hit the beast, driving it off of Celine.

"Alright everyone, take the big one down. If it looks like the others will start encroaching on us while we do so, then I'll keep them busy while you finish the big one off, okay," Celine told the others, readying to jump back in and slash at the bigger one again.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I never seen this kind of monsters but we should be fine..." Blanche answer, her words could be mostly to calm the elf, at least Celine notice some confidence in her smile as the dark guards get into action.

Celine free now of the weight from the powerful beast can finally use her sword. Her attack fast and right to retreat, causing a deep wound of the creature who was close to hold her again yet her speed and the next attack of the Dark Guards stop that to happen. It was something brutal to see, limbs breaking and odd blood from the beasts come out, there was some regeneration but the Dark Guardians were just too much in experience to kill these beasts. Rage and Agony in roars than echoe in the distance, each one able to cold the blood of mortal humanoids not used to it. A blood bath and still the demonic creature looks to survive somehow but not for so long.

Of course, Blanche cant be so deadly with her axe as the duo of dark creatures, now than the strongers creatures were busy, the others three monsters see the two skimpy dressed breeders for them to steal of the battlefield, yet Blanche was more close and so they aim for her first, the human mostly dodge every tendril and hand toward her but then that slimy creature reaform his limbs and secured the human in place, the slime tried to eliminate her weapon and clothes but these were resistent to the slime, still Blanche cant be the same at the aphrodisiac on it. ".I... i cant resist it for so long... they will try to take us.. be careful Celine." Blanche said worried more for Celine's safety than herself.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I haven't either, just focus on defeating them and then we can move on to the town," Celine told Blanche, preparing to fight.

Quickly slashing her blade at the creature, Celine managed to force it back with the help of both dark guardians, before it could grab her again. She stepped back with Blanche after that, upon seeing the other creatures coming towards the two of them. Seeing Blanche in danger, Celine slashed at the slime creature, hoping to hack off the pieces of it that were holding Blanche in place so the other ones couldn't get her, though Celine would kick out at them to drive them back if they came close again.

"I'll be fine Blanche, you stay behind me okay. I can handle more in this new body than you can," Celine said, pulling Blanche behind her if she managed to free her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

There was not time for Blanche to ask about the meaning of Celine's words about have a new body, as she needed to find a way to escape of the grapple of her captor. Something than managed after Celine attempts to free the human. The elven's sword dont get in time to hit the slime wraping her ally, but Blanche's axe gets to do the job. The creature of course wouldnt get back so easily now close theirs targets and soon more of the slime went towards Celine this time, as this get between him and the blonde human.

The battle between the dark creatures and the biggest monster take more time of the expected, as the beast fight with all his will to survive, hurting the duo a little in the process.


All said and done the battle with the terrible beast and the dark guardians ended, there was some wounds in the two Dark Guardians but nothing than could affect them in confront the last three beasts.

Meanwhile Celine see herself trapped in the desair given by the slime limbs pleasuring her and trying to prepare her for a quick escape. The werewolf creature join the grapple and his powerful hand wanted to hurt Celine's armed hand to remove her sword and lift her, but this time Blanche wound the werefolf the enough to give some precious seconds to both women.

With two creatures close to take her far aaway, Celine needed a plan to give to the Dark Guardians time to come to save them or this battle will have terrible results.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Hacking at the slime creature, Celine didn't manage to cut Blanche free, but it made an opportunity for Blanche to free herself thankfully. Once she was freed, the pair readied to keep fighting. Pulling Blanche back, Celine took the brunt of the slime creature's slime attacks, while the dark guardians finished off the other larger creature.

By the time the two dark guardians had finished off the bigger monster, Celine was in dire straits and was fighting to keep from getting carried off by the slime monster. The slime's tendrils were pleasuring her, one stroking her cock to full mast very quickly, while others teased and caressed her. Celine was close to giving in from how good it felt, even as the wolf looking monster tried to disarm her, but Celine resisted as Blanche helped her. Celine quickly slashed downwards at the slime, trying to cut herself free from its grasp so it couldn't take her, as she began secreting her slime as much as possible to hopefully slip her free of its grasp, and to keep the werewolf looking creature from getting a good grip on her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine's armor was not of much help against the slime creature, the tendrils of this easily squirm below it, reaching at the elven's rod with ease. Then with some few strokes the pleasure on the elf was so intense than her mind betrayed her giving in the enough for her armor to get the order of get removed, exposing for all to view her completely hard cock and lustful balls. The tentacles never stop in their exquisite work aiming for her orbs and meat rod until Celine was losing the grip on her sword.

As Celine was losing herself in midle of the fight, Blanche have an almost impossible struggle to stop the werecreature to take Celine out of their view, her axe hurting the creature arms the enough to push him back, but as the two creatures were fighting for get the elf out, the third one has crawled the enough to make his move.

The huge rock with many tendrils know than move to the battlefield was a deadly choice with his low speed, so his tendrils aim direct to Celine's breasts and lower holes without a second thought, pounding hard at her already wet holes and with the aphrodisiac on her Celine moaned as a slut from the first thrust. Her feral moans made the Dark Creatures get awaken of their wild attacks to the already dead huge creature, but they were pretty far to come to help the elf. Celine was in a terrible danger, as the stone tendrils were rushing to lay its eggs on her, round objects already running through its vines to get at her womb.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine could feel the tentacles of the slime creature worming underneath her armor, grasping her cock and bringing it instantly to full mast. The pleasure was just too much, and Celine felt her body betraying her to the point, that it was just standing there, doing nothing as the slime creature took her armor off. Feeling the tentacles quickly darting in and caressing her cock and balls both, Celine felt herself unable to fight back, and her balls were swelling up with pent up seed that desired to escape.

"O-Oh no, not now... c-can't let it take me... s-so easily," Celine panted even as she felt her sword slipping from her hand and gripped it once more.

When the last creature, the slow moving rock like tentacled creature, came in close enough and shot its tentacles out at her, Celine was simply unable to move to dodge it. Feeling the tentacles hitting her breasts and teasing them, while another pair of breeding tentacles penetrated both of her lower holes, Celine fell to her knees, though she held onto her sword as strongly as she could, feebly swinging it in an almost vain attempt to free herself, though she did still have quite a bit of power in that swing. "B-Blanche, don't get c-caught too, please, I could never forgive myself," Celine called to Blanche, hoping to keep her friend from rushing to her aid which would only end up with them both being caught, Celine thought.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The elven will and courage were strong in her to protect the woman at her side, but the arousal was just more intense to make her new body act as she wish. With the lack of usual mass in her body, her first strike hit the rock and so solid defense made her weak hold release her sword. Helpless she was unable to do anything to hold her release and so she cum aloud for a minute at least, she could feel her body being unable to move a muscle now in such intense lust, loads of babycream were steal in quick suction from her manly parts for her to see the white stream dissapear inside the slimy creature.

Get her cock milked was not the only event happening, as at her same time her pussy and ass notice the intrusion of the warm fluid and eggs from the tentacles comming from the stone, it was as her female parts were getting a simultaneous peak, making the eggs get inside at the same time as her cock release a load for an endless minute of complete bliss. Her breasts of course werent forgiven and as some tendrils hit and wrap around them, others two get inside her nipples releasing drugs on her and so getting all ready for turn them into apair of new incubators for some small eggs getting each second toward her and soon isnide her breasts so the baby tendrils could feed directly of her milk, if Celine would had earned any pain this would had turned into an added pleasure thanks to her doll body, her own slime was already helping than she werent more than a lustful pudding.

As if i would let them take you, what face i will give to our daughter when she grow and ask me for you? Blanche said as her axe use that determination and anger to holds away the weremonster to take Celine's body from the battlefield. Even then the courage of both girls wouldnt be enough alone until finally the rage from the dark guardians fall over the slime creature and the werewolf monster. Blanche was pushed away of the combat, as Lizzy wanted no harm on her partner, it would be a quick and intense conflict, but as this happens Celine was held captive by the tentacles of the huge living rock, moving her to be with the face up and arched body, so it was then than her mouth get another tendril to impregnate her insides. She could feel her body getting quickly filled with eggs and there was still some strengh on her go look for her freedom yet this could make the tentacles get more wild, so she should make a choice quick before lost herself completely.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The pleasure just felt too good, and Celine couldn't resist it too well, and her last, feeble sword strike, failed to do any real damage to the rock like beast, and her blade then clattered to the ground. Falling to her knees, Celine began to thrust her hips in time with the suction from the slime tentacle surrounding her cock, her eyes beginning to roll up as she came aloud, moaning like crazy as she spurted rope after rope of her seed out to be gobbled up by the tentacle, stolen from her balls as she finished, a look of lust in her eyes and on her face.

Even as she came, Celine felt the rock like creature's tentacles pumping cum and eggs into her pussy and ass, and her breasts were teased until two smaller tentacles found purchase and began pumping smaller eggs and cum into them too, swelling them along with her body. The added pleasure of the eggs and cum pumping into her only heightened her orgasm and made her cum that much harder.

Celine knew that she had to struggle, when she heard Blanche call to her, and so Celine tried desperately to break free, flailing her arms to push the rock creature's tentacles off of her. "N-No I don't... want to leave. I've got... t-too much to do here, and too many people that I love that I can't afford to leave alone," Celine panted aloud, as she tried to break free of the creature.