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ACT Loli Ryona [Misinkoujou] Flower Witch (RJ256081)

So you all are speaking about reaching pass floor 50 to get to the the lab bonus room, but I was able to reach it after floor 36. I think the prerequisite has something to do with the other number counter when you do talk to the octopirate for results and how many floors you reached by far. Defeat of enemies perhaps?
So you all are speaking about reaching pass floor 50 to get to the the lab bonus room, but I was able to reach it after floor 36. I think the prerequisite has something to do with the other number counter when you do talk to the octopirate for results and how many floors you reached by far. Defeat of enemies perhaps?

i guess 50 s the average for most of us, i need to reach floor 60 to get the abandoned laboratory other around floor 40, the exact number isnt set in stone, is more your luck.
@madskull I saw the issues you're having with the white witch boss CG. As far as I know you'll only see the CG if you go to the game over screen while you're being grabbed / 'eaten' by the large flower that roams around on the ground. It's the same with a lot of the other bosses and enemies - you only see the special CGs if you go to the game over screen while you're in their grab animation. Not sure if that helps, or if there's actually a problem with your game or something.

how i can stop the futa stat?
If you mean how do you get rid of futa status, either hold down the magic button and release it when Nako relieves herself (may need to do it more than once), or find one of the fuckable NPCs and hold down the magic button in front of them while they're on the ground.
Is it okay to ask for a legitimate save now as I’ve gone through 50 floors of the dungeon about 8 times now? xD

There are saves on previous pages. The ones I posted should work just fine (they did for me anyway).
I’d actually tried Fossil’s old one but it seemed some things were missing, as if the game reverted to an older version of the game even though I’m using the most recent one. I’ll try it again after I’m done with work and see how that goes. Thanks though, hopefully this is all that needed to be done.

Also thanks Fossil for asking the dev about the staff “perks”. Would’ve never known there’d be one that helps do damage to different types of enemies. Lol

EDIT: It seems that save (H)Liner provided locks you out of getting the incense item from Octopirate for the reasons I stated in my post a page back. Its a great save besides that unfortunate loop. Just letting you know.

Was able to get the item around room 53 myself so now it's just farming until the next updates.
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Succubat won the poll. Democracy works.

1位 淫魔リリイミミイ (Succubat Lily Mimi) 21票
2位 森の魔女クロサネ (Master Kurosane) 16票
3位 屍術師ニェコ (Necromancer Neko) 15票
4位 魔法少女マリエ (Magical Girl Marie)  13票
5位 海賊姫ナナミフネ (Octopirate Nanamifune) 9票

There's a full list of all the votes on the dev's ci-en. 173 votes total.

So yeah, succubat gets a new animation that'll apparently be worked into her boss battle somehow. Happy days.
Wow, all my favorites got into the top slots. o.o Happy days indeed. Though I am kind of wondering what the animation would possibly be.
I was the only one that voted for the anemone...pfft. Ah well, futa yuri is good too.
anemone? what number is that one? Better not be that fuckin jellyfish that I've never gotten the item to drop for!
It’s that thing with the tentacles that’s underwater. Pulls you in and gives an x ray view of Nako inside it.

I think there’s some jellyfish around the sunken house section with the giant fish.
So is there a way to change difficulty once you've started? I'm using a save someone posted in this thread and trying to go through the postgame dungeon, but I can't get anywhere due to getting my ass consistently kicked after just a floor or two.
Think that's what the top option in the menu screen (at the red crystal, should be the entry with the wrench) is for, far right should be the lowest difficulty.
Dev's new ci-en post has a poll for succubat's new animation. You can choose multiple options, but the 4 choices are kissing, hypnosis, kage bunshin no jutsu and SM. All of them are good picks except maaaybe the last one depending on how it's implemented.
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Could someone help me? Im stuck in zone 3 or 4. I killed the octopus pirate and I advanced all the way to wooden crates that I cant break. going back I cant seem to find any other zones/pathways I can take.
I saw that post but as far as i can tell I cant move right from that spawn zone, there are crates in the way that I cant break?

Edit: but Thank you for trying to help!
I saw that post but as far as i can tell I cant move right from that spawn zone, there are crates in the way that I cant break?

Edit: but Thank you for trying to help!
There's a door in the space just below where the crates are. It's hard to see though (look behind the bushes on the right).

Dev's new ci-en post has a poll for succubat's new animation. You can choose multiple options, but the 4 choices are kissing, hypnosis, kage bunshin no jutsu and SM. All of them are good picks except maaaybe the last one depending on how it's implemented.

Very agreeable as SM is a very... broad... term when it comes to specific acts. With the other choices, we’re able to at least get some idea as to what will be going on but SM is up in the air. We could make the choice better by passing some ideas by the dev just in case that option does come out on top.