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Re: Mjorna

"Alright, just drop it next to the other one. The beech's pretty large. Gonna need only one more." Tork looks around for a good tree.
"Why, Altrist of course. What do you figure was this ruin behind the bridge?" Wulfric turns and points at the wall of the windowless room. "There's a warehouse, but it won't support us forever. Food's starting to get spoiled. Don't want everybody to die, do you?" He turns towards Hera with a stern look. "Well, do you?"
Re: Mjorna

Meda follows Virgil in to see the patient he was talking about.
Re: Mjorna

"Altrist, Altrist, let's see..." she mutters, recalling her knowlage of geography. Turning to the priest, she returns his gaze evenly. "There has been enough death and destruction by the Void, and I wish no more ill will to cause from this disaster as well. I may not be good with tools, but my teachings at the hand of the Empire must be useful for something. Even so, my journey has been tretcherous, and I'm still not sure the extent of my injuries..."
Re: Mjorna

Yulka looked at the monkey. It appeared as though this was the one the Prior had talked about. "Uhm... he treated me fine. And... I feel okay... I think," she replied. The monkey/doctor seemed familiar, like she'd seen him before but couldn't quite remember where. The bunny kin had on an expression of one who was confused and was in deep thought trying to remember something.
Re: Mjorna

Meda looked at the bandaged bunny woman. "Oh my." Meda said aloud at the bandaged head and looked at Mister Swifty. "She's okay right?" Meda asked.
Re: Mjorna

"Just a lump on the noggin. She'll live. I just hope she can forgive me for causing this." Virgil says, looking up at the one window in the entire chapel "Your cart is outside, near one of our huts. Everything is intact and there for you."
Re: Mjorna

Toya puts the tree where directed, swiftly returning to the wood harvesting site, half expecting the tree to already be on it's last legs by the time he got back. Not that he would say that out loud, in case he was wrong.
Re: Mjorna

Velaen walks into the church and looks around. Seeing that the deer-kin seems to be in charge or at least is bossing someone else around she calls over, Do you know a place to pu my cart where I won't have to worry about the contents being wet?
Re: Mjorna

After a bit of a staredown Wulfric nods and turns towards Velaen. "You can bring your cart in here for now. Unless there's livestock in it. No pooping on the marble. That goes for everybody", he adds in a raised voice.
Tork once more finds a tree he likes, a pine this time. "Plenty'a clean wood on these. See? No branches till halfway up. Good wood. Lessee if it'll jump up and walk away", he chuckles as he once again takes the knife and notches the tree.
Re: Mjorna

Toya nods and stands clear of the working badger. "Yep. Lucky us!" He replies happily. "So, you get it started and end it, I'll do the middle like last time?" He offers.
Re: Mjorna

Nodding to the priest, she takes another fruit, enjoying the taste. It had been a few days since her rations ran out, and the food satisfied her craving for that need, thirst had been easy too. Only one major craving remained, and she was sure the old fruitbat of a priest would be useless- knowlage.

Sliding past him, holding her cloak tighter, she walked outside to see more of the city...
Re: Mjorna

"Ah, right my cart.... And... er... what do you mean cause this?" Yulka asked, confusedly. She carefully tried to stand, this time successful. Her legs felt a bit weak, but she managed. A light feeling of dizziness was also apparent, but that quickly went away. She figured as long as she didn't push herself too hard that she'd be fine, of course... if she was supposed to be starting a farm, going easy wasn't something you can do.
Re: Mjorna

"I startled you, didn't I? That caused you to lose your balance and get bumped on the head by your cart." Virgil says, walking around behins her and pulling down the bandage, quickly looking at the lump then replacing the bandage "Looks good. It should be gone within the next few days. When it is, you can remove the bandage. Until then, try not to hit your head again, miss Bunny." he says, walking to the entrance of the chapel "If you will excuse me, I think I am going to go sunbathe for a while" he says, walking out of the church and just now noticing Hera and her injuries and gasping "My my, what happened to you, miss? You look terrible. Here, come inside the chapel and I'll fix those wounds of yours." he says, motioning for her to come in "Don't worry. I'm a doctor." he says, turning around and walking back into the chapel
Re: Mjorna

Thank you, I have some metal parts in there that shouldn't be wet. Velaen says as she goes outside to bring the cart into the church.
Re: Mjorna

Yulka nodded. She looked about the chapel once more before heading out. As she did so, she said, "Thank you, sir," to the Monkey before giving a polite bow. "I can't really recall what happened, but thank you for helping. My name is Yulka by the way."

With that, she quickly scurried off. The bunny kin quickly found her cart. She made sure everything was there along with the animals. It seemed as though everything was there. Yulka figured she might as well get familiar with the town while she was there. She walked about, between the huts, looking about. So... this would be her new home?
Re: Mjorna

"Sure, why not", Tork grins as he looks around, making sure nobody but him and Toya are in the danger zone before taking the axe to the pine, quickly forming the gullet.
From this side of the river the city looks absolutely desolate. Lifeless, a dead giant. Hera can hear somebody approaching and sees it's the Prior again. He holds a piece of cloth in his hands. "Here. If you want to go in there you should wrap this around your face. Plenty of corpses, the stench deeper inside is overwhelming." He looks across the river himself. "Tork and me have started to pile up the bodies and burn them. . . but there are just so many."
Yulka's tour across town would be a short one. At this moment Mjorna only consists out of a few log cabins, the chapel and a half-finished stone house. She would see Wulfric and a Lion Kin standing near the bridge into the city, and hear Tork's chopping coming from the forest.
Re: Mjorna

She takes the cloth from the preacher. "I understand. When I left Emeidia..." she hesitated a bit, looking preturbed. "T-there was soo many... I wondered why I was one of the few..." shaking her head clear of the bad memories, she tied the cloth over her face. "I'll see what I can do to help clear. If the time arises that we'd be in trouble, that castle would make a good stronghold to hide."
Re: Mjorna

Toya takes the axe from Tork once he starts the tree off, taking a few heavy swings and quickly chopping through most of the middle, leaving a sparse few inches remaining before the pine would topple to the ground. Handing the axe back to Tork, he takes a few steps back, then turns to Pjotr. "Once he's done with it, it's all yours, big guy."
Re: Mjorna

"Go ahead then, and take care of yourself." Wulfric nods at Hera.
Pjotr snorts in response, and Tork chuckles. "I figure he's okay with it. Now, let's cut this one down and head home." Stepping around the pine he takes measure and brings his axe down a bit above the gullet. It doesn't take more than a few hits to make the tree overbalance. "TIMBER", Tork once again yells as the heavy log starts to fall.
Re: Mjorna

She nods to the priest, then turns around- and practically runs into the monkey. "Ah! Oh, um, hi there!" she said, then noticed the fact he was looking at the injuries, causing her to blush. "I-It's nothing, really..."