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Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I like to think I am, but reality can be harsh sometimes.

Although I did enjoy reading some of the content, I do feel the need to ask why every single thread of the ones I picked so far ended rather abruptly?
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

The most common reason is that the players got distracted with something else, be it a new video game, or a RL issue that rendered them unable to sit down at their computer and concentrate on a post. By the time they are able to post again, according to what I've been told, they have lost touch with the story and have no inspiration to continue.

There were a handful of cases that had issues with the subject matter or with me personally as well.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

And then there's me, still waiting for my harem to get their act together. *whistling*
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

The Jinko(tiger nyan) got translated, and as per the odd standard as of late, she seems awfully tame. Kenkou is likely feeling the pressure from the derp crowd of people that want more dom-able mamonos.

If you encounter a Jinko in MGI/MGR, do not be confused with this entry. She will be a terrifying badass, unless you're someone like Kala who couldn't give two craps about something without magic.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

It's like a sexed-up beholder. That's...kinda scary.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I almost wanna say he called it the Gazer because that's the same name of the Beholder Boss in Dragon's Crown.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

It's been a while and I may have to check, but a gazer is a "beholder-kin," sort of a variant on the monster that they cooked up, so looks like it's just dancing around what it really is.

I wonder if she shoots lasers.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Just another reason to avoid dungeons and dangerous places.

It is nice to see Cyclops faced monsters getting a little bit of love. Even if this one isn't technically a cyclops. I really love the shading on this profile too. Not overly shaded, simplistic in a way but it really works well.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

You'll just have to trick him into it.

It's how my one ST got us into a haunted house. And by 'haunted,' I mean demon-infested.

That was fun -_-
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Hey MAF, what do you think of
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Hey MAF, what do you think of

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Bet that Gazer is the type to always keep an eye on her man. Probably mean too. Beholders are generally cruel and sadistic from what I've seen. Aside from her teeth, she looks pretty though.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

The Gazer is very mean indeed, as per this .

Unlike other entries, I'll be keeping all of the information it provides. Gazers possess a lot of spells and are quite powerful. They're very rare in the human world, Gaea, where most of MGI takes place, but they're more frequent in Hell, and with increased frequency within the inner circles.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Double post because reasons.
