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Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

One of the posters on that page mentioned that the mushroom in the teacup have the effect of increasing man's sex drive. To the point of allowing them to able to keep up against a Minotaurus. If that is the case, those would be some impressive mushrooms.

Either way, Hatter looks neat. A sexy shroom. Wonder how the flavor text will describe her, other than the tea drinking mushroom theme.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

God damn crazed drug addicts.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat



Anyway, seems to be falling into the "if it goes on long enough, it must spoof Alice in Wonderland in some way" trope *laughs* Although seems like other Wonderland things have already been featured. Still...
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Was bad enough to face one in pathfinder, now I have to worry about it groping me next time I want to Snicker-Snack.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Looks interesting. At the same time, it looks like a very good argument for investing a considerable amount of time and effort into obtaining the Vorpal Blade or an equivalent.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I must find a way to edit this basic information into the Encyclopedia, but for now, I'll post the conversation between me and another, which may hopefully clarify some things.

Rathuris may or may not be joining, but everyone give a warm welcome regardless.

Ye Conversation
Rathuris said:
Is it possible for half-breed monster to be male?
How much does a half-breed character take after their monster heritage?

Yes, and most half-breeds are male. Females always match their mother completely, though one extremely unique event can occur where a mamono births a female human child. Females can never be half-breeds.

How much a male takes after his mother in appearance can differ, though the limit is 50/50. They must still be recognizable as a human despite any changes that occur, and they always maintain the same basic physical body of a human being. Two legs, two hands, etc. They may also develop small traits from their mother. Males may grow lesser wings that allow them to glide, but no male of an avian beast may ever compete with a female avian and win in a race. No male of a minotaurus(female minotaur) may ever win in an arm wrestling contest with a female of the same race. So while they do adapt somewhat from their mother's strengths, the adaptations aren't very strong.

Rathuris said:
Does this mean half-breeds tend to be feminine in appearance?
So monsters such as any demon, slimes, dark matter, or undead do not create half-breeds?
No powerful natural powers such as fire breath, right off the bat correct?

Also if the mother's diet is a man's fluid does that carry over to the child?

Basically, very few things actually carry over besides some basic appearances. It's safe to assume a human male with some monstrous appearances is about as threatening as a normal squishy human.

Men can still look like men. Their appearances can vary greatly, as per normal difference in human features you see day by day.

Men also cannot be born from mamono who reasonably cannot birth anything but themselves, thusly including slimes and the like, though demons can still birth males. Undead also usually cannot birth anything at all, unless their sexual organs have been preserved. (Dullahan are the most common case, where they're considered undead because their head was severed from their shoulders, but magic maintained their body and prevented it from dying.)

Also, men never crave another man's semen for sustenance. :p If they ever do, then it's their sexual preference, and does not aid in their survival.

Rathuris said:
I take it no special powers for half-breeds like the wyvern's or dragon's full transformation power or the doppleganger's shapeshifting and mindreading?

Wyverns and dragons can only transform because their immense power allow them to do so. Male children are obviously denied this ability by default because they will always possess a lesser soul.

But some abilities can manifest. In the case above, the doppleganger, a male 'might' be able to perform various degrees of mind reading by default at birth if they possess greater than average power within their souls (this is an uncommon case). But something like shapeshifting occurs because the doppleganger has no actual shell (aka, a body) and and reshape their threads of magic at will to take any form they desire. Males will always have a normal body. That is, one that is of a fairly consistent shape. Any changes that occur to their form is either an illusion cast by magic, or permanent alterations (the dangerous kind).

Again, it's still safe to regard a half-breed male the same as a normal human. Any traits they get from their mothers are outshined by potential they can achieve through other means, such as learning the ways of weaving (magic), or developing physical skills.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Welcome to the island Rathuris.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Hello, and thank you for the welcome.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Welcome to the party, as it were. Have fun. Go nuts.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Hello again lifeless OOC Chat, I'd like you to-

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

do all lava elementals say "Mm-hmm?"
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Goddamn look at the shading on that goop.

Er... I mean... yay new monster girls? Seriously though that shading '3'