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ACT RPG [MrZ] Kinky Fight Club (KYFC)

Does the Patreon version have all additional features unlocked from the get-go, or do I need to grind for gold to buy them in the shop as in the free version?
The shop thing is the same, theres nothing extra unlocked, however in the patreon version it is way easier to get money, and the Character Creator is unlocked (theres no need to unlock it).
Understood. Well, I'm planning to join your Patreon as soon as money is not an issue anymore because, frankly, you deserve it. For a first game, I think you are doing a pretty good job!
Thanks! i had a rough day and this really cheers me up!
Hey everyone!
I hope all of you had a wonderful holidays!
I have updated the free demo on Itch.io to 0.7D

You can find it below:

And the Devlog with the changelog is there:

Have a nice start of year!
Hey everyone!
I have updated the game to 0.8!
The new version includes the long-awaited-player-requested Dirty Talk!
A new feature (also player requested) Start Naked!
More lesbian movements
A new character
Complete UI redesign
And a lot of cool stuff, you can find on the Devlog i did there:

(includes a full changelog)

I hope you go and check the game, it is getting better every month, and im super happy of how things are going.
I also reduced the size of the heads, based on a public poll and player feedback, it looks better now!
Anyway, i dont wanna make a super long post, so, i hope to see you around in the Discord channel for some talking or on the Patreon page!
Hey everyone!
Just wanted to update on two things:
I made a public post on Patreon regarding the objetives for february:

And Kinky Fight Club is coming to Steam!
You can find it there:

Go check it out!
I wanted to know, do you plan on adding slider for customizing the body in more detail at some point? I wish I could be able to customized characters in more detail, even if it means animations clipping a bit here and there. For example, I would love to be able to modify thigh thickness, hip width, waist width, shoulder width, overall thickness and things like that. It's probably complex to implement so I don't expect it to be done quickly but do you plan on implementing such a feature at some point in KYFC or in your future games?
Are your margins on DL Site comparable to Steam? Just wondering if one might be a better way to support the dev than the other.
Oh wow, i didn't get notifications of the posts.
For Kinky FIght Club adding all those sliders will be very tricky, to be honest i don't think i will have the time to do it properly, but for the next project it will be 100%!
The new update contains the Booty Slider, which is not a lot of customization, but it is a bit more customization for the body.

To be honest ill get almost the same from both, but i think Steam will be a better option, specially if you enjoy the game and want to leave a review, since i think the Steam algorythm helps games gain more traction the more the game is bought/reviewed.

Hello everyone!

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Today im very happy to bring the new update to the game. It has a lot of content, so lets get into it. Just as a small disclaimer, i have tested it and hopefuly everything works OK, but since i had to change many things theres always the chance that something doesn't work as expected, if you happen to find anything like that tell me so i can fix it asap!

So, What's new?

Fourth Costume!

The 4th Costume has been added to the game, every character now has 4 costumes, with 2 color variations! This costumes theme is Uniforms! The Costume shop has been modified and now it has several pages to buy the costumes. Also the costumes prices has been dropped a bit.


Just like the BoobSlider and the DickSlider, now we have a BootySider, to increase or decrease the size of all the characters booties. This works exactly like the other two, modifying in a %. However each character has their own Booty size. Now the descriptions in the character cards of "big booty" make sense!

Character Creator update

The Character Creator has been updated to include the new BootySlider, and a lot of new items - not used by any character -, exclusive items for the Character Creator, aswell as all the items used by the characters. In other words, every item in the game used by a character should be in the Character Creator. I also included Heels, Boots with Heels, flip-flops, and knee pads, among many other things. With the Character Creator update, i also checked some of the lists and added missing movements to some of the roles. With the addition of the last movements, now each role has 29 different moves to select! (quite balanced huh!)

The current total of diferent items in the Character Creator is 256. (excluding character bodies) and each item has an average of 63 different textures to choose from, for a Insane amount of possible characters!

IMPORTANT: you will have to remake your custom characters. Sorry but i had to update and sort all the items!

Weakness and Resistance Display

Now whenever a character is weak to a movement you will see a Broken Shield below it's energy bar. Whenever a character is resistant to a movement you will see a Shield below it's energy bar.


In the image above you can see the weak character and the broken shield, and the resistant character with their shield!

This has led to an interesting way of "discovering" your opponents weakness mid-game!

Dirty Talk Improvement

This wasn't my idea to be honest, i was offered help by Joe, and he really put a lot of effort and time into improving some of the lines in the game!

Im not a native english speaker, so he read through all the lines and changed some to represent better the proper use of the terms in english.

Im super happy with his work, and there is a lot more upgrades coming to the Dirty Talk!

Character Voices Rework!

Both the male and female voices (moans) for the game have been updated! I hired two voice actors to make them. The ammount of different sounds and the quality are insanely different than what i had before. I really wanna thank to them for the amazing work! The female voice actress is Miss Moonified. The male voice actor is Riley Moore. Also, in the future updates i will be adding more voice tones for the characters. A deeper and a Iighter tone will be added for both characters, so you will be able to pick between three voice styles for your characters! (all the characters will have each their voice tone defined).

Moan Ratio

With the update to the voices, it also comes a new option in the Extras Menu! You can now choose the ratio at which you will hear the characters moan, from more often to almost not hearing them. (Or even the crazy option of hearing them moan almost all the time).


(That is Miss Moonified's avatar! Yes, you can make her in the Character Creator!)

New Character: Mika!

A new Character has been added to the game! Mika comes with 4 new movements, most of the including their own lesbian variation. So there is a lot of new movements in the game! She uses the same passive as Leonard. The longer the match becomes the more powerful she becomes!


Updated and Fixed Camera animations.

I have updated some animations so the camera can properly focus on better angles. Feel free to suggest animations that can hay the angle improved!

Simplified Cheats.

Now when you enter the cheat code a button will pop up. If you press the button the Cheats gets enabled (and coinds for that match reduced to 1), if you don't press the button nothing happens. Either way the button will remain enabled for the rest of the play session (works the same as the Money Cheat) If you dont press the button the cheats wont get enabled.

Enable Player IA while playing.

In the Pause menu a button was added to enable/disable the Player IA. (called Enable Auto-Play). This is experimental and i haven't enought time to test it out completely, but it should work well.

Fixed bugs and stuff. As always, i fixed everything that was reported and i could find!

Those are the main Features of this patch. I hope you enjoy them a lot.

If you enjoy playing the beta, and wanna try the full version consider supporting me on Patreon, that way i can work more hours per week in the game, and increase the quantity and quality of the content. By supporting me on Patreon you not only help me fulfill my dream of making games, but also fund the game you want to play!

And as all of my patreons can see, i take players feedback very seriously, so if there is some content that you want in the game i may be able to add it! (if it is someting that would work within the game itself)

Go get the new update on:

Another way to help me is also Wishlisting the game on Steam!

Have a great week, and i hope seeing all of you around on Discord or Patreon!


Changelog Below:


  • Added a new Feature: Advantage to Characters on Spectator mode: Once you enable Spectator mode, you can choose to give advantage to the Character on the left (Player character), or on the right (Opponent character), or let the fight be a fair match!. (Granting advantage to a character weakens it's opponent in 30% and causes it to take slower and worse choices sometimes!)
  • Playing on Spectator mode now ignores the default difficulty: it will now always grant 12 coins as a reward.
  • Keep going now properly resets the character's facial expressions!
  • Updated Character Creator boobs y booty size controller, now there shouldn't be any case where the boobs or booty clip through clothing if the boob/booty size was changed while the clothing was disabled.
  • Reduced the price on costumes by 50!
  • Added a Shield icon to display when a character is Resistant to the type of movement it is in!
  • Added a Broken shield icon to display when a character is Weak to the type of movement is is in!
  • Improved camera aim with Ground Titfuck, Standing DoggyStyle, Legtrap Missionary, Sixty Nine, and prone Doggystyle!
  • Dirty Talk active lines time changed from 4.5 seconds, to 7 seconds.
  • Dirty Talk time between lines changed from 32 seconds to 25 seconds.
  • Reworked and added more lines to Dirty Talk, thanks to Joe! (he did spellcheck, correct and improve some of the lines!)
  • Added Lines for the loser in Dirty Talk. (thanks to Joe again!)
  • Added a new feature: BootySlider: You can now choose the overall size of the character booties!
  • Added a sound effect to the shops when pressing the Buy button!
  • Added pastel pink to the hair colors!
  • Added some missing movements to the table of Active Foreplay Movements on the Character Creator.
  • Added a new 3-stage Passive/Active role starting movement: Ass Smother. (It can be used by everyone!)
  • Added a new 3-stage Passive/Active role starting movement: Wrestle Footjob. This is a mix of ground wrestling and a footjob. (It can be used by everyone!)
  • Added a new 5-stage Passive role starting movement: Prone Doggystyle 2. This version of the prone Doggystyle is started by the bottom character!
  • Added a new 5-stage Passive/Active role starting movement: Standing Missionary.
  • Added a new 5-stage variation: Standing missionary lesbian.
  • Fixed an error that caused some facial expressions to remain out of the movements.
  • Added fourth costume to the game! Now every character has a 4th costume, with a color variation!
  • Added all missing items to the Character Creator.
  • Added some new textures to some old items in the Character Creator.
  • Reworked the Items in Character Creator, and added a ton of new stuff to the character creator.
  • Total different designs in the Character Creator went from 179 to 256. (not including bodies) Plus each design includes 50 to 96 different textures. (thats over 1500 different items in average!)
  • Added a new Character: Mika, the agile and sporty noobie, who wants to learn and get into kinkier stuff!
  • Improved all the Oral movements to correctly reflect oral moans instead of normal moans (some 69s and forced bj were doing it wrong).
  • Improved the female voice sounds in-game: Thanks to Miss Moonified!
  • Total voice files for female characters moans increased from 9 to 113.
  • Total voice files for male characters moans increased from 6 to 51.
  • Added a new feature: Moan spacing selection! You can now select at which rate the characters moan in the game!
  • Added a items to make the Avatar of Miss Monnified! Thanks for your awesome voicework!
  • Difficulty Adjustments, game should be slightly easier.
  • Fixed the nonresponsive difficulty bug.
  • Fixed wrestler footjob IA animation mismatch.
  • Added a new Player-requested Feature: Enable Player IA while playing! To do so go to thePause menu while playing. This is experimental and something may not work 100%. Will keep this in check.
  • Added a new Player-requested Feature: Cheat button memory: Now when you enter the code for cheats, the game remembers (same as money cheat) and allows you to open the cheats easier on future matches (while in the same play session). Now Activating the Cheats pops up a button. When you press the button the cheats are activated and the coins per match reduced to 1. If you don't touch the button, nothing happens! (The button persist in the same play session).
Hey everyone!
I completely forgot to post here.
I made a public post on patreon to get some player feedback about the Quick Time Events in the game.
Do you like them? do you not?
Tell me what you think!

Hey everyone!
I completely forgot to post here.
I made a public post on patreon to get some player feedback about the Quick Time Events in the game.
Do you like them? do you not?
Tell me what you think!

I've made my opinion clear before - The QTE button mashing garbage needs to go. It's a complete distraction away from the Hentai and it's just straight up annoying. It's the one thing I can't stand about this game.
Removing it or making it optional seems like the way to go.

Think about it like this, what is the most important thing in an H-game? The sex stuff, right? Why create gameplay that completely takes your attention away from it and forces you to focus on something else entirely? A lot of games are turn based for this very reason. In your game my eyes and attention are constantly on the damn arrows and commands.
Starting on the next update all the quicktime events are optional. Because some people seem to really enjoy them.
But your point is completely valid, in fact you are right, but when i first started the game i feel like it needed somethign to be more gameplay-interactive. One year later and a lot of features added, i feel secure to think the game won't feel super bland withouth them.
thanks for the feedback!

Hello everyone!

I hope you are having a wonderful week!

Today is update day! it is a bit earlier than the original update date, but i have focused on finishing this update earlier so i can go full-on the next update, which will require a fuckton of work!

So What’s new?

Quick Time Events
Quicktime events are now optional. Thanks for all your feedback and ideas! Now there are three (two) types of possible Quick time events:
Easy -> No quicktime Events. No bonus coins.
Medium -> Quicktime Events with 3 keys to match. +25% bonus coins.
Hard -> Quicktime Events with 5 keys to match. +50% bonus coins.

Difficulty Change
With Quicktime events no longer associated with difficulty there has been a small rebalance on difficulty, Fap mode has been removed (as it can be achieved by playing in Begginer + Easy). New difficulties are the following:
Begginer: Player is 35% stronger than the opponent, and is easier to escape. Base coins per match:7
Medium: Fair fight. Base coins per match: 15.
Challenger: The opponents are 20% stronger than the player, and the IA is slightly more aggresive. Base coins per match:25.
Dominator: The opponents are 35% stronger than the player, and the IA is very aggresive. Base coins per match: 40.

Coin Rewards Update
With all the changes, and the addition of more and more new content, coin rewards has been updated. Players should be able to get more coins when playing!
The Bounties for beating Arcade towers have also been updated!

Abilities rebalance
Some actions and abilities has been rebalanced, check the changelog below to see which ones. There isn’t any big gamechanging update here, but rather number tweaks to keep the game more dynamic.

Fourth Custom Character Slot
That, not much to explain here! More custom characters!

Custom Character Locking/unlocking.
Since i decided to finally not add any restrictions on the items in Character Creator, i instead set that characters 3,4,5,6 should be unlocked to be able to be customized. However, since most of you already have those done, and i don’t think it would be cool to remove that from you, for this month, unlocking character slots cost 1 coin , after this month they will cost 500 each!

Custom Character Tower
A new tower has been added to Arcade mode! And is a tower full of Custom-created characters! Yes, YOUR characters!
Since you only can create a few characters you will fight against some of them more than once. But you never will face the same opponent twice in a row.

Survival mode!
In this mode – it has to be unlocked in the Other Shop for 1000 coins – you can choose a character and survive endless waves of opponents! Each time you win your opponents grow stronger, but the prices also increase!
In this mode you can also select the costume all your opponents will wear while playing.
You can choose to fight agaisnt males, females, or both (mixed), aswell as choose their role.

New Character
A new Character has joined the Kinky Fight Club: Lee Yung!
He is a weightlifter from Japan, and loves to lift, carry, and bearhug his opponents!
He includes 5 new movements: Bearhug*, titsucking Bearhug, Piledriver Handjob*, Standing Doggystyle 2, and Standing Cowgirl.
*these moves include lesbian variations.
His passive makes him more powerful the more he dominates his opponents!

Passive rebalance
The passive Outlaw/Lucky Go has been changed, since it is no longer needed.

Sex types updated.
The sex type “Seduction” has been removed, as it was not really used (only 2 movements used it), and instead has been replaced with FootPlay, as there are already 4 movements that include footplay in the game, and there is a few more planned…
With this change some characters Weakness and Resistance has been updated.
Kiss and Asstease has been changed to “Other” type.

Improved Menus & Tutorials.
I improved some menus to be better organized and updated the old tutorial images that are both in the selection screen and in-game to better reflect all the updates, and prepare for the future localization of the game.

Character Creator items update.
I added a new bunch of items made specifically for one of the oldest patrons and supporters of the game, aswell as fixed that some items didnt have their correct textures (some female torso items from costume 4).
I also added some color variations to the costumes of Rosemary and Carime.

And that’s it i think. There are some other minor updates that you can find in the complete Changelog below.

If you like what you see here, feel free to support me on Patreon, as that is the main income i get from puting thousands (2200+) in the development of this game!, and it keeps me going and improving the game every month a bit more!

There is a lot more content to come, and im always happy to take feedback, either the good, the bad, and suggestions or critics, everything may help the game!

A new Demo is coming up soon, there you may be able to test all the new features added in the game in the last few months!



  • Dirty Talk will no longer be hidden when using the HIDE UI key (comma).
  • Added a new Futa type! You can now choose between futa with balls, and withouth!
  • Updated the Extras menu, as it was full and there was no way to putting more stuff in there.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Denise’s passive to not properly trigger sometimes when used by the player.
  • Changed Difficulties:
  • Begginer now is the easiest difficulty. In this difficulty players stats are increased in 25% and the cooldown of their abilities is reduced in 15%, escaping is easier, and the IA is slightly less aggresive.
  • Medium, no change. Matches are fair.
  • Challenger is a harder than Medium. The opponents stats are increased in 20%, and the IA is slightly more aggresive.
  • Dominator is the hardest difficulty. The opponents stats are increased in 30%, their cooldowns reduced in 10%, and the IA is more aggresive.
  • Fap mode removed: with the changes to QuicktimeEvents and Difficulty was not needed anymore. The same Fap mode effect can be generated by playing in Begginer difficulty with no Quicktime events.
  • QuickTime Events change: Quicktime events are no longer mandatory: they are now an optional part of the game, and can be activated in the Extras menu to increase the ammount of coins gained!.
  • Quicktime Events now come in 3 types: Easy (No quicktime events) Medium (only 3 keys), and hard (all 5 keys). The harder the setting the more coins you get +25%/+50%!
  • Slightly adjusted Coin gains:
  • Medium difficulty 12>15.
  • Challenger difficulty 20>25
  • Dominator Difficulty 40.
  • Fixed the error of Controls when Enabling/Disabling IA in real time.
  • Fixed a rare error in Arcade tower opponent selection causing some times to spawn the same opponent twice in a tower.
  • Added the fourth slot for character Creator!
  • Added Custom characters portrait to Arcade mode (was missing).
  • Added some Player-requested items to build a character’s look (certain teacher i won’t name heh)
  • Added a new Player-requested Feature: Custom Characters Tower: Now you can choose this tower to fight only agaisnt your Custom Characters!
  • Improved Player IA: The Player IA will now select if he wants to keep going, keep going(longer), or not after winning if the player didn’t select anything, aswell as select the movement to do it.
  • Improved IA difficulty Scaling, now the level of agression from the IA matches the chosen difficulty.
  • Fixed a bug that caused counter to now trigger when using it with exactly 18 energy.
  • Resist Energy cost changed from 35 to 30.
  • Haste is 10% more effective.
  • Slow is 10% more effective.
  • Haste energy cost changed from 25 to 22.
  • Slow energy cost changed from 25 to 22.
  • Overpower energy cost changed from 50 to 25.
  • Energy Rush energy cost changed from 20 to 10.
  • Hold position energy cost changed from 40 to 35.
  • Dominate energy cost changed from 35 to 30.
  • Overpower cooldown changed from 75 to 90 seconds.
  • Changed the Passive Outlaw/Lucky Go, as it is no longer needed. Replaced by new Lucky Go Passive:Whenever you use an Ability, you have a 50% chance to instantly recover the energy spent to use it.
  • Arcade tower Easy Bounty increased from 35 to 50.
  • Arcade tower Medium Bouny increased from 75 to 110.
  • Arcade tower Hard Bounty increased from 150 to 225.
  • Added Survival mode! Once unlocked you can play there and fight endless opponents that grow stronger on each round! The longer you win the bigger the reward you get!
  • Using Cheats in Survival mode will result in prize being reduced by 75%.
  • Added Survival Mode to the Other Shops to unlock for 1000 Coins!
  • Added Character Creator Slot 3,4,5 y 6 to the Other Shops to unlock for 500 Coins. However they cost 1 Coin to unlock in this patch!
  • Fixed some typos on the Keybind Tutorial screen.
  • Fixed some typos on the Tutorial.
  • Updated fonts on the tutorial.
  • Added a new Other shop feature: Future Funding. When you get this upgrade the bonus coins you get each 3 games increases from 30 to 50!
  • Added a new Other shop feature: Zed’s Gamble. When you get this upgrade every time you win or lose a match (but not surrender) you have a 5% chance to gain 250 extra coins!
  • Corrected an error with Trap N’ Suck animation that caused sometimes the attacker’s animation to do not loop properly
  • Fixed a bug that caused sometimes when losing in 3 Cum mode, and choosing Keep going for the opponent, that you may instead win if the opponent already cummed twice.
  • Added articles to the console text, so it no longer is written in caveman-english.
  • Added a new Character to the game: Lee Yung!
  • Added a new Passive to the game: Increasing Might!
  • Added a new Active role starting movement: Bearhug.
  • Added a new Passive role starting movement variation: bearhug (lesbian).
  • Added a new Passive/Active role starting movement: Piledriver Handjob. It includes all the M/M and F/F variations!
  • Added a new Active role starting movement: Bearhug titsuck. (requires undressing the top).
  • Added a new Active role starting sex movement: Lifted Cowgirl. Lift your opponent and make her ride you!
  • Added a new Active role starting sex movement: Standing Doggystyle 2.
  • Takun’s Weakness changed from Seduction to Handjob.
  • Diego’s Resistance changed from Seduction to Doggystyle.
  • Seduction as a Type of movement has been deprecated, and is no longer used for Weakness and Resistance, previous Seduction movements (Kiss and Asstease) have been moved to “Other” type of movement.
  • Added a new type of movement: FootPlay. All feet related movements are included here (Footjob, Ground Footjob, Wrestle Footjob, Trap Footjob)
  • Lorelei’s Weakness changed from Oral to Footplay.
  • Damien’s Weakness changed from Handjob to Footplay.
  • Daira’s Weakness changed form Breastplay to Footplay.
  • Rosemary’s Resistance changed from Other to Footplay.
  • Denise’s Resistance changed from Other to Footplay.
  • Added 3 new color variations for the second costume of Rosemary for the Character Creator.
  • Added 3 new color variations for the second costume of Carime for the Character Creator.
  • Changed re-seting after cumming in 3 cum mode: Now instead of reseting Ecstasis to 0, it resets to 25%, but also reduces Arousal by 25%. This change does not impact in overall game lenght, but it is set to avoid just spamming sex-attacks-only. This is testing and the values may be adjusted in future patches.
  • Added missing textures to some of the 4th costume items in the Character Creator. And added more texture variations for those items!
  • Improved the tutorials and help tabs in Main menu and inside the Game.
  • Revised and updated some lines in the Dirty Talk system.
  • Added a few lines for new movements, and for some situations.
Dunno how difficult it is, but you might wanna disable cum effects during penetration moves.
Looks weird if my character's cum shots out of my opponent's neck / back.


Played it some more, some feedback:

- Female "Keep going!" orgasm voice is too loud
- Spelling mistake in shop "Surrender" -> youR opponent
- UI improvement: Abilities that require Energy are greyed out and get a blue bar increasing from left to right the more of its required energy you have
- UI improvement: Abilities not being able to be used due to low dominance (iirc only counter) are red if you have too little dominance
- UI improvement: If opponent uses a counter close sub menus
- UI improvement: Move the texts during battle (e.g. your opponent tries to dominate you) to the middle underneath the dominance bar
- Control improvement: Left gets you back to the main options and closes the sub menu (e.g. Speed Up, Down, Dominance)
- AI is stupid
-- AI should commit to escape once it is triggered; no other moves, no stopping because they have a little more dominance
-- AI should use counter when low on dominance


Oh, and I was disappointed that "Keep going" ends after the first orgasm. I was hoping it loops, or at least goes to three orgasms in the 3-orgasms battles.


- Camera improvement: The camera's default position should be from the side, not behind the own character
- UI improvement: Trash talk should be different colors, like light blue or light pink for player character, dark blue or dark pink for opponent
-- Let it trigger at different times for each character, it is too much text at once right now
-- A few comments are three lines long, and thus overlap with the comment of the opponent
- How about limited how much Ecstasis foreplay movements can do, e.g. up to 75%, to give an enticement to disrobe your opponent and use sex movements? "Feisty foreplayer" then enticement or ignores this limit
Last edited:
Hey Someone, thanks for taking the time to write all this feedback!

Fun stuff: Dirty talk is actually color coded based on character's gender, and player/opponent. (Opponents lines are always 15% darker than the player). I may need to tune it so the difference can be seen more.
Im trying to improve/remove the too long lines, and repeated ones.
Im quite confused as the last point, im not understanding the point. (im not a native english speaker). But foreplay movements deal more Arousal and less Ecstasis, while Sex movements do the opposite.

I have added most of the UI improvements suggestions to my list of things to do this week!
Im quite confused as the last point, im not understanding the point. (im not a native english speaker). But foreplay movements deal more Arousal and less Ecstasis, while Sex movements do the opposite.
I've read later on your dicord server that foreplay movements cause more Arousal and less Ecstasis.

My suggestion is that similar to the mechanic of Undying, foreplay movements can only increase a character's Ecstasis to a certain percentage of its maximum, e.g. 75%.
It feels weird that you can lose / win without a single cloth item having been stripped from the loser.