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Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Heavy and medic both have slowed attack speeds
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Because, you know, a slightly slower attacking rate is totally a reason not to use the weapon that gives you a 5 second crit spree for every kill. Surely you were just throwing that out there. I doubt you really thought that mattered in the least bit.

The only good argument I've run into is that the scout is already a devastating class and doesn't need super buff and upgraded unlocks like the other classes have gotten (save for the pyro).
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Nah, I just mentioned it because you had already mentioned the other useless downgrades to each weapon.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

The only thing I ever see Scouts use outside of starting equipment is that Force-of-Nature shotgun. MAYBE they'll use that BONK! Energy Drink.

Then again, if the Sandman hadn't been nerfed to hell, I'd probably be seeing a hell of a lot of that as well. As it is, the only people I see using it are going for achievements.

The weapon for the Demoman... is just a bit much, in my opinion. You get a skilled melee-er/a lucky n00b using it, and they become nigh-untouchable. Hell, I burned a non-medic-overhealed one for around 300 (I picked up ammo during it) ammo worth of damage with the Pyro - no breaks or anything, every bit hit him, and he was barely in the red. Maybe it was lag, maybe he ran over a health pack or two when I wasn't looking, but I swear to JEBUS that I shouldn't have to use 300+ flamethrower ammo to kill ANYONE short of a Heavy getting double uber-healed or something.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming


So yeah, finally got a copy of Diablo II and LOD expansion so I can play a Ladder character and have access to the awesome loot.

Question for people that know what they're doing: What would you guys suggest for Assassin if I want to use mainly traps, Necro if I want to mainly Summon, and Druid if I mainly want to us Elements?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

My graphics card keeps telling me I shouldn't play Borderlands. I've had some model glitches, but every once in a while, it just starts screwing up COMPLETELY.

This last one was a new one. Out of nowhere, I was running along when my screen just went

After that, even browsing on the internet, I start getting similar problems and have to shut down my computer.
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

i got that while i had torchlight installed on my computer. try uninstalling torchlight.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Eh, it's just the graphics card acting up. It's stopped now, but things like this will start to pop up.

Thank you though, but I don't even know what torchlight is.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

The Unreal Deal pack on steam is $14 right now.

It contains 3 unreal tournament games.

I'm quite fond of them. If you're interested, get them, and contact me for gaming time.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming


So yeah, finally got a copy of Diablo II and LOD expansion so I can play a Ladder character and have access to the awesome loot.

Question for people that know what they're doing: What would you guys suggest for Assassin if I want to use mainly traps, Necro if I want to mainly Summon, and Druid if I mainly want to us Elements?

For a Trap Assassin, I'd go with Lightning Sentry as your primary attack, and max your synergies. Move the mouse over the Lightning Sentry to see what give bonuses to it.

For an Elemental Druid, I prefer Tornado and Hurrican, with synergies maxed for Tornado.

On a Summon Necro, I don't use those so I can't really help you. Feel free to give me a PM the next time your on, and add my account there.

It's: Aya_Morioka

I also have another account named: Puddle_Jumper
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Here's what I found today, killing floor on steam, 2 guest passes that expire on the 22nd.

Is anybody interested?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

My brothers been playing that a lot. Kind of interested myself.

I only found out now they nerfed the sandman AGAIN, so there's pretty much no reason to have it. And is it me, or is there NO reason to NOT equip the direct hit? I see almost NO detriment to it AT ALL. Even the ubersaw was a tougher choice than that.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I only found out now they nerfed the sandman AGAIN, so there's pretty much no reason to have it.

Yeah, a stunned player can still shoot, the only reason to have it now is for tauntkilling.

And is it me, or is there NO reason to NOT equip the direct hit? I see almost NO detriment to it AT ALL. Even the ubersaw was a tougher choice than that.

A miss does 0 damage, with the regular rocket launcher it can still do splash damage. The reason not to use the direct hit is that you need to be able to aim with it.
And with the direct hit you're worse for the kritzkrieg, the rocket launcher's splash makes those 4 critrockets more devastating.(Since they crit anyway, as long as they come near the enemy he dies. The direct hit will do less damage to groups with a crit because of a smaller splash.)
I've heard, but never tested that the buff banner charges faster with the normal launcher.

So, want me to send you one of those guest passes?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming


In other news, yeah, the Direct Hit's splash radius is only the size of a teleporter, I hear. So if you rely on splash damage and can't aim well, never ever use the Direct Hit.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

If you can't aim, you shouldn't be shooting anything in my opinion. And it's always been my belief that anything you can do with a kritz, you can do with an uber, rendering kritz absolutely useless.

Oh, and I think I might have forgotten to post this before but I was playing on a server during the war and I killed 10 soldiers as a demo, yet my contribution didn't move... at all. I stopped playing after a while, I don't like playing during or right after their big events.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming



Beeeeehhhhh! Uwaaaaaaah! Wahahahahaha! Cry some more!
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

@Toxic: Yeah, every now and then, the kill counter bugged out. Which sucks, because I had a on a solly/demo only server, and it was when the kill counter was dead.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Meh. The only real multiplayer gaming I do anymore is when I barely get on TF2 to dick around and earn random stuff, or command and conquer on Tom Clancy's Endwar for the 360. That, and MW2 on the 360.

On the topic of TF2. I honestly have found NO use for the Kritskrieg. Gonna melt that down soon. Along with my Razorback and Dead Ringer. Useless items become useful.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Have they nerfed dead ringer? Last I remember, it was so fucking cheap I refused to use it.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Wait... you refuse to use overpowered guns? Wth, they're so fun!