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Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

You can't talk Mr. Idle Scout. You don't know how to play medic offensively.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Well, technically it involves a lot of running backwards, what with needle flight times being shitty and nearly an illusion, but yeah, you can rush the shit out of people. One of my favorite things to do was rush through the pyros flames, saw drawn. But now that the flames are even shittier, I supposed more people will take that chance.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Well, technically it involves a lot of running backwards, what with needle flight times being shitty and nearly an illusion, but yeah, you can rush the shit out of people. One of my favorite things to do was rush through the pyros flames, saw drawn. But now that the flames are even shittier, I supposed more people will take that chance.

Wrench > Pyro, must I repeat? I strongly suspect the bonesaw would work just as well.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Strangely enough, as much as I love being a battle medic and the fact I almost NEVER use uber, I still use the ubersaw. I don't know if it has higher crits or a ridiculous range, but I love using the thing cuz it feels more efficient, and sometimes the illusion of efficiency is as important as anything else. Hence why I go looking for skins, just to make myself more comfortable.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

and if that medic isn't looking for a demo, they're doing it wrong.

I rarely look for demos because the majority of people who play demo on pubs suck. I tend to keep an eye out for a good rocket launcher soldier. (I Kritz, remember?)

I still want to learn to solo medic properly, for those times when I'm suing uber, it's full, I'm alone, and death seems certain. the situation is so uncommon that I don't really get any practice with the whole "Uber, get into melee, switch to ubersaw, swp back before invul wears off" thing. Scares the crap out of people though, and nothing's funnier than a team running away from a lone medic they can't kill.

Of course, the over-abundance of airblast probably takes all the fun out of it. I dunno, I haven't actually played since that patch.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

"Uber, get into melee, switch to ubersaw, swp back before invul wears off" thing.

That's not a big deal, pretty much everyone I know of will just sit there, waiting for you to pull out that ubersaw, and then get you a point blank shot of their strongest weapon. Now, if you have 2 medics, one ubers the other, which then uses his ubersaw to build uber, uber runs out, they switch roles. You can take down the entire enemy team that way.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

That's not a big deal, pretty much everyone I know of will just sit there, waiting for you to pull out that ubersaw, and then get you a point blank shot of their strongest weapon. Now, if you have 2 medics, one ubers the other, which then uses his ubersaw to build uber, uber runs out, they switch roles. You can take down the entire enemy team that way.

Then you have more faith in the people you play with than I do in mine :p But a well executed solo medic's moment of vulnerability should be so small it's hard to get at it in time, because of the delay before the uber goes away.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Then you have more faith in the people you play with than I do in mine :p

I'll be honest, half the time I uber another medic, even after 5 minutes of talking to them and them agreeing to do it, they either go on to uber someone else or try to go at the enemy with the bluttsauger. Bunch of fucking idiots, and if there is a small chance of them actually going at the enemy, I had one of them try to do a fucking ubersaw taunt on a sentry, that pushed them back. Not worth doing unless you're with smart people(Yeah right), or just messing around.

Of course this is not unlike the moron heavy that gets ubered and then tried to slowly walk at a sentry to punch it, or the soldier that pulls out his equaliser during a kritzkrieg.

Speaking of the equaliser, it may be the one weapon I just don't like. It just lacks the appeal the shovel had, and it's the one weapon that's just a straight upgrade without any drawbacks. (Not being healed while using it isn't a drawback, it's from a request by soldiers so they can get the achievement for killing without getting healed.)
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Crit-a-cola is for shitty scouts who can't kill otherwise. That is all.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Huh. So from a regular multiplay thread this turned into TF2 thread? Whatever.

Anyway, I'm looking for people who are interested in playing Magic: the Gathering online using the OCTGN engine. If there's anyone willing to do this, send me a message. A friend of mine set up a Hamachi network we can use.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

maybe because tf2 is the only popular and interesting thing to talk about hurf durf
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Meh. The only kinds of games I used to play online are RTS and Magic: the Gathering. It's been a while since I've played the former, so I might be getting rusty.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I attempted to advertise other games here a while back. No one cared. I've given up.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I'm playing quite a bit of Halo 3 online now, as well as Reach though as it's a beta and it'll be ending soon it doesn't quite count. Still, I'm getting better and better at it.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

And so the Pyro has been slightly "rebuffed", with the total nerf of the flamethrower's damage only being 10% now, rather than 20%. Anyone notice any improvements? Or do Pyros still suck to high heaven?
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

It's better. There's also the flare gun to mention. Sure I'd still take the versatility of the shotgun, but critting at distances and minicrits on burning players is pretty cool.

Considering the airblast, 90% isn't so bad. And the backburners not too much stronger, so now at least there's some reasonable choice between the two, which there wasn't ever before.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Crits at long range turned flare gun pyros into huntsman snipers, except a lot less effective. I cry a little bit when I see people spamming flares down choke points.

I love the new sniper kukri though. Fun fact, jarate + shiv = insta kill for 125 hp classes. So fun.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I am off school and apparently unemployable. My loss can be your gain, however, as I've got loads of free time. Add Undeed on Xbox live and Steam, though my steam collection is weak and I'm reluctant to buy anything new on account of I'm unemployable, message me for PSN.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

WTF, unemployable? You just not having luck getting a job, or are you physically/mentally debilitated and therefore unemployable?