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Multiplayer Gaming

Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Starcraft is gay too. Only faggots and koreans play it.

MW2 is a lot better. I was camping the other day and some faggot raged at me and I was like LOL and they were like RAGE and I said u mad bro? and they ragequit. And then I got a tactical nuke and uploaded the whole thing to youtube. For some reason, I got a bunch of faggots hating on me for playing MW2.

They just don't know a good game when they see one. Faggots.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I believe you have rested my case for me that you indeed are a idiot and a fail at trolling. Good day sir *tips top hat*
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Obe needs to play simple games, it seems. Otherwise, he won't find anyone to feed him.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Right. Blech. How bad MW2 is. Mostly because of both people like Obe, and the people he was talking about who whine endlessly about everything. This is why CoD4 is better. Most of the people who still play it are either the decent types who enjoy the game, or those who don't have mics so can't complain.

On another note, CoD4 still isn't very good. It's alright, but Killing Floor is much more fun, more consistently, and unlike any CoD game, I can play it for about 5 hours and still not be bored.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I've never played any FPS games via net. I've always played either a strategy game or something simple, like GTA 2. Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Dawn of War (expansions and mods) and recently Starcraft. The last game is probably the hardest, since speed and the ability to multitask matter a lot. I still manage to pull off a win from time to time.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

lol you guys are just jealous that I play the greatest fps ever and you can't recognize how amazing it is.

GTA2? That sounds stupid. GTA4 is the only good game in the series. The rest are too old and thus really really shitty and boring.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

MW2. I didn't mind it. I enjoyed it for a time, but lately I've been playing World at War for some reason. Which is a little funny to me cause I use to hate it. Oh well.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Well, since my friend gave me a 3 day trial for TF2 I have become addicted to it. Gonna buy it when the trial runs out.

Perhaps I can play with people and make OAMP buy it as well.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

lol you guys are just jealous that I play the greatest fps ever and you can't recognize how amazing it is.

GTA2? That sounds stupid. GTA4 is the only good game in the series. The rest are too old and thus really really shitty and boring.

Ummm... Lol, whut?

I have MW2. Yes, I did think it was awesome. For about 2 weeks. Then... It was just a boring version of CoD4. The only feature better than its predecessor was split-screen custom classes.

Also, what the hell is wrong with you to think that because a game is old it's no good? That's just... Just wrong. Sure, the only GTA game I've played is San Andreas, and that was about 3 years ago, but still, I can join in the 'hurr durr old games are shit' argument. Hell, I still play my old PSX and PS2 games, because they're damned awesome. Sure, the graphics are shit compared to modern games, but that's not really that important. And to be fair, some old ones aren't that bad graphical wise either, Shadow of the Colossus for example.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Are you stupid or something? Graphics mean everything. That's why MW2 is so amazing. That and my epic killstreaks. I'm kind of amazing at MW2.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming


Sorry, I'm not sure if you're just stupid, or actually believe that.

If you do really think like that, I pity your tiny brain having to work so hard by keeping you alive.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Well, since my friend gave me a 3 day trial for TF2 I have become addicted to it. Gonna buy it when the trial runs out.

Perhaps I can play with people and make OAMP buy it as well.

When you buy it if you get a 3 day trial send it to me.

Also obe, what platform do you have mw2 for, if its the same as me, I'll pwn you ;)
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

When you buy it if you get a 3 day trial send it to me.

Also obe, what platform do you have mw2 for, if its the same as me, I'll pwn you ;)

I shall!

Weird things are going to happen though, espicially if I'm playing with a guy called Fenix.

It's quite strange when we're together.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Also obe, what platform do you have mw2 for, if its the same as me, I'll pwn you ;)

360, motherfucker. Those ps3 noobs are faggots. And yeah right I pwn everything with any weapon. I once ran around with akimbo raffikas and fired at the hip. I got a tactical nuke in like 5 minutes. I'm really great at MW2 dude.

And yes, graphics mean everything. What's the point of playing a game if it doesn't look amazing? Every game before the 360 sucks ass. I mean, the PS3 and all of its users might be shitty but at least it's got some nice graphics.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Both the PS3 and X360 suck in comparsion to gaming PCs ;)
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Both the PS3 and X360 suck in comparsion to gaming PCs ;)

Amen. Shame the developers think otherwise, but many players are to blame for this, actually. Torrents and so on.


Sorry, I'm not sure if you're just stupid, or actually believe that.

If you do really think like that, I pity your tiny brain having to work so hard by keeping you alive.

Nah, he's not serious. He's just acting like a total dick on purpose, choosing words carefully to create the biggest impact on others. Either trolling others is an endless source of amusement for him, or he doesn't know any better forms of entertainment. The first option is understandable somewhat, the second is pitiful.

And yes, graphics mean everything. What's the point of playing a game if it doesn't look amazing? Every game before the 360 sucks ass. I mean, the PS3 and all of its users might be shitty but at least it's got some nice graphics.

In spite of knowing better, I couldn't help but reply. Graphics alone are but a hollow shell. If the gameplay sucks ass, nothing will help - and the game will be nothing more than a shitty way of wasting your machine's power.
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Its pretty easy to pirate for consoles too, its just DRM is harder to bypass there.
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Aye, you should never take Obe seriously. He's just a troll, that deep down inside is just reaching out for others to love him. It's a sad tragic fate really and you should feel sorry for him D=
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Its pretty easy to pirate for consoles too, its just DRM is harder to bypass there.

Dunno, never owned a console. Though considering how big some of the ISO/emu sites can get, I guess it might be a problem.