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Multiplayer Gaming


Jul 5, 2010
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming


Cut the crap out and return to Alien Swarm/topic or Ayu's gonna cry...along with ToxicShock.



Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Speaking of which, if you're up for a game, now that steam's working again, I might be up for a round. Most of our team is offline now, but I have some other people, but not four.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Guess who got more kills than RJ? Maybe it's because I was Sarge and he was a medic. And maybe it was because he ended up losing connection. But you know what, if your computer fails, it's your fault, I get more kills.


Jul 5, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I'd be up for it, but it's WAY too late now. I'm gonna get called by my possible new boss in a couple of hours to have a job interview with him. So maybe another time.


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I always have the least kills, but thats because I stay back and wait for someone to do something stupid, then save them.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

The grenade launcher is an endless source of laughter and rage.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

The Blink Pack on the final level is FUN AS HELL. It let's out an electrical shock where you land, which stuns surrounding enemies and (I'm guessing, never really got to try it out; I'm assuming it acts like the Electric Armor, it just doesn't get completely rid of them) helps somewhat with the Face-huggers if you get to medicinal aid in time.

Plus, it's funny to Blink past the wall of Aliens you meet when you're half-way to the landing-pad from the doors leading into that area.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Alien Swarm is awesome. Made it to the reactor twice on easy, the team got whiped down the second run to just me, and I made it all the way to the landing pad before the goddamn shield bugs got me. Played mostly Wildcat Special Weapons, though my second game I was Crash Tech. If I can sneak on tomorrow I can play, it's currently only able to run well on one of the rent's puters due to the graphic poweress.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

For some reason, nobody wants to play the tech.

Why not? Your assault rifle has auto-aim, you're the most important in the team(You die, the mission often restarts), you can do a few quick puzzles(Easy ones though, they should make those a bit harder), and in general you're just the one guy with the best stuff.

So far, all I've played was tech because nobody else would do it, but after all the games I played I'm getting a bit tired of it.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

For some reason, nobody wants to play the tech.

Why not? Your assault rifle has auto-aim, you're the most important in the team(You die, the mission often restarts), you can do a few quick puzzles(Easy ones though, they should make those a bit harder), and in general you're just the one guy with the best stuff.

So far, all I've played was tech because nobody else would do it, but after all the games I played I'm getting a bit tired of it.
That and the prototype rifle also is armed with electro-grenades. Which are awesosme.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jun 23, 2010
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Huh, I've actually had the opposite experience. Tech is almost always taken right away in games I join. Not that I mind, since I prefer special weapons.

Also, the Officers incendiary mines are amazingly good. They make little walls of fire that instakill most aliens on difficulties lower than insane, and even on insane they only get a few steps past the wall before burning up.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

achieved cobalt star.

this only reinforces that i'm better than y'all


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

For some reason, nobody wants to play the tech.

Why not? Your assault rifle has auto-aim, you're the most important in the team(You die, the mission often restarts), you can do a few quick puzzles(Easy ones though, they should make those a bit harder), and in general you're just the one guy with the best stuff.

So far, all I've played was tech because nobody else would do it, but after all the games I played I'm getting a bit tired of it.
Well, I want to complete our campaign with everyone as the same positions, just because that's cool. I'd have no problems taking over the tech afterwards.

That and the prototype rifle also is armed with electro-grenades. Which are awesosme.
I much prefer the normal grenades, I dunno why.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Dunno why nobody wants to play Tech in your games, XSI.

I personally have issues with people not wanting to be Medic, but that's more reasonable, I guess.

I really love Vegas. I grab the Powerfist off-hand along with a chainsaw and either a flamethrower or a Tesla and I'm good to go. Of course, that really only works if I'm not lagging, which has happened occasionally due to the host having a shitty connection.

And Cobalt's the blueish one, right? I've had that one for a couple days now. Unless I'm wrong. In which case I don't have it.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Well, Tesla gun doesn't seem to really help with the parasites. If you hit them before they latch on it seems to help a little, but the best way to get rid of them is to quickly receive medical aid, and possibly activate the electric armor.

Also, aiming the Grenade Launcher is apparently wonky of you try to shoot it over a rail at a corner. Kept sending it upward, yet low enough to apparently hit us, just not as hard.

Also also, if you're doing speed runs, Adrenaline is your friend, especially when you have to hack. It slows down the 'time until access is logged' bar, but you can still hack at normal speed. OMFG FINALLY A USE FOR ADRENALINE.

Also ALSO also, about an hour after my last post, I hit Gallium Star. Apparently you can only promote 3 times. Not like promoting did anything besides give you a medal and reset you to level 1, but I likey my medals :(

EDIT: Also, here are my tips for Alien Swarm. Long post is long.
If you are lagging hard, just leave. It does not help your team-mates to stay in the game and give up a free kill within the first 30 seconds of the mission.

NOTE - The following contains one person's opinions. It should not be taken as a be-all end-all. This is just what I found to work well.

Sarge gets the biggest Health and Leadership bonuses. Put an Armor on him and he makes an excellent point-man.
-Best Weapons: 1st weapon could be most anything. Vindicator is a good choice. Second weapon may likely be Ammo or Flamethrower. Off-hand should be the Armor or the Electric Armor.
Jaeger is your best choice if you like the Vindicator. He has the largest bonus for it, plus his Explosive bonus is the best in the game.
-Best Weapons: Vindicator is a must. Second weapon could be Ammo, or the Assault Rifle for it's grenades. The Grenade Launcher should only be taken as a back-up and should only be used if you're good at working with the team. It also works wonders on the last level. Off-hand should be something explodey. Missiles, Mines, or (Freeze) Grenades.

Special Weapons:
Wildcat has the most points in the Damage stat. Use her if you don't need to play a specific class and want massive damage output. I don't know if the Autocannon/Minigun stat gives more damage per point that the regular Damage stat, so I don't know if she's better than Wolfe for Autocannons/Minigun. EDIT: Having checked, Wolfe is better with the Specialist class-specific weapons.
-Best Weapons: Just about anything. I'd suggest something high-damage and good for being the point-(wo)man, since she has the highest Movement bonus in the game. For secondary, probably ammo or another weapon, probably Dual Pistols. Off-hand could be Armor if you run up front, or Damage amp if you really want to crank out the damage.
Wolfe is godly with the Autocannon/Minigun, and has the best chance to pierce through enemies to hit others. Use him if you need massive crowd control.
-Best Weapons: Use the Autocannon if you hate the spin-up on the Minigun, or if you're afraid of friendly-fire but still want to play Wolfe anyways; and although it locks on, still be careful. Use the Minigun if you want crowd control. Secondary should be Ammo. No exceptions. You need to feed your gun. Off-hand could be an armor since he has a decent Health bonus, or you could use the Flare to help you auto-target while using the Minigun.

Faith is THE best Medic. No exceptions. Especially once you get to the parasites. She has the best Healing and Curing bonuses. She has a decent Run bonus, so you shouldn't have any issues getting to someone you can see on the minimap with you, save for possibly Wildcat.
-Best Weapons: Well, you could go all heals with a Medgun/Heal Beacon combo. Otherwise I'd suggest a Tesla Gun and your preferred healing device. No medic should ever be without either healing device. If you are, YOU'RE DOIN' IT WRONG. Tesla Gun is great for helping out with no chance of hitting team-mates. Off-hand could be Electric Armor, or if you're going for Peace Medic grab regular Armor. Tesla Coil is also nice to protect the team while your Heal Beacon is in use.
Bastille is... well, I don't like to use him, but he does more damage than the other Medic and he's also the best choice for carrying Adrenaline.
-Best Weapons: Just about any weapon and a healing device. I'd suggest the Healing Beacon. Weapon should be a good support weapon, or at least one with decent ammo, so no using the PDW. Off-hand should always be Adrenaline. If you don't use Adrenaline, USE THE OTHER MEDIC. Unless you feel you need two. In which case Electric Armor for him, too. Don't go for Peace Medic on this guy, he's best suited for killing enemies while healing every once in a while.

Crash... I feel similar to him as I do to Bastille. If you have a choice, choose the other guy first. Only use Crash if you MUST have two Techs, or if you want the Damage and Explosive bonus and still want to play Tech. Oh, and his Reload bonus is the best in the game.
-Best Weapons: The Prototype Rifle is good on him. I'd suggest using him if you want to use the Prototype, actually. The Grenade Launcher works as well, just watch the Friendly Fire. You could also go with the Shotgun, Sniper, or Rail Rifle, since the Reload bonus helps make the low clip-size seem a bit less noticeable, though if you use the Shotgun, make sure secondary is Ammo. Secondary should be a Turret or Ammo. Off-hand should be an (Electric) Armor, or something explodey. Could also use the Welder if you need it.
Vegas is the better choice of the two Techs in my opinion. His Engineering skill is the best, and he has the best Melee bonus of the game. That combined with his decent Health bonus makes him an ideal choice.
-Best Weapons: Chainsaw. Grab the Chainsaw. No other weapon will do. Unless you can't use it. Then grab the Prototype Rifle. Secondary should be either a Turret or Ammo. Flamethrower works as well on the last two or three levels. Off-hand could be the Melee Booster if you go that route, otherwise I'd suggest the Welder or (Electric) Armor.

-Assault Rifle: For being a starter weapon, it's quite good. Decent clip and Ammo, decent damage, and Alternate Fire is on-contact-with-anything grenades.
--Best on: Anyone can use it. I'd suggest someone with Damage and/or Explosive bonuses.

-Prototype Rifle(Tech): You have no reason to not use this if you're just starting out or prefer Crash to Vegas. It auto-targets and has Stun Grenades for an alt-fire.
--Best on: Crash.

-Autogun(Special Weapons): This is your gun of choice starting out, and Wolfe should always use this until you have the Minigun. It auto-locks. One clip = Entire box of ammo.
--Best on: Wolfe.

-Vindicator(Officer): You should always ALWAYS always use this if you're an Officer. It's damage is OP and it's alt-fire is Incendiary Grenades.
--Best on: Jaeger. He has 2 bonuses that affect it.

-Dual Pistols: Good as a back-up. The damage makes them, as it says in the notes, 'ammo efficient'. Though I do believe that they use two clips at a time on reload, so you really get 12 clips. Still not bad, though.
--Best on: Anyone, really.

-Advanced Sentry Gun: This is the best Sentry gun. High Ammo capacity and nice range make it ideal for fortifying your position.
--Best on: Tech. EDIT: Apparently Tech gives their Engineering bonus to anyone on the team if they're close enough, so as long as you have a Tech on the team, anyone can use this, really.

-Heal Beacon(Medic): Great for group heals, and also feels like it can heal more than the Medgun.
--Best on: Faith.

-Ammo Satchel: What can I say. It's ammo. Always have someone carry ammo.
--Best on: Anyone, really, though Wolfe should ALWAYS have this for his Autocannon/Minigun.

-Shotgun: A nice high-damage weapon. If you're not an Officer but want an only slightly-less OP gun, use the Shotgun.
--Best on: Anyone, really. Point-(wo)men are the best bet.

-Tesla Cannon: The attacks jump to other enemies, so it's great for stunning multiple enemies. It's also good for helping knock off parasites.
--Best on: Anyone, really. Nice for getting the 'no friendly fire' achievement.

-Rail Rifle: Nice long-range, high-damage. Make sure you're good at quick-relaoads.
--Best on: Anyone, really. Crash will reload the fastest, especially if you're good at the quick-reload.

-Medical Gun(Medic): Great for healing on-the-go. Also great for healing team-mates who refuse to be healed by a Beacon. Alt-fire is self-heal.
--Best on: Faith.

-K80 PDW: Ammo hungry little buggers o_O Great for a LOT of damage in a short amount of time, but ammo goes quickly.
--Best on: Anyone, really, though I'd suggest Wildcat. Whoever you use, though, secondary weapon slot should DEFINITELY be ammo.

-Flamethrower: Everyone likes fire! Great for the last few levels, or any level really. Plus it's alt-fire is an Extinguisher, handy for putting out team-mates you accidentally set on fire or just fires in general.
--Best on: Anyone, really. I'd suggest Wildcat.

-Freeze Sentry: It's kind of fun, but don't grab it if you need damage. It just freezes the enemy in place for a short while.
--Best on: Tech.

-Minigun(Special Weapons): Great crowd control ability. The wind-up may or may not get on your nerves. Dont' use alt-fire, just Walk. Alt-fire spins the barrel, but so does walking. Alt-fire seems to make you fire in bursts if you don't let up on the alt-fire key while firing.
--Best on: Wolfe.

-Sniper Rifle: Nice damage and it has Piercing bullets. Alt-fire gives you a scope that high-lights enemies that run under it, as well as a slightly zoomed-in view.
--Best on: Anyone, really. I'd suggest someone who's good at not hitting the point-(wo)man, but is good at hitting the enemy.

-Incendiary Sentry: Nice Turret if you want the fire.
--Best on: Tech.

-Chainsaw: DO WANT. Especially Vegas. EDIT: Also, if 3-4 people grab the Chainsaw, possibly along with a Damage Amp, you can cut down doors faster than a Tech can un-weld.
--Best on: Vegas.

-High Velocity Sentry: Lots of damage, but too small of a clip and it seemed to me that it was eating ammo even when not firing. That could just be me, though.
--Best on: Tech.

-Grenade Launcher: Great for tearing through huge blobs. Excellent for the Pods towards the end of the final mission.
--Best on: Someone with Explosives. Jaeger comes to mind.

-Healing Kit: Good to have if you're medic is worthless. Otherwise, it's not really worth it most the time.
--Best on: Anyone, usually people who will be taking the brunt of the damage.

-Welder: Useful for opening up rooms and routes you wouldn't have access to otherwise. Also useful for blocking off doors to stem the Alien swarm a bit. Just make sure the mission you want it for has doors worth welding/un-welding.
--Best on: While anyone can use it, it goes the fastest on Tech. EDIT: Seems team-mates can go just as fast as a Tech if the Tech is standing near enough to them.

-Flare: Using this item will give some light, as well allow you to lock onto enemies within it's radius with any gun. It's nice for dark areas and for helping stem Friendly Fire a little. It's really not used all that much, though.
--Best on on: Anyone, really, since the lock-on reticule is granted to everyone. I like it on Special Weapons people, because it turns the Minigun into a more powerful Autogun.

-Laser Trip Mines: This item will allow you to throw down 3 mines in the direction you aim which will detonate only when an enemy trips the laser. It can be applied to walls, though I usually see them being tossed on the ground. Good for holding key areas. I really like them on the Bridge run and the Reactor.
--Best on: Someone with an Explosives bonus would do best with these. Jaeger has the best Explosives bonus, with Sarge and Crash tying in second. Nobody else has an Explosives bonus.

-Heavy Armor: This will passively reduce all incoming damage. It's a nice item, just make sure it's what you want.
--Best on: Anybody, really, though point-men and people with a Health bonus will benefit a bit more from it. Best to take it if you know you'll be getting hit a lot.

-Damage Amp: This will double the damage of anyone standing in it's aura. It's a nice little item to have, but compared to what else you could have in that slot... eh.
--Best on: Officer or Special Weapons. They have damage bonuses that already make their damage great. Why not make it that much more OP?

-Hornet Barrage: This will let out missiles that will fly to the nearest target(s) and deal massive damage.
--Best on: Someone with Explosives.

-Freeze Grenades: This will freeze all enemies within a certain radius of the blast, allowing you to either run by, or unload into them while they sit there.
--Best on: Someone with Explosives, I'd guess.

-Adrenaline: Slows time down. Great for speed-runs and getting those hacking achievements, since you can still hack at normal speeds, but the 'access logged' bar will move much slower.
--Best on: Bastille.

-Tesla Coil: an Off-hand Sentry, this portable Tesla will shock any enemy that gets near it, stunning and slowing it a bit.
--Best on: Anyone, really. Get it if you don't want a Sentry in your main weapon slots, but still want a sentry. Or even get it as a supplement to your turret.

-Electric Armor: Very nice armor. It's great at shocking the Parasites off of you, as well as stunning any enemy that touches you, so long as it's active.
--Best on: Anyone, really. I'd suggest it for those who like to run up ahead to try to kill the pods, or who just have bad luck with getting face-hugged.

-Incendiary Mines(Officer): This items allows you to set a mine that will kill the first enemy to walk over it, as well as throw up a wall of fire for anyone to walk through and get damaged by.
--Best on: Jaeger. Explosives bonus for the win.

-Flashlight: Really? A flashlight? Anyways. All it does is light up the area ahead of you. I guess if you really have trouble seeing it's good, otherwise go choose something else.
--Best on: Anyone can use it, nobody really should need to use it.

-Power Fist: Doubles the melee damage of your character. Now it's not so hard to kill those buggers on harder difficulties, as long as you're used to getting in their face.
--Best on: Definitely Vegas. Give it to him and watch him work wonders.

-Grenade: It's a grenade. You throw it, it goes *BOOM*.
--Best on: Someone with Explodey.

-Nightvision goggles: Everything turns shades of green, and the enemies are lit-up like Christmas trees. Useful in darkened areas, like the bridge or the vents.
--Best on: Anyone can use it, really. It's just not that good unless you have issues seeing.

-Smart Bomb: Massive amounts of missiles go everywhere, killing everything. Major drawback: single-use.
--Best on: Someone with Explodey.

-Jet Boots: I've never really used them that much, but they seem good for clearing gaps. EDIT: They also cause damage to surrounding enemies along with a small knockback(I think?).
--Best on: Anyone, really. Only use if you know what you're doing, though.

-Blink Pack: This is SO much fun. You instantly teleport to your cursor, and as you exit the teleport, you emit an electrical shock. Works great for getting out of bad situations. IF it decides to work. I've had it tell me to fuck-off a few times.
--Best on: Point-(wo)men, though most anyone could benefit from it.
Last edited:


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Personally, I find the best way to deal with parasites is light them on fire before they get to you. The flamethrower really only has a few situations when it shouldn't be used, it seems, as even the ranged attack aliens can be dodged around with ease.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

it turns out speed runs are really hard.

but me and a team got a system down.

pistols and chainsaws is what its all about.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

I are putting public games on anything but easy on strike, I am tired of either Leeroy Jenkinz or healguns how do they work >,< I can be askin for medic with ten bugs on me and be ditched.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Multiplayer Gaming

despite playing in pubs i normaly find that everyone displays a strange amount of competence.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Multiplayer Gaming

Eh, it fluctuates. I'll have 3-4 games with good players, then a game with shit players, then another couple with good players, then 4 games with shit players.