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ACT Abandoned [musfan] Melody Blood

there should be no in game communication other then maybe press "key" makes character call out for help when grabbed. be it a real person or Ai teammates in an H-game its something I really want to see more of there aren't many that aren't RPG games.
there should be no in game communication other then maybe press "key" makes character call out for help when grabbed.
Why ? i mean, if the game had a chat or emotes or something like that.. it would be a "bad" thing ?
be it a real person or Ai teammates in an H-game its something I really want to see more of there aren't many that aren't RPG games.
You can get AI controlled companions in Enlit3D's new project but that's the only one I know of.

Honestly I share an aversion to any multiplayer h-game as well. Sure there's a possibility it's someone I'd find attractive on the other end, but it's a remote one, more than likely it's someone I'd find revolting. Not to mention the fact that other people just ruin games.
"Not to mention the fact that other people just ruin games."
I disagree but.. ok xD
Oh i have the new project of Enlit., it's cool but have many things i dislike it.
in a coop game, if you're partner got caught, would you rescue them, or sit back and enjoy the show? lol
i have a feeling if its AI its either going to be so good you have to get it killed or so bad its worthless.
Hrm, he could just add a option.
Do you want a Companion or something. If no then you would be alone. xD
My perspective of the whole coop thing.

I believe it is a great system, considering this is actually a first for me. A online multiplayer H-game. Like literally, I never played a coop or competitive H-game before and this might be a first for me. Surely, communication is incredibly important in a multiplayer game, but there are games where it can visually show the status of your teammate and their signals, messages, and emotes. So whether or not this game will have such communication system, they might still be able to give some visual communication for those who cannot afford having even the worst working microphone. And finally, for those wonder who are the playable characters are, long time Melody Blood followers will know that there are 3 playable main characters, and 2 outside of the main Melody Blood game itself.

Now my other perspective of the whole coop thing.

I might get a lot of negative feedback that this game might not have a coop. Looking at the images, it looks like the characters are all mirrored. Knowing musfan since his rehab, he has 2 test models when he started developing this. So if he were to make a coop, he'd be using 2 different models instead of the same one. But I hear you saying "but he mirrored the model and animation just to save some time". And you're probably right about that. but the fact that both players are right next to each other so close that their models would clip to one another is not a coincidence.

But I'll let the mirrored model and animation slide for the mean time. Considering that it is good save of time and effort as a developer myself. But another thing that stands out to me is why would it be so close to each other. When testing a multiplayer game, you can make 2 separate controls for each player even using the same keyboard as the first player, or have it running on a external input like a game pad or something. And what's about the two players doing the same action simultaneously like some sort of mirror.

My guess is that he is making a ghost trail effect. Which is the process of making after images each particular frames of animation that model is creating. Similar to the original 2D Melody Blood where Natane dashes forward or where Arianrod sprints. Navis the prologue boss can do the same ghost trail effect when closing in on the player, so that might be where its at. Another speculation that I am thinking of is a skill. The skill in particular that I am talking about is "Doppelganger". If Melody Blood as he described it is inspired from DMC, then a Doppelganger skill is plain obvious outcome. Considering it is the same model doing the same action as the player simultaneously, ignoring the fact that the model is mirrored. But that might actually be the reason why it is mirrored. Probably because he wanted it to be a mirrored image of the player doing the exact same movement as what the character is doing, similar to the DMC3 cutscene where Dante acquired Doppelganger for the first time. To top it all off, it might be given to Nina, considering she in the whole Melody Blood playable roster is the only one with no particular abilities that is unique like the other heroines. And because she is a vampire, such skill is a possibility(me taking my love for this game and vampires too far).

So that's my perspectives of the whole coop thing, I hope I didn't offend anyone, and hope that this could actually be any help to any of you.

New screenshots of the Zomble enemy. It now has textures and can attack now. With of course, nipple sucking.

The dev updated their Fantia page with videos showing more nipple sucking (as expected) and the revelation that the common zombie-thugs now have functioning dicks and aren't content with just nipples anymore. All but the last two videos are open to anyone, but you'll need a Fantia account for the second-to-last one (a 60 FPS version of the free video), while the last video requires a 500-yen pledge (machine translation spits out "Full cut without bra;" not sure what that means.)

glad the H-content is expanding. Looks like might still be a good mix of ryona and H content
I was already interested in the game but to hear that it'll be more than just breast sucking has definitely sky rocketed my interest, very much looking forward to it now
while the last video requires a 500-yen pledge (machine translation spits out "Full cut without bra;" not sure what that means.)

That's great to hear. I've always thought Melody Blood had pretty nice looking characters, but then there was only like 2 penetration scenes with the rest being breast sucking. The 500 yen video is most likely just the same video but with clothing removed (one of the images is a preview of that).

Btw, is this newer game still called Melody Blood? Since it's a completely different game, it would be better to start a new thread. Especially since the flairs suggest that this project is on hiatus.
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Wow, I thought that this game was dead. It's good to hear that it's still in development.
So...eh... shouldn't the unknown/hiatus tag be removed ?
Well the development for the game this thread was originally about is still dead. Transitioning from a 2d action with pixel sprites to 3d action with models could be considered a different game entirely. So a new thread might be made for the one currently developed to preserve information about the original Melody Blood.
So can anyone explain to me exactly what the new 3d game is about (Speaking of which, this probably warrnts a new thread)?
Is co-op confirmed? Does it have anything to do with VRChat (Since I keep seeing it thrown around in amongst the moonspeak on the dev's twitter)? Or is it all just speculation right now?

I'm not too hot on the concept of co-op H-games anyhow - think of all the problems we repeatedly bring up about combat-rape, game-over rape etc - throw in another player who might have a different approach (eg. lose to each enemy instead of beat the game first) and it becomes madness. That, and it's just weird interacting with most likely some other sweaty bastard half-way across the planet, even if it's Journey-style no comms except character emotes.

I can get behind the 3D art and style, but I honestly preferred the 2d art a little more, and seeing just how much content the dev's thrown out from that is kinda saddening.