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ACT Vore Loli Ryona [nanakusado] もんすたぁ☆さぷらいずど幽鬼ち / Monster surprised Yuki-chan (RJ275826 / RJ309773)


Jungle Girl
Apr 29, 2013
Reputation score
Well, I got it working now. The god dam msvcr100.dll file that was in my system64 originally was not working or it was because I copied the one that came from the system32. When there wasn't even a msvcr100 file in the system64, the install of the newest c++ redistributable 64 bit nor even reinstalling Adobe Acrobat didn't try to install one in there. Got that was troubleshooting hell for a file that I thought would work nor any errors actually saying that it was the .dll file that was broken.


Active member
May 17, 2018
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So, I beat the game. Where are the giant enemies? Please don't tell me that the clips in the gallery are all there is of them.
I don't know how you beat the game without encountering them, the giant enemy stage is the second to last level. I would guess that you bought the R-15 version instead of the R-18 version, as the R-15 version does not have the giant enemy stage, but it doesn't have the gallery mode either.

Huh, it's only been about 2 days, and the R18 version of the game has already been downloaded twice as much as the R15 version. Don't know if I should feel happy that Nana's game is doing so well, or a bit sad that the R15 version has been outdone so quickly.
I think it just sold better because of the H content. A retro 2D platformer isn't going to get as big of an audience.

F95zone has a cracked copy of the game. Please remember to support the developer.
I shouldn't say this, but for the time being, I'm going to recommend getting a pirated copy of the game if you also donate 2K points (roughly equivalent to $20) to Nana's Ci-en please. All signs point to the myriad issues like the game crashing or running slowly and whatnot are caused by DLsite's DRM. If you donate to Ci-en, then Nana gets money anyway, so it's fine. Nana is trying to get into contact with both DLsite's management and the creators of Pixel Game Maker MV (the game making program he used to make the Youki game) to try to get assistance in resolving the issue with the DRM protection. But it may take a while to get it fixed.

So I had the "crash during EX stage" error and restarted the game. Got up to that point, and beat the entire EX stage. Now when I try to play the game again, I get a crash during the EX stage regardless, even though I can load the stages following the EX stage. Has there been any solution to this yet?

Also, if we get a patch with some fixes, can we also add a way to skip the opening cutscene of the EX stage?
So right now, there is no real fix to the EX stage crashing. Best you can do is just restart the game. Seems DLsite's DRM is causing the game to run considerably more inefficiently, causing a lot of issues with that stage in particular. For the time being, there's no other way but to put up with it. Nana can't do anything to fix it himself, so all he can do is report the issue and hope it gets resolved. Regarding the EX stage, you can actually skip the events by pressing the pause button after you've already viewed them at least once. I don't know why this feature wasn't included for all of the events in the game in general, but there you have it.


Active member
May 17, 2018
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Already fixed, latest version is 1.02. Seems the game's title on DLsite hasn't been updated to reflect that yet.


Mystic Girl
Jun 2, 2010
Reputation score
The R18 version runs more smoothly than the R15 version (which was basically unplayable for me because it ran at 15 FPS) but I'm sad to hear about the playdrm once again causing massive issues.

Developers really need to stop using DRM, its a scam. You get a game that runs poorly or not at all for paying customers while pirates get everything they want. It doesn't matter if you make the pirates wait, basic psychology means that if you make people wait for a payoff or make the payroll semi-random that only makes the behavior stronger and with less remorse. They take your money while they screw you over and you get all the bad rep while you look stupid for falling for the scam.

Table 1. Reinforcement Schedules
Reinforcement ScheduleDescriptionResultExample
Fixed intervalReinforcement is delivered at predictable time intervals (e.g., after 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes).Moderate response rate with significant pauses after reinforcementHospital patient uses patient-controlled, doctor-timed pain relief
Variable intervalReinforcement is delivered at unpredictable time intervals (e.g., after 5, 7, 10, and 20 minutes).Moderate yet steady response rateChecking Facebook
Fixed ratioReinforcement is delivered after a predictable number of responses (e.g., after 2, 4, 6, and 8 responses).High response rate with pauses after reinforcementPiecework—factory worker getting paid for every x number of items manufactured
Variable ratioReinforcement is delivered after an unpredictable number of responses (e.g., after 1, 4, 5, and 9 responses).High and steady response rateGambling

In other words: STOP USING DRM. You are teaching people not to buy things because DRM randomly fucks them and they learn not to buy games and people start stealing because its exactly what they've learned works. People should only be pirating because they have to, not because they want to.

And regarding the game: I am absolutely having fun and I can also report that the F95zone version had no problems in the EX stage but the game itself had some softlock issues (this probably has nothing to do with DRM):
1. Getting blown up during mission clear causes the screen to soft-lock while the screen turns white.
2. Getting grabbed by the gargoyle while a goblin is also being grabbed softlocks the game as she eats the goblin and you get stuck in the air.


Active member
May 17, 2018
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" (1) From the settings of your security software, set the YUKI R18+ folder (including subfolders and below) to exception settings.
(2) Restart your PC once and clear the memory cache. "

Nana messaged me saying that apparently these two steps are very effective at dealing with the R-18 version's issues. I'm not sure about it, but I guess it's worth a shot.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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" (1) From the settings of your security software, set the YUKI R18+ folder (including subfolders and below) to exception settings.
(2) Restart your PC once and clear the memory cache. "

Nana messaged me saying that apparently these two steps are very effective at dealing with the R-18 version's issues. I'm not sure about it, but I guess it's worth a shot.
#1 will actually probably help performance across the board for people on hard drives. I noticed on my laptop that Windows Defender was taking 100% of the disk read/write capacity scanning the directory. Kinda suspect this also has its roots in the way the DRM functions too though. Adding an exception didn't help (though using a cracked copy seemed to reduce the scanning activity to almost nothing even without the exception in addition to improving overall quality), but I had some other bottlenecks due to system specs too.

I don't have a lot of insight into how the current incarnation of DLSite DRM works, but according to a writeup from 3-4 years ago the extremely short version is that the game content is delivered encrypted and then is decrypted using a key generated from running startup.exe.

My personal suspicion at this point is that the engine might not handle asset loading/unloading very well to begin with (considering that even the cracked version goes from smooth to 2 FPS on screen flashing effects), and the DRM causes an even larger performance hit due to encryption/decryption of assets.


Jungle Girl
Nov 17, 2010
Reputation score
Hope that the dude gets these issues fixed or consider removing the DRM. This game is pretty fun and the devs deserves to get high download rates. I just wish the blue Lamia wolf demon had sexier animations.


Jungle Girl
Jul 2, 2010
Reputation score
I just hope we get the coupon soon. I got enough points to buy the game with the coupon but not without and currently a bit short on cash so I'd rather use the 10-15 bucks on something more important if possible.


Active member
May 15, 2018
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This game is fun as hell compared to the Wolf RPG, RPG maker, and other light novel shovelware we get in droves. The gallery even showcases how to brutalize those bosses for those who'd like to attempt a score attack. The only thing that's a difficult curve is the gargoyle chase while you're shrunk and the final boss, which is mainly a survival challenge. I hope that we may get another game from this circle that'll publish over the somewhat monotonous, winding level design.

The gameplay can quick, fun, and brutally chaotic at moments. On normal, provided you cleared the game at least once, you'll be able to clear the whole game without one continue if you take the game seriously. There's no cheap trial and error gameplay that may plague the platforming. The soundtrack does it's job and really keeps you in the game. There's no stand out tracks, though there's no moments where you'll be drawn by a renegade song that draws you out. The sound is average, there's no standouts to note. Characters sound as you think they would. Visually, this game can be stunning. The moments of brutality from our protagonist, Youki, make a nice contrast against the ero or vore attacks from the enemies. You really get the sense that she's not fooling around, even if the player chooses to view the erotic scenes during gameplay. Even the enemies have some character given to them by their attacks and idle animation, more than even RPG enemies.

While the story isn't the best, the narrative does all that's possible to convey a plot within a two hour period. There's a nice conclusion and I'd say that the story is about a 7 or 6.5 out of 10. Just because there's a lull to create the scenario for the vore and unbirth sections of the game.

Overall, for porn it's a solid 8. 9, if you've been drowning in the aforementioned shovelware. While I'd say the game itself is solid indie platformer, action game at a 6, or 7 if you're feeling generous.


New member
May 3, 2018
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ok the game is bugged by DRM? it's boring to see that a protection suposing stopping the theft alters a work


Active member
May 17, 2018
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You can pick up the tatami tiles and use them as a shield, then throw them at her for okay damage. Otherwise the intended method is to stay close to her, the bullets will explode on the scenery or hit the floor.


Active member
Jul 18, 2018
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Is anyone having issues with the game crashing at the gallery or at the end of the first boss in the eng version? Because I'm seem to be having that issue.

I also tried using the JPN version, but the game would crash before it even starts.


Jungle Girl
Nov 9, 2011
Reputation score
Are the stone wall options in the gallery locked H-scenes in game or just place holders? I played the R15 version and most of the gallery seems unlocked at first go except for those stone walls.
Goblin girl has 2 stone walls for me, Harpy 1, slime 4, lamia 3, etc.


Grim Reaper
Dec 7, 2010
Reputation score
I think they're just placeholders. From what I've seen, all that's in the gallery right now is all there is, at the moment. I don't think you can see the game over screens though. Maybe they'll add a way to see them from the gallery when more are added in.


Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
im at the EX stage and im confused when the gargoyle giant chases you on the 3rd phase. I have no where to go and she always gets me. There are no enemies or anything..


Demon Girl
Feb 17, 2016
Reputation score
im at the EX stage and im confused when the gargoyle giant chases you on the 3rd phase. I have no where to go and she always gets me. There are no enemies or anything..
Just run forward, only jumping for the blocks until you get to the bomb. Trying to jump up the ramps will slow you down enough that she catches you.


Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Just run forward, only jumping for the blocks until you get to the bomb. Trying to jump up the ramps will slow you down enough that she catches you.
Not the bomb part. that phase 2. Im talking about phase 3.


Active member
May 17, 2018
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They are talking about phase 3. There's a bomb plant at the end. Since a lot of people have a problem with it, I posted a demo of this section on Twitter.

You can just run straight ahead without any need to attack the gargoyle girl to slow her down, but I do that because I'm pretty sure it's actually faster to jump up the slopes, but rubber banding causes her to catch up. The rubber banding was a lot worse when the stage was still being made...at any rate, just run forward and jump over the blocks, that's all you need to do, don't need to make it any harder on yourself by attacking her unless you need the extra leeway.