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VN/TEXT Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

yeah, she looked the same even in Zero. I just can't help but think of her as a kid due to her appearance.
Just say no to lolicon! lol
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

oh god, he was gonna make Ilya 18? Just no, I can't help but think that would have killed some of her charm. Though her maids...could be fun ;D

Yup, the scene where she kidnaps Shirou and takes him to her mansion in Fate route was suppose to lead to her route but instead the choice was changed and leads to a bad end instead. If you read any of the artbooks they released, one of them actually had a scene from her route that they didn't use.

Also why she becomes a huge flag blocker in a lot of comedy works by Type-Moon. As a sort of revenge against the other heroines, except Sakura. They all know not to mess with the 2nd main cook of the house.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

interesting. There's so many of those sort of inside jokes in phantasm carnival for example I have no idea about
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

lol, yeah some jokes are staff related, seiyuu jokes, or they parody movies (like the latest episode with "Final Dead Lancer" parody of Final Destination. But the majority are from the comedy skits in the games, their budget issues, and the cross-over manga that inspired this anime.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

All in all, Carnival Phantasm is just everyone having a lot of fun. That's probably what's so admirable about it. How often do you see a series like that, right?
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

lol, yeah some jokes are staff related, seiyuu jokes, or they parody movies (like the latest episode with "Final Dead Lancer" parody of Final Destination. But the majority are from the comedy skits in the games, their budget issues, and the cross-over manga that inspired this anime.

Has season 3 started for carnival?
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I thought the 3 episodes are the 3rd season?
I am still waiting on my Lancer x Barzett
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

It's 4 episodes. And there is no 4th season. It's over... /profound sadness.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Miricles are bought about by your own h-
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

And I'd argue that, yes, Assassin is fucking badass, I mean, come on, he held off every Servant that came up the mountain, including Berserker. But I think Lancer could take him~
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

And I'd argue that, yes, Assassin is fucking badass, I mean, come on, he held off every Servant that came up the mountain, including Berserker. But I think Lancer could take him~

Indeed, I iz sad panda. I would love to see more carnival phantasm. But it's just not in the cards it seems.
anyways, I do think that lancer could probably take assassin on. At least if he gets the chance to use his noble phantasm. The idea of a fatal wound that is guaranteed to hit unless you have saber's considerable skill leave him in a favorable position. Too bad at least from what I've seen so far(still in UBW) it seems that this assassin doesn't appear to have a noble phantasm. Or at least not the likes of what the others seem to have
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

The funny thing is it's Lancer's honor that makes him lose at all. Lancer is THE best servant in one on one battles. The only reason he loses is because he never uses the most obvious tactic... Spam Gae Bolg.

He can totally do it as it costs so little mana and Saber barely avoided it because she had an A in luck. Against every other servant it'll just kill outright.

Berserker might be a problem but he can just use his runes to strengthen Gae Bolg enough to ignore his divine protection and kill him off one life at a time.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I don't think Lancer would be able to spam Gae Bolg against Berserker. Berserker would probably trade hits with him and maim him if he got too predictable.

Assassin did not have a Noble Phantasm. His Tsubame Gaeshi was the result of just simply having godlike ability in swordsmanship.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I wonder if you realize that Lancer doesn't need to be in front or anywhere near Berserker to use it. He doesn't even need to make a stab motion. It's completely instant and unavoidable.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

I wonder if you realize that Lancer doesn't need to be in front or anywhere near Berserker to use it. He doesn't even need to make a stab motion. It's completely instant and unavoidable.

This is true. The true way of using Gae Bolg isn't even a stab technique but a throwing one. He only did it once though, against Archer. Best rivalry ever btw in Fate universe.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Just because Gae Bolg takes low magical energy I don't think it's still spamable, to use Magical energy in the Fate universe I think requires you to gather it and focus it, so if Lancer is under attack he can't use Gae Bolg and if he tries a surprise attack, Servants can sense each other so they can probably sense him from a mile away and decide to fight or flight before he got in range to use Gae Bolg. Lancer isn't the best in 1v1 because he needs distance to use his Gae Bolg effectively, so if someone already knows who he is he will be at a disadvantage if he couldn't gain distance. Archer and Lancer are my favorite servants, and the fact that they are pretty much rivials makes it cooler. But Archer has his UBW and a shield that can block Gae Bolg so I think he would win in a real fight. Lancer can probably rape Caster, although most people can already do that... Assassin with his long sword might be able to match Lancer in a battle with his range and speed on flat ground. Berserker... it's just Berserker... Rider, if she uses her Noble, Cursed Spear VS Divine Horse... dunno how that would work out. Saber VS Lancer, if Saber is at full power she is STRONGEST, and with her shield, Lancer is no match.
So... in conclusion, unless Lancer is really stealthy or throws that thing really far way, I don't think it would be as easy as you think for him to beat people.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Gae Bolg definitely isn't a stealthy move. When he was about to use it the first time, even SHIROU knew that Archer was about to die.
I'd also like to point out that Archer would not have been able to block a second Gae Bolg, Rioh Ahries or w/e it's spelled didn't even defend the entire attack.

And if Lancer threw Gae Bolg at Berserker, he'd take out one life, and Berserker would keep charging at him and cleave him in two. I don't see spamming thrown Gae Bolgs as a viable tactic. Regardless, Lancer is my favorite servant anyway.

Lancer vs full powered Saber would probably end poorly for both sides. If Saber used Avalon to counter, the lance would still pierce her heart. Actually that'd probably stop her from countering with an Excalibur to the face. I don't know, this is a fun discussion topic. Let's keep speculating!
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

No, Avalon should completely nullify the attack even if Gae Bolg's effect comes into play because it puts it's user into a transcendent state which shuts out all outside interaction.
And Rho Aius deflected the lance so it wouldn't kill Archer but it did damage him, but if Lancer threw Gae Bolg at any point in time of a battle, he cannot use another Noble probably in the same battle because in the game it is stated that Lancer, if he were to throw Gae Bolg, it is thrown with ALL his magical energy into the lance. But to Archer's defense, he didn't UBW Lancer nor did he range Lancer like he should've so it's a completely different case if they were to REALLY clash.
In conclusion, Lancer VS Archer needs to be made into a movie or something of epic proportions.
Re: Nanie's Type-Moon Thread

Gae Bolg definitely isn't a stealthy move. When he was about to use it the first time, even SHIROU knew that Archer was about to die.
I'd also like to point out that Archer would not have been able to block a second Gae Bolg, Rioh Ahries or w/e it's spelled didn't even defend the entire attack.

And if Lancer threw Gae Bolg at Berserker, he'd take out one life, and Berserker would keep charging at him and cleave him in two. I don't see spamming thrown Gae Bolgs as a viable tactic. Regardless, Lancer is my favorite servant anyway.

Lancer vs full powered Saber would probably end poorly for both sides. If Saber used Avalon to counter, the lance would still pierce her heart. Actually that'd probably stop her from countering with an Excalibur to the face. I don't know, this is a fun discussion topic. Let's keep speculating!

if she had avalon with her then saber wouldn't even get hit with gae bolg. The idea of it(I thought) was that it denied ALL forms of harm. Or at least that's what it did against gilgamesh. Worst case scenario she would heal the damage even faster than she did when she got attacked in the beginning of fate. Chances are with that hot little item she'd be even better prepared to deal with the likes of lancer.