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ACT Nanocrisis

Re: Nanocrisis

so......... whats the name of this new thread gonna be?........

Nanocrisis 2 - I'm Gonna Finish It This Time, Honest!

Nanocrisis 2 - MWAP (More Weird Ass Pregnancies)

Nanocrisis With Swords

I think you get the idea.
Re: Nanocrisis

Well well well. about 40% of the content in this thread has absolutely nothing to do with nanocrisis. So it's not much of a difference.

When the new game gets named, 90% of this thread will have absolutely nothing to do with that game. Since when does 40% = 90%?

And in what universe does offtopic posts justify more of them?
Re: Nanocrisis

When the new game gets named, 90% of this thread will have absolutely nothing to do with that game. Since when does 40% = 90%?

And in what universe does offtopic posts justify more of them?

Hey, I've got this great idea.

How about people quit trying to start shit?

Do we REALLY need another Deminies on this board?
Re: Nanocrisis

Hey, I've got this great idea.

How about people quit trying to start shit?

Do we REALLY need another Deminies on this board?

Hey, I've got an even better idea.

If you have a problem with WHAT i say, tell me why.
If you have a problem with me saying it in the first place, STFU to reduce the noise level you are crying about.

I merely suggested that it made sense to have a new thread for a new game, rather than saddling the new game with 41+ pages of useless baggage. Perhaps you can ask certain others why they feel that merits all the drama.
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Re: Nanocrisis

Hey, I've got this great idea.

How about people quit trying to start shit?

Do we REALLY need another Deminies on this board?

too large a scope,
its good for some people to start learning about sex, also is it good for them to start maturing. .

on other news, what the fuck are deminies?
on not other news, so that means if a new thread is created, this thread will die. .(thou with the news it probably will still. . ). . .

yeah manty5 im looking at you, why do you have to react that much?. . do you feel that emphasis?, you like being the star of what people talk about?, you like that huh?, HUH!?. , . you bitch. .

fap. . fap fap fap. . . . .
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Re: Nanocrisis

You're right. This thread would die, or rather fall off the front page along with all the other dead games. That's a design feature, not a bug. Dead games are SUPPOSED to fall off the front page to make room for active games and active discussions.

It's a good idea to make it easier for people who join the boards after Nanocrisis has ended, to not make them swim through 41+ pages of text to get to what they want.

It would be a better idea to keep this thread here under its current name so that if someone DOES download nanocrisis, they wouldn't have be psychic and guess that its info is under another game's name, wouldn't it?

Anyway, this entire exchange is about as interesting and as illuminating as listening to a 3rd-grade English teacher explaining to a kid why 1 paragraph per topic is a good idea. Anyone who's capable of understanding it has already done so, and those who can't haven't any remedy besides going directly to the back of the class.
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Re: Nanocrisis

Well like I said before, why dont we just choose to look at the first nano crisis as a prequel? I mean it basicallty ended when you went up against the dogs who supposedly live in this like, infinite forest of rape.

Plus the rape time of the dogs and some of the bugs could get stupid when your shields went down, with no way of fighting back... So when the new nanocrisis starts to develop out whats to stop you from going through the first one first? Free content is still free. Nanocrisis as a universe is still going to get new content. We may not be happy our first character is getting the boot but at least the world (and the content in it) is going to go on.

Thanks for the translation btw it was great.
Not like we were playing for the story...
Re: Nanocrisis

sooo cananyone give me a link to a last version and say how many levels in it?
Re: Nanocrisis

four levels,

heres a idea, lets leave off making a new thread untill we atleast know what the new game will be called.

what do you guys think of that?
Re: Nanocrisis

I cant seem to figure out where to enter what.

Which is the password menu? Which is the captcha?
Re: Nanocrisis

heres a idea, lets leave off making a new thread untill we atleast know what the new game will be called.

what do you guys think of that?

Agreed. Else, what would we name it?
Re: Nanocrisis

Agreed. Else, what would we name it?

im more interested in updating the first page to contain all the required information to avoid this thread being revived on its rest. . and/or the last. .
Re: Nanocrisis

And their won't be any mouth rape...which that menu is more evidence that the game was not a test and that he just couldn't be bothered finishing it.

Anyway when is the nanocrisis funeral? ;)
Re: Nanocrisis

When the decorative powersuit I mail ordered comes in...

I already got the 21-K metal blaster... Gonna send this one off with 48 rounds of Osmridium Plasma streaking through the sky...
Re: Nanocrisis

I hate pregnancies, births, inflatted bellies, torture, overly creepy monsters, endless attacks or other 'horror' material... Yet this makes the game simply amazing, strangely enough.

I actively avoid getting grabbed, and I can't help but feel like "Dammit! Get off me you $/*&!!" when a dog pounce from behind, and it makes the escaping part actually meaningful and makes it a tense moment.

One of my most 'memorable' gaming moment ever happened in this game, actually. It was my first try at the Bee stage and I was whoefully underequipped (First Balanced armor), and I dropped to 0 HP when at the right end of the screen. I started the long crawl to the other side of the screen, relentlessly attacked by bees and zombies along the way, sometime being knocked the wrong way, but determined not to give up (Really didn't want to see the game over sceen for that horrible stage). As I got near the exit, I found myself thinking "Just a bit further... just a bit further... you can do it!" and when Reika finally managed to escape I threw my hands in the air with a silent "YES!"

I did find myself feeling utterly silly a few moments after, but I'm amazed just how emotionally involved I got at that point. I'm usually very calm while playing games, even when I get a game over 15 times in a row or get through a difficult moment, but this game is different. I really, REALLY don't want to leave my character in such horrible situations so I struggle as best as I can to avoid it.

Being able to invest your players emotionally is the hallmark of a great game, in my opinion. Combine that with an actually interesting story with good characters (A big "Thank You" to the people here who did such a great translation), fun gameplay with upgrades and strategic choices and nice graphic, and you have a stellar game on your hands.

... Which makes it even more sad that it got cancelled :( Ah well, some is better than none, so I'm thankful that we did get 4 entire levels in the first place!

(Tiny Note: If you are wondering how come I'm on a forum like this with my huge list of dislikes at the top, it's just that I actually enjoy "inoffensive" games like Devil Girl or Toffi's games or Mitsuko X, where it's more tongue-in-cheek, less realistic with no one really being really hurt, injured, traumatized or anything like that. Or games like Nightmare Sphere that are absolutely amazing gameplay-wise and with the content I hate being skippable by simply respawning as soon possible. "Consentual tentacles" would be the best thing ever in my opinion, but that's unfortunately not going to happen!)
Re: Nanocrisis

i'm a fan of Consentacles, but i like preg a lot. consentacle preg is fun, that should be one of the endings, she gets hypnotised into fucking a tentacle creature and then giving birth to loads of tentacle babies.

yeah my mind is fucked up...