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Need to feed

Re: Need to feed

Bianca seemed at a loss of words, she stared blankly as her sister's firm breasts for a while, before responding in a supportive tone.

"Whatever you want, sister, I'm okay with it... You can drain me... If you want..." Bianca said to Aya, speaking in a tone that sounded as if she was ready to sacrifice herself to her sister if need be.
Re: Need to feed

Aya continued to hold onto her sister as she thought to herself. Aya would never drain Bianca of everything, she was the most important person in her life. Aya would rather soon die then drain her sister of everything she had. In the same tone as before Aya wispered something to Bianca.
" Ill never drain you of everything... I'd rather die then do that to you... "
Aya continued to rub Bianca's belly gently as she stroked the girls hair.
Re: Need to feed

Bianca shuffled uncomfortably at Aya's suggestion,

"Aya... If you died, I'd follow you... If you feel you need to drain me... Even if it kills me... I want you to do it..." Bianca said, although quietly, she said it with conviction, and determination.
Re: Need to feed

Tears were slowly starting to weld in Aya's eyes after hearing Bianca say what she had to say. Aya could never do that. She could never drain Bianca to the point of death. No matter how strong the need to feed was Aya would never do that. As Aya held onto her sister she shut her red eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks as she felt Bianca's warmth. Aya quietly wispered something out then.
" I could never do that to you Bianca... I love you to much to do that... "
Re: Need to feed

Bianca cuddled closer to Aya,

"What if... We got someone else? Some else to feed you when I grow tired?" Bianca suggested to Aya.
Re: Need to feed

Aya accepted Bianca as she got even closer to her. Aya accepted her as she tightened her hug a little, feeling the soft and warm skin of her sister. Hearing Bianca's suggestion Aya thought it was a great idea. Aya wouldn't drain anyone to death but she had no problem draining them close to it. Aya slowly nodded before responding in words. As Aya spoke her voice was less sad and quiet.
" That would work fine with me sister... "
Aya had gotten herself under control and stopped herself from crying more. She didn't want to make Bianca sad by crying. Aya kept her eyes shut, her white eye lids hiding her red eyes.
Re: Need to feed

Bianca stayed silent for a moment, thinking, before asking.

"Who will it be? I'm the only one who trusts you... We'd have to..." she bites her tongue before saying it, knowing very well that most other people would not be readily eager to offer themselves to Aya.
Re: Need to feed

Aya wouldn't want to force anyone to have sex with her but if it came to that she would. Aya would rather rape an innocent girl then girl her sister for her own survival. As of now all of this didn't matter. Aya was so fell fed at the moment that she wouldn't need to feed again for a day, maybe two. Still holding onto her sister Aya quietly mumbled something out.
" Let's not worry about this now sister... Let's get some rest while we can... "
Aya kept her eyes shut as she tried to fall asleep cuddled to her sister...
Re: Need to feed

( Still only morning... But alright. :\ )

During their rest, neither girl could find sleep, having rested for so long during the night.

Aya eventually found sleep, however, and awoke sometime after night had fallen. Upon stretching and yawning, she found that Bianca was not in the bed, in fact, she was not even in the room.

The door leading out of Bianca's bedroom was opened, signaling that she must have left Aya sometime after she had fallen asleep...
Re: Need to feed

Upon waking up from her slumber Aya moved around around, quietly calling her sisters name out.
" Bianca..? "
Aya's eyes opened then. She slowly sat up and saw that her sister was no longer with her in the bed. Aya looked around the bedroom, only to see that her sister was nowhere and her door was open. Aya figured she must of left some time ago. Aya got up from her bed then. She spent a few minutes collecting her underwear and pajamas and putting them on. Dressed Aya left the bedroom in search of Bianca.

* Aya goes out in search of her sister. She stops at her bedroom to search for her gun along the way. *
Re: Need to feed

Feeling that something was wrong, Aya quickly reached for Bianca's drawers, remembering mother and father only felt she was important enough to own a gun of her own, while Aya was the one who used it the most anyway, as Bianca constantly loaned it to her sister.

Pulling her infamous 9mm handgun from the drawers, she was greeted by one of the maids suddenly standing in the doorway, her eyes were strangely glowing bright green, and she spoke in a rather eerie tone.

"Milady has requested a special meeting with you... Won't you follow me?" the strange maid asked Aya, opening the door wider for her as she stared at Aya with a very creepy glare.
Re: Need to feed

Upon finding the gun Aya heard a voice speak to her, it was not the voice of her sweet sister sadly. As Aya turned around it seemed one of the maids were speaking with her. As Aya listened to her Aya noticed something very odd about this girl. The girls eyes were... Bright green. Her voice was so creepy and eerie. She was asking Aya to follow her to someone. Had their mother returned? Was it her Sister? Reguardless of who the girl may be referring to Aya didn't trust her at all. Aya was not about to blindly follow her without asking a few questions first.

In a dead serious tone Aya spoke to the girl while making eye contact, her creepy bright red eyes looking right at the girls weird glowing bright green eyes.
" I don't remember any maids with glowing green eyes... Who are you? "
It was true that Aya didn't know every single maid in the mansion but still, she would of remembered seeing a maid with glowing green eyes or at least recall hearing about one.
* Aya stands her ground in a defensive stance. *
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Re: Need to feed

The maid laughed, "I am a servant of the Goddess. And I've been charged with bringing you to her... Won't you accept milady's invitation?" the maid asked expectantly.
Re: Need to feed

Aya was starting to get a bit scared on the inside. Who was this goddess and why was she having her servants to get Aya? How did these people get inside this house? Aya wanted to shoot this woman and run away but one thing kept her from doing that. Bianca. If this situation was as bad as Aya thought it was then more then likly these people had her sister. They might hurt her if Aya didn't agree to follow this woman to see her master.

Aya had kept her look, not letting even a little bit of her fear escape her insides. She didn't want to look scared or weak. Keeping her serious tone Aya responded to the maid.
" I shall... Accept your masters invitation. Take me to her... "
Aya was going to hold onto her 9mm. It could be the the only thing keeping her from an ill fate.
* Aya agrees to follow the maid. She keeps her guard up while following her. *
Re: Need to feed

As the maid happily led Aya out of Bianca's room, she led her straight to the stairs, going up, until they reached the roof. As soon as the maid opened the double doors leading to the roof, she came across an unusual sight.

All of the maids who were in the mansion were there, with the same glowing eyes, even the one that accused her of being the one responsible for this whole thing, she to had glowing eyes, except they were blue, but the eerie grin was still the same, as for every other maid.

Aya was shocked to see Bianca, standing next to the apparent leader of this whole group. She had long white hair, and a completely white dress. Her and Bianca were standing near the edge of the roof, looking directly at Aya.

The woman in white, undoubtedly the, "Goddess" spoke first.

"Your sister has told me all about you, Aya." she said to Aya, almost in a friendly tone, "And it wasn't long before I just couldn't wait any longer just to see you myself." she laughed a little, putting a hand to her mouth, "Your sister holds you in high regard, and likely not without good reason!" she said with a smile, then reverted back to a business attitude, "I've come to make you a proposal. I can give you powers beyond anything you've ever known, the power to do anything you desire, the power to protect the ones you love... And all I want in return is your loyalty." her eyes narrowed, "I also know the location of your lost mother, I can tell you that, and give you amazing power, and all you have to do is swear allegiance to me, help me rid the world of all those cruel people that made your life miserable, and replace them with sinless beings, and turn this world into a paradise, free of sin, and wickedness... What say you?" she asked, the smile unleaving.

Bianca stepped forward after the Goddess was done talking.

"She's like you, Aya." she told her sister, "She said people think wrongly of her as well, she's been accused of being all kinds of awful things, we can trust her!"
Re: Need to feed

Aya didn't know what to say to the white haired womans offer. As she stood on the roof in her red pajamas listening to everything the woman and her sister said her mind pounded, she thought and thought about everything. Bianca seemed to think that this woman was just like Aya, she seemed to trust the woman. This woman wanted to clean the world of evil, to get rid of the type of people who made Aya's life miserable. People who called her a freak and made her an outcast. She was doing something Aya would love to support. Aya decided then, she would join this woman and help her. She would protect people like her dear sister and destroy the evil that plagued this world. No longer would she sit back and let the evil of Earth do as it pleased.

Looking at the woman in the white dress Aya looked her dead in the eyes, her red eyes meeting the womans brown ones. Speaking in a serious tone, loud enough for the woman to hear, Aya spoke to her.
" I... I will happily help you rid the world of evil. You have my loyalty for as long as I live. I swear my allegiance to you. "

Aya knew she was making the right choice. Her sister even supported the choice. As Iris waited for the woman to reply she wondered something. What had happened to the maids? Why were their eyes glowing? COuld they ever go back to normal? Would it be best to leave them like they are? Another thing that bugged Aya was her mother. Did this woman really know where she was?
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Re: Need to feed

(Mother as in Bianca's mother, and Aya's adoptive mother.)

The Goddess smiled, and nodded politely at Aya. Then, with a gesture of her hand, the woman's dress undid itself, and slipped off of her, revealing her naked body to Aya. She had large, round, firm breasts, her pussy was perfectly shaped, and her body looked absolutely perfect. She really did look like a goddess, in the flesh.

The woman opened her arms wide, as if for a hug.

"Then come, child, embrace me, love me, and I will grant your heart's every desire..."
Re: Need to feed

(( Oh. ))
The perverted part of Aya's mind made her want to drool at the sight of the womans naked body. Aya wanted to strip and get naked then, but didn't. For now she kept her red pajamas on. Hearing the woman ask her to come to her, to embrace and love her Aya obeyed without thinking. She slowly began walking towards the woman, her eyes showing the same look she gave Bianca after they had sex for the first time, a look of love and and mixed emotions. Aya had mumbled out something to the woman as she made her way to her.

" Y-Yes... "

Soon, only a short moment after saying that Aya was only a few feet away from the woman. She continued to walk towards the woman...
Re: Need to feed

Before Aya reached her, the naked Bianca quickly stepped in front of her, and undid her clothes, as Aya soon felt a cold breeze across her nether regions.

As soon as she was naked, a few more steps led her to the woman, as the woman's breasts mushed up against Aya's small, perky breasts. The woman's mouth was only inches from Aya's, as she whispered seductively.

"Relax, as I pass my give into you." she said, pushing her mouth onto Aya's. Not soon after, Aya felt like something was prodding at her pussy, gently pushing at her folds, wanting entry...
Re: Need to feed

(( Just a heads up, Aya has firm C cups. I posted that when her and Bianca first had sex. Is cup size up to me? ))

Aya had let Bianca take off her clothing without question or resistence as she dropped her handgun to the ground. Aya's face was flustered, her eyes showed lust as she went over to the woman and their breasts pressed against one another. Aya slowly nodded in obedience as the woman asked her to relax. When their lips met Aya shut her eyes as the womans soft lips pressed against hers, Aya getting lost in the kiss.

When Aya felt something prodding her flower her face blushed more. She eagerly awaited to be violated by whatever was waiting for entry.