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Need to feed

Re: Need to feed

Aya focused on what the woman was saying, despite being toyed with and sucking on the soft neck flesh of the goddess. Aya was happy that the goddess wasn't angry with her, that she wasn't upset even though the albino girl had failed her. Even though the goddess said that she should just make love to Bianca and Cassandra and embrace it Aya was not sure. Seeing the way Bianca was acting, how empty her eyes looked, Aya wasn't sure if should continue to feed the addiction. She was almost positive she didn't want to put her mother through the same thing.

Forgetting her thoughts and getting back to the sex that was going on Aya suddenly shivered in pleasure, feeling Bianca rubbing her womanhood against her leg along with toying with her nipples. The way the Goddess fingered her holes was also amazing, it made Aya feel like she was rapidly getting closer and closer to orgasm.

Wanting to make the sex even better Aya continued to suck on the goddesses neck and her right hand suddenly traveled down to the woman's flower and suddenly began to rub the outside of it, slowly and gently rubbing. Aya would begin to do more if her master didn't object.
Re: Need to feed

The Goddess smiled, and giggled as Aya both approached orgasm, and started to delve deeper into her lust.

"That's it, my child... You're learning to enjoy giving in to your desires... Very good..." she praised Aya by sticking her finger in deeper into her holes, and mixing them around inside as well, while bending her hips in a way that encouraged Aya's fingers, wanting to feel a little pleasure herself before Aya came...
Re: Need to feed

Aya felt her lips leave the goddesses neck as she let a cry out as the woman pleasured her even more. The way the woman's fingers went deep into her and moved around made Aya passionately moan out, tears of pleasure forming in her eyes. Aya suddenly pushed her fingers into the goddesses amazing pussy as she placed her lips back on the soft neck, kissing and sucking on it. With her eye closing Aya fingered the goddess back as skillfully as she could, completely giving into desire.

Aya felt her orgasm getting closer and closer as she continued to finger the goddess and suck on her neck, her eyes shut. With Bianca playing with her chest and rubbing her pussy against her right leg and the goddess fingering her pussy and anus Aya could no longer resist. She suddenly broke away from the goddesses neck and cried out as she came all over the woman's amazing fingers. After the orgasm Aya went still and kept silent, feeling her energy leave her as she went limp in the warm bath water...
Re: Need to feed

The Goddess giggled, as Bianca seemed to cum as well, filling Aya with her energy, preventing her from passing out from the Goddess draining her, while she herself lost consciousness, her weight falling onto Aya...

The Goddess pulled her cum soaked fingers from Aya's pussy and anus, cleaning them in the water, before taking Aya's fingers from her pussy, and sucking on them, lavishing in the taste of her own pussy, licking them clean.

"You've grown so much since your transformation, my child, I'm proud of you." she said with such a smile that claimed the same as her words, "But now, you must lay your sister to rest for a while, and perhaps take time to care for your mother. I get the suspicion that she might seek me out once more, and I'd be a fool not to notice your disposition towards my feeding on your mother... So I trust you to handling her new... Wild habit..."

After she finished, she got out of the tub, allowing Aya once again to gaze upon her magnificent, almost artificial body, before silently leaving the bath...
Re: Need to feed

After the Goddess had left Aya and her sleeping alone the albino quickly found herself picking up Bianca and placing her on the side of the tub before washing herself off, getting her skin clean before stepping out of the warm water. Aya quickly handled herself and sister after stepping out of the warm water, seeking out a few towels and drying herself and Bianca off then dressing herself, then Bianca. Dressing her sister up had been a lot like dressing up a doll, the way Bianca kept still and silent the entire time reminded Aya of dolls. When everything was said and done Aya was carrying Bianca to her mothers bedroom, planning to let the girl rest there.

As Aya walked she reflected on what all had happened. The Goddess was proud of her. Aya hadn't expected that. She was almost sure the woman had been upset with her. However that wasn't the case and Aya felt relief, seeing that the goddess was currently pleased with her. Another thing that crossed her mind was her mother. Would she have to lay with the woman again to satisfy her needs? Did the woman have enough willpower to resist her lust and keep herself from the same fate as Bianca? Letting a frustrated sigh out Aya continued to walk, carrying her passed out sister, making her way to her mothers bedroom.

* Aya takes Bianca to her mothers room. *
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Re: Need to feed

Upon taking the unconscious Bianca to her mother's room, she found her mother still inside, only dressed, and reading a book next to a window, until Aya came in with Bianca unconscious in her arms.

Cassandra suddenly darted up from her seat, setting the book aside with a worried and alarmed look on her face.

"Aya!" she announced suddenly, "What is the meaning of this?"
Re: Need to feed

Upon seeing her mother get up from her reading spot with a worried and alarmed look on her face Aya looked away from her mother, a small bit of shame going over in her eyes. Aya really didn't want to tell her mother what had just happened, an awkward feeling went through the albino just thinking about speaking about it, along with a bit of blush showing on her face. Quickly getting to the reason she came her Aya walked over to her mothers bed and set Bianca down on it, leaving her sister on the soft bed to rest.

Aya took a seat on the bed close to her sister before looking back up to her mother, no real change in her eyes. Aya didn't want to but would have to tell her mother what had happened to Bianca and what will happen to her if they repeat what they did earlier. Aya spoke to her mother plainly, her voice a bit sad from what had happened to Bianca.


" Mother... We should...Talk..."

Aya waited a moment and looked away before looking back to her mother and continuing to speak.


" What we did earlier... We shouldn't ever do that again. If we do you're going to get addicted to me... Like Bianca has... "

Aya looked down shamefully, unable to look at her mother any longer. The shame from making her sister a sex addict and possibly doing the same thing to her mother made it unbearable to look a anyone at the moment.
Re: Need to feed

Cassandra twisted her mouth distastefully at the timing of Aya's suggestion.

"A bit both too late, and ironic to be suggesting that, don't you think?" she said, almost as if accusing Aya of the sex they had, before turning to Bianca, "I don't know where your mind is, Aya, but sex does not truly make you, 'addicted,' and I don't know where you're coming from with this... Oh, I don't suppose it's vulgar, after what happened... Is it?"

After a second, Cassandra put a hand to her forehead, and sighed, "Aya, I'm trying to get over your... Changes, but this is ridiculous already! After doing what you did to both your sister and I, you approach me, suggesting that we not do it anymore? Isn't that your prerogative to begin with?" her hand dropped down to her side, and she looked out the window, "... Stop playing these mind games with us, Aya... After finally getting over what happened to you, and committing an act I'd never thought I'd commit with my own daughter... You come right back and say we shouldn't do it..."

She shook her head, and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door, before saying, "After all I've done for you, even sacrificing my own pride to give you what you wanted from me, you relate me to a whore, and actually think you must come and convince me not to have sex? Of all the disrespectful things you could have done, Aya, you've disappointed me with this." she said as she shut the door, not wanting to hear another word.
Re: Need to feed

Aya simply let out a frustrated sigh out as she remained in her spot, making no attempt to stop her mother from leaving. She should of taken the Goddesses advice and just continued to do what she had been doing. Now her mother was upset with her, again. Aya honestly was getting very stressed with all of these things happening. Maybe what she needed to do was just start going with the flow of things without question, to completely accept everything that had happened and try to enjoy herself. Aya didn't like the fact that Bianca had become addicted and that the same thing could easily happen to her mother but she figured she had to accept it.

Aya remained seated as she sat around, decided to just wait in place until her sister awoke. Aya silently decided she would say sorry to her mother next time she saw the woman.
Re: Need to feed

Bianca rustled a little in her sleep, when Aya heard her mother turn on the faucet for a bath. And after she heard the water stop running, as well as her mother getting into the tub, she felt that ever familiar connection between her and the Goddess spark, and soon after, Aya's mind was filled with images of her fucking her mother in the tub, bathing with her in the hot water, as she played with her, and excited her...

When Aya came to, out of the sexual trance, she found that her panties had started getting wet...
Re: Need to feed

Getting out of her sexual trance and snapping back Aya noticed how turned on she suddenly was, her wet panties evidence of that. Aya knew the images of her and her her mother that flooded her mind were from the goddess, they came from the mental connection the two had. A thought suddenly came to Aya's mind. Maybe this was the goddess trying to tell her something, maybe she was telling her she should make the images actually happen. Aya was hesitant about it but decided to go for it. Maybe her mother would forgive her if she tried to make things up to her...

Getting up from her spot on the bed Aya quickly slipped her dress off, her underwear quickly following as she made her entire body nude. Naked and turned on, her face blushing, Aya began to walk over to the bathroom, set on going inside...
Re: Need to feed

After slowly opening the door, Cassandra almost expected Aya to come in, and didn't seem surprised when she looked to the door, and saw a naked Aya coming in.

"... You couldn't resist, could you?" she assumed, and sighed after, letting her eyes leave Aya's body, in favor of looking at the faucet, as well as the large amount of room in the tub for Aya to slip in...
Re: Need to feed

As Aya got inside the bathroom, her feet feeling the cold bathroom tiles under her, she felt a bit of embarrassment after hearing what her mother had said. It seemed she expected this. In truth Aya couldn't resist, not after the images the goddess had flooded her mind with. With her red eyes Aya looked over Cassandra's nude body before speaking to her a soft voice, her eyes keeping on the blond woman. Aya figured she should say something before getting into the water.


" I'm... Sorry for acting foolish earlier. Please, let me make it up to you... "

Without another word or the woman's approval Aya began walking over to the tub, attempting to get inside the other end of it. Once she got in she could start...
Re: Need to feed

Cassandra sighed,

"You've done nothing but act foolish, ever since you met that woman." she stated, then looked to Aya with a growl, "And is this the way you're going to say, "sorry" from now on? Don't bother, Aya, I don't need a good fuck to make myself feel better, no matter what you, or that devil woman think."
Re: Need to feed

Aya was starting to feel that this was a mistake. Her mother seemed even more annoyed with her now. As Aya sat in the warm bath water her eyes left her mothers, feeling awkward looking at her mothers angry eyes. The white haired girl wondered if she should just leave now and salvage whatever little dignity she could. Then again, another part of her wanted to go up to the angry woman and start doing the things she had seen in her mind, disregarding what she had just said.

Aya's uncertain mind though of what she should do, not knowing if she should leave or proceed.
Re: Need to feed

Once inside the tub, Cassandra no longer gazed at Aya angrily. She only let out a sigh, and returned to relaxing in the tub, her back resting along the slope meant for that purpose, and her legs spread wide in a manner that enticed Aya. She was laying on jets in the tub that served to vibrate, and relax one's muscles, and seemed to dwell herself in that relaxing feeling, as well as pay no more attention to Aya, who was sitting on the opposite side, not far from her mother's pussy...
Re: Need to feed

Seeing that her mother wasn't interested Aya resisted her urge to grab hold of the woman and ram her tendrils into her. If Aya was a bit bolder or her mother was more willing then the white haired girl would have started a while ago instead of sitting in the tub quietly.The albino continued to sit silently in the tub, the warm water not relaxing her in the least. Embarrassed and feeling stupid the girl looked down into the water, wishing she had kept her mouth shut earlier.
Re: Need to feed

Cassandra laid there for some time, until she noticed Aya was doing the same. Then, she decided to have Aya do something other than sit there.

"... Wash me..." she said slowly.
Re: Need to feed

When Aya heard her mother speak to her, she looked up a bit surprised. She wanted Aya to wash her. Aya hadn't expected a request like that. Going along with things Aya replied to the woman as she began getting closer to her, making her way through the short distance to the other side of the tub so she could start.


" A-Alright..."

Getting close enough to the blond woman Aya reached for the nearest bottle of shampoo so she could begin. She wasn't sure if she wanted Aya to wash her hair first or not but decided to just start there without asking and risk sounding stupid.
Re: Need to feed

Her mother didn't seem to react much when Aya actually had to crawl on top of her to get at her head, and start washing her hair. Her muscles in her neck were loose, hinting at relaxation, and calm disposition at Aya's proximity, as well as naked body touching against her, almost seeming to enjoy the massage on her scalp from her daughter...