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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Well, would you like to give being salesclerk another shot? You were pretty good last time."

Asked what she thought they should wear, Claire frowned, thinking. "Well, I usually recommend daring, tight-fitting, casual clothes to young women who ask for things for parties, but I don't know...we don't want to seem forward or slutty. Its just a party after all."

It seemed Claire was rather innocent, chances were she didn't realize it would be a sex party. As Claire went through some rather conservative outfits, it seemed Ama would have to help nudge her towards something more clingy and revealing.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Sure Claire I work as the sales clerk today." Ama went about doing her job for a bit trying to think of the best way to get Claire to try something more daring. "You know Claire those two girls bought some daring underwear. We might want to be a little daring ourselves. After all we trying to bring in customers right? We should stand out a little give it a little extra umph." Ama waited to see if Claire would agree to that she really didn't want to force the issue by using her powers after all it was so much better if people did what she wanted them to do because they wanted to.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Well...." Claire walked off, considering Ama's advice as the story got busy. There were a number of customers, many of whom had trouble keeping their eyes of Ama, obviously rather interested in her 'merchandise'. There was a definite increase in the sale of the items she had folded and imbued with her pheromones the other day.

After a few hours, it was time for their break. Claire hung the lunch break sign and came over to Ama. "Alright Amy, I think I have our outfits picked out. Come tell me what you think!" She led Ama to the changing rooms in back, and sitting out on a counter were two far less conserved outfits. The second layer was a set of fishnet tights and a fishnet top, neither of which actually covered anything. The second layer was a generous miniskirt with a very low cut tube top. One set had a black top with a red skirt, the other had a red top with a black skirt.

"What do you think Amy? It's not too slutty, is it? I got one for you and one for me. What do you think we should do for underwear?" It almost sounded like Claire wanted to be talked out of wearing any underwear. This girl was definitely coming along, and Ama hadn't even started giving her pleasure yet...
I've been meaning to add this for days, but you get 2 XP because lol you turned the rapist into a woman
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama examined each piece with care for her they were not slutty enough but she didn't want to push Claire to far to fast. "I think they are perfect just the way they are. We should try them on come! Come one Claire you first!" Ama wouldn't take now for an answer and playfully pushed Claire towards the changing room and shut the door. "Which one did you pick for you?" Getting her reply Ama handed the cloths over to Claire over the door way.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Red top, black bottom!" Claire called back to her. She started changing once Ama had slipped the clothes over the top. There was a mirror across from the changing room door, and a crack in the door, so Ama could actually look through the mirror and indiscreetly spy on Claire while she was changing if she so desired.

When she was finished, Claire stepped out, striking a daring pose. "How do I look?"

The clothes were small and tight, hugging her curves, accentuating her butt, and pushing out her breasts. Her miniskirt ended just below the curves of her ass cheeks, and she fishnets pressed tightly and enticingly against her skin. Since this was a no underwear outfit, her ass jiggled ever so slightly as she walked, along with her breasts bouncing lightly, both just begging for Ama's hands to feel them. Lastly, Ama noticed the slight outline of Claire's nipples through the dress, her C-cup breasts pushing tightly against the fabric.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh Claire your so sexy!" Ama clapped and smiled it was a true compliment after all Claire did have a rather nice figure though if Ama had her way she would tweak it ever so slightly but that was for another time. "My turn!" Ama didn't even go into the changing room just stripped right there and started getting dressed. She swelled her butt a little however where Claire couldn't see as she tried to put on the fish nets. "Oh these are a little snug Claire can you give me a hand. It was of course a ploy to get the woman to touch her in these sexy cloths a ploy she hopped Claire would fall for.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"You think so? You're too sweet Amy! You're not getting a raise that easily though!" She giggled happily, though she gave an *eep* in surprise when Ama dropped her clothes right in front of her, suddenly being confronted with a very naked, very sexy redhead that was actually a pheromone emitting demon.

"I...uhm...uh...okay, uh yea..." Hesitating for a moment, Claire made up her mind and stood behind Ama, softly inhaling to try and clear her mind, accidentally inhaling more of Ama's pheromones in the process. She reached down and started trying to pull the tights up the demon's legs, her hands on Ama's bare skin, and the demon's ass in her crotch as Claire was bending over Ama, with Ama already being somewhat bent. If anyone walked in, it would look like the two were humping each other, one nude, the other in an extremely slutty outfit. Claire of course didn't seem to notice, she was rather focused on helping Ama put on her tights.

At this point it would be very easy for Ama to 'accidentally' make their contact even more intimate if she wanted. The doors were locked, and there were so many displays between here and the back that it was no way anyone would actually see them.

Have fun ;)
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled at the compromising position and made her move. "Almost there just a little bit and.. WHOA OH OHHA!" Tripping herself ama grabbed at Claire's arm pulling the shopkeeper down with her so that Claire landed on top of her straddling her waist. Ama forced a blush into her cheeks as she looked up at Claire with a hint of desire letting her chest heave. Ama watched Claire's eyes looking for signs of desire. If they where indeed there she would pull the woman close for a kiss.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire looked down at the hot, naked, redheaded bombshell she was straddling, feeling a little bit of wetness on her fishnets. She was breathing heavily as well, the fall having startled her, and the more she inhaled, the more she was exposed to the pheromones. Subconsciously she pressed her own chest out and shifted against Ama, her eyes lidded over as she leaned a little closer and offered no resistance as she was pulled down into a kiss. After a few seconds, her mind seemed to snap back to itself, despite the pheromones as her eyes shot open and she pulled back, gasping.

"Ohmygosh! Amy! I'm so sorry! I-I-I don't know what came over me! I can't believe I just kissed you and ohhh... I don't know what happened, I'm not a lesbian, I don't like girls, I swear I just...I just..."

She was breathing heavily and obviously flustered, but the fact that she hadn't gotten up and was still straddling the naked Ama told the demon that she probably just needed a little more...convincing.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama let Claire break the kiss enjoying the sensation of her warm lips. Ama could only smile as Claire tried to explain her actions away. "Its to bad your a good kisser." Ama shimmied out from under Claire a little asking for a hand up. It was a shame that Claire had repressed her feelings for woman like that it would only drive her crazy later. Taking the offered hand Ama made sure to stand up and fall a little bit onto Claire using her as a brace. "Oh dear I don't know why Im so clumsy today." Remaining close to Claire as she steadied herself Ama spoke again. "Its okay Amy I enjoyed it. You know if you ever want to find out what it feels like you can just ask me. Its fun to try new things." Ama hopped she didn't push Claire to far if not then she might have to do some tampering.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"I-...you really think so?" Claire slowly clambered to her feet, helping Ama up after her.

"Thanks Amy, that's really sweet of you to say." She gave a gasp as Ama fell into her, pinning her against the rack behind her. "Goodness, falling all over the place aren't we?" She giggled a little apprehensively, though the nipples becoming more and more prominent through her slutty outfit as the nude 'Amy' pressed against her gave away her excitement.

When Ama extended her offer, Claire didn't seem bothered, nervous, or try to explain how she wasn't into girls. In fact, it seemed like she was giving the idea a good bit of thought. "I actually...I enjoyed it too Amy. But it looks like our break is up, lets get changed back and I'll put these outfits aside for tomorrow.

After the two were back in their more normal attire, Claire went and flipped the sign back to 'Open'. To anyone who came in, she would appear normal as could be, though Ama could tell her mind was absolutely churning.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama didn't press Claire further after all they had made leaps and bounds today. No it was time to let her lust build and hidden desires stew. Nodding to herself at the plan Ama worked on as she usually did.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The day passed about the same as the day before it, though of course there were no break-ins or attempted rapes this time. As usual, Ama was very popular with the customers, and she continued to receive covert looks, which she was now fairly certain was a sign of admiration and not actually a sign of people discovering who she actually was.

When it came time to close up, Claire locked the doors and shuttered the windows. As they left, she tossed Ama the bag containing her pay for the day. "Umm...I hate to ask this, but would you mind walking me home again? After yesterday I just...well, you know..."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Sure I have lots of time before I have to meet my friends." Ama smiled the only meeting she had on her mind was to see if the rapist from the day before had survived his initiation other than that her day was completely open. Ama smiled maybe Claire wanted some extra activities afterward.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The walk back to Claire's apartment wasn't very eventful, of course nobody was going to attack her in this part of town, especially at this hour, but having Ama there seemed to reassure her.

When they reached her door, she turned and actually gave Ama a big hug, burying her face in her neck and inhaling the sweet scent of her pheromones.

"Thank you Amy, you're a dear. Umm..." She pulled back and continued a little hesitantly. "Uh...If you wanted to come back a little later, I could make you dinner, if you wanted... You know, as thanks for all of your help..."

It was about time for Ama to meet the rapist.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Bingo! Tonight would probably be the night Claire fell for her charms though she had something to take care of first. "Aww thanks Claire. When do you want me to stop by?" Ama wasn't about to pass up this chance after all it was the perfect opportunity to get the shopkeeper on the route of thinking that Jane now shared. Getting her answer Ama gave Claire a good bye hug promising to drop by later. After her goodbyes with Claire where done Ama hurried to the meeting point after all she wanted to be their first.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire smiled, apparently happy with this response. "Come by in an hour or so, mkay?"

With that, Claire went inside, leaving Ama to her meeting.

When the demon arrived at the assigned meeting place, she found that the would-be rapist hadn't yet arrived. Though it was still early. However, as time dragged on, it seemed that the newly created futa wouldn't be coming back, as she was already 45 minutes late and the sky was beginning to darken. It wasn't hard to imagine any number of awful, though well deserved fates that could have befallen the would-be rapist.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama frowned a little slightly disappointed that she wasn't going to have more fun with her new toy. Still in the end the rapist got what he or rather she had earned. No doubt she was probably dead or chained to some wall some place. Still she may just be busy with someone. Deciding to wait about 10 more minutes Ama left after time expired and her toy didn't show. After all she had another concubine in training to initiate.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Sure enough, there was no sign of the rapist, leaving her to wonder the fate of the bitch.

Keeping her appointment with Claire, she showed up and knocked on the door.

Claire opened it after the first knock, and while she wasn't wearing anything as revealing as their party dresses, which where sitting on her couch at the moment, she was wearing a rather loose, open casual number. The smell of delicious food wafted into the entrance where they stood. "Amy!" She hugged the woman happily for a moment. "I'm glad you came back! Dinner's ready, come on in!"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama returned the hug "Of course I wouldn't miss this for the world." Ama held onto Claire's hand seeing if the woman was still open to her after their brief time apart. Reaching the dinning area Ama smelled the air. Human food had always been one of the things Ama enjoyed about the mortal world. While it did little to sustain her they always managed to make it taste and smell delicious. It may not beat the smell and taste of a pure soul it came in a close second in her ratings. "Oh Claire you must have spent all night cooking this?" Ama placed a hand on Claire's arm. The gesture was more fitting of lovers than friends.
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