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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The mystery woman smirked and stepped inside, gesturing for the demon to follow her. Inside the building, Ama found herself in a sparsely furnished, run-down, dark living room. There were only two chairs and a small table. In one of the chairs was an older woman, likely in her fifties or sixties, dressed conservatively and had a light purple blindfold over her eyes. She spoke up and gestured to Ama to take a seat. "So...you are the demon then? What might you be doing in our fair city?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama did take a seat reluctantly keeping her eyes open for any surprises. "Oh ya know what everyone else does when they start out on their own. Just looking for a new place to be a change of scenery if you will." It was a dangerous situation to say the lest but with her strength Ama could fight her way out if she needed to. "If you want me to leave your fair city then Ill be off. Personally this city or another it doesn't matter to me." In all honesty it didn't matter though she would have to see about taking Jane and Claire with her if that turned out to be the case.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The blindfolded woman gave a wry smile as she said, "Oh but we don't want you to leave. In fact, we would like to help you... Yes, the currently the situation here is not to our liking and I think a...partnership between us could be most...beneficial. This would mainly entail us not getting in each other's way, but we would ask a favor every now and then. Of course, we will help you as well, though in a rather subtle capacity. What say you, demon?" Her vague offer delivered, she gave a fake smile, leaving Ama with the impression that making a deal with these people was akin to making a deal with the devil. Though given what she was that may not be such a bad thing.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama looked to the woman worried about what powers she may be allying herself with. Still having allies in this place would prove beneficial though the nature of their agreement bothered her. "So.. I can do anything I want just as long as it dose not interfere with you or your plans?" Ama paused a moment seemingly pondering the deal before her. She had already made up her mind about it but she wanted a wee bit more information. "It sounds almost to good to be true. So I have to ask what type of favors did you have in mind?" Whether or not the woman answered her question didn't matter she had already decided to accept the offer but having more information was always good.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"That is precisely the deal." The woman continued to smile, perhaps disturbingly having no trouble maintaining eye contact even with her blindfold. She smiled at Ama's hesitation and waited patiently for her to voice her question.

"Oh it won't be anything too taxing for a demon, just procuring things we may not want to be associated with publicly, and other small tasks. That's as specific as it gets right now I'm afraid. Do you accept?"

Whatever she said, Ama would be free to leave the building after giving her response.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"We have a deal." Ama stood she didn't know who she just made a bargain with but for now it would serve her purpose. Looking to the blindfolded woman Ama spoke again. "How shall I know your agents when they make your requests? Will they give me a name or some such? It would be a shame if they got vaporized or other wise removed."

Getting her answer if any Ama would head back to Jane's and climb back threw the window joining her concubine for the rest of the night.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The woman smirked when Ama mentioned vaporizing her agents. "Yes, we wouldn't want that, not one bit. You will recognize them by their Inquisitor badges, and the aura that surrounds them. You're a demon, you shouldn't have any trouble picking up on it. Don't worry, we'll be in touch soon."

Ama made her way back to Jane's without incident, climbing into bed with her concubine. Morning found Jane sitting at the foot of the bed, offering a light breakfast she had just prepared for the demon. Unsurprisingly, she was naked. I hope you like it, is there anything else I can get you?" Jane seemed to be getting ever so slightly more subservient towards the demon, likely another side effect of the corruption.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled at her concubine the encounter of the night before nearly forgotten. "You can join me back in bed." Ama was in a good mood especially sense Jane was coming along nicely. Placing a free hand on her hip Ama let the blanket fall away from her breasts giving Jane an eye full. If she couldn't entice Jane into some morning fun she would eat the meal provided while ravishing Jane with her eyes. Still Amy had a big day today and she wanted to see what effect her evening with Claire had on the shopkeeper so any fun if any would be short but passionate making sure Jane cummed at lest twice for her good work.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane's eyes were focused on the sight of Ama's breasts, and when her mistress called she answered, leaping up to her and immediately straddling her, rubbing her already wet pussy against the elf-appearing demon, obviously excited at the prospect of sex with her exceptional mast-lover? Jane shook off the errant thought and eagerly submitted herself to Ama's incredible touch.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama pulled Jane close kissing her thinking on how she was such a good girl and how she needed a reward. Ama kept kissing Jane while letting one hand follow the woman's curves down to her already damp sex. Feeling the smooth skin pleased Ama greatly as Jane was maintaining her smooth lips for her. Tracing the outer folds with her fingers. Ama teased her concubine for a good while before letting a finger slip deeper. Moving her mouth from Jane's gave Ama a chance to speak her breath heavy as her own arousal had started to spike. "Do you like?" Not giving Jane a chance to respond Ama slid another finger in and started to slowly pump in and out of Jane.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane tried to respond, but all that came out was a choked grunt of pleasure as she humped back against Ama's pleasurable fingering and continued locking lips with the demon, inserting her tongue into the demon's mouth. Ama's practiced touch allowed her to work Jane's quivering cunt as if she knew it by heart, and she could tell that it wouldn't take much more of this treatment for her lover to blow.

With your stats it basically just takes you two turns to cause Jane to orgasm with foreplay or a foreplay then penetration combo. Though if you roll high on a penetration you can get her in one turn. However, since this isn't combat we can just forgo rolls and RP out the smut scene if you want. It may go faster that way.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama quickly finished Jane off the first time before forcing her lover onto her back and began to eat her out. Jane as it where was a decent cook but given her nature Ama didn't really need food in the traditional sense. Taking this moment to feed from her concubine Ama pondered her next steps. After a few moments and another orgasm Ama kissed the now sleeping Jane on the lips and covered her up. She had perhaps taken a little to much energy from her poor concubine but then she had also spent a fair amount of power during the night. Still Jane would be no worse for wear and would wake with a headache but that was about it. Ducking into her all to familiar alleyway Ama changed forms into Amy making sure she was out of sight for it and head to Clair's shop.

Decided to move it along and get to the action!
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Jane takes 100 corruption, gains mutation, takes another 40 corruption

Jane lay content in bed as Ama covered her up, her pussy drooling liquid onto the sheets below her. Again Ama shifted without incident and found her way to Claire's shop. When she walked inside, Claire saw her and turned beet red. She ran up to the disguised demon, saying, "Omygosh I'm so so so sorry! I don't know what came over me last night to just make me throw myself at you like that! Please don't be mad, I'll control myself better, it won't happen again, just give me another chance!"

It seemed Claire reacted somewhat differently than Jane did, she felt guilty, seeming to think she forced herself on Ama, likely an affect of how much she had repressed her sexuality before the lusty demoness had come along.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama caught Claire easily and kissed her deeply during mid apology. Claire was at a critical stage if she let her retreat back into her shell now it would take to much effort to get her back out again. Ama held the kiss until either Claire backed away or accepted it. "Shhhs its okay I liked it. Didn't you enjoy last night?" Ama pouted a little trying to entice Claire into telling her what she already knew. The more Claire embraced it the easier her acceptance of what she will be could come about. Actually Ama wanted to pursue this impromptu kiss to further action but felt it might push Claire to far so she held back for now.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

At first Claire was very tense, but after she got over the surprise of the kiss, she eventually yielded, sagging into Ama and participating eagerly in the kiss. "Amy, I...I...thank you, I liked it rather a lot myself." She pulled Ama into another kiss, but after a moment she broke it off, a sheepish smile on her face. "Well Amy, ready to get to work? You didn't forget about the party tonight, did you?"
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Of course not!" Ama smiled at Claire pleased in more ways than one. It was to bad that she wasn't further along but Claire was a delicate flower that needed to be nurtured before she became a lovely orchid. Hopefully this party would help her blossom into her desires. As usual Ama let her subtle actions and pheromones do her work for her making sure that the clothes especially the more risque ones had a healthy dose of her pheromones. Not only would people be drawn to them but the feeling they got from them would help sales. Which helped Claire which only benefited Ama.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire grinned happily, kissing Ama on the cheek before getting to work. While the demon was folding some underwear at a display, the unnamed Inquisitor who had been following her recently came back into the store. She meandered her way over to the underwear stand next to Ama and made a show of looking through the selection while dropping a piece of paper on a thong in front of the demon. If she picked it up and looked at it it would have directions to an Inquisitor safe house she could use. A brief note attached read: "For when you need a little privacy for your work."

The woman, she had a rather full body build, but her face wasn't as attractive as Claire's or Jane's, then picked up a very skimpy thong and went to pay for it, helping herself to a handful of Ama's ass on her way. After paying she left the store. It seemed as though Ama had a place to perform the final stage of the corruption process, should she choose to use it. Seeing the woman though, she remembered something that had seemed odd from last night. She had said that Ama was going to meet "Him", yet the person she had met was definitely a woman. There was clearly more going on with those inquisitors than met the eye, however since they were willing to work with a demon, that probably went without saying.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

That woman irritated Ama to no end not only did she dare touch her but how she acted so superior grated on her nerves. Ama was a demon of immense power and had she not been shut out of home she would have made the woman pay. But she was shut from her home and protection so for now she would have to play nice. The fact that she didn't yet meet the him behind the seemingly corrupt inquisitors was a mystery she would have to solve. Sadly her partners had the advantage for now but maybe. Ama's thoughts drifted to the inquisitor woman. Maybe she could get a double agent... It would be hard for sure and Ama would have to play her cards just right. Smiling as a plan formed in her head Ama continued to work until it was time for the party.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

As Ama schemed away, the hours passed and finally it was time to close up shop. Claire let the last customer out before locking the door and giving Ama her wages for the day. Shyly she asked, "So... I um, figured we could just get dressed here. If you wanted, that is, Amy?" It seemed that the shopkeeper was still trying to figure out how sexual to be around her new interest as well as trying to figure out her own boundaries as well. Regardless, it seemed like it was up to Ama to lead the way and get Claire in the mood for festivities.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Of course Claire!" Ama went about making sure the windows where sealed as gathered up the party cloths. "Here let me help you get it on." Ama helped Claire undress if the woman allowed it bumping or pressing into her on "accident." When Claire was fully naked Ama would eye her a moment of two seeing if Claire tried to cover herself with her hands. If the woman did so Ama would start pulling out the party cloths speaking as she got them sorted. "You know Claire you have a lovely body and shouldn't be ashamed of how you look. One thing I've learned is that men and woman love confidence. Besides your body is a gift of the goddess divine in its purpose. Perfect in its form." Ama walked over and started helping Claire dress letting her words sink in. Of course the goddess she was speaking of was her but for now it was enough that Claire pondered her words. When she had finished dressing Claire Ama would begin to undress making sure that Claire got an eyeful. "Claire could you help me a little I think these stockings are still a little tight." After the two had finally dressed Ama looked at her self in the mirror it was missing something.. oh yes makeup. "Claire do you have some makeup we can use to touch ourselves up a little?" Ama fully intended to give them both little accents but she had something special planned for Claire to help loosen her up a little.