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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The return kiss surprised Claire, however the woman was quick to return Ama's affections, opening up to the kiss and making it enjoyable for both of them. "Praise the goddess indeed, I will not forget her charity."

Her day went by without any interruptions and soon Ama was getting paid and the shop closed up. The strange, bothersome inquisitor hadn't shown herself again, but it was surely only a matter of time.

With everything closed down for the day, Claire turned to Amy, smiling as she asked, "So, Amy, you want to come over? Or are you busy?" She stroked her baby bump and smiled warmly at Ama.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Leaning in Ama kissed Claire on the cheek before leaning up to her. "I always have time for my concubine." Ama let those word seep in as she took Claire by the hand and headed for her house. Once inside Ama would reveal herself to Claire explaining that she was indeed Amaseal and that Claire was her concubine as well as Jane the woman she had met awhile ago and that she had made sure they met.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire frowned lightly, seemingly trying to process what Ama meant. When Ama revealed herself, the shopkeeper was stunned, falling back into a chair, mouth agape. "Oh...my....goddess..." She fell to her knees before Ama. "How could I have been so blind, my goddess? I...thank you! Thank you for everything! What can your lowly concubine do for you this day?" She had recovered from the shock quickly and now seemed eager to supplicate herself to Ama and serve her whims.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"First get off the floor you are my lover not my slave." Ama helped Claire up and kissed her once she stood again. "I have selected you because of who you are. An intelligent woman who loves with her whole being. I could think of no one better to run my house than you. That shall be your task Claire. As my concubine you will be responsible for our home, and our children. I made sure Jane will protect you and our combined children for you have both pleased me. Now Claire you must keep your role as my concubine secret for now but soon you can revel in it and enjoy your rewards." Ama kissed her again lifting her up to set her ass on table. "Lets get you out of those uncomfortable cloths." Stripping Claire Ama appreciated her form before moving in to kiss her once more.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

There were tears of joy in Claire's eyes as Ama had Claire get up, calling her a lover rather than a slave. "I...I love you, my goddess...my Amasael!" She wiped her eyes and smiled as Ama outlined her new responsibilities. "It will be my honor. Do you want me to keep the shop, or should I sell it? Oh and Jane can move here if you want her to-eep!" Claire was startled as Ama picked her up and put her on the table, but she quickly got in the spirit, helping Ama strip her and then wrapping her legs around the demon as she pulled her back into a kiss. "Do with me as you please, Amasael, my love."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The stripping done Ama smiled and brought her tail to bear. "I don't want to hurt the baby." Gentle she probed Claire's darker hole with her tail teasing it whole she kissed and fondled her concubine. "We can talk details one we had our fun." Feeling the well used hole open and accept her Ama slid home. Slowly she started to push into Claire while kissing her making sure the woman was not getting hurt after all this was a special moment for them and Ama wanted Claire to enjoy it.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire 'eeped' again, giving a light buck of her hips as the tail pushed into her rear, not quite used to the sensation. Still, it didn't stop her from enjoying it as she quickly got in the mood, bucking her hips into the air, displaying her needy pussy to Ama. "Ooooohhh that feels nice..." Claire was definitely enjoying the attention, her pussy leaking copious amounts of sex juice, however, her fingers were straying towards her love box, indicating she still wanted something to fill the hole.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Oh so needy humm?" Ama obliged thrusting in close her cock started to grow. At first it started out a little nub that quickly grew in length and girth its rapidly increasing size parting Claire's lower lips and penetrating deep. "Better?" smiling Claire began to thrust anew into her concubine enjoying every gasp and moan she had to offer.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

When Ama started growing her cock into Claire's sex, the shopkeeper responded very well. She clearly hadn't been expecting Ama to grow her cock into her, and then begin expanding it on top of that. Her moans gradually increased in volume and frequency, becoming loud enough to attract the attention of passerby, but not loud enough to drown out the wet squelches that sounded as Ama thrust into Claire's soaking, pregnant pussy.

"Ohhh fuuuuuuck...YES! YES! Keep-haaa-going! This feels sooo good!" Claire bucked her hips into Ama, clenching the demon in her grasp as she shuddered in orgasm. "YESSSsssssss..."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Thats right take my cock take it!" Ama screamed with Claire as the wet noises grew in volume. Slick! slick! slick! echoed out as Ama moaned with her concubine dumping load after load into the woman's holes. By the time their fun was over the house was a mess. The cabinet was covered in spunk and the dinnering room table now had a distinctive creak to it. Nail marks on the walls marked their changing positions through out the house.

As Ama lay with Claire she mused about the passionate sex they just had and the future that was ahead of them. "Claire my dear you will keep your shop to help spread my influence to other woman they should all know the divine pleasure of Amaseal." Ama traced her fingers alone Claires new crimson wings. Thankfully they where small and easily hidden. "You should also find someone you trust to run the shop soon though. I want you by my side as much as I can and my concubines should not have to lower themselves to work."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

As their passionate fucking continued, Claire's cries and moans turned into screams of pleasure. Her movements went from gentle bucks to far more forceful thrusts as she impaled herself again and again on Ama's cock. If she realized the mess they were making and the damage they were doing to her home, she didn't show it, she just continued to fuck Ama with as much passion as she could muster, happily taking her corruptive seed into her pussy, mouth, ass, and wherever else Ama might want to put it.

As they lay on her bed to recover, not minding that the sheets were a mess of demon-jizz and femcum, Claire nodded as Ama outlined her plans for the concubine. "Hmmm...okay, I'd love to be by your side, goddess. Especially if it means doing all of this more often." She giggled as she looked at the mess they had made of the bedroom.

"What about those sisters we went to that party with? They might be good shopkeepers, and they've been by quite a bit. They certainly don't lack for lust."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Humm I have them doing other things. Maybe its time for you to get some servants? Would you like that my dear your own personal fuck toys to please you while Im away?" Ama kissed Claire "As one of my concubines you are only second to me. Ask and I shall find you a servant or servants."
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Well...." Claire furrowed her brow in concentration, giving a good deal of thought to what she wanted in a servant. Her expression brightened as she got an idea. "I know, I'd like some younger girls, eighteen or nineteen, noticeably younger than me. They can work at the shop, and I can call them into my office, the powder room rather, for 'performance reviews', and I can seduce them. It's always been a bit of a fantasy of mine, boss seduces her attractive workers...mmm, makes me wet just thinking about it." Of course, Ama didn't need to be told it was making her wet, she could feel the heat radiating from Claire's pussy well enough to know the thought made her aroused.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama grinned Claire was learning so fast it made her proud. "Sounds delightful lover. I think I know two potential candidates already. The question is do you want them untouched or shall I work my magic on them?" Ama moved over gaining the dominate position once more. "The choice is yours dear. You can work them over yourself or I can make them love you." Ama let her tail slip into Claire's damp folds once more as she leaned in for another kiss.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire groaned happily as Ama slipped her tail into her pussy. "mmm...let me do it... Yessss...It will be more fun that way...oooohhhh.." She clutched to Ama, gently riding out her ministrations with her tail. "Oh goddess, this is fantastic..." They could go at it for awhile longer, but eventually Claire would be too tired to continue, falling asleep in the early morning hours before sunrise.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Enjoying another bout of sex Ama rested next to the thoroughly tired Claire. Sleep tight lover I will have Jane move in today." Getting up Ama cleaned up and got dressed. Taking on Salina's form she head for Jane's to let her know of her new living arrangements. When that was done and after a dose of good morning sex Ama would head to the refugee area to look for the two woman she had rescued from the clutches of the Inquisitors. Those two woman would be perfect for Claire to work on not to mention they would love to have a job. When those arrangements where made Ama would visit the religious district.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Claire nodded tiredly before passing out in the mess of cum. It was a good thing Jane would be coming over, she would need some help to clean up the mess.

Visiting Jane, the woman was of course happy to see Ama, and more than happy to do the goddess' bidding, despite the early hour. The two enjoyed some very passionate sex, and Jane continued to demonstrate her prowess with a cock. She really was a natural.

With her business at Jane's wrapped up, it was a simple matter to find the two girls in the refugee district again, and as Ama expected, they were thrilled with the opportunity to get a job. Given the details, they excitedly started getting ready for their first day of work in awhile.

Finally it was time to go to the religious district. It was not difficult to find the nun who had so captured Ama's attention. As usual, it was just her and the same other nun as before.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Smiling at the duo Ama made her way up to pair and deposited her coinage from work yesterday. "Hello again." Ama eyed both of them with a curious expression trying to evaluate each woman. She was of course in her guise as a prostitute her elven features fairly exotic in the mostly human settlement.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Once again, the nun without powers smiled brightly as Ama deposited her coins. Lucia, on the the other hand, had a smile that was rather more forced. She stood somewhat in front of her partner, acting as a ward between her and Ama, though to anyone else except for the two of them, it would appear completely innocuous. Even Lucia's friend didn't seem aware of the tension in her, or the way Lucia was placing herself between the demon and her.

"Hello Salina. We appreciate your donation. Erm...How are you today?" It was clear Lucia didn't really know how to interact with the demon, given that she wasn't threatening anybody and she had saved them when they first met.

The other nun had no such awkwardness, she pushed past Lucia and hugged Ama, saying, "Oh good morning Salina! Don't mind Lucia, she's just a bit...awkward." She laughed as Lucia twitched a little, obviously irritated with her, but not about to say anything. "My name's Mary by the way. Thanks again for before, if there's something we can help you with, don't hesitate to ask!" The offer seemed quite genuine, with no sense of reproach from the nun in regards to her prostitute disguise.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Thats okay Mary I'm used to those of the holy professions giving me a cold shoulder after all not all of the approve of my.. profession." Ama hugged Mary back making sure it was a kind hug and in no way sensual. Which was surprisingly hard for the succubus to do. "I was just taking a break from work and thought I would see how you two where doing. I find both of you pleasant company. A breath of fresh air as it where compared to the others I find myself with." Ama was of course being as sincere as possible she did in fact find the nuns pleasant but not in the innocent way that Mary would probably take it.