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New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The woman managed an intrigued look despite the blindfold she wore. Merely snapping her fingers this time, the man took the girl back to the basement and returned with another, less corrupted girl. This one had blue skin, and Ama could sense she was more corrupted, but at least none of the corruptions were obvious to anyone looking at her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Humm...." Ama inspected this girl closely. She didn't seem to be covered in Alien slime nor where any of her mutations glaringly obvious. "She might work how far gone is her mind?" If she was to far gone her effort would be wasted but if she could think and act a little on her own then it would be all well and good.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"She is...broken in, but her mind is still her own. Speak girl, tell us what you live for." As the woman commanded, the girl bowed her head submissively and said in a quiet and humble voice, "I live for the pleasure of my masters, the continuation of their race, and the pleasure they grant me in return."

The woman smiled. "Very good, child. Will she suffice, demon?" It seemed to Ama like the aliens had broken the woman's will, making her a willing sexual plaything and breeder, however she did still possess most of her mental faculties and could most likely pass for normal in most circumstances.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"She will though there may be complications is that acceptable?" Ama looked over at the woman and waited her answer. If it was for the positive she would simply ask for a room and evaluate how corrupted the girl was. If she was close Ama would add a few of her own mutations to finish up the woman. Once her body had absorbed enough of the corruptive energy's Ama would start the ritual. It would take three hours but when it was all said and done a new demon would walk the world. Getting started Ama reached into the woman's soul using her own to taint her essence and make her like herself. It seemed such a waste but who knows maybe her transformation would awaken her will again but Ama doubt it.

Ama is using Demonic transformation ritual to turn the woman into a full-blooded demon with the soul eater mutation. Might as well give her a weapon to use against her masters if she can manage it.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

If Ama's warning of complications worried the woman, she didn't show it. In fact, unlike Ama she did not seem the slightest bit worried about losing a member of her harem. Perhaps the woman saw them as only flaws to do her bidding. "Hmf she is one of many, and if it will rid us of the Inquisitors, so be it!" She snapped her fingers again and the male escorted the Ama and the thrall to a sparsely furnished private room, furnished only with a stool and a twin bed.

When Ama sat the girl down, she did not object or seem worried in the slightest. Rather, she just looked down somewhat submissively and allowed Ama to do what she wanted without interfering. After getting a sense of the girl's corruption, Ama found that she needed only a little extra to bring her to the necessary threshold and then she would be able to perform the ritual.

Ama finds that she has 9 mutations: Odd skin, tight x3, snug, soft skin x3, and whip tongue.

Also, I haven't seen anything to specify how the demonic transformation ritual goes, so you can just RP it out however you want, the nice lady and the guard won't interfere.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Humm so close dear your so close... its a shame that they will just dispose of you after this." Changing form to her true self Ama moved the woman onto her back. "Its a pity truly such a lovely creature wasted." Starting her ritual Ama placed her hands on the woman. Focusing her power Ama began to feel her hands slip inside the woman merging joining. Once the connection to the woman's body was complete Ama began to focus on what changes she wanted to make. If the bitch downstairs wanted a demon Ama would give her one. Grinning Ama forced her will upon the woman's body causing it to mutate as her own corruptive essence spilled into her. It took a moment but soon Ama had her results as two horns began to grow from the woman's head. These she shaped into the cutest little points not to big and not to small noticeable but hide able if need be. With the first mutation done Ama calmed herself not breaking the connection but gathering up more energy. Her next mutation where two tiny bat wings. These took much more energy than Ama had expected and after they where done she had to take a break. Looking down at the woman Ama grinned and grew her cock. Well one way to replenish energy was to take it from her friend here. Smiling Ama moved closer.....

Ama will basically suck the woman for all she's worth energy wise being careful not to kill her. If she gets enough energy (all she needs is ten) she will finish the last mutation making it a spaded tail. afterwards she will rest sense the whole process will take about 6 hours to complete. The next part will take 3 so I think a rest is called for
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The poor girl did not respond to Ama's words, however she did shudder as she began to enforce her will upon the girl, shaping and molding her into a demon. Grimacing with the slight pain associated with growing new horns and wings, she bore with it patiently. When the cock grew out, the woman gave a surprised gasp and slumped back on the bed. Despite the shock of it all and her alien conditioning, when Ama made her move on the woman she responded in kind, eagerly reciprocating Ama's affections and giving her the energy she needed to provide the woman with a cute spade tail of her own.

Finally completed, the full toll of the ritual hit both women and they fell asleep on the tiny bed together. Waking up some hours later, Ama found herself undisturbed, alone in the room with the girl.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Looking over the still sleeping woman Ama smiled though it wasn't a pleasant or an amusing grin. It was time to finish this process and give her allies their pawn. Sliding a hand down to her snatch Ama began to finger herself slowly building up her arousal until it was dripping on the bed. Taking a single finger she traced lines along the woman's body with her juices. It was a complex pattern the required her utmost concentration. If the woman began to stir Ama would simply command her to be still as she finished up her work. With the lines complete and covering the woman's body Ama finally spoke. "Humm my dear you will receive a rare gift. Today you will transcend your mortality and become a demon." Ama looked over the girl and sighed. "I doubt it will matter much as your to far gone for such things but remember after this I am your mother and you are my child." With that said Ama began to chant in a dark voice words unintelligible to mortal ears. The air around them got foul as it was tainted with the perverse wrongness of her kind. The girl who had laid still until now began to float in the air the lines on her body glowing a dark red. Slowly her body lifted up as the glow intensified burning bright and casting a deep glow threw out the room. Slowly the woman's tainted soul left her body the glowing lines lifting with it as it rose. The soul screamed its silent screams which seemed to resonate with in Ama bringing back long buried memories. Fighting them back took much effort as the glowing began to spread and grow on the soul tainting it further its once white brightness turning red then black as the demonic energies consumed it and transformed it. Ama could have left it at that but decided that if the girl managed to survive her treatment at the inquisitor base she should have at lest a fighting chance to survive. With one final touch Ama tore her soul that it would never be complete. After all what is a demon with out its hunger. The soul snapped back into its body dooming the woman to a life of darkness and Ama collapsed on the bed strangely emotional and hurt by the painful memories that had overcome her. Still she gathered herself quickly and stood before the woman. Leaning down she whispered. "Remember you are mine now and forever." If the woman didn't wake Ama would head downstairs changing into a suitable disguise to leave. If the woman was present she would simply look to her. "Its done she is a demon now and will make great bait for the inquisitors." Unless stopped or questioned Ama would head back to Claires for some much needed rest and to sort out the strange occurrence that had happened to her during the ritual.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama coated herself in her own sticky arousal and set to work tracing wet lines all over the newly mutated woman. Her ministrations did not wake the woman, however her body did subconsciously respond to her touches, a telling wetness showing on her slit as her nipples hardened into points. The woman still did not wake when Ama began talking to her and chanting. However, once the lines began to glow and her soul began to become truly corrupted, her eyes snapped open and emitted a bright red glow. Then, as Ama tore a hole in her soul, the woman let out a shriek and collapsed on the bed, panting heavily in her sleep. While she gave no response to Ama, on an instinctual level, Ama knew the girl was now bound to her in a way the aliens couldn't possibly understand. Still, there was the issue of the unexpected affect the process had on her as well, the painful feelings, memories long forgotten...she couldn't seem to make heads or tails of it here...

The woman nodded when Ama gave her report. "Your assistance has been most valuable, we will take it from here." With that, Ama was dismissed. Stepping outside, she found it was very late in the day, the sun was already going down. It took her awhile to get back to Claire's, her mind burned with questions about what had happened. There was an uncertainty about her which she could not remember feeling before. She got to Claire's and knocked on the door. Claire opened it with a concerned look on her face. "Mistress Amasael! What happened? You look absolutely dreadful!" She quickly ushered Ama inside and set her down on a couch and sitting next to her. Jane came in as well and looked at Ama expectantly, waiting for an explanation of what had happened.
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled at the concern of her concubines. It felt good to feel their love and devotion to her. "I had to expend a great deal of power to assist our ally. It should be worth it though as the inquisitor threat should be resolved. Also if all goes well we may have a new addition to our family." Ama smiled trying to calm her lovers. After all if she seemed weak now it could undermine all she had worked for. Still the thoughts remained buried in her head. Images of a similar ritual invaded her thoughts. It wasn't the woman she just turned it was a different one. She seemed really familiar but for now Ama couldn't place it.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

When Ama reassured her concubines that she was okay they seemed somewhat relieved. It was clear they wished to know more about what had happened, but they refrained from pressing her on the issue, knowing that if she wanted to discuss it then she would. They brightened up considerably at the mention of possibly getting a new family member. "Oh really? Wow, you really get around don't you, mistress?" Claire giggled happily. A smiling Jane chimed in, "At the rate you're going mistress, half of the maidens in the city will be with child or have borne your child by year's end." The smile on her face indicated she did not see that as a bad thing in any way.

Despite the happiness around her, Ama could not escape the foreign, disturbing memories that haunted her. She could not place them, but they seemed so familiar, as if their meanings were hidden away in the depths of her subconsciousness... If her concubines picked up on the way these thoughts bothered her, they did not show it.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Exhausted from power usage Ama urged her concubines to bed and treated herself to watching Jane and Claire please each other before letting each of them give her a blowjob before they retired for the night. With her lovers in hand Ama let herself drift into restful sleep which quickly moved into a dream....

Amanda sat at her desk in the church reading over the scripts she had to copy for the next day and sighed. By the gods why did the old monk insists that she copy every book in the library after all most where still in excellent condition. Still she knew this was only a passing trial and that in the end once it was done these scrolls and books would probably be scent to another church or even a library. Looking up at the stairs outside she knew it was getting late. Mentally chiding herself Amanda got up from the worn desk and began to put things away after all she had to see to the orphans in the morning a job she truly enjoyed. Her writing kit put away Amanda headed out of the library her foot falls echoing softly as she past the locked archive. Usually she just went about her way and ignored it though this time she noticed a strange occurrence. Stopping Amanda looked at the worn reenforced door and saw a light underneath the usually locked door, A light that shouldn't be there. Frowning she reached for the door her heart pounding. She wasn't supposed to go in there, heck no one was supposed to be in there. Taking a calming breath she opened it and headed in to see what was going on.

Ama awoke slightly as Jane shifter her body causing the demon to stir from her rest. Looking at her lovely concubines the strange dream was pushed from her mind as she law their plotting her next moves.
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Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Mutual pleasure sessions with her concubines seemed like a great way to ease Ama's mind, guiding her back away from her innermost troubles. Her lovers skillfully pleased each other and Ama it was time to retire. Though her sleep was haunted by a strange dream indeed, one that bore close observation. However as is often the case, when Ama awoke to Jane's shifting body she had very little recollection of the dream though she was aware of the disturbance in her mind. It was possible that on a deeper level she realized something was changing, or she was on the verge of remembering a long-forgotten or hidden thought, though what it was and its exact implications still stubbornly eluded her.

As the night wore on, her concubines snuggled against her for warmth and an instinctual desire her pheromones provoked in them. Their closeness calmed her and helped her go over what lay before her in her mind. She was well on her way to securing a safehouse all her own outside the city. She had a small but loyal following of women. Her allies in the Inquisitors were mixed up with aliens and while effective, she doubted she could trust them. The real Inquisitors were still a threat, though she had a feeling the corrupted would be taking care of them in the coming day, perhaps allowing her goblins to return to the city. Lucia was still on her mind, the girl was obviously at least a little conflicted as to how she felt about Ama since she hadn't reported a demon to the guard or the Inquisitors. That of course brought to mind all of the strangeness that the woman and her cathedral seemed to cause Ama herself.

As she sat and thought about it, it occurred to her that there was truly a lot on her mind. She hadn't even begun to think about actually taking over control of the city yet!
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

The city was the long goal at the moment. If she could secure it then she could expand her power base among her own priestesses and threw them sway the masses to her. It was an long reaching and ambitious goal. Still the corrupt inquisitors had their own plans and their connection with the aliens seemed all to convenient. She would either have to remove them or claim them for herself if her plan to take the city was to work. The only issue was their training was the perfect counter to her own abilities. Thinking on this Ama began to smile. Yes they where well trained to fight demons but what about fighting someone untainted. Grinning to herself Ama planned to make a search of the town for very capable fighters that she could either pay or charm to take on the inquisitors the first one would be that bitch that dared touch her.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Thinking about the arrogant, strange, rude woman that had served as her first contact with the corrupted inquisitors, Ama planned out how she might go about bending the woman to her will. She realized she didn't know where she could find the woman, but that most of the times she had seen her had been in Claire's store, so that was probably the best place for her to start her search.

Additionally, as she thought about her eventual takeover of the city, she realized she hadn't even so much as seen the city's ruler before. It might be time to do that as well...
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Getting up Ama planned out her day. First she would need to find her prey before finding her hunter so a trip to Claire's shop was in order. As for meeting the leader that could be harder and take a little more effort though in the end she would scout the palace distrect a bit trying to find a suitable disguise or entry point.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

As Ama rose to leave, her two concubines slept on, embracing each other in their sleep after she got up. When she got to the store, she had to work for a few hours before anything happened, but her target walked in right as the store was empty but for herself and the two loyal workers and they were about to close for lunch. "Good afternoon, friend. Haven't seen you around lately..." The look in the woman's eyes showed she was clearly sizing Ama up, and her eyes were shamelessly running over Ama's body, ogling her assets in the meantime.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

Ama smiled "Ive been busy.. speaking of which how did the event work out?" Ama kept calm despite the looks the woman was giving her. She was clearly lusted after Ama but apparently did not fear what she was capable of. Think how she would bend this woman over and take ass helped Ama stay calm as she spoke. Soon too soon she would have her revenge and this woman would be nothing but a broken fuck toy for her to do as she pleased. Still patience she needed patience. She still needed to find someone that could take her down and collar her like the bitch she was.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Tsk...I'm sorry to hear that. I've missed you quite terribly. As for the event, we're still doing setup right now, the actual party won't start until tonight." She turned to the two girls who worked for Claire and purred, "Would you two mind? I've got something I would like to discuss with Amy in private..." The girls looked at Ama inquisitively as the older woman edged close enough to Ama that their breasts were actually touching ever so slightly. There was a dark, tempting look in the woman's eyes as she flirted with danger. She knew who and what Ama was and how dangerous the demon could be, but she gave no indication as to what she had in mind except that it was probably lewd in nature.
Re: New Day for a Succubus (ranger) GMed by sturm

"Its okay girls why don't you go and visit Claire Im sure she would love visitors." Ama smiled reassuringly to the two girls. "Just be sure to be back here before lunch." When the girls left Ama looked at the inquisitor. "Say what you will inquisitor." It was so tempting to attack her but Ama knew that would be folly so instead she waited to see what the inquisitor wanted.