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Nigeria, Africa.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Unlike before, Roger felt even more distant from his comrades than ever. He wasn't even sure if he should call them comrades. He knew comrades were supposed to look out for one another, to protect, and trust each other. But, from what he saw, they very much didn't need his help, and he doubted, when it came down to it, the smart mouthed, English woman would lend him a hand, and he was fairly certain that the other blond girl would sooner flee than assist. He didn't look down upon that trait, as he himself bears that in a way. However, he knew he couldn't trust... Anyone, to watch his back.

Sitting alone, Sarah assisting, Roger relaxed inside the transport craft. At least, as much as he could. He couldn't shake the constant feeling of being alone, the feeling that, should he be in danger, he'd have only himself to rely on. Despite how much he believed that was the case, he never really was alone until he joined the organization. Even in Georgia, he always knew, should he need help, there'd be someone ready to help him.

Roger lifted his hand, and looked at it. It was trembling slightly. "Man... I'm nervous as hell..." he thought, "I can only hope that I can convince them to give me solo jobs. I can't stand being around people like this... Not even people..." Roger swallowed a lump in his throat, "And the worst part is, I'm not in any position to be making demands. They could easily tell me to go fuck myself if I asked to go solo. I might end up working with these freaks for years... Provided I live that long... I know they will. Monsters like them are a lot harder to kill than a normal man."

Roger sighed, and shook his head. He looked over to Chris, and in his own mind, hoped that the man had answers he didn't before, or didn't say. If Roger could find out why, why he was brought into this, then maybe he might understand. From where he was sitting, it was a perfect spot to speak in private, but given how the insane scientist English woman was close to Chris, Roger couldn't expect to chat with the man without the woman at best hearing, at worst interrupting with an ignorant comment, or statement.

With the auto pilot on, Roger felt Chris could leave the cockpit, although he'd admit, Roger knew nothing about aircraft. "Hey, Chris," Roger said in a voice loud enough for the man to hear, "I need to ask you a personal question... Could you come over here?" he asked in a rather neutral tone, seemingly devoid of any of the emotion that any of the others would have seen before.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Taking a black notebook out of her bag, Sarah flipped a few pages through it, finding her entry on the Eldrich Serum, and added several notes on the following pages, the sound of scribbling soon filling the plane.


Serum appears stable and in working order. May try stability system into other serum choices to reduce human-use aftereffects. Smaller doses may be required for new occupation.


After a few moments, she turns the page, adding a new heading and begining from there...


Mission Performance- Nigeria, hold the scams.

Artifact captured. Contacted several grunts and two bioweapons, both instances eliminated with a combination of teamwork and good ol' fashion whoopass. Seriously doubhting we were innitial target of attention, need to check other team's results for clearer notice.

Team Performance-

Chris- Seems under the effects of a varient infection, not quite the same results as mine, but seemingly more stable. I can see why he was the one leading us.
RJ- Able in combat, but after use of Eldrich Serum, seems to have become moody and quiet. Hope the strain of having to work with... different forms of people won't bother him too much.
Dex- Quiet, half the time I didn't know where she was, but that's kinda a good thing as she kept a hold on the artifact. May work good for stealth jobs.
Self- Perhaps a bit too hasty at times, may wish to pace myself better. Try to coax RJ from his fears via more human/human co-op.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris checked one more time to be certain the auto-pilot was functioning properly, then nodded.

While it was HIGHLY unlikely for the auto-pilot to crap out on them, he had of course planned out a contigency for just that potential, but unlikely scenario. They were cruising at an altitude higher than normal, which if there was a problem, not only would he be able to feel it, but he would have close to fifty seconds to bolt back to the cockpit, and switch to manual controls. Therefore, he saw no reason why he couldn't take a few minutes break.

Standing, he made his way back to where RJ was, closing a small door none of them had probably even noticed due to the fact it actually was designed to appear as a solid bulkhead when closed, and when opened, an entry way.

"Yeah, what's up?"

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger sighed, and twisted his lips, looking at the floor. "Chris, I don't care what any of you think, but I don't go back on my word. It's one of the only things I have to my name. So, don't misunderstand me, I'm not gonna just quit, no matter what happens. I'm gonna do what I said I'd do, and that's to help you guys out, in any way that I can." he stated, as grounds for his actual meaning to want to speak with Chris, "And, I know you don't even have to answer any questions I might have, but... As a soldier for your organization, I feel like... I just can't function properly..."

Roger looked up at Chris, as he was slouching over in his seat, turning his head to look up at him, "Unless I know, it's probably gonna bug me for the rest of my time working for you." he took a breath in, looking away from Chris, to the other side of the craft in front of him, "I need to know why she came to me, not even a week after I was in prison... Why that woman wanted me... It just... Doesn't make any sense."

Roger reached his left up, and ran it through his hair, "I mean, what do I amount, to some of the others here? Hell, I can kill people just fine... But I'm not like you..." Roger assumed, "That woman could have picked someone much more capable than me... But she didn't, and Chris-" he looked up to Chris, a serious look on his face, "-I just wanna know why. Even if it's just some bullshit reason, it'd mean a world of difference if I got an answer... Then, I think I'd know why I'm here, and hell, I might be able to help you better as well..."

Roger stopped speaking, and was now waiting to see if Chris would finally tell him what Roger had been aching to know ever since Mrs. Frederic came to him.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris was silent for a few moments before nodding.

"I can understand why you feel that way, and I agree you deserve to know exactly why. I believe I MIGHT know why, but don't take this as a one hundred percent for sure. When we get back I have to speak with her anyway, I'll bring it up with her and get her to tell me for sure, or tell you herself."

He paused, collecting his thoughts for a moment, then continued.

"You recall I mentioned several past incidents of viral outbreaks and artifacts controlling people when you first arrived? Well I did a little digging around, and it turns out every last one of you that she sent me has been in the general location where either a viral outbreak of Umbrella's creations occurred, or where an artifact that caused people to act like they were mind controlled was. I'm beginning to strongly suspect that she chose each one of you for the simple fact that, you've all exhibited signs of being immune to one or the other, or at least highly resistant."

Another pause.

"I may be completely wrong, but my gut tells me that is why she chose each of you. Believe me, that was a long work trail to find that, but I also had the benefit of being able to access any previous scan on people she's conducted, otherwise I'd never have found that all out in one night. It's been theorized by the regents that there are only a small handful of humans on the planet who actually might be heavily resistant to, or even immune to some artifact's powers. I'm one of them, but I have no idea if that was from before I became what I am or not. You apparently, according to what I've read, are a complete natural at it. Your human, no special powers save your seeming sixth sense for danger, yet exhibit the signs of being highly resistant or immune. Thus far, your the only completely human person we've encountered who has shown promise in that field. That's why I think she chose you, was because of that. But as I said, I'm not her. I don't pretend to understand how her mind works, and quite frankly ... there are times she freaks even ME out. Do you want me to ask her when I speak with her to confirm that?"

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger politely waited for Chris to finish, pleased that at least he was getting surprisingly closer to the real answer than he ever expected. However, after Chris finished, Roger lowered his head, "... Immune?" he wondered aloud, "Could that be it? Could it be as simple as that? And if that's the case... Maybe I really am just a grunt among the higher ups..." he wondered, before looking up to Chris once more, "I told you, it's not a sixth sense, it's just instinct. Anyone who's survived dangerous situations, when most others died has it." he told Chris.

Then, Roger shook his head, getting back on the main subject, "Anyway... Yeah... It'd be great if you could ask her... But... If it's alright, I'd rather ask her myself. If she says it was really because I was just immune, then even that will be just fine... At least I'd know." he said, mostly to himself in an effort to give himself comfort.

"So... I guess I was right, in a way, they really did just need a grunt." he laughed a little, which Chris might have found odd, given Roger's last words. "I don't know what the hell I was thinkin'. Maybe I was giving myself more credit than I deserved... Yeah... I was just getting a little too paranoid, that's all."

Roger stood up, and walked over to the door Chris had shut. "Thanks for telling me, Chris. I feel a little more calm now." he said with a nod. "And like I said, it'd be great one way or another to hear the story from Mrs. Frederic, even if you can't let me talk with her personally." he opened the door, leading to the area where Dex and Sarah were sitting, "Alright, get your ass back up there, and make sure we don't crash." Roger said, reverting back to his same, 'charming' self, attitude and all.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris nodded.

"I'll speak with her and see what I can arrange. That's all I will promise you because I learned a long time ago NEVER to make a promise on something that I'm unsure of being able to keep. Get some rest, it's a trip back for sure."

He stands, then walks out and retakes his pilot seat.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

((Ok since it seems all conversation is now done with, I'm going to move this back to the Warehouse and have them unload.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Nigeria, Africa: Half a mile outside the main gate of the Nigerian BSAA Office:


John, Chris and Kevin appeared with a swirl of red light around them, the latter two moving away just enough to allow John to leave again. Chris fanned off to one side, scouting the area, letting Kevin do what he would.


A moment later, John re-appeared with Ellen and Sarah, stepping back himself to allow room to teleport one more time.


With one final flash, John appeared with Akira and Regina. It was now that a full inventory of what they had taken with them became clear.

Regina had armed herself with a big M16 Assault Rifle, and likely had plenty of ammo to go with it. Her combat/infiltration suit allowed her to carry a bit more in the way of ammo than one might think, and the small pack she carried on her backside granted her the ability to carry more ammo and rations. Clipped to one side was her trusty Glock 35 Handgun, which had been specially modified to fire both 9 mm rounds and 40 S&W rounds.

Chris on the other hand had gone for a more direct approach. He had a SPAS 12 shotgun holstered on his back along with a backpack, and what appeared to be a .44 Magnum strapped to one side. On the other side was a wicked looking combat knife, probably one of his favorite things to use.

John nodded to the group, admiring their weaponry for a moment before speaking.

"Well, good luck to you all. We'll be waiting to bring you back when the time is right."

With that, he vanished, leaving the group to themselves.

It was Regina who spotted the smoke trail up ahead of them and spoke first.

"Looks like they got bombed or something. Think there are any survivors?"

Chris only shook his head, unsure.

"No idea. I would think by now if there had been they would have tried to contact us, but maybe they can't. Is everyone all set to move out?"

((Folks, I am letting everyone state what they are carrying with them. Just make it somewhat reasonable. IE: No AR's AND Grenade launchers on the same person, too heavy for most to carry. Oh, and no rocket launchers yet. That's later :D))


Dec 14, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen was carrying just her Beretta and tesla gun in terms of firepower, carrying a decent amount of spare clips and rations around in various pockets and pouches as well. She had taken a combat knife as well, though where in her baggy clothes she had put it was a mystery, as it was nowhere to be seen.

She looked over towards the smoke trail, judging the distance silently before examining the rest of the surroundings. "Would they even know we're here yet? Why don't we try contacting them?" She asked, nodding her readiness in response to his other question.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin had arrived with nothing in terms of combat ready, but as soon as he had arrived, his claws had shot out from inside his coat, and a combat knife had slid down his coat sleeve into his right hand. In his right coat pocket, he had a Tesla, but refrained from using it. "You contact them, I'm going to run ahead and scout. Permission to do so, Chris?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris nodded to Ellen, thinking it worth a shot, then turned to Kevin.

"Go, but keep a low profile. We don't know what might be around, and if there are any survivors they might take a shot at you before letting you identify yourself. Just be careful and radio back if you find anything."

After a moment, he pressed a button on his radio and spoke.

"BSAA Nigeria control, this is Chris MacLoed, WH One Three manager, we are responding to your communications blackout. Please advise of your situation if you are receiving this. Over."

Not much to his surprise, his response was a mess of static over the radio.

"Well ... Shit."

If Kevin did in fact scout ahead, after he'd been out of sight from the rest of the group for a hundred meters or so he'd discover several smashed bodies. Two however weren't smashed, but seemed to have had their heads sheared off by something sharp.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin had indeed scouted ahead, and was crouched next to one of the bodies missing a head, his right hand examining the cut "There were tyrants, and there was someone leading them. That must have been Wesker." he says alound, reaching for his radio "Chris. This doesn't look good. He's got Tyrants, and it looks like he's got a pretty sharp blade. Be careful, and stay out of close combat. Looks like he can lop your head off with minimal effort. Kevin out." he radioed, then went back to examining the bodies, searching for any other sign of combat.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Copy that, keep your eyes open."

Chris shook his head, muttering.

"That doesn't make sense though, Tyrants don't lop off heads, they impale. I've never heard of one using a blade for an arm either, something isn't right."

As Kevin was searching, he would hear a chilling sound behind him. It was the sound of a chainsaw revving up, and when he turned, a person with some strange creature coming from it's mouth came lunging at him, trying to bury the chainsaw in his neck!


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin heard the sound, and stood up, turning as he did so, noticing the chainsaw coming at him. He managed to duck backwards quickly enough, then stab his claws directly at the creature's heart "Chris! We got a maniac with a chainsaw over here! Need backup!" he managed to yell into the radio, trying his best to dodge the chainsaw man and try to get a few hits in himself.

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira checks the revolvers to make sure they were secure in their holsters before looking up, "Chainsaws...?", then goes back to checking the equipment, mumbling something along the lines of, "Eh, he'll handle it by himself, probably doesn't need someone 'less gifted' anyway..."


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Surprisenly quiet in the back of the group, Sarah had actually left her trenchcoat back at base, leaving her skirt and shirt on, and besides the buldging carpet bag, was a pair of handguns- one police-issue 9mm, and a sixshot revolver. Another odity was the large 12 guage shotgun slung on her back, a tad melodramatic but still effective. Also of import was in her bag was her serums, including a few spares Chris begrudgingly let her figit with...

At the mention of chainsaws, Sarah facepalmed. "Now this is getting rediculous.... then again, kinda fits for a madman..." she mused, spinning her handguns idly and looking for the threat.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris had a different reaction than the others. Unlike most of them, he had experience with who or what would utilize a chainsaw when faced even with a gun. And it wasn't Wesker.

"Plagas... shit."

He reached to his radio and responded.

"Copy that Kevin, on our way."

He turned to the others before adding, "do any of you remember the plaga outbreak in Europe last year? Looks like Wesker might have released more here, we know now he managed to get a hold of samples. Try not to let the bastards touch you and implant you with one."

Then he would take off at a run, heading for Kevin's position.

In the meantime, Kevin found his claw sank into the throat of his attacker fairly easy. Said attacker briefly staggered back, gurgling, but did not fall. After a moment of this, it let loose a manical roar, and charged at him again, chainsaw first!


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Duely noted," Sarah said dryly, quietly returning the guns to the holsters on her skirt and grabbing the 12 guage.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin had managed to avoid the chainsaw, but just barely, the chainsaw tearing through his coat and causing the rest to fall to the ground, revealing his body. He would growl, then stab at the monster again, this time aiming directly for the heart.