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Nigeria, Africa.

Re: Nigeria, Africa.

John nods in reply, then takes off with Murasame.

Before long they had reached the landing zone of the B.S.A.A backup, and we're greeted by a young man who seemed to know John.

"Druitt, good to see you. Who's your friend?"

Murasame might notice that the young man did not seem to be bothered by the fact that he wasn't talking to a human at all, and treated him as if he was just another person who deserved respect.

There was a pause, then a shape moved in front of him, a figure coming into view.

She was strikingly beautiful, even though she appeared to be half plant. Vines grew out of her body, though she didn't seem distressed by this, and walked on two legs. Her hair was a brownish color, and her eyes were as green as a pure emerald. Her features were close to perfection as she stared directly into his own eyes.

"If you truly mean that, then please ... allow me to accompany you. I can help you navigate through the flooded areas infested with crocodiles and garner you safe passage. I will do my best to help you find this man, and take you to where I know he was last. I would be ... indebted to you if you could manage to stop his plans. I know some of it, and if you would give me some time in your company ... I could give you an idea of what your up against."

A single one of her vines reached up to tilt his face to look at her, though he noted she made no threatening moves with them. She seemed sincere enough, if not desperate for his help.

There was a pause from the radio then Chris replied.

"Understood. I'll be there in a few moments to check in with you, but I just got word that John has arrived and brought someone with him. I'm going to meet our new guy right now, will you both be alright for a few minutes longer?"

The woman looked up to Ellen and seemed to tremble. She tried several times to speak, failing. Finally she managed to muster enough voice to speak.

"Save yourself ... Get out of here while you still ... can. Before she ..."

She was cut off by a sudden blur of movement, and suddenly a claw descended upon her, slicing her body neatly in half.

For just a moment the attacker was visible. Covered in blood and a feminine body, but something was wrong.

To begin with, the attacker was completely nude. Her hands ended in sharp claws that made Tesla's looked manicured in comparison. She had very little hair left, just a few strands of brown, limp hair. She stood no taller than Ellen, but was clearly a legitimate threat. She turned and hissed at Ellen, and then suddenly wasn't there.

It would take the vampire a moment to realize that the attacking woman had in fact just CLOAKED, and was probably stalking her right now, preparing to strike. She'd killed the other woman easily, which left Ellen to wonder just what the hell kind of creature this was. It clearly wasn't a plaga infected host, but she didn't seem to be a product of Uroboros either. Unless .... Could there have been a hybrid or a mutation? Either way, the fact remained she had a very dangerous enemy to face, and it could hide until attacking.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Think so, see ya when ya get her Chris, keep your eye out for anything. It' not worth letting our guard down to anything... If that blob thing can pop outta nowhere, who knows what else...."

Getting off the radio, she turned to Mirian. "So, may I be so inclined to ask, but WHAT are you?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Kevin had been standing nearby, but was hiddenaround a corner, watching the conversation go on between Murasame and the young man, after having explored the building enough. His Tesla was gripped tightly in his right hand, seeing as his left was poised to strike. But when he managed to identify John, he lowers the weapon and slowly walks out from behind the corner "I'd like to ask the same question." he says to the young man, his face calm and solid as stone.

If Murasame were to look on his features, he'd notice the man had a body that half resembled a tangle of vines and twigs, with the other half looking like a regular human, as well as a blue sphere for a left eye, which dimly glowed. His left hand was clenched in a fist, and the foot-long claws attached to his wrist were pointing straight down, as he looked on the strange cat-man that stood near John.
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

When Roger saw the woman come into view, his lips, and his eyebrows perked with interest. And lecherously, he thought, "Damn... Didn't she say she was old? Heh, I wouldn't mind tapping that for a century or two..."

Licking his lips, he chuckled, "Well... I suppose I've got some free time..." he said, as the vine going for his face drew back his hood.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"The name's Murasame," The small cat replied and bowed his head. "I am currently in the employ of Lady Helen." Murasame then takes a moment to look at Kevin. "And who might you be sir?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"The name's Kevin. And you don't want to know what I am." Kevin says, crossing his arms as his claws quite literally curl around his arm "Suffice it to say, I'm the stuff of nightmares." he says, his right hand coming up to scratch his right ear "Whatever you are, if you're here to help, then that's good. Just try not to stare."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen jumped back when the creature first appeared, dropping into an odd combat stance and drawing her gun. When it disappeared again before her eyes, she just chuckled again, reaching into her clothes with her free hand and pulling out a fine chain, about eight feet long. "You aren't ugly enough for a Nosferatu, and you didn't look very middle eastern either, so Assamite's probably out." She says calmly, sending the chain in a fast spin around her. "So that probably leaves a fellow Sabbat, either a City Gangrel, or someone taught by the above three. Wanna be friends?" A bit of a sneer comes out at the end, her head slowly tracking back and forth, simply waiting for the unseen to make its move.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The plant girl chuckled as she replied to Sarah.

"Well, I suppose you could say I'm what you humans call an Alarune in certain contexts, but our species is actually called Alvaramatren Poltukius."

John nodded slowly to Kevin before addressing him.

"Where is the rest of your team? Don't tell me I missed all the fun again?"

The woman smiled ever so softly at Roger as she drew back his hood.

"Well, that's good. I'm quite sure you won't regret the little break."

Before he could reply to that one, she drew close and planted one heck of a kiss to his lips, drawing him into her embrace with her strange viney arms. Her voice briefly echoed in his mind. Are you ready to briefly join a dryad?

She left no doubt as to what THAT meant as her free tendrils began to drift further down his body, looking to remove his belt and lower clothing.

Ellen would wait several long moments before the creature made her move. When she did, the results were fast.

In a burst of speed that put most vampires to shame, she suddenly decloaked and thrust in, claws aiming for ... the gut. Something that likely wouldn't kill Ellen immediately, so it left her to wonder if she'd been trained to kill vampires at all, or if she simply was trying to make it slow and painful before striking a killing blow. Either way, fast reflexs would be needed to avoid this one, and the woman was already beginning to fade again.

However, for just a fleeting moment Ellen could see that there was no real intelligence behind what appeared to be lifeless, dead eyes. This was no vampire, at least, not any more. Could a vampire have been infected with something and changed into this? If so, she was going to have to put it out of it's misery and fast.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Unexpectadly, Ellen made no move to get out of the creature's way. Instead, she turned to catch it's arm as it buried itelf in her gut, dropping both chain and gun. She grabbed the lead arm by the elbow and threw a punch aimed at the upper arm that could snap the bone on a normal human, then flung her arm in a backhand to try and grasp the creature by the back of the neck. "Ah, nothing left in there after all, is there?" She said calmly, the wound in her belly starting to slowly close and heal over...
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

She seemed dumbfounded at the response, like she didn't expect her to spout technical scientific terms. "So, er, any reason you're lurking around here then? Is this your home?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen found the bone didn't snap as easily as a human, in fact, it didn't snap at all. She was able to grab the woman by the neck, but she quickly broke the hold and lunged to slice Ellen's throat open.

Miriam nodded slowly.

"That and our kind, what few remain here, have banded together with other abnormals to stop the man in black with fire eyes. He's irreparably damage many abnormal cultures, and in the case of the Prem vah, wiped them all out. The Prem vah as we know them are dead. Instead, he has turned them into invisible killers. There are several around the entry to a large mine shaft far from here, they guard something, we know what not though."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen smiled as her own fingers grew half-inch talons, moving with preturnatural speed to strike stiff-fingered at the wight's swiping arm, aiming her claws into its wrist and elbow, looking to sever the tendons connecting the muscle to the bone. She leaned her head back a bit, just enough to have her opponent's claws tear through her throat, which like her stomach before, immediately began healing as she pressed the attack.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Guarding something... hmm, it may help..." She radios Chris. "Hey Chris, I picked up a lead. Can I ask to check it out?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger tensed up as the Dryad wasted no time following his consent, wrapping her vine arms around him, and nearly knocking him on his ass when she charged at him with a kiss before he caught himself by taking a step back. Then, as the Dryad's vines began making quick work of his light lower garments, he actually flushed a little from how he was reminded of a very odd cartoon he saw a long time ago...

Breaking from the kiss just a moment, Roger whispered to the Dryad, "Kinky," directing his meaning to the tentacle vines. And to the voice in his head, after reaching his own arms around her, getting a feel of the inhuman woman, especially the feel of her ass, he responded, "More than briefly..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The reply came quickly from Chris.

"Not alone you don't. Who's heading with you?"

The creature Ellen fought seemed to sense it could not win by traditional methods, and suddenly twisted away, barely avoiding a severing hit. She was hit, however the arm remained attached. It then opened it's mouth and let loose a scream that would have shattered glass had any been present. It was something of a super-sonic scream, and likely would be capable of causing one's ear drums to burst if she were any closer. However, this didn't seem to be the main issue at hand, what was more concerning was the dozen or so ANSWERING cries nearby that led Ellen to believe perhaps the thing had just called for help.

The dryad only smiled before completely entwining him in her arms, pulling him closer to her as she positioned his body to enter hers.

When she pulled him in, the sensation was more than a bit intriguing. Her inner skin, despite her outward appearance, was soft like a humans, only much softer. Inside of her were what felt like small tendrils that teased his erect shaft, fluttering over him. She made no attempt to restrain him at all, for she had no reason to.

Once more she entered a long kiss with him, allowing the moment to consume them both, as they began the rhythmic motions that would eventually lead to their climaxes. However, from the feel of things, she wasn't going to let that moment come too quickly, for each time he would get close to his peak, she would gently tease him down, before bringing him back to near boiling again.

He might almost begin to wonder just how old she really was, and how experienced she was to be able to do this. What was clear was that she was certainly much more skilled than he might have first thought, and she definitely was enjoying herself.

Chris finally arrived to John and Murasame's positon, regarding the latter for a moment before identifying himself.

"Well then Murasame, welcome aboard. I'm Chris McLeod, current leader of the Warehouse Thirteen crew, and this mission. I take it you've already met Helen Magnus?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen had to jump back and cover her ears as the thing screamed, her heightened senses making it sound like it came through a megaphone to her. "That wasn't nice." She said darkly as the thing finished, listening to the answering cries.

Then in a blur of motion, she took two steps toward the thing and jumped, flipping right over it and reching out as she did so, digging her claws in under it's jawline and grabbing a hold. As soon as her feet hit the ground she continued the motion, pulling the creature by it's head over herself and slamming it face-down on the ground in front of her. Keeping her grip on it's head, she then planted a foot forcefully down on the base of it's neck and pulled. The thing let out a choked scream and ripped at her legs and hands, but after a couple seconds effort, she tore it's head clean off it's shoulders with a sickening pop.

Ellen straightened slowly, pain and some other odd expression mingled on her face. She dropped the dead appendage and gave a cursory glance at the dead woman before she reactivated her obfuscation and slipped out, back towards where she left the group.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

It was fortunate that Ellen had moved, for a few moments after the kill, the body of her attacker quite literally exploded in a putrid explosion of blood, guts, and decayed matter.

She hadn't gone far before she heard a female voice let loose a scream for help, and if she turned quick enough, she'd spot a single white female being grabbed by her hair, and yanked away by two clearly infected tribal members into a hut. The girl clearly was NOT infected yet, but that wouldn't last long.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira puts down the team radio and starts to flip through the cameras, listening in to see if there was anything worth reporting, the thoughts of the growing parasites being pushed to the back, the idea of finding something new and interesting much more important.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen caught sight of the unfortunate victim, and let out a mental sigh, taking stock of herself. Burnt, worn out, and hungry, she'd stand a better chance of passing the helpless woman by and making it back to her compatriots hopefully without another incident. Then again, if those two were the only ones in there, she could probably use the element of surprise and take them both out before she suffered too much, and then see what she could get from the unfortunate, information or otherwise...

Intrigued enough to investigate further, she slipped into the hut after the infected, pulling out her gun as she went. Trusting on her Obfuscation to keep her from being detected, she took stock of her surroundings before making a move.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira didn't find much up until she checked camera 42-B, which overlooked the buildings to the far north of the BSAA complex. There she spotted a single person, white, about six foot but skinny as a rail, and very much uninfected. What he was doing was hard to tell, but it looked like he was wearing a BSAA uniform and breaking systems. Perhaps this was their saboteur?

Just before Ellen entered the hut she heard the girl scream in absolute terror, so she still hadn't been infected it seemed.

Upon entering, she took note that the two had made very short work of her clothing, and while one stood as a sort of guard, the second had straddled the helpless woman and appeared to be attempting to rape her.

It was hard to tell, but the girl was so terrified now that she wasn't trying to resist at all. Perhaps she thought it was hopeless against two attackers? Whatever the case was, it was just the woman, and her two attackers in an otherwise strangely empty hut.