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Nigeria, Africa.

Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Bing-fuckin-O. Indivigually wrapped for a apocalypse near you. I'm gonna deal with these critter pods, and make sure that these missiles don't go walking off. Just get your guys down here fast, I don't want to run from another black blob of 'you're gonna die...' today..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger twisted his lips when all he could find was the first aid can. "What is this, a fuckin' video game? What the hell is someone gonna do with a 'can' of first aid?" he wondered, as he turned the can over to inspect the back, revealing that the can was a bit more than just a metal container of disinfectant, but rather a neat little 'quick fix' that would patch up torn flesh, and swollen bruises. "I stand corrected, this 'is' a video game. No wonder the whole world's been acting goofy lately." he thought as he slid the canister where a grenade used to reside, and clipped it tightly onto his vest.

When the dryad questioned what he was up to, Roger shook his head, "Lookin' for a sample of that Uroboros virus. -For the guys back at London to check out." he quickly added, not wanting to reveal what he truly intended for the sample.

Roger stood from a cabinet he was searching, before drawing the hood over his head as he walked towards the dryad, "I'll tell you something, if I have to watch that creepy eyed freak get away, again, I'm gonna lose it." he told her, with a slowly increasing anger, "I'm gonna lose it, and I'm gonna have to kill somebody."

He marched angrily over to the door that apparently lead onwards, further through the underground facility they were in, at first trying the handle, finding that it wouldn't budge at first, before losing his temper, and slamming the door with his foot, which caused a loud clang to sound throughout the room and the hall beyond. "Sick o' shit never workin' the way I want it to." he whispered under his breath as he walked through the doorway.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Copy that Sarah, they're on their way to you now. Happy hunting."

She nodded to Roger.

"I can certainly understand that, and good luck finding a sample, I'll bet he took them all with him. I warn you now though, as we go deeper into this place, my knowledge and ability to help you with information will begin to fade. I will do what I can though."

The door itself suddenly opened up, as Roger realized that his kick had brought power back to the door.

However, the corridor beyond seemed to twist off to one side, out of view, so he couldn't tell what laid beyond the curve of the metallic hallway. Currently though, there were no sounds coming from it.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

This was just a step too suspicious for Ellen, and she took the woman by the shoulders and held her out at arm's length, watching her expressions very carefully. "What is your name?" She asked slowly and forcefully.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger only stopped a moment to investigate the suddenly strange activation of power, before moving on with little worry for what would await him in the corridor beyond.

"Whatever," Roger said to the dryad, who was presumably behind him, "all we can do is keep going, and destroy any shit that might be valuable. Although if my guess is correct, the shit head is waitin' for us somewhere. And if not him, then one of his recently acquired slaves."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The woman blankly stared at Ellen for a moment before hanging her head and shoulders for a long moment.

Then, without warning, she shuddered once, then literally began clawing at Ellen, trying to overpower her and throw her to the ground, letting loose a growl that sounded more animal like than anything.

The dryad nodded once to Roger.

"Alright. Then lets get to it shall we?"

Pressing on, they came around the corner to discover a huge hole in the side of the building, that led to what seemed like a large rock faced area. What awaited them outside was a massive group of infected people, who upon seeing them, sighted AK-47's, or maybe they were AK-74's, it was hard to tell from this range. Either way, they started to shoot at the two of them, the Dryad spinning around and deflecting several bullets with some form of suddenly summoned vines.

"Well ... we did have a welcoming party, just not the one we wanted huh? Let's teach them a lesson in staying dead shall we?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira checks the dual revolvers then picks up a radio, holding down the transmit button, "Akira reporting in, checking out some movement north of the complex, possible saboteur." Shoving the radio back into the shoulder bag, Akira looks around, then closes the door slightly and starts walking towards where the cameras had told her the man was.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger raised an eyebrow when both he and the infected populace spotted each other. A moment of silence passed as the two groups stared at each other, both surprised to have come upon the other. And it was Roger who broke the silence, raising his hand in a greeting gesture at the infected, "Howdy!" he said humorously, before they began shouting, and screaming, loading their weapons, and aiming them at him.

Roger was quick to sprint, soon sliding on his side, low to the ground where he found shelter behind a metal desk, already holding a weapon in hand. Bullets collided with the desk that threatened to turn him into Swiss cheese. But Roger was quick to come out from cover, magnum in hand, before popping an infected man in his skull, causing his head to explode in a gory mess.

"I don't know about you," Roger shouted to the dryad as he returned to cover, "but I hate parties."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah cued off her mic and headed for the monster pods. Finger on the trigger, she eyed them as she aproached, trying to see what the contents may be...
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen shoved the woman away and drew her gun, letting out a sigh. "It's never that easy around here, is it?" She ased out loud, before firing four times, hopefully putting the woman down.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Understood, be careful Akira. Regina is in that area if you need her to swing by and help, just radio her if you need her."

The dryad didn't even reply, she simply summoned a few vines which grabbed several of the infected, pinning their arms to their sides, making them easy targets for Roger if he chose to take the out first.

However, they suddenly heard a deep whirring noise, and two gatling gun mounts came to life, preparing to fire at them.

Ellen got no reply, and her fourth shot blew off the womans head ... but wait, she hadn't hit the head on that shot.

A second later something long, brown and with a hole lot of razor sharp edges and teeth erupted from the woman's neck. It didn't take a genius to realize that this was the real parasite within her body. It whipped out, seeking to tear or bite Ellen's head clean off.

Her mind would register the abomination quickly, as well as the knowledge that the poor girl had probably had this sexually forced into her body by the other two she'd killed. But one question remained. Why hadn't their heads done the same?

For the most part all Sarah could see was something, she couldn't tell what, squirming about inside the pods. Then without warning, two of them burst open, and two giant sized, two leg walking bugs with forearm like scythes hit the ground, shrieking and heading right for her. The intent appeared clear, rip apart the young woman and after that, who knew what.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah growled a bit as she saw the beasts aproach. "Aw tits...." she muttered, raising the shotgun and releasing several blasts at the beast's aproach.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Goddammit, what's a woman gotta do to get a drink around here!?" Ellen yells, her usual calm visibly disturbed as she jumps back and unloads the rest of her clip into the writhing creature sprouting from her former victim's head. If that didn't stop it, she reload and empty that one into it as well, doing her best to keep her distance.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen's first clip seemed to barely even slow the creature down, and the second clip took the entire clip before the thing exploded in a shower of blood and bits of itself, splattering Ellen.

Outside, she heard something that sounded like a chainsaw being revved up ...

The first blasts connected with the closest of the bugs, and it let loose a scream of some kind, flopping over ... and then standing back up, releasing some kind of gaseous cloud from it's body before lunging forward, trying to impale her.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Well this is new."

As the beast charged at her with it's odd gas, Sarah tried to dodge to the side again, releasing a few more blasts.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger quickly took advantage of the dryad's assistance, quickly firing at the two ensnared infected, destroying their brain, should one even exist, with a single .40 round magnum bullet. But, as the two mounts came to life, Roger took one final quick shot, busting the circuit board on the base of a single Gatling mount, before taking cover, lest the other gun seek it's revenge by tearing him to ribbons.

"What next!" Roger shouted, "A fuckin' TANK!? I'm gettin' sick of everything trying to kill me! Even technology!"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah found that the bug seemed to shimmer, and had actually masked it's moves somewhat with the gas, distorting itself.

Luckily for her, a shotgun blast spreads out, and the bug caught several pellets to the 'chest', stopping it's attack.

The Alarune utilized several tentacles, slamming the other bug into a wall as it tried moving toward Sarah.

"Your welcome."

Roger's reply came from an unexpected source. His radio suddenly crackled to life and a voice came through.

"Ahoy down there mates, take cover!"

A moment later, there was a whooshing noise and roaring as a helicopter roared over head, followed by an explosion as Roger watched someone fire a rocket launcher down onto the second gun turret, taking it and all but three of the infected below out.

A laugh sounded over the radio, then a sudden ...

"What the ... What the FUCK are those! Shit! I'm under attack by flying B.O.W's! Mayday Mayday!"

As they watched, winged creatures tore into the tail of the chopper, and it lost altitude, passing behind the rock face and vanishing, though a trail of smoke could be seen wisping above the rocks after a few moments.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"It's a pleasure to make your aquaintence, Lord Chris," Murasame says as he bows. "And yes, I'm already aquainted with Lady Helen. If I may be so bold to ask, what is the current situation with these creatures you're fighting and the mission?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris had paused to take the radio call, but had heard every word Murasame had said.

"Well, it looks like the situation just got a bit worse actually. I'm going to hope Dr. Magnus already told you about Uroboros. One of my team members has found missiles with that name on it, which leads me to believe the man we're hunting plans to release it via a missile strike. The creatures in question WERE human, but have been infected with a parasite known as Las Plaga's. Only these seem to be actually being controlled by someone not infected with one, I'm not sure exactly how that is possible. They're tough, slightly stronger and faster than a normal human is, and a whole lot more resilient and tougher to kill. If it's anything like the Kennedy Report, I have a feeling we'll be seeing mutations at some point. Giants, parasites erupting from the head, oh and apparently the things are capable of implanting eggs into women and using them as a breeding tool. That about sums things up as they stand right now, the most major threat we know of has been dealt with for now."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Once the support came in, Roger covered his head to shield himself from the debris resulting from the explosions. 'Even after 'bargaining' my body, I still have chopper support? How convenient.' he thought. Then, with the three infected left, Roger knew they stood no chance against him. He leaped from behind the counter, performing a roll on the ground as he bashed away the gun of the closest infected that was about to shoot him, before gripping him from behind in a lock, knocking one of his legs off balance, using him as a shield while the two remaining infected opened fire on their own ally, killing it in the process.

Unfortunately for them, they had to reload. Roger took advantage of this, throwing his knife at full speed towards the closest infected's head, impaling it, and causing it to grip it's head in pain. Roger then aimed his magnum at the other infected, releasing a loud boom from the weapon, instantly killing it. Then, he focused his intention on the last infected; Roger charged at the monster, before making a small hop through the air, foot first, and slammed his boot against the ground of the blade still lodged within it's head, erupting it into a messy explosion.

Roger walked over to where his knife lay on the ground, picking it up, and wiping it on his robe to clean it, before casting a glance to the dryad as he pulled his radio to his face. "Helen, good news," he said sarcastically, "We just lost a chopper to flying varmints. Anything that travels too slow in the air will likely be attacked by strange... Bat things."