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[Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

So, am I missing something? You get 5 R Halloween Lilium from the rewards - but five Rs only get you an SR and two leftover Rs?
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

So, am I missing something? You get 5 R Halloween Lilium from the rewards - but five Rs only get you an SR and two leftover Rs?

You get one from the missions, 5 from rep
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

You get one from the missions, 5 from rep
Aha, you are correct, thank you. She was waiting in my warehouse for over 2 days, it seems. Gave myself a fright for a second, thought I'd deleted one.
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

Aha, you are correct, thank you. She was waiting in my warehouse for over 2 days, it seems. Gave myself a fright for a second, thought I'd deleted one.

Just make sure you raise the + one instead of a normal. <.<
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

Did you make the same mistake I did, Rawr? :)
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

You still need to raise another R to turn into SR, to SSR a + one, so not really a mistake, isn't it? :D
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

Nope, actually, the increased cost is only at R. A SSR+ only require one copy and one SSR to upgrade to UR.
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

Damn, it took me this long to realize that all common cards are worth the same exp. Here I was exchanging SRs thinking they'd give more than Ns. <.<
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

I've read that the only way to get more exp. for individual units from the Exchange is to level the unit prior to throwing them away, but the trade-off makes it not worthwhile.

There's also a boost to the exp. you gain if the units share the same nationality.
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

Ok guys, is it me, or does the game gives an insane amout of AP every day?

I though it was around 100 ap/day (which is already incredibly huge), but between yesterday and today, I got over 300 ap from dailies and the clock thing.

I made the mistake to spend every AP pot I had Wednesday evening, and right now, I can refill for over 1300 AP (not counting the 5 full refill), because of course, the story also grants a lot of AP pot...
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

I haven't done the math but yeah there are a humungus amount of AP bottles that you can gather per day, i was thinking on saving them for the next event :3
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

With the level cap being 70, we're likely to end up needing them when we don't get AP from levels anymore. :)
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

Ok, I noted everything I got from the clock and dailies today...

4* 5 AP pots
5* 10 AP pots
5* 25 AP pots

195 AP.... :eek:
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

Ok, I noted everything I got from the clock and dailies today...

4* 5 AP pots
5* 10 AP pots
5* 25 AP pots

195 AP.... :eek:

*low whistle* That's really good. The only problem left is resisting the urge to use them to get the SSR version of Halloween Lilium.
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

I got exactly the same amount today. So yeah, I burned some (the amount got between today and yesterday) to speed up the process.
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

*low whistle* That's really good. The only problem left is resisting the urge to use them to get the SSR version of Halloween Lilium.

well consider this, if we assume that every event runs for 2 weeks (no downtime or server crashes) then you have 14 days = 336 hours = 20160 mins to do the event. That is equal to 6720 worth of naturally regen'd AP.

Assuming you ignore the mission losses (that is the event story missions) and that you clear every single run without an accident, and we assume that 78000 rep is whats needed to UR an event girl, and that the highest tier mission gives you 150 rep at 20 AP per run. Then you will need 520 runs = 10400AP total to perfect an event.

This means you have a deficit of 3680 AP.

Before the next event I expect most people here will be at the level cap of 70, so no more level up refills, you'll need to make up the shortfall purely with pots.

if we assume that keyen's pot drop rate is average, then you will need about 19 days of daily gifts. I did not count randoms quest drops because that is pure RNG and also I don't know if anyone would run pot drop quests. But if I make a wild guess and mix in RNG drops, then you still need about 2 weeks of prep in order to max an event.

I'm only going for UR JoL Lillium because I'm assuming this is the only event UR I'll be able to get without paying (thanks to level up refills). :)
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

Sorry to rain in your parade but that calculation is worng, dead wrong. You see the amount of REP that you gain in this event is set at 150-150 on the last stage, this bother me so i ask around. It turns out that some events can give something like 100-300 that means you don't always get the 300 REP, meaning some events are ramdom with the REP gain, so in the end you'll end up using more AP.
Re: [Nutaku] Brave Girl Ravens

Sorry to rain in your parade but that calculation is worng, dead wrong. You see the amount of REP that you gain in this event is set at 150-150 on the last stage, this bother me so i ask around. It turns out that some events can give something like 100-300 that means you don't always get the 300 REP, meaning some events are ramdom with the REP gain, so in the end you'll end up using more AP.

Or much less...

100-300 has an average of 200...